Kamba Ramayanam : Aranya Kandam (padalam 5-6)
Kamba Ramayanam : Aranya Kandam (padalam 5-6)

By Kambar (Kavichakravarthy Kamban)

Translated in English by P. R Ramachander

Kamba Ramayanam : Aranya Kandam (padalam 5-6)

Aranya Kandam (contd)

5.Soorpankai padalam

Chapter   on Soorpanakha
(Soorpanakha   the sister of Ravana   who happened to  see Rama , falls in love with him. Rama refuses   to marry her. She happens to see the pretty Sita.   Thinking   she was the reason   for Rama not marrying her, Soorpanakha   tries to carry away Sita  when Rama had gone to his morning ablations. Lakshmana who was guarding Sita , catches her  and cuts off her nose , ears and tips of breast  . Soorpanakha again appeals to Rama  to marry her. Rama and Lakshmana drive away Soorpanakha   who goes to meet her cousin Khara .In Valmiki Ramayana   Rama tells Soorpanakha that he is with his wife and asks  her to approach Lakshmana  , who cuts off her nose etc.)

2732. That river Godavari  which  added   beauty to earth like ornament,Used to  bring great   things and make the land  feel fertile,And  with many watering  centers  which were spread   over  ,On the   five types of land , was   with clear water ,Was with running cool water   and   was like  the Poems of with very wise and great people,And was   seen by those  valorous heroes.

2733. That very divine Godavari   with   fully open lotus flowers over which bees stayed ,Looked like a smiling , welcoming  and lustrous face  , with blue lotus flowers ,Which used to spread perfume  , seeing with its lustrous  eyes and face   andWith   moving  clear tides  of  the river  resembling the hands   appeared  ,To offer   these flowers at the divine  feet of Rama   and saluting him .

2734. That river Godavari with its  moving and running   waters    seeing ,The sorry state  of  the faultless  and truthful   sons suffering,Due to great love for them looked like    taking  deep tortured breath,And  looked like shedding tears   from the eyes of the  just opened  blue flowers and crying.

2735. That Rama with   a long bow   saw  the Chakravaka birds  with closed eyesLiving   on the bed of lotus flowers   with stalks , Rama saw the breasts  of Sita ,And she who was wearing suitable and proper ornaments   looked   at,The  shoulders of Rama   who was elder  and the best among men  ,And felt like she was seeing  hills made of blue gem stones,.

2736. The great  Rama who saw the swans walking , looked  at,The walking  of Sita and slightly smiled  and she who saw the walk  ,Of the male elephant returning after drinking water ,Also   broke    to a new type    of  sweet smile.

2737.  That valorous  Rama  with long arms who was   a great  expert in archery  ,  Seeing the waving  flags   on the Godavari river   with   great deal of water  ,Looked at the   waist  of Sita  ,  that  Sita   seeing  the well flowered  lotus flower,With large number of petals   in the middle of dark  row  of blue flowers ,Looked   again on the   dark   body   of  her great lord.

2738. Near   that pretty  big  Godavari river   which   ran like  a filled  up stream,They  reached   the cool  divine Panchavati  which was a perennial garden ,And a matchless  place   and  started  staying   in  the,Very pretty  and sweet  hermitage    which   was built by Lakshmana.

2739-2741. A Rakshasi called  Soorpanakha   who had the   strength  of  uprooting ,And destroying   Ravana who was black like a blue gem    by  her vile tricks,Who was  like    the cruel disease   which was born earlier   with life  ,And was with the soul waiting   for the proper time   to  destroy that soul,Who was  having dense hair on her head with the red colour  of copper,Who had   a  huge  fat body  which has limitless  growth  and full of passion,Who was capable of causing  unparalleled   destruction   to the devas ,And to those sages    who had  done great penance And who was  having   a cruel cause   for revenge   and was living,Alone in the forest   because  of that   and had the strength  ,To move around  al the world    with great speed.Reached   the garden in Panchavati where  Rama was staying.

2742. That Soorpanakha   who would be the cause  of   the destruction  ,Of all  her relatives   saw Rama ,   who when  the  great devas  ,Who were troubled greatly  troubled   by  the asuras,Approached   him ,  left of his yogic sleep   on the  serpent,Called Adhisesha    and   had taken an  incarnation in  this  earth.

2743. She thought”The form of  the God of love   who is in the mind  of all is no more there,Indra has  one thousand eyes  , Lord Shiva has three   lotus like    eyes  andVishnu   who created all the worlds out of his  belly has four  hands and so he is none  of  them.”

2744. Then she   thought  that  the god of love   who  was destroyed ,By Lord Shiva   with pretty matted hair   using  this  eyes on his forehead,Possibly   did  great penance from the time    he lost his body   ,Till the present time    had got a pretty body, and he is that one.

2745. She thought that his long arms reaching up to  his knee ,Are  very pretty  , trees are not comparable to them ,Mountains  are inferior to them  and only  the tusks  ,Of the very strong elephants which carry earth were  comparable.

2746. “The mountains made of mere   stones   were not comparable,To  the  heroic shoulders of this one  who is an expert in battle with bows ,And only an old  pretty mountain made of blue gems  can be compared  to it,And definitely not   the Meru mountain which is golden in colour.”

2747. ”He has lustrous eyes   which are comparable   to the petals ,Of lotus flower standing out of the   pond due to  its long stalk,And he resembles a mountain  and if we see continuously ,From one of his shoulders   to other, my eyes are  not long,And also   my chest is  wide  and flat” she said.

2748. ”Is   the  face   of the pretty one , which shines    due to excessive light  ,Comparable  to the lotus flower that has  just opened   out   of its bud?IWE cannot compare it to the moon with light because ,The light  of moon diminishes daily and  still  if we compare ,We see it is not comparable  because there is a stain on  face of moon.”

2749. ”For what purpose  is he doing  penance   when he   has a beauty,That  gives pleasure, making his body suffer   unnecessarily  ?And what type of penance    was done by his ancestors  so that ,He has eyes  which   are like lotus flower  and creates newness?

2750. ”The  femaleness   of lady earth   who has a pretty form   and,The gait of a female elephant  and who is  dressed in water  of the ocean,Is indeed great  because   the  the grasses grown on her  ,Due to the touch of his feet stands  erect  as if she  has horripilation.”

2751. She   said with sarcasm “it appears that  Sun the lord of light,Has not seen the light  of the body of his, who has teeth  like lustrous moon light?For from very large distance he is emitting some little light ,And without any sense of shame ,moving about in the sky?”

2752. “It there  any thing in this world   which can be compared ,To the  beautiful lips of his, who has  huge  shoulders .Which are taller than the   difficult to cross   big mountains?And I would say   that   they are greatly superior   to  corals.”

2753. She thought , “Possibly the bark of wood   which    goes round,The waist of this male  , who shines similar    to the full moon  ,Has done great penance and possibly   the faultless ,Golden cloth has not been able to do   this much penance.”

2754”. If he had not worn his black matted hair   which are  comparable ,To the row  of groups of  rain bearing clouds which have come down,Then  the souls   of all the ladies    would be completely   destroyed.”

2755. ”If   good looking  lustrous ornaments   are worn over  his body,Would his prettiness  increase?”  and she further   thought  ,“Would the greatness   of Kausthuba   which is the best among gems,If it wears   yet another gem, would  its luster   increase   further?”

2756. ”That four headed   one  who has   placed   in his body  ,The best of everything  has been berated   because  ,The Devendra  who wanted to have the greatness ,Of the holy dust of the   feet  is ruling over   the  three  worlds?”

2757. With her  flood of love ,  making  the sky as well as  water   of the  ocean,Look small  and making her   wisdom getting drowned in that  ,Like the fame   of one   who does not give charity   when the people   who want it praise  him,And  continue to protect his wealth , she was  having a diminishing chastity.

2758. With a  faded and jaded mind  like  a  picture  of a lady   whose  picture ,Has   been drawn  on the sky  , she  fixed  her eyes   on the lustrous  ,And very pretty  shoulders   of Rama  and had   lost her usual   strength.

2759. That Soorpanakha who was staring at   shoulders   of Rama  thought,”I would go and embrace      the great flat chest   of Rama   and if  I am not,Able to do that  , even if I eat the  nectar  of devas  , I would die,And there is no other go for me “ and started   thinking,How she could  go   near   him   and stand before  him.

2760-2761. That Rakshasi who had cruel protruding teeth  and  who also  had ,A pot like belly filled   with all types of beings  , thinking  that  he may not  ,Accept her with that  form  , thinking that  if she can take a form like  a peacock  ,With a voice that lisps like Koel and having red  lips  like  the Kovvai fruit,And try to hug him  , it would be better,  she meditated  on Goddess Lakshmi,Who sits   of a lotus flower  and  chanted  her root chant   which she knew,And due to that  assumed  a  pretty form   with a face   that was better looking than the moon,And   came out   like a shining   form that descended  from the sky.

