Subrahmanya  Mangala  stotram

Translated by


1.Mangalam deva devaya, Raja rajaya Mangalam
Mangalam Nadha nadhaya, kala kalaya mangalam.

1.Auspiciousness   to God of Gods, Auspiciousness to king of kings,
Auspeciousness  to lord of lords,auspiciousness to killer of God of death.

2.Mangalam Karthikeyaya, ganga puthraya mangalam,
Mangalam jishnujesaya, Valli nadhaya  mangalam,

2.Auspiciousness to Karthikeya, Auspiciousness’to son of Ganga,
Auspiciousness to husband of Deva sena. Auspiciousness to husband of Valli.

3.Mangalam Shambhu puthraya, jayantheesaya mangalam,
Mangalam sukumaraya, subrahamanyaya  mangalam.

3.Auspiciousness to son of Shambu, auspiciousness to Lord of Thiruchendur,
Auspiciousness  to the pretty one, auspiciousness to Subrahmanya.

4.Mangalam tharakajithe, gana nadhaya mangalam,
Mangalam sakthi hasthaya, vahni jathaya  mangalam.

4.Auspiciouness to God who one over Tharaka, Auspiciousness to Lord of Bhoothas,
Auspiciousness to one armed with Shakthi, auspiciousness to one born in fire.

5.Mangalam bahuleyaya, Mahasenaya mangalam,
Mangalam swaminadhaya, mangalam sara janmane  .

5,Auspiciousness  to the powerful one, auspiciousness  to one having  great army,
Auspiciousness   to lOrd of Swami malai, auspiciousness  to one who took birth from a stream.

6,Ashtanethra pureesaya, shanmukhayasthu  mangalam,
Kamalasana  Vageesa varadayasthu  mangalam.

6.Auspiciousness  to Enkan temple  and to the one having  six faces,
Auspiciousness  to giver of boons to Brahma  and brahaspathi.

7.Sri Gauri garbha  jathaya, sri kanda  thanayaya  mangalam,
Srikantha bagineyaya  srimath  skandaya  mangalam,

7.Auspiciousness  to son of  Parvathi and son of the blue necked God,
Auspiciousness to  nephew of Lord Vishnu and  prosperous  Skanda.

8.Sri valli ramanaayaatha sri kumaraya  mangalam,
Sri Deva sena kanthaya, sri vishakaya  mangalam.

8.Auspiciousness  to the pretty one of Valli and  Lord Kumara,
Auspiciousness  to husband of Deva sena and one born in Vishaka star.

See also  Rahu Stotram

9.Mangalam punya roopaya, punya slokaya  mangalam,
Mangalam punya yasase, Mangalam punya thejase.

9.Auspiciousness to personification of blessed deeds and one whose story gives  blessings,
Auapiciousness to blessed fame, auspiciousness  to blessed luster.

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