Posted inGanjam

Bhairabi Temple, Ganjam

Bhairabi Temple, Bhairabi Temple, Ganjam
Bhairabi Temple, Bhairabi Temple, Ganjam

The place is named after the presiding deity Goddess Bhairabi at remote village Mantridi. Bhairabi now a days has become an important Shakti Pitha. Tourists from all most all parts of Odisha as well as northern Andhra Pradesh visit this holy shrine everyday.


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How to Reach:

By Air

Nearest Airport is Bhubaneswar

By Train

Nearest Railway Station is Berhampur

By Road

By Road it is 18 k.m. away from Berhampur


Mantridi, Odisha 761008

Contact Details

See also  Dharakote, Ganjam, Odisha

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