2762. She had small feet  which made the red cotton  and  the best among  new growth of leaves,Shy    in its beauty   and tenderness and was  like   the pretty  and young   peacock  ,Like the vanchi creeper and  like the swan   and that  deceiving cruel Soorpanakha  ,Came before   Rama   like   a very cruel   poison.

2763. She had the prettiness  of Goddess Lakshmi  who lives in a golden lotus flower,She had a   pretty flower  like face with her eyes shining alternately  like swords  ,Which were less prettier  than her  face   and was  having the beauty   of a young girl  ,And came down on a well   decorated chariot   with screens    from the sky.

2764. She had  a body like  the Kamavalli creeper   produced   by the   scented Karpaga tree,Developed   a well perfumed  honey like   sweet voice, which were  more and more passionate  ,Assumed a beauty   which was sweet to the eyes, had a matchless sight  of a deer ,And came walking like a peacock  and looking  like   a peacock.

2765. With the  sound of anklets, the sound produced  by ornaments  of the waist ,With  sound of  ornaments   threaded in a chain   and   the humming of   bees which  hovered  round ,The flowers which decorate   the black  sand hair  of hers   heralding   the arrival of a lady,That son of  a king   looked at that direction from which   the sound was coming.

2766. Like the matchless sweet   nectar   given by the land of devas  ,When she  was coming near him with   waist getting tired due to  the heaviness   of her  breasts  ,Rama    who was the incarnation  of Lord Vishnu   who  using his grace removes   the ignorance  ,In the mind of his devotees  , Looked   at her with both his eyes.

2767. Seeing   that   tender   matchless  female form  which cannot  be found ,In the  land of the great serpents  , in the heaven as well as in entire earth,Rama thought “Where can one see this beauty?  Is there a limit to her beauty?.And who among the females   of this world   can match her   beauty?”

2768. That Soorpanakha   with great  desire    for Rama in  her mind  ,Seeing the handsome face of Rama  , saluted  his holy feet  by her pretty hands,Threw   her cruel glances from her  long spear   like  eyes ,Slightly moved on one side  like a deer   and with   shyness stood there .

2769. Then Rama the root of all Vedas  told her  , “Oh Goddess  like lady,Who is red in colour  , Let your visit became an auspicious  one  ,Your coming  is an auspicious one  for me .Which is your  place?What is your name?  Who are   your relatives?”

2770. She said ,”I am the daughter   of the  son of the son of  Lord Brahma,I am the sister   of Khubera  with red hands ,Who is the friend   of  Lord Shiva who  drives a bull   and   burnt the three  cities,I am the younger sister   of Ravana   who  could   uproot  ,The silvery Kailsasa mountain   and who has   the powerTo protect  the three  worlds and I am a maid    called Kamavalli.”

2771. Hearing  those   words  the mind of valorous one was  filled with doubt ,And believing  that her words were not stain less and thought  that it is proper,To ask her and know more about it   and   asked her  , “If you are the sister  ,Of the cruel Ravana    with red eyes, be pleased  to tell me , how you got  this pretty form.”

2772. When Rama with a pure  conduct ,    asked   her like this , tirelessly ,She replied, “Since I did not respect   their  habits of illusion  and cruelty,And due to having a thoughtful mind  , wanting   to travel in path of Dharma ,Did penance to get over my sins and due to the grace  of Gods became like this.”

2773. ”Oh lady, If  you are the  younger sister  of the ruler  of the three  worlds ,Under whom   the king of Indra is doing a menial job  , You are  not to be seen ,With the pride  of great wealth   and  what is   the reason  for you to come without assistants?”

2774. As soon as that valorous one told these  words, That lady who was not truthful,Said, “Oh faultless one  , I do not join  with those Rakshasas  without culture ,But have joined with  best of the  sages   and devas, and I have come to see  you,I have  a business to be completed    with your  help.”

2775. As soon as   she told like this  the lord  thinking   that “The thoughts  of ladies  ,With pretty foreheads do not go in the right  path  andThey are difficult  to be understood by males and they may  know about   it later ”Asked her , “oh lady who wears bangles on shoulders, For what   purpose  have you approached me?Please tell me about it   and if it is proper   for me to do it , I would do it.”

2776. Then she said , “it is not proper    for ladies    of good families,To tell about  the nature    of their  passion , themselves   to others,But  as my   soul is paining   and since   I have nobody to tell to others,About it  , Please  stop the cruelty of God of  love towards me   and save me.”

2777. After  that lady   whose vision   travelled to a long distance  ,And had returned back  ,  with    her sword like  eyes  which had,Turned in to various shades and assumed the black colour   of night  ,And were filled with red lines  and with a  well ornamented   chest Told like this  ,  Rama concluded that  she   is shameless , very base and not a good  one.”

2778. Not understanding Rama   who was silent  , That lady   who had assumed,A false form   with bees  humming   around  her black hair  , Started    swinging   with thoughts   as to ,whether he had a desire in her  by seeing her eyesOr   whether  he feels  that I should not have a desire for him , again told him.

2779.”Oh lord  who has prettiness   which cannot   be made in to a picture ,Since I did  not  know   that you have come here  and since I was  completing  ,The jobs requested by sages    who knew everything   and due   to the fact ,That  my faultless  feminine qualities   and    youth    was   being wasted,My days   were  passing   without  achieving  any purpose .”

2780. Hearing that,  Rama concluded   that she is  a despicable  Rakshasi,And one who does not have just behavior and  felt that   she had come ,There to do another bad act   and told her  “oh pretty one  ,I am born in a royal family   and you are  a girl from a Brahmin family  ,And this alliance  is against   the normal ancient   rules of marriage.”

2781. ”Oh Lord,  whose job is fighting are and who has a   pretty spear  ,My father   is  a Brahmin learned in Vedas  and my mother  is a lady,Who has virtue like  Arundathi   and  is   the daughter  of Sala Sadanga,A king who ruled the world  and if this is the only reason   ,For your not accepting me  , then  my soul will not go  and I would  not live” Said Soorpanakha

2782. When she who desired him told like this, with a smile arising in his pure mind  ,That Rama  who was like the rain bearing cloud  wanted  to play   a game  ,“Oh lady,  the learned and wise people   say that  a  human being  ,Getting married   to a Rakshasa clan who do not have  sorrow is not proper.”

2783. ”Oh Lord , who is like  Lord  Vishnu sleeping  on the   serpent  ,Not  understanding  my good aspects    due to absence of devotion     with sincerity  , indicating,That you would not marry me because  I   am the sister   Of Ravana,Has happened because of your ignorance,    for due to my penance   to devas ,I have got rid of   the   degradable birth in   Rakshasa   clan ,And I had informed   about this    earlier also to you.”

2784. ”Oh best among ladies, one of  your brothers   is the undisputed  king,Of all the three  worlds , another great one   is  Khubera  , the lord of wealth,And if one of them gives you  to me I would accept you but,If you yourself    choose  me , then I would   scared.”  Said he and  she told again,
  2785. “ Oh Lord , who has shoulders  like golden mountain  , for   the man  and woman,Who are passionately  in love with each other   there  is marriage method called  Gandharva,And it is a marriage method  formulated  by Vedas and  if this marriage  happens between us,It would be   agreeable to my elder   brothers also   and there is also another news.”
2786. “My brothers have great enmity   towards all sages  and are not bothered,About justice and Dharma  and you are   living   alone in this   forest   and ,This would be a trick   for you to get friendship of those  Rakshasas,And once you marry me   you can set up your kingdom   in the land of devas,And then  they  would start loving you   and obey all  your orders”,  said Soorpanakha.
2787.Then that Rama with a shoulder  carrying a   huge bow   said   to her ,“I have got grace of Asuras and I am also getting the pleasure  of getting you ,And along with you I will get   the wealth   which   will never go from me at any time  ,And not only that  , by the penance I did  after  leaving Ayodhya  ,It looks like   I am getting all   these ,” saying this he  laughed  showing his lustrous teeth.
2788.At that time   from the   scent wafting  hermitage,  near Rama  , who was ,Like the light   of eye  to people in the heaven and earth   as well  as Gods like Brahma  ,And who had a lustrous eyes  , Sita   who was   like the queen  among all ladies ,And one who looked like   the vanchi creeper   from the gems  born in this world,Came out   for the sake of fulfilling   the boons given by  Lord Vishnu to devas.

