Victory over Langini - Chapter 3 - Sundara Kandam
Victory over Langini - Chapter 3 - Sundara Kandam

Victory over Langini – Chapter 3 – Sundara Kandam

Victory over the goddess of Sri Lanka (Chapter 3)

This article is part of “Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki”

Third Chapter: Victory over the goddess of Sri Lanka (The stopping of Hanuman by the Goddess of Lanka and his victory over her)

As Hanuman entered Lanka from the side of the Suvela mountains he was very happy seeing such a wonderful city. He thought except for Sukreevan, Kusarpan, Kedhumalan, and himself no other member of Vanara’s troop can easily enter this city.

Lanka looked like a beautiful lady with an entrance decorated with the costliest of gemstones like Ruby, emerald. He compared the city to a beautiful lady decorated with ornaments, wearing the costliest dresses.

He thought about the capabilities and power of Ram Lakshman and felt joyous about it. As he was roaming around the City the guards of the City, Langini appeared before him and questioned his presence there. Hanuman questioned her back and enquired about her. She mentioned that she has the responsibility of guarding the city and no one can enter the city without her permission. and if Hanuman wants to enter the City it can happen only after he wins over her or kills her. Hanuman was not interested in fighting with a lady and he just punched her with his left fist. She felt terrible pain and fell down.

Hanuman felt bad about what he has done to a lady. Langini came back on her feet and mentioned that Brahma has promised her, that a day when she is won over by a Vanara (Monkey) lankas end begins. Also, she mentioned that it marks the beginning of the defeat of Ravana, who has abducted Sita in the wrong way.

She wished him success and allowed him into the city.

‘Victory over Langini’ English Translation

Here is the translation of each paragraph from Sundara Kandam

Hanuman the monkey chief who is the son of the God of Wind, who is remarkably intelligent and strong, and who was on the Lamba mountain which was as big as a cloud, prepared with the courage to enter the city of Lanka which had pretty gardens and lakes and which was also protected by Ravana.  1-2

Hanuman saw the city which was shining like the clouds of autumn, which had the booming sound of the ocean, where sea breeze wafts continuously, which was similar to Alakapuri the capital of Kubhera, which was full of an enthusiastic army, which had very regal and pretty tower gates, which had a white decorated gateway, which was protected like Bhogawathi the city of serpents, which was great, which was having clouds like the streak of lightning, which reached up to the path of stars, which was similar to Amaravathi the city of Devendra, which had a cool breeze, which was surrounded by big golden walls, which had the jingling sound of bells, and which was decorated by flags again and again and with thoughtful surprise neared it and with happiness and force jumped and climbed its   3-8

Hanuman saw with pleasure the city of Sri Lanka .which had Gates made of gold, which had floors on which precious gems were embedded, which had majestic towers that appeared to fly and were made of gold in which diamonds, crystals, pearls, and other precious gems were embedded, which had courtyards and houses made of molten gold and decorated by silver and thus appearing white, which had steps made of precious gems interspersed with powder of crystals through which swans walked hither and thither, which was filled with sounds of Krouncha (mythical birds) birds and peacocks, which had many musical instruments which when played were making reverberating sounds and which was like the city of Indra touching the sky. 9-12

That heroic Hanuman seeing the splendorous, rare, and richly endowed city of the chief Rakshasas thought like this.  13

Protected by the army of Ravana which has kept all arms in readiness, this city can not be conquered by anyone using his strength.  14

See also  Seeing of Rakshasa and Rakshasis (Chapter 5)

This perhaps can be entered only by the famous Kumuda, Angadha, the great monkeys Sushena, Mainda, and Dwividha. 15

This could be entered possibly by Sugreeva the son of Sun, Kusa Parva the monkey, Jambhavan the bear, Kethumala, and myself. 16

He then remembered the great valor and masculinity of the great heroes Rama and Lakshmana and became pleased. 17

(Though the above monkeys were capable of entering the city, he was not sure that they would be able to conquer it and so the thought of these heroes pleased him)

Hanuman saw that famous decorated city which had palace-like buildings from which darkness was removed, which was complete and which did not have any deficiencies and which looked like a young lady who wore the glitter of gems as her dress, the pretty stables as ear studs and who had the workshops of the city as breasts.  18-19

Then the city goddess took her actual form and saw the very strong, monkey chief who was the son of the wind god entering the city. 20

(This goddess called Lanka Lakshmi was earlier called Vijaya Lakshmi and was the keeper of the treasury of Lord Brahma. She was once careless and did not do her work properly. Brahma cursed her to become the watch woman of Ravana He also told her that on the day she is defeated by a monkey, she will regain her original form)

