This article is part of “Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki”

Forty third Chapter

(heralding the victory of Sugreeva)

(Having destroyed the aska forest, Hanuman decided to destroy a very huge stage nearby. The hundred guards of the stage wage a war against him and are killed.. He then heralds the arrival of Sugreeva along with his monkey army who are going to destroy the city of Lanka and the Rakshasas living there.)

After killing the kinkaras Hanuman started thinking. 1

I have destroyed this forest. But I have not destroyed this stage which is like a tower. So I will destroy this stage also. Deciding like this in his mind, Hanuman who was the son of wind-god and a monkey chieftain showing his strength, on the jumped and climbed on the great stage which was as tall as the peaks of Meru mountain. 2-3

That monkey chief Hanuman in spite of having climbed on the mountain like stage was as lustrous like another rising sun. 4

Having reached the great stage which cannot be even neared by others , Hanuman became lustrous like Lakshmi(Goddess of wealth) and appeared like the Pari Yathra mountain. 5

That son of Wind-god assumed a huge body because of his power and beat the floor with his tail as if he was filling Lanka by his sound. 6

Because of Hanuman’s great sound of enthusiasm which was ear splitting , birds became afraid and fell down and the guards of the stage became dumb struck. 7

Victory to the great archer Rama and Lakshmana who is very strong. Also victory to the king Sugreeva who is protected by Raghava. 8

See also  Runa Voimochana Nrusimha Stotram

I. Hanuman, the son of wind-god who is the destroyer of enemy soldiers has the job of taking away problems and am the servant of Rama , who is the king of Kosala. 9

 Fighting with stones and trees in the battle field , for me even thousands of Ravana are not equivalent enemies. 10

 Even while all the Rakshasa are staring, I would create turmoil in Lanka , salute Mythili and return back after fulfilling my desire. 11

The chief of monkeys who was on the top of the stage heralded like this to the guards of the stage  and roared with horrible noise so that the Rakshasa are fear struck. 12

 Hearing this great declaration one hundred powerful guards of the stage came out. They surrounded Maruthi and they rotated and threw at him several arrows , spears , swords , axes. 13

They beat the monkey chief with several types of maces, gold edged pestles and thunder like arrows. 14

That crowd of Rakshasa surrounding the monkey chief appeared as if they are a whirlpool in the river Ganges. Angry because of this that son of wind-god assumed a very horrible form. 15-16

That Hanuman who was the son of wind-god and who was very strong suddenly broke away a golden sculpted pillar of that stage. He rotated that pillar in several ways and because of this fire was produced and the stage caught fire. 17-18

 Seeing the stage which has caught fire that monkey chief rotated that pillar still faster  in several ways. 19

 Similar to Indra killing Asuras by his Vajrayudha he killed several Rakshasas and becoming very pleased he heralded victory as follows. 20

See also  Shiva Akshara Mala Stotra

We as well as several monkeys who are similar to me and some who are stronger than me and thousands powerful monkey soldiers who are working under Sugreeva have been sent and they are searching throughout the world. 21-22

 Some of them are as strong as ten elephants, some ten times more powerful than that and some as powerful as thousand elephants. 23

 Some of them are as strong as the tide of great flood and some ten times more powerful Some of them are as strong as Garuda and some of them as strong as wind. 24

 There are also some monkey chiefs among them whose strength is immeasurable. 25

 These people who use their teeth and nails as weapons, are followed by lakhs and crores of monkeys who surround the king Sugreeva who is the killer of all of you and are going to arrive here. 26

Having sought the enmity of the great one belonging to the Ikshuvaku clan , this city of Lanka will not be there, nor you will be there and nor Ravana. 27

Thus ends the forty-third chapter of Sundara Kanda which is in the Ramayana which is the first epic written by Valmiki.

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Chapter 44: Killing of Jambu Mali

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