2789.That Large mouthed  Soorpanakha   whose  body has faded  ,Due to the  fire of passion  , noticed    the huge  lustrous light,That emerged   from the   form which came  out of the hermitageAnd realized   that  she is the   fire like chastity    which has come out ,To destroy the forest   of Rakshasas who fought  ,With everyone   in the  land of devas   as well as those in earth.
2790.She thought  , “He would nor bring this lady with   scented hair to forest,There are   no ladies   here   who are   as pretty as her  , and perhaps,She is Goddess  Lakshmi   who left  her   lotus  in heaven,And has come to earth   and standing    with both legs  here,”And then she stood perplexed    at that  same spot.
2791 Soorpanakha     after staring well as Sita    for quite some time and thought,“She is   an example  to those   who create  beauty , there is no limit  of the prettiness  they can createOnce an eye  sees her, it will not see  anybody else   ,And even if it is mind  , it would not go searching any one else.If this  is my thought  , what would some body who is born as a male think?”
2792. Soorpanakha who was greatly astonished   on seeing Sita  ,Looked at Rama , who was  an expert  in war   and thought  ,“There  is no further need   to think about it  and the God sitting on the lotus  ,Must have  matchlessly thought deeply   about the matching  person  ,For  a male and female  , and this is the   real ultimate result of his efforts.”
2794. “Oh valorous one    with good conduct , this lady is an expert in illusion,And she is a Rakshasi   who is an expert  in cheating   and her thoughts  cannot be understood,It is not proper  for you think that  she is  a good lady   for her prettiness  is not truth,I am  scared   at seeing her  who eats flesh and lives and so,Drive her away from here   and prevent her  from coming near you.” She said.

2795.”oh lady who is like streak of lightning  , Your intelligence  is very bright  ,Who can deceive you and disappear? It is surprising to know    that  ,She is a thief   and a cruel Rakshasa   girl, Please see  her carefully.”Saying this he laughed showing out his  pearl  like white teeth.
2796.At that time  , she who has come out like nectar  with  ,The great chastity  of Arundathi  , sweet words and pretty bamboo like   shoulders,And  Soorpanakha  asked , “Oh  Rakshasi lady  , why did you    come in between us  ?”And   that  enraged   Soorpanakha   who had cheating thoughts like fire.
2797.Seeing her coming near her  Sita  was greatly   scared ,That  scared one   like a swan with  her lightning streak like waists rocking,Shivering due to the pain her cotton like feet paining  ,And like the  red coral creeper   in between the dark black clouds  ,She   hugged   the shoulders   of Rama who was like a valorous elephant.
2798.Rama realizing   that a sport of teasing   with   Rakshasas.With bent cruel teeth   would only    lead to evil and said to her,“Do not do anything which causes   sorrow to us   for  if he knows,My younger   brother will get angry at you and so ogh lady, go away quickly.”
2799. Then that   Rakshasi who had assumed    a pretty   form told ,“Those   who  live  on lotus  , sea of milk    as  well  as on Kailasa  mountain,As well as God of love and other Devas   are doing penance to marry me.What is the reason  that you are   desiring   this Rakshasi,Who does not have  , good and bad in mind and berating me?”

2800. Rama thought  , “Though   I do not have any relation   with ,This hard  hearted lady, she is capable of telling further  cheating cruel words .”And that  pure hearted Rama  like the cloud   going  ahead of  lightning  ,Along   with the gold like daughter of the king of Mithila  ,Went inside   his  hermitage   in that very pretty garden.
2801.After they left , She who did not have knowledge  that” it is gone”,She who had the soul that   has gone   of the body  , stood breathless,Thinking, “He  has got angry with me  , who loved him   and has ,Not done any help to me and he  has firm love with the  lady with black kajal like hair.”
2802.Without standing there   , she thought   about her sweet life  ,With Rama and deciding that, “If I do not  hug his chest today,I would leave my life  “ She crossed  the garden with densely planted,Devadaru trees and reached a garden with a crystal rock  ,And at that time the sun set and the   sky turned   red,
2803.Like the cruel poison   flowing from  the  lustrous  poison fang ,Of   the serpent climbing up to her head, from  a destroyed   mind ,The tired Soorpanakha  The passion mentioned earlier   burnt in flames  furiously.

2804.Like   the sharp arrow   of Rama who was the king of men  Piercing  the   big chest of the very cruel Rakshasi ThadagaThe arrows of   the god of love  went and pierced  the mind of Soorpanakha,In that war   of passion   and she   became   scared   and  very sad.
2805.Soorpanakha    wanted to eat    that  God of love with  a great bow,With the full moon with sixteen crescents   as the    side dish,But when the southern breeze from Podigai mountain hit her,Like the very long spear of the   God of death , she became still.
2806.When   the body which gave her pain   became pacified  without sound,She  had an idea of drying the mountain clusters     using her palms But when the full moon appeared   in the sky   gave   a widely,Scattered   cool moon light  , became weak  and started   sorrowing.
2807.She became angry and decided    that  I would break,  All the  gardens in this earth   and make all the flowers  in them  dry  in to dust,But  Hearing   the happy sound  of Andril bird living with its mate  ,Her strength   diminished and    she   started    shivering.
2808.Becoming very angry she decided to run and bring Rahu and Kethu  ,The serpents so that   they would completely swallow the full moon,But when the cool breeze wafts   over her thick , tender  and sweet breastsHer   dear soul would  bake in the  fire of her passion   and she would be sad.
2809.She   using her two hands   picked the very cold pieces   of ice  and placed  it,On her lustrous young breasts to sate    her  fire of passion,But due to power of the spreading  strong fire of passion,They  were destroyed like  putting butter   on a very hot stone.
2810.Getting  scared  seeing the fire that  burnt  her   body ,Which was protected by love with her  , she started  taking  bath,In cold water   but that water started boiling   and she became shy,And decided that it was a proper place to hide the God of love.

2811.That Soorpanakha  whose   body was so hot due  to ,The fire of passion  made the cool big   moon stone   break,Started saluting  if she sees  a pillar   of  blue  gem,Or a black cloud   on the sky   with folded  hands.
2812.She   went and reached  mountain cave   where  a poisonous,Cruel serpent lives    so that   the pretty full moon , the cool winds  ,Or  the god   of love cannot reach there  and recognize her.
2813.At that time   the southern breeze blew    with   great  heat ,And made her suffer   three times   more than earlier ,And due to that   when her   breasts became hot and was emitting fire,Without knowing what to do, she rolled on young golden coloured  leaves.
2814. When she thought  about   the  form of Rama    in her mind  ,The Cruel Rakshasi feeling as if she   was seeing   his black   cloud like body,Would become  shy  and suddenly shiver,But when the form disappears  she would be caught  in fire of  passion.
2815.Thinking that black cloud was the body   of Rama  ,She would catch it and hug them to her breasts.And when she sees the clouds  being destroyed ,Due to the heat of her body   she would wail.Is there   any end   to the sickness   of passion?

2816.Due to passion she   felt as if she was in middle of fire of deluge,And with the desire   that she could live   with Rama of the colour of the sea,And this  medicine of hope  , people    said  , kept her alive.
2817.Her body shivered like the one who licked poison   with toungue,And  imagining Rama said,  “Oh mountain of black  , please take mercy on me,And enter  in to  my cruel and cheating mind   and  destroy my danger.”
2818.That lady who was not prepared  to leave the love  on Rama ,Even if  she  suffers  death  thought  that “ his wife    whose eyes are ,Like blue flower  or Kayal fish   is  more pretty than Goddess Lakshmi  .And so  he would never look at me    who is a sinner.”
2819.She  further thought  that  that pretty  lady   is  the very chaste,Goddess Lakshmi who sits   on the lotus flower   and that  the  if  we love,A man  then that sickness   of desire    would destroy  ,And it has  mingled    with our  body and makes it  hot like  burning fire.
2820.When  that lady was  suffering    due to excessive love she had  ,The  Sun rose  like  the birth of Rama  for   removing    the great  darkness,Created    by the   Rakshasas , who could  close  down all the  three worlds.     Some writers feel that Soorpanakai Padalam ends   with this,     And a new chapter called Mookari (cutting of nose.) padalam starts   from her)

