HYMN CXXVI. Viśvedevas. – Rig Veda – Book 10
न तमंहो न दुरितं देवासो अष्ट मर्त्यम |
सजोषसोयमर्यमा मित्रो नयन्ति वरुणो अति दविषः ||
तद धि वयं वर्णीमहे वरुण मित्रार्यमन |
येना निरंहसो यूयं पाथ नेथा च मर्त्यमति दविषः ||
ते नूनं नो.अयमूतये वरुणो मित्रो अर्यमा |
नयिष्था उनो नेषणि पर्षिष्ठा उ नः पर्षण्यति दविषः ||
यूयं विश्वं परि पाथ वरुणो मित्रो अर्यमा |
युष्माकंशर्मणि परिये सयाम सुप्रणीतयो.अति दविषः ||
आदित्यासो अति सरिधो वरुणो मित्रो अर्यमा |
उग्रं मरुद्भीरुद्रं हुवेमेन्द्रमग्निं सवस्तये.अति दविषः ||
नेतार ऊ षु णस्तिरो वरुणो मित्रो अर्यमा |
अति विश्वानिदुरिता राजानश्चर्षणीनामति दविषः ||
शुनमस्मभ्यमूतये वरुणो मित्रो अर्यमा |
शर्म यछन्तुसप्रथ आदित्यासो यदीमहे अति दविषः ||
यथा ह तयद वसवो गौर्यं चित पदि षिताममुञ्चतायजत्राः |
एवो षवस्मन मुञ्चता वयंहः पर तार्यग्नेप्रतरं न आयुः ||
na tamaṃho na duritaṃ devāso aṣṭa martyam |
sajoṣasoyamaryamā mitro nayanti varuṇo ati dviṣaḥ ||
tad dhi vayaṃ vṛṇīmahe varuṇa mitrāryaman |
yenā niraṃhaso yūyaṃ pātha nethā ca martyamati dviṣaḥ ||
te nūnaṃ no.ayamūtaye varuṇo mitro aryamā |
nayiṣthā uno neṣaṇi parṣiṣṭhā u naḥ parṣaṇyati dviṣaḥ ||
yūyaṃ viśvaṃ pari pātha varuṇo mitro aryamā |
yuṣmākaṃśarmaṇi priye syāma supraṇītayo.ati dviṣaḥ ||
ādityāso ati sridho varuṇo mitro aryamā |
ughraṃ marudbhīrudraṃ huvemendramaghniṃ svastaye.ati dviṣaḥ ||
netāra ū ṣu ṇastiro varuṇo mitro aryamā |
ati viśvāniduritā rājānaścarṣaṇīnāmati dviṣaḥ ||
śunamasmabhyamūtaye varuṇo mitro aryamā |
śarma yachantusapratha ādityāso yadīmahe ati dviṣaḥ ||
yathā ha tyad vasavo ghauryaṃ cit padi ṣitāmamuñcatāyajatrāḥ |
evo ṣvasman muñcatā vyaṃhaḥ pra tāryaghneprataraṃ na āyuḥ ||
English Translation
Translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith
1. No peril, no severe distress, ye Gods, affects the mortal man,
Whom Aryaman and Mitra lead, and Varima, of one accord, beyond his foes.
2 This very thing do we desire, Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryaman,
Whereby ye guhrd the mortal man from sore distress, and lead him safe beyond his foes.
3 These are, each one, our present helps, Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryaman.
Best leaders, best deliverers to lead us on and bear as safe beyond our foes.
4 Ye compass round and guard each man, Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryaman:
In your dear keeping may we be, ye who are excellent as guides beyond our foes.
5 Ādityas are beyond all foes,—Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryaman:
Strong Rudra with the Marut host, Indra, Agni let us call for weal beyond our foes.
6 These lead us safely over all, Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryaman,
These who are Kings of living men, over all troubles far away beyond our foes.
7 May they give bliss to aid us well, Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryaman:
May the Ādityas, when we pray, grant us wide shelter and defence beyond our foes.
8 As in this place, O Holy Ones, ye Vasus freed even the Gaud when her feet were fettered.
So free us now from trouble and affliction: and let our life be lengthened still, O Api.