HYMN LXXXIII. Manyu. – Rig Veda – Book 10
यस्ते मन्यो.अविधद वज्र सायक सह ओजः पुष्यति विश्वमानुषक |
साह्याम दासमार्यं तवया युजा सहस्क्र्तेनसहसा सहस्वता ||
मन्युरिन्द्रो मन्युरेवास देवो मन्युर्होता वरुणोजातवेदाः |
मन्युं विश ईळते मानुषीर्याः पाहि नोमन्यो तपसा सजोषाः ||
अभीहि मन्यो तवसस्तवीयान तपसा युजा वि जहि शत्रून |
अमित्रहा वर्त्रहा दस्युहा च विश्वा वसून्या भरात्वं नः ||
तवं हि मन्यो अभिभूत्योजाः सवयम्भूर्भामोभिमातिषाहः |
विश्वचर्षणिः सहुरिः सहावानस्मास्वोजः पर्तनासु धेहि ||
अभागः सन्नप परेतो अस्मि तव करत्वा तविषस्यप्रचेतः |
तं तवा मन्यो अक्रतुर्जिहीळाहं सवा तनूर्बलदेयाय मेहि ||
अयं ते अस्म्युप मेह्यर्वां परतीचीनः सहुरे विश्वधायः |
मन्यो वज्रिन्नभि मामा वव्र्त्स्व हनाव दस्यून्रुतबोध्यापेः ||
अभि परेहि दक्षिणतो भवा मे.अधा वर्त्राणि जङघनावभूरि |
जुहोमि ते धरुणं मध्वो अग्रमुभा उपांशुप्रथमा पिबाव ||
yaste manyo.avidhad vajra sāyaka saha ojaḥ puṣyati viśvamānuṣak |
sāhyāma dāsamāryaṃ tvayā yujā sahaskṛtenasahasā sahasvatā ||
manyurindro manyurevāsa devo manyurhotā varuṇojātavedāḥ |
manyuṃ viśa īḷate mānuṣīryāḥ pāhi nomanyo tapasā sajoṣāḥ ||
abhīhi manyo tavasastavīyān tapasā yujā vi jahi śatrūn |
amitrahā vṛtrahā dasyuhā ca viśvā vasūnyā bharātvaṃ naḥ ||
tvaṃ hi manyo abhibhūtyojāḥ svayambhūrbhāmoabhimātiṣāhaḥ |
viśvacarṣaṇiḥ sahuriḥ sahāvānasmāsvojaḥ pṛtanāsu dhehi ||
abhāghaḥ sannapa pareto asmi tava kratvā taviṣasyapracetaḥ |
taṃ tvā manyo akraturjihīḷāhaṃ svā tanūrbaladeyāya mehi ||
ayaṃ te asmyupa mehyarvāṃ pratīcīnaḥ sahure viśvadhāyaḥ |
manyo vajrinnabhi māmā vavṛtsva hanāva dasyūnrutabodhyāpeḥ ||
abhi prehi dakṣiṇato bhavā me.adhā vṛtrāṇi jaṅghanāvabhūri |
juhomi te dharuṇaṃ madhvo aghramubhā upāṃśuprathamā pibāva ||
English Translation
Translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith
1. HE who hath reverenced thee, Manyu, destructive bolt, breeds for himself forthwith all conquering energy.
Ārya and Dāsa will we conquer with thine aid, with thee the Conqueror, with conquest conquest-sped.
2 Manyu was Indra, yea, the God, was Manyu, Manyu was Hotar, Varuṇa, Jātavedas.
The tribes of human lineage worship Manyu. Accordant with thy fervour, Manyu, guard us.
3 Come hither, Manyu, mightier tham the mighty; chase, with thy fervour for ally, our foemen.
Slayer of foes, of Vṛtra, and of Dasyu, bring thou to us all kinds of wealth and treasure.
4 For thou art, Manyu, of surpassing vigour, fierce, queller of the foe, and self-existent,
Shared by all men, victorious, subduer: vouchsafe to us superior strengith in battles.
5 I have departed, still without a portion, wise God! according to thy will, the Mighty.
I, feeble man, was wroth thee, O Manyu I am myself; come thou to give me vigour.
6 Come hither. I am all thine own; advancing turn thou to me, Victorious, All-supporter!
Come to me, Manyu, Wielder of the Thunder: bethink thee of thy friend, and slay the Dasyus.
7 Approach, and on my right hand hold thy station: so shall we slay a multitude of foemen.
The best of meath I offer to support thee: may we be first to drink thereof in quiet.