2821. AS  soon as it became dawn   Soorpanakha     saw   her own body  and her soul,And thought   that till that matchless  lady   is near him  , he would not see me,And so  I would run quickly lift her    up and then hide   her with speed,Then the best thing would be to live with her darling happily.
2822.She came and searched   for Sita   in the hermitage and saw that,Rama had gone from there  to the river  and was doing   his morning rituals,But   did not see   his younger brother  who had a crescent like   forehead,Guarding Sita  in the  sweet scented   garden filled   with great darkness.
2823,Thinking that Sita is alone   and her  thought  has achieved victory,And there was no need for any more delay and thinking of some other   way,And that  cruel , hateful angry   Soorpanakha   followed   to catch,The peacock like Sita and this was   seen by Lakshmana from ,That garden which was amply   laden with    fruits.
2824 That Lakshmana shouted, “Hey stop there”  and speedily  ,Approached   her thinking   that    she is a lady  and without ,Taking his bow  pulled her   by catching    the red hair  on her head,By his red hands  , kicked her   and made   her fall down  ,And took   his lustrous    sword  from his scabbard .
2825. But Soorpanakha thought    that   with great ease, she could ,Take him also and fly in the sky  and rose up but Lakshmana  pushed her  down,Easily  , said to her “do not do this cruel deed” and    cut  off her ,Nose ears and the   cruel big  tips   of her breasts  , one after  another ,And then after  leaving his anger  , left  her   hairs also.
2826.The wail that was  made by Soorpanakha  at that time   spread,In all directions and also went   in to ears   of   Devas   in the heaven,Now    what else  need   to be told   about what happened   there?The  blood that flowed  from her nasal holes made the  entire world wet.
2827.That good   time   when   with   luster full cruel sword  , the  breasts,Where cut    and her raised up nose    was cut   which was  like  cutting  ,The tips of huge mountains   and was   like  the inaugural ceremony  ,For cutting ten heads of Ravana wearing gem studded   crowns.
2828.That  Rakshasi   when she kept her shaking feet   with  alarm,And wailed  , it  looked like  that  the asuras like Khara, Who had   shining   spear wealth  , like the God of death Were preparing for their death   in the   cruel    angry war  ,And  Soorpanakha  stood erect   and  it looked like,The black   dark clouds    were  giving rise  to rain of  blood.

2829.That Soorpanakha  born in an ancient asura clan  , which has ,Never  been approached   by sorrow , raised   up in the sky,Due to great sorrow, fell  on the earth  , and cried lying there,Became tired,   crushed  her  palms and then rotated ,Fainted  ,  woke  up   from that   faint  after some time,And muttered  , ”This  sorrow  is because I was born as a girl.”
2830.. She rubbed  the nose that   was bleeding  , let out  hot breath,Like that from the bellows  of the black smith  , beat  with her hand on earth,Caught  her  very big breasts and stare at it  , sweat all over,Ran around    with her powerful  legs   and after running,And then due   to too much of bleeding  got    tired.

2831. That Soorpanakha who was wandering in the  blood slushy mud   created by,The blood which was   flowing like a stream from her, being unable   to bear the pain,Shouted  and wailed  hearing which even devas  were scared and    started  running away,And she started   calling   the names of people    for her clan, whom even God of death  were scared.
2832. “oh mountain like elder brother who lifted  Kailasa which  is  the   abode of Shiva,Who holds the fire in his hand, when you exist in this world with  the stable fame,Is it not insult to your fame that  people who do penance carry the  bow and walk?Is it proper for you to stand scared   without lifting your head  before Devas. Please see me.”
2833. “Oh  mighty Ravana   who is  more powerful  than the trinity  who do not get weakened ,At the deluge   as well  as  all devas   as well as Asuras, Is the saying that ” when the   mother tiger Is nearby Its tiger calf cannot   be caught  by others   and tormented”  which the people.Of this earth , surrounded by the sea , false?.Would you not come to see my present suffering?”
2834.”Oh Ravana  , who fought with Indra   who came   to war driving  his   elephant,And came shouting helped by all devas   , you  destroyed him in war   and made him,Run away showing his back to you   becoming greatly jittery and scared?Would you not come to see my present suffering?”
2835.”Oh Ravana, who took   the sword Chandra hasa  when it   was given by hands of  Shiva,You made   the God of wind , the god of water , the  God of fire, the cruel God of time Yama,Sky  , the planets   doo menial jobs    for you as per your order. Have you become  ,Powerless   to fight with these two men  and have changed    your strength?”

2836.”Oh Ravana who could keep  his  twenty shoulders erect and have a strength  ,To fight  war , who produced   streaks of fire when  he is walking  ,Who broke the tusks of the eight elephants carrying  the world  and who could ,Powder   the mountains, even if a person  is like God of love   who lost ,His body due to the    anger of Lord Shiva , they are  like the dust  below   your sandals,Would you not get angry    at such people?”
2837.”Has  the  Ravana  and his brothers   who are  blessed with the power  of destruction,Of the devas  who wear  the Karpaga   flower garland with the scent of honey ,Lost that power and has that power   gone and settled   down among  men,Who have blood running in their body  and are feed for the Rakshasas. This is strange.”

2838.”Does this indicate   the power and strength  of the sages   who live  hiding,In this dense   forest scared  of Rakshasas or   does it indicate   the weakening ,Of the power   of Rakshasas?.Is he lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu   or  Lord Brahma ?Oh Khara    who is always powerful, would you  not  bother   about my sorrow?”
2839. “In your palace   where Indra  and Lord Brahma    and all devas ,Are obeying your orders and attending to menial jobs , Where  ,The consort of Indra is singing  “Long live song”  , Where  all people ,On earth salute you and praise   you and where   you  are   sitting,Under royal   white Umbrella  , how can I come   without shame ,And show you my face  in which the nose and ears have been cut off.”
2840.”Oh Brother who uprooted the mountain on which Lord Shiva sits.Is it proper for  me crying because that man pushed   me down,Making my chest crush  and roll  and   has cut off  my nose   ,And  is proudly looking at his  own shoulders  making me ,Support less and lonely  ?  Is this    not the forest where.Khara  rules? Is it proper    for me to attain   this state  ?”
2841.Oh Ravana  , who  has waged a  restless war against the elephants  ,That  are  in the  eight directions   and has broken their  tusk,Oh Ravana   who has a shoulders which are   shining with   your fame ,When I  have lost  my nose due to passion  and have   attained ,Shamelessly bad name  , Would  not   your fame  also get stained?”
2842. Oh my nephew   Indrajit  who destroyed  with roots the  Vidhyadharas,Who imprisoned  Indra who conducted   one hundred Aswamedha  Yagnas,And    who made   the devas do his menial jobs, when in these forest  two men ,Have cut off   my ears as well as nose together  , Is it all right,That  I who am a sinner   should die here alone   due to shame?”

2843. Oh  Indrajit   ,  once upon a time when   all the    seven worlds together  Waged a war against you , you drove all  of them in all  directions by your single bow,And chained  their king Indra   on both his legs  ,Would you not come to see the  strength of these  men?”
2844.Oh Khara and Dhooshana   who were born in the  clan of Rakshasas,Who wear  Gems which removes darkness  , who are  strong  and have long hand,And who have weapons which can even break a stone , are you also  sleeping,Like Kumbhakarna   who has weapons sharpened   by black smiths,And due to that  are   you not able to hear me when I call?
2845.When that   Rakshasi  was  crying and wailing  in various ways,And rolling on the dusty    floors  of the hermitage   in various ways Rama holding a huge bow  , who had huge shoulders   and  ,Who was like an emerald mountain  , after   completing   ,The rituals in river Godavari came walking back to the hermitage.
2846.When he came there , Soorpanakha   beat her  stomach with her hands,Making the   mud slushy    with the tears  she shed and the blood flowing out  from her,Said, “Oh Lord  , oh sir   for the crime   of my desiring your pretty body,See what has   happened to me , and then fell   before him.
2847.Rama with his matchless  great  heart understood that   she who had ,Kept her hair scattered  all around   has    done some cruel deed,And also understood that  only  his younger brother   had cut off  ,Her long nose   and ears  and he  asked her  “Who are you?”
2848.Hearing that she asked , “do you  not know me  ? I am the sister ,Of Ravana  , who has abolished  enemy talk from all the three  worlds,Who  is short tempered and carries a   cruel spear   which is  like  a leaf.”

2849.And then Rama   asked her , “Why did you leave the famous place of RakshasasAnd have come here   where we have  come to do penance   after  walking a long distance?And for doing what activity have you come here ?” and then she replied,“Oh Lord who is the medicine  for cruel  passion like the coal burning    in the fire,And makes us all suffer? Did I not come yesterday   also “
2850. When Rama asked her “were you the person with long   black eyes ,Resembling the kayal fish   looking like Goddess  Lakshmi,Sitting on lotus flower    with the scent   of honey  ,Who came yesterday    to see me  ? and she replied  ,“If the breasts  , the ear wearing  ear globes  and the flag like nose  ,Are cut off, Oh king of beauty   who has    very pretty eyes,Would not any great   beauty   be destroyed  ,oh king.”
2851,That Lord Rama  , after  breaking  in to a smile , looking  at the face ,Of his heroic brother  asked, “Oh valorous one, What crime did she commit,So that you have cut off  her dropping ear   and   long nose” and thenThat  valorous Lakshmana saluted    the   holy feet  of Rama and started telling.
2852, “ I do not know whether   she was searching for eating   something with her long teeth,Or whether  a group of cruel Rakshasas  were near her but I knew not the reason why,She  with her   evil eyes   spitting fire  and with an anger   which others cannot realize,She came running   looking at    Sita  “   told Lakshmana.
2853.Before Lakshmana   with a big curved   bow   could   complete ,What he was saying , That Rakshasi who had   enmity    with him,Said, “Oh lord   who has   watering places   in his kingdom,In which a pregnant she frog   seeing her  mate   sitting on a conch,Developed  a great love tiff   and was    stirring violently the water ,If a lady sees the other wife of her   husband   would not her  mind burn?”