That Goddess of Lanka City who was looked after by Ravana saw the monkey chief and appeared with a grotesque face. 21

She stood in front of the valorous son of wind god and with a booming loud voice spoke to the son of wind. 22

Who are you? Why have you come here? Tell that which is the truth ,for then only your soul will continue to exist  23

This city of Lanka is protected on all the four sides by the invisible soldiers of Ravana and so definitely you cannot enter it. 24

(this Sloka also indicates that the Goddess of Lanka is immortal and hence would continue protecting it even if the soldiers were defeated)

Then the valorous Hanuman replied to her who was in front of him, I would tell the truthful answer to what you have asked.  25

By the way who are you? Why are seeing me cruelly? Why are you dangerously bullying me? But also why are you standing near the gate?  26

That lady of Lanka who was capable of taking any form she liked hearing the words of Hanuman, addressed the son of wind God with hatred thus:-  27

I am one who obey the orders of Ravana , the all powerful king of rakshasas and. I cannot be won over by anybody and I protect this city. 28

Hey monkey, you cannot enter here disregarding me. Now itself you are going to sleep after loosing your soul after I kill you.  29

Monkey, I am the city of Lanka and I alone guard it with utmost care and I am telling this to you only. 30

Hearing the words of Sri Lanka, Hanuman the monkey chief who was the son of Wind God, became sad and stood like another mountain.  31

He who is an expert and the greatest among those who can jump facing her who has taken a feminine form, spoke to her softly like this:-  32

I am going to see this city which has forts, spires and towers. I have come here only for this as I am interested in it.  33

My coming to this city of Lanka is to enable me to see the gardens, forests ,fields and mansions. 34

That Lanka Rakshasi who can take any form she likes, even after hearing the words of Hanuman, still spoke to him in a harsh manner. 35

Hey bad monkey , without winning over me who am guarding this city , you cannot enter in to it.  36

Then the great monkey facing the Rakshasi told her, Lady, I will just see the city and go away. 37

Then the Goddess of Lanka shouted uproariously and with great strength beat the chief of the monkeys.  38

Having been beaten by the lady of Lanka, that monkey chief who was a hero and also  the son of wind God roared in a very high pitch.  39

Then Hanuman forgetting himself because of anger, folding his fingers hit her strongly with his left fist. 40

Because he knew that she was a lady he did not show his anger too much. 41

That Rakshasi because of the fist punch suddenly fell down on the ground with broken limbs, horrible face and showed her real form. 42

Because of the knowledge that she was a woman, seeing her fallen on the ground Hanuman looked at her with mercy. 43

After this, that Goddess of Lanka with stuttering voice and devoid of pride told him the following words. 44

Hey, great hero, please show mercy on me. Hey, Monkey chief who is soft by nature, please save me. Good people of great strength always are stable in showing justice. 45

See also  Further news about the consolation of Sita (Chapter 68)

(She indicates that the just people who are strong do not kill a woman)

Hey, very strong monkey chief, I am myself the Goddess of the city of Lanka and a great hero, and you have defeated me by your prowess. 46

Hey, Lord of the monkeys, I am telling you truly about the boon given to me by Brahma himself. And so please hear.  47

The day when a monkey defeats you by his prowess, then you please understand without a doubt that bad time has come to the Rakshasas. 48

Hey graceful one, by your sight, I surely understand that the time has come to me.. Whatever has been told by Brahma is the truth for no change can come to it. 49

The final end has come near to the bad soul Ravana and his rakshasas due to Sita. 50

And so monkey chief, enter this city protected by Ravana and do there whatever you wish to do. 51

So you who are the Lord of the monkeys, please enter this good town ruled by the Rakshasa king, which is badly affected by the curses, and search for the daughter of Janaka properly. 52

(This clearly indicates that Sita was present in the city. The curse referred to above is given by the bull Nandi Deva the vehicle of Lord Shiva when he was jeered at by Ravana)

Thus ends the third chapter (Victory over Langini) of Sundara Kanda which is in the Ramayana which is the first epic written by Valmiki

Thus ends the sixteenth-day story of Ramayana sung by Lava and   Kusha in front of Rama

Songs are sung in the fourth to twenty-fourth chapters of Sundara Kanda by Lava and Kusha in front of Sri Rama at the place where the AswaMedha sacrifice was being performed on the seventeenth day. The total verses sung on that day were 773

Victory over Langini

Chapter 4: Wandering all over lanka

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