2854.Hearing her words  Rama told her  “We came here searchingFor the cowardly Rakshasas who were experts  in wars of illusion,By which   they were   able to search and destroy   huge   complex of people,And so do not tell these cruel words and march towards   destruction,And run away from this forest where   sages of truth   are living  ,”And hearing all thrse words  of Rama , she started  replying.
2855.’If I tell  that the devas   like Lord Brahma   who do not   develop  ,White  hairs and folded skin , who are  very many in number  ,Are  paying tribute to my brother   and are citizens   under his ruleIt would not be proper  ,  as  any action done in haste  is not good.If you have sufficient wisdom    to keep on staying alive ,I have some thing   to be told    to you individually.”
2856. Ravana who has   ten heads   would cut  off the tongues,Of those   who tell him that , “the nose of your sister  has been cut  “,Is not one who is very modern and would say . “ by cutting the nose ,You have cut  off your clan  and so there  is no way for you to escape.Have you not   made the forests   wet by  dropping  of blood there.”
2857. If  you protect me and save my life  , I would save you   from Ravana,And  if you do not do so , my brother    Ravana would completely eliminate you .And there  is no  one   among devas who protect the heavens ,Or among those   kings who protect  the earth   or  the kings who  protect The serpents for they would    only to try  to protect their  head  being cut  ,And would not   protect  your body and would try  not to die.”

2858.”Normally    those   ladies who are  imprisoned   in the fence,Of  chastity     would not   say about their greatness  themselves,In spite of that  I am telling it  to you , because my love towards  you,I am the sister of Ravana    who is much stronger   than  devas,And I am stronger than every one in this world  ,Would  you not tell  this to your brother”
2859.”I would protect you in big wars.I would  be able to carry you  ,Through  the path of sky to any place   that   you would desire to go,I am capable of bringing   many types    of fruits   which are   as tasty as meat,Why  do   you hate and want to  destroy  ,all those   who guard   you,I would be able to give you  anything that   you desire  by mind,And I am not able to understand how this  flower like lady would be useful to you.”
2860.”Due to birth in a high clan , due to culture of doing good,Due to my ability to bring    anything that is wanted   by you ,Due to intelligence , Due to innocence  and due to my beauty,All the people of earth as well as heaven , would  not be able    ,Tell any other   lady   that they know   as one  equal to me  .”
2861.”You have cut off my nose , what did I lose by that  ?If you accept me   within a second    I would be able to remake it ,I would also gain lot of beauty and I would also get  your merciful habit,After that    would  there be any     short coming to my feminineness,Is it not true   that high and long nose   is common to ladies?”
2862. “Is it not true    that those who are  needed   are not liked,And if your mind loves me   , would not   my soul become yours?Is not the beauty   which  is desired by all  , a type   of poison ?Would you not accept me  ,when I take the form which is liked by my husband?”
2863.Oh Lord  who was    formed  by the joining  of Shiva, Brahma who sits on the lotus  , The great Vishnu   and the Indra with Vajrayudha   and has a  very pretty form.Because   the God of love   is troubling the souls  of every one  ,Using his flower  arrows   and is not merciful  ,Like your younger brother  , is he also your younger brother?”

2864 . “Oh Lord who wears   heroic anklets    made   of gold  ,Is there any reason for cutting off my nose   and making it in to a big hole?I would take the sweet and pretty form that  I had   before,My nose   was cut and then go away from there  .and if you  had cut  my nose  ,Thinking   that  I would not go anywhere   and no body  would look at me  ,You have done a great mistake   and It is due to my knowing the truth  ,My love to you got   doubled. Am I one  who is not wise enough?”
2865. When those Rakshasas   who are boiling with anger   and having a long spear  ,Come to know of this cruelty done to me   and look at   you with anger ,And due to that    would    completely    destroy all   the world   and so,Remembering   your Dharma   the people   who are with  great families .Please   do not  do any deed   that   would   bring bad name to them,And so avoid doing this act which will bring bad name to you  ,And  be kind enough   to live with me.”   Said Soorpanakha  and saluted him,
2866.”Oh cruel Rakshasi  , I am still having the   arrow   which killed Thadaga ,Who  is   the mother   of your mother   and you being  one who caused ,The world unbearable   harm also  , know that I have been born in this    world  ,To do penance  and destroy the Rakshasas who have great strength ,Of shoulders and densely formed   flower garlands   and who have ,Enmity with me   and so leave these cruel habits and run away  .”
2867.Rama again told ,  “We are the sons of Dasaratha who ruled the world,And have come  in obedience  to the    words  of my step mother To this  forest which is scented and as per the desire   of those ,Who chant the Vedas  and those    who do great  penance  ,We want to completely uproot    all the Rakshasas  along  ,With their big army  and  would go back to the   city of Ayodhya,Which has  houses  which are similar   to the great mountains ,Please  think about of all these    and understand it properly.
2868.”Without standing in front of Rakshasas   who do not follow good habits,The devas who lived for a long time  were  all defeated   and ran away ,If you are intelligent do not consider    both of us as after all   only   men,If you  bring  , those Rakshasas  wearing garlands     and  holding     spears ,Those Rakshasas who have won victory  over Yakshas   and others  ,And all those   whom you consider as  strong  , we  would kill them in front of you.”
2869.Then she said, “Oh person of Kosala country  which produces lot of paddy,Due to its having good water   resources  , Without   finding fault  on  me   as one,Whose teeth of upper palate     are long and protruding outside  and one having a large  mouth,Please show   your grace    and mercy on me  and then you can kill Rakshasas,You can understand  their   acts of illusion  even before ,  you can win over all the  kings,You can get over the   black magic acts   of theirs   and    you can get over,All the cheating acts of Rakshasas with my help . “  said that Rakshasi called  Soorpanakha.
  2870. “I understand that you would not part   with your wife ,Who has bamboo like shoulders  and  would I also be a great burden,If you are interested   in fighting a war with the  strong  Rakshasas  who cheat  ,I would   understand their tricks  that they use by their five sense   organs  ,Which are cheating which lead to senselessness   and prevent them,After all  they say the feet   of one serpent   is only known to another.

2871.  “If you say that you have  one lady who likes you and  want to marry you,And if you think of waging   a war against Asuras  , Me , you and your brother  ,Would fight with them   and make   that battle field in to a tank of blood,And gain victory  and if you think that  this event is not likely   to happen,Then make me live with your brother “ said   the sister of Ravana,Who once   waged a war  and imprisoned  the sun and moon.
2872.”On the day that  you all go back to    Ayodhya  , the city of festivities,I would assume a form you like   and even if your brother  is one  ,Who has anger that never goes away   and even if  he tells,That I would  not  live with one who has a cut nose and ears  ,Oh Lord,  Have you not lived    for a long time with one  who has no waist.”
2873.Looking at that  Soorpanakha     who told like this, Lakshmana  ,After looking at   his spear  with a shape of a leaf   and asked Rama“If I do not kill her  here itself then she    would   greatly sorrow,What is your order regarding this?”  Rama said,“The words   you said are  proper   and if she does not   go away,Do accordingly “ And Soorpanakha   understood that  , they would,Not agree to her proposals   and that  she would lose her life.
2874.”Would I  patiently    continue to live   with  my long nose  ,Two ears   and my two breasts  which were  making me pretty  being cut off ?What I have been doing here   was only an act   of   cheating  , to make you understand,I would  now itself  bring Khara   who is  more powerful than  wind as well as fire  ,Who is very cruel   and who is the  God   of  death   who is going to kill you  all”Saying like this   with  great anger  which had not cooled down , She went away.

See also  Chapter 14 – The Bhagawad Gita

6.Kharan   Vadha Padalam

The chapter of killing of Khara
(Soorpanakha then goes    and complains to her Cousin Khara as to what has happened . He then  sent fourteen chiefs to kill Rama. In spite of Lakshmana wanting to fight the battle  , Rama prevents him for doing it and  kills all the fourteen chiefs. Hearing this Khara  comes along with his army . All of them including Trisiras and Dhooshana are killed by Rama  . In the war with Khara, the bow of Rama breaks and Varuna gives the bow of Lord Vishnu to Rama.
    Valmiki mentions only about 14000 soldiers with Khara. There is no mention of the breaking of the bow of Rama  and Varuna giving a new bow   in Valmiki Ramayana.)

2875.That lady (Soorpanakha)  who was with flowing blood, With loose hair,With  watershed  hole like nose  and   a very   broad     mouth  ,Like the cloud spread   on the reddish sky   fell on  both feet of the  great Khara.

2876.It wasa the day   when those   Rakshasas    would   face   destruction,And like drum which is being played  as per the orders   of God of death,Soorpanakha made    great sound by her wailing  and  like   the struggling snake ,Which was hit by  fire like   thunder   from the clouds , rolled  on the earth.

2877.That Khara    whose    eyes were drowned   by blood  oozing out of her nose  ,And  one who has a mouth from which   smoke  comes out as and when a word  was uttered,Looking at her asked ,” Who are  those  shameless  people  ,Who have brought you to this state  . Please tell me who they are?”

2878.Hearing that she replied , “They are   two human beings who are   sages,And were seen holding  a huge  bow and a great sword  in their hands,They had a  body of the god of love  who travel in the   path of Dharma,They are the sons of Dasaratha   and are  the  ones who are searching Rakshasas  for fighting.”

2879.”They are least bothered   about your strength   and they   both want ,To establish Dharma after   examining    various   paths  leading to Dharma,And as a  policy they have decided  that they will  kill all asuras who hold the spear.”
2880.”THe young lady with them  has prettiness  that cannot be seen on this earth  ,AS well as   in the difficult to see heavens   or in patala   and thinking about it,She does not have any one else     who is equal    to her in  her  beauty  ,And though  I have seen her with my eyes I cannot describe her by my mouth.”
2881.”After seeing    such a lady  who  had beauty beyond  imagination  ,I decided that  I will take her    to Ravana   who is the king  of Lanka,And  when I was   preparing to jump at her  ,  those men got angry  ,And completely cut   off my nose  “  She said to them.
2882.That  Khara  who used   to make the beings of the    world   shiver  ,And made the eyes of those who looked at him   burn down,After hearing these   words , saw her nose which was like ,The unearthed    fruit of the palmyrah  palm   , with his  eye,Jumped up and told her  , “ show me those  people” and started from there.
2883.After  telling this Khara stood up  with fire  of anger  coming  out of his eyes,Which could make  all the seven worlds   burn and turn in to powder  ,And that Khara whose mind was   boiling  said  “now all humans are no more”,And he further said, “would those  who   make the bad  name to us not  get destroyed.”

2884.And then when he summoned his chariot  his fourteen army chiefs,Who were   sitting by  his side  , who were like fourteen mountains each with two hands  ,Who were  each capable   of lifting    the earth   just   by their one hand,Said to him,  “Please  allot this job of war   only     to us,”

2885.Those Rakshasas   were  having arms   that could fight    with trident   , sword  ,Axe  , iron rod, and wheel  , who could  make all   beings   of this    earth  ,Scared   by their sound   and had   bodies like Halahala poison.

2886.Those Rakshasas   who were    boiling   with  anger of fire   addressing Khara told,“Oh great chief  , are you going to fight with  anger with devas  and we say  that,“our job as slaves is good.”,  if it is  “no”, “if you go to fight with this men,How can we continue  to live in this world with respect “ and stopped him.

2887.  Khara said , “well said   , if I go and fight   against these  human lads,Devas  will laugh at us   and so you please   go  and   fight with   them,And   then drink their blood  , destroy   their principles , and come back,With the tender  girl who is with them”,  Ordered  he to them,

2888.As soon as Khara ordered like this , with joy they saluted him  ,And along with the shameless  lady who told the   news  and went as if,They are emissaries   of God of death  , went behind her  ,And reached   the place where  sons of Dasaratha   was staying.

2889.Soorpanakha  pointed   out  with  her  hand ,That lotus eyed  Rama   who was meditating  on the faultless,And divine feet of that Lord Vishnu   who has one thousandAncient  names  to them who were   experts in tumultuous war fare .

2890.With one saying  “we will catch   and crush them”  , another   saying,“we will catch them by hand “ and yet others saying  , “we would ,Tie both of them with long rope”  , they decided   that  they  would,Complete   the job  as per the words of their leader  ,and surrounded Rama,Just like   fourteen mountains   have   surrounded   him.

2891.That Rama who had the truth  which is praised   by all,Told Lakshmana to protect Sita   and using his   big hands  ,Which were like the flowering Karpaga   tree  , tookA mountain like  bow whose strings were  attached already.
2892.That Rama who had pretty eyes   resembling the red lotus flowers .,Took hold of the bow   along with a sword   , tied   his quiver  ,Moved away from   the hermitage  said, “Hey come to the  war”,And with  a very joyful shoulders   started   that fight.
2893.Then Rama  cut and made to fall down    the axe  , sword  , the shining Tridents  and the   pillar like   twenty eight hands   of  those Rakshasas,Who were looking like    the fire    at the   final deluge  by his arrows which never miss their aim.
2894.Though their long sword  bearing   hands   were   cut like trees and had fallen down,Those army chief continue to fight with    the power  of their chests  ,And due to the powerful arrows of Rama    hitting them, Their heads were   cut off   and fell down    and that  bad one ran away from there.
2895.That Soorpanakha    who was  like a she   elephant  , seeing all the male elephants,Being killed by an  angry  and cruel lion , running  holding its trunk above    her,Went    to Khara    who was armed with a  lustrous spear   and told the news.
2896. That  cruel Rakshasa  named Khara  who by his valour  cannot be prevented by,Lord Shiva   riding   on his bull, as soon as he heard   that his army chiefs  have been killed ,Became   so angry that   the blood within him   seem to come out  of his eyes.
2897.Khara who could shout and make    the lions   living in the caves  ,Shiver   with fear   said, “Please  bring    my chariot   here  and arrange ,For all my weapons to be brought   and let   my servants   goSpeedily  and within a second  play the war drums   so that,The noise like   the  thunder falling  on the elephants   is heard.”
2898. AS soon as the war drums were  played  , the Rakshasa  army  ,Which had chariots assembled there   like the numberless  ,Clouds  bearing rain   coming together   and due to this,The land of devas    as  well as the land of serpents  became sad.
2899.As soon those war drums    raised   a very huge sound “bom”,The  army of asuras   rose   for the war   like the   waves of the ocean,Along with its huge shoulders   and  endless   tumult  ,Resembling  the black sea   resembling the cloud rising  at deluge .
2900. The entire forest was filled up densely   and hid the sky  ,And the flags of chariots  which were   long as well as high  ,Were waving and  looked like ghosts   telling the world,Soon all   the hunger    that we have     would come to an end.
2901.Those Rakshasas   who were like the crowd of elephants  in rut,With two trunks  , which had  just broken from its ties   and ,Which were   not bothered    by any one  ,With one sword   rubbing against another  giving rise    to fire sparks  ,Made   the entire   forest look as if it was  covered by fire  ,

2902.With the   sound created   by playing of war drums  on both sides  ,Getting mute due to the sound of   the rolling of wheels of umpteen chariots,And appeared  like darkness swallowing   Sun God  who is personification of mercy.

2903.Similar  to all the huge  mountains    from all over ,The  endless seven worlds  coming together   and  the earth,Which is carried by   the   serpent called   Adhisesha  ,Was  not able to stand   with  balance due to  the heavy burden,And making its back bend and  become unstable. .
2904.The  number   of the Rakshasas in that army was like  ,Crowd of tigers, crowd of clouds, tall standing mountains,And not all this ,  but that  army of lions and could be  ,Counted  as   several  times    ten thousands,
2905. Yaalis were tied  , Lions were tied  , Ghosts were tied,Tigers   were tied  , dogs were tied  , foxes were tied  ,Devils were   tied  and   Horses  were  tied to the chariots.
2906 .Bulls were  tied  , pigs  were tied  , wind like  ghosts were tiedDonkeys were also   tied   to the chariots    and There were   those tied with eagles ,And they were  all capable   of    going round the earth  ,As soon as mind thinks about them   and  The conches boomed.

2907.The crowds of chariots neared  , Elephants   with small eyes,And red faces   which were like   clouds  neared,The horse army which can travel like wind neared,The huge army of  Rakshasa army   which were like, The God of death  were  also marching.
2908-2909.They were  carrying    arms like axe  , spears  ,Strong swords  , pointed weapons  , throw spears  ,Huge spears  , Huge stones  , small  knives called Musundi  ,The iron staff  ,  the trident  , pestles , the rope of death,Small spears , Vajrayudha  , sticks  , Bindipalas  ,Countless arrows  , Wheels  , the cruel round weapon,The White conches  , Fire  Sticks , Kappanas and ropes .
2910.All these   which were  lustrous  and made  the Sun,And the    Fire scared  and were    filled   with blood and flesh  ,And had   caused great sorrow   in previous battles  ,And wore the garland of Vagai flowers  and were all near each other.
2911. The commanders of the   Rakshasa   army   had  the strength,Of   several thousand elephants  , had mouths    which  could,Swallow the earth itself  ,  had eyes   which burnt like    fire,And these were   under the control   of fourteen chiefs.

2912.One army   division consisted   of sixty  lakhs  soldiersAnd the entire     army consisted    of fourteen such divisions  .This is how the   strength    of the army was enumerated.
2913. They all possessed great strength  , had a voice like thunder ,Had weapons   that could be thrown by hand  ,They all had got several boons by the God   who sits on lotus,They were  so tall that   clouds thinking   they are  mountains,Used to take rest on    their heads, they had lot of pride,And   they had    come there   with the thought  of killing  their enemy.
2914.They had bodies   which measured  the sky    and could be seen,Only if we stand erect  , they had chests   which cannot be measured  by eye ,They were so strong that   they could measure   the earth with their feet,And  they had won over devas   in several wars and were   famous due to that.
2915. They had such strong shoulders    that   the weapons,Which were thrown at them by devas  as well as Indra  ,Were  ejected  without wounding them   and later got powdered,They had that much power that even God of death saluted them,And  obeyed   their commands and   they had a form,Which looked as  if the burning fire has taken their forms and had come there.
2916.They  were   holding the spear    and the   rope  ,And had red   fluffy hair  , fearlessness  and long upper teeth.They   were so black that   even the poison was whiter  compared to them,And    due to their   power  , It could be doubted  whether they are indeed God of death.
2917. Those who wore  anklets  , those who wore garlands  ,Those  who wore   armour over   their chests ,Those who lustrous ornaments  , Those  who lift their forehead due to angerThose who has red hair resembling fire  , those had  enthusiasm  in mind,To participate in war   and they   who had  achieved  unity within.

2918.Even  the Indra  , the king of devas  who had  a elephant in rut  ,With unbreakable    tusks   , if he happen to see them without intention  ,Would show   his back and run away   and they who    did not have anyone,To face them in all the three  worlds   to oppose   those,Rakshasas    were with    shoulders like    the   top of mountains.
2919.   They with faces  of  Elephants , horses, devils  , monkeys .Big lions  .the cruel  bear with great anger  ,dogs  . tigers   , Yalis Making those who see   them scared   had   faces  like fire,And  they were like the poison that got collected   in the ocean of milk.
2920.Among them very large   number   of Rakshasas   were with eight hands  ,Or With seven hands    or  with seven or eight    fire   spark emitting eyes,Or With  strong legs , or those   who get joy  by   catching  all beings ,Whom they see   by   their strong powerful hands  And putting   them in their mouth and eating them  .
2921-2922.Those  which were robbed    from Yakshas, those  left by Asuras ,When they   were   defeated  , those   they usurped    from devas ,After making them faint by their illusion   by their   power  ,Those they got   by chasing away Gandharwas    who never become tired,And those they got from saints  by making them suffer  , were  those flags,Peacock feathers  , big    hangings  , the  big flags   which were kept on  elephants,Several type of gems, and  all these   were  spread   everywhere  ,And since they were    densely there  in the sky  , the sun light became dim.
2923.  Those   fourteen leaders   of the divisions  were those   ,Who got victory    in all the    fourteen worlds  , and they commanded a huge army  ,They also had axes  , lifting  big swords  , possessed  lustrous    spears  ,And had an anger like lion and tiger and used to make others   suffer.

2924.  They  had   the bow  , had   the   sword, had   teeth   with which,They pressed    their teeth , had the power   to uproot even Mahameru mountain,Had   chariots    drawn by   horses , had a strong  mind which made   them,Capable of doing anything  exactly   as they  desire   and had   strong minds  ,And   those  people    surrounded    Rama   from all the directions.
2925 Army chiefs like   Dhooshana   and Trisiras   who can,Take out the soul from the body of valorous heroes,And who   wore victory garlands   and other army chiefs ,Came and surrounded  Khara along with  armies  with,The huge sound    raised   by  their war drums.
2926.With a huge sea of soldiers   capable  of hurting the  enemy  ,Surrounding him like they  surround the  Meru mountain touching the sky  ,Khara   who rode  in a   stable chariot  , who has   high shoulders,And one  appeared  scary    to all others, appeared   there.
2927. When  Elephants     whose    water   of rut flows   like a stream , horses,Chariots   with golden kalasa   and  the Rakshasas   of four types of army ,Walked on earth   , the dust that   rose   reached    sky   and  because of that,The green horses  of Sun God  and his golden chariot  became   white.
2928.When that very angry army  which was  like an ocean,Started from there , due to  the   great dust   that  rose ,All the forests were covered with dust   and also ,Mountains  growing up to the sky  and the clouds  on them,Were  also covered by this dust  , the ocean was filled up  ,What else    needs to be told    after   this?
2929.Due to  earth and sky becoming    densely   crowded  ,Those   cruel Rakshasas  who had chosen to  kill in war  ,Whose  mind was boiling  , resembling   mountains ,Travelling on mountains  , jumped from one mountain to  another mountain.
2930. Soorpanakha  like   the diseases   which  are  within the body,And cannot be  cured and had   the capacity to kill     all beings,And give them to God of death   and which cannot   be avoided ,Even by very wise people who have got rid  of  all attachments  ,Walked in front   and   that  army   which was  like the sea ,Reached   near   the place    where  the charitable   Rama was there.
2931.The   Rakshasa Army   came  with playing   of instruments   and drums,That made  the clouds in the sky scared, with twang of their long  bows,Making thunders   scared   and confused   and With their shouting  ,Making  the oceans scared  and shivering   and reached  ,The hermitage in the   forest where  those   experts in war were  staying.

2932. The birds and animals of that  forest   seeing   that  huge army  ,Became confused , developed dry mouth  , had  pain in their body Did not take    rest any where  on the way  , were  looking up,And taking deep breath   , developed dim eye sight   and rushed ,Looking like  spies   who  wanted to tell Rama   ,The arrival of the huge army   before any body else  .
2933.The rising dust came     in front of the army and settled down,The trees  and bushes broke   due to being trampled   by the feet,Of those Asuras   making   a sound “Chada, chada”  ,The lions and Yalis in the forest ran helter-skelter ,Due to great fear    and hearing the  great sound  ,Due to all these  ,Those two with big shoulders ,Thought   that   the Rakshasa  army has come to fight with them.
2934.Rama  Looked   at,   his younger brother   who was  holding,A bow   shining like lightning , who had tied  on his hips  ,Who had a quiver   full of sharp pretty looking   arrows Who was greatly angry  , who was telling   him,“Stop   and be pleased to see  my skill in war”And was ready for  war and standing before him,  and told.
2935.”Oh valorous one  , I have a request to you .Please  with great attention take care  of the safety of Sita  ,Who is wearing flowers    that have maddening   scent  andI would  protect  my word given   to the sages  who are doing great penance  ,Which was given earlier that  ,”I would myself kill the Rakshasas”.
2936.Seeing   that army which was   occupying   all the area of the forest  ,And thinking that  it is the army of Khara  ,Rama who was  black in colour,And had  lotus  flower like eyes  , tied the quiver , which was full of arrows,On his shoulder   and wore an unbreakable    armour  and tied the sword.
2937.Then  Lakshmana said  , “Oh Brother   who is as strong as Yali,Even if   all the beings of heaven and earth come before   me,To fight a war   where there is no return ,  would not the life time,Of all those beings    end that   day itself? Is there   a need,For me to tell you about that ?   So please  give me  this war,And see to it that the laziness   of my shoulders is removed?”
2938.Though Lakshmana told like this , Rama did not agree  to that,Though he  understood in his mind the greatness   of the valour of his shoulders,And Lakshmana unable  not to obey the command   of his brother  ,Saluted him by folding his pretty hands   and with tears dropping down,Went near the    sorrowing Sita    and stood guard    for her.
2939. With Sita who was like a branch having flowers similar to   the moon ,Wearing ear studs  , becoming  weak and sad , Rama emerged  out of,That hut with leaves as  roof   carrying a huge bow  which was like,The Meru mountain   and came in to the sight  of those   Rakshasas,Who were shouting like clouds   and who had   very sharp teeth  ,Like   a huge male line emerging   out of its  mountain cave , with great anger.
2940 . That Soorpanakha  , who was like the cruel fire  produced  ,By the rubbing of  Bamboo plants   touching the sky  , getting ,Ready to completely destroy the   clan of   her birth,Pointed out Rama who came out of the hut   and told  ,“This  one   who is ready  for war,  is the valorous hero Who has enmity   with us and he is called   Rama..”
2941.That  victorious Rakshasa warrior  Khara   who had mountain like shoulders,And who was   standing   with enmity on a golden chariot   which was   shining ,And making even the sun god depressed ,  saw  Rama    and looking at  his soldiers,Told  that “I  would myself fight   this great   war alone, destroyThe power of this man and would    wear    the garland of victory today.”
2942.Khara further told “If people say   “He is only one man  and for   the powerful  army,Of Rakshasas  which is very powerful  , there  is no place to stand in this forest  ,.It  is surprising”, What would be the use   of victory that   we will get,And so   all of you   stand watching   and I would alone,Make this man who sis our flesh food   and drink his soul.”
2943.One  very leared Asura   called Akampana   after   hearing  these words  told.“Oh sir  , who has  the greatest valour among those   having   very great valour  ,It  is great   to be  harsh and cruel in a battle  ,but I am seeing many ill omens here,”And then he  started    describing   them in detail.
2944.”Oh valorous one  , After   the booming of clouds there  is rain of blood,The  Sun is surrounded  by a circle  , the crowd of crows   after  fighting  ,Sitting on your flag are    falling down  and rolling in the ground” think  about them.
2945.”Flies are circling the wounds made by the swords  , the left eyes,And shoulders of your  soldiers are twitching  ,The horses   of  the great army chiefs   are  sleeping   and falling down  .Dogs join with  the foxes   and are   making   peculiar   sound.”
2946. “The female elephants    are  letting out water   of rut and  in case,Oh huge male elephants    , their   huge tusks are    breaking and falling down,The earth is trembling and shaking  , Thunders  are falling from the sky ,The   great directions are catching fire and burning   and the  garlands,Worn over the  head of Rakshasas are  having the bad smell of rotten flesh.”
2947.”Since such ill omens are happening   judging him as a weak man is not proper  ,OH lord who knows justice  , even if you can take   all the efforts  for a war,He does not seem to be  one who can be defeated   easily  .Oh Lord   with the victory garland ,please  pardon my words, “Said Akampana.
2948.As soon as   he heard these words,  Khara laughed making all ,The world shake   and said, “My shoulders   which like  mortar  ,Have made the devas in to a paste   and which are shaking ,Are now very happy  demanding me to  fight   the war,Would we submit to a man? Our valour  seems to be good.”

2949.As soon as this was told   , like many  angry  elephants   encircling  a lion,Which had pure lustrous mane , that Rakshasa army  encircled the  son,Of the king of kings   and that crowd of   very angry Raksasas,Throwing very many types of weapons surrounded  Rama with sound like thunder.
2950.When the Rakshasa army encircled him like that  , the huge   bow,In the hands of Rama started  bending   and let  us now tell,About the war that happened   at that time   and also its result Due to the arrows of Rama  making hole in to them the swiftly moving,Horses   fell down and rolled   and  the elephants   with red dots  in their face ,Suffered and fell down like huge mountains  , as if thunder has struck them.
2951. The spears were broken , the lustrous axe  were  cut in to pieces,The swords   were uprooted  , The Iron rod weapons     were broke,Bindi palas    were broken  , arrows were broken  , the spears  ,Which had the mouth that split were broken   and bows   and Opalla arrows were broken.
2952.The heroic anklets    were broken in to pieces  , Along with arms  ,The  huge iron rods were broken  , the legs of elephants in rut were cut off  ,The flags   as well as axils   of huge chariots were   cut  ,Horses    were   cut in to pieces  , the heads  of animals were cut  ,The Pestles   along with huge   iron rods   were also broken.
2953.The cruel arrows     that were   sent by Rama   went  through  ,The  horses and the seatsWhen Rama   , the black elephants    in rut   and speedily  ,Went towards   all directions  . The  stream like   blood,Was standing here and there, The chests  of several  asuras ,Were broken and   their  head   also was cut off.
2954. When Rama  , who was born in the clan of Raghu  sent rows   of arrows Like one , ten , hundred   , thousand and crore   and innumerable   numbers Which killed   his enemies and pierced   the heads  of many mountains,The  heaps of corpses  of those  Rakshasas were  lying in several rows.
2955. When   the branches of black  luxurious trees   caught   fire,Due  to  the burning   of that fire  , the  bodies without heads  ,Being heated  , with blood   flowing on them twitched  and shook.And those sharp  arrows  of Rama after  cutting the Rakshasas,Which went speedily on to the sky  , not being satisfied,With cutting the bodies are going to kill their souls in the heavens.
2956. The cruel arrows of Rama    which were like the long eyes of ladies,Caused scare    to the Rakshasas  cut off  their  hands , holding the sword  ,Cut off their neck   , broke open their bodies   wearing armour  ,Cut off their legs   and   made their red heads   scatter  ,And went away   to   see the boundaries  of  different directions.
2957.Those arrows   of Rama showering constantly   were like rain,Cut off the mountain like  bodies of Asuras   and heaped them,And they looked like   big banks of  lakes   and rivers,And filled   those   rest of the areas    with blood  ,And this made  the look of the forests   very much  different.
2958.Then the blood rose  giving    rise to waves   and looked ,Like a ocean of blood  and in that sea the cut heads ,Of the Asuras floated  , big flesh pieces floated,Elephants with trunks   floated  , The horses ,Which jumped    floated  , The big bows   floated ,And the chariots   along with    the flags   floated.

2959. At that time   some very strong   Rakshasas,
Looking at this,  with  fire   coming   of their eyes,After  greatly shouting  , like a huge  mountain,Surrounded by clouds   showering white rain drops,Threw at Rama   cruel long arrows  , and also  ,Several powerful weapons   which are  capable of cutting the enemy.
2960.Rama  using   his arrows  cut off all the weapons   that were,Showered on him by the Rakshasas and made them scatter in all directions,And cut  off several heads  of Rakshasas , made them in to a mountain heap,And made the earth twitch due to great load and filled up the forest.
2961.At that time  the bodies without   head danced  , the dead elephants,Got drowned   in that stream of hot and red   blood , huge ghosts  ,Due to great anger  ate the bodies of Rakshasas  with great fat content  ,And   the heavens also not  able to bear the  load , twitched its body.
2962.  Looking at Rama    who is an expert archer   and who  was like the Sun God,Who  shined  and broke open and removed   several  thousand darknesses   Very many   Rakshasas got very angry   and stared   at him  sharply,And like the lustrous   spear   , Similar to the   huge clouds   causing ,Rain of stones    at the time of final deluge   attacked him,By sending    various    types of arrows   continuously.

2963. That Rama who was holding the bow    killed   the  Rakshasas who came in groups,Those who came separately  ,  who came with enmity  and with very great anger  ,And who ran away from war  and came gain to fight  after  identifying   those ,Who threw at  him a particular weapon, after identifying   those who shot him with arrows,After identifying those who intended   to shoot a particular   weapon   and After identifying  those who dared to attack him , by using his very sharp arrows.
2965. The  heads that were    cut and pushed   by Rama   were  those  ,Wearing ear globes   and some of them    reached   the place of clouds,Some reached   the boundary of the oceans  , some  went and reached,The  stars surrounding the moon  , some went   and reached   the cruel forests,Some went and reached the  mountains  and some reached  the elephants  of the eight   directions.
2966.Rama’s arrows   which pierced   the body   of  the very strong    Rakshasas  , from whom,Blood was flowing   like   river from their wounds   and who thought   that ,Their strong chests     were   much more   powerful than  the Meru mountain,Exited from their body   and   some fell on the earth  , some on the top of mountains,Some  went above the clouds   , some went to the sky   where  moon was there  ,And   some went below   the   huge and tumultuous    oceans.
2967.Some Rakshasas   wearing flower garland  and had eyes which emit   sparks of fire  ,Some were    sending powerful , sharp  and cruel  weapons   at  Rama   and All those Rakshasas died due    to the rain of arrows  that Rama sent  ,And the bodies of those who died like that  went and joined   the ocean,And they got   the deva body which cannot be destroyed and those ,Beings who move    at night   happily  shouted  that “Rakshasas have been destroyed.”
2968.With  the livers of those dead Rakshasas  looking  like  lotus flowers  ,The  destroyed chariots   becoming    sand dunes  ,The  crowd  of floating dead  elephants   becoming   the crowd of   crocodiles ,Their  thick intestines   becoming    the lotus   leaves,  There   were   several lakes    of blood there  and in which the ghosts took bath.

2969. When those   fatal arrows   like torrential rain hit them,Some people shouted   for help  , some   fell down greatly tired,Some of them died  , some  ran away for a very long distance ,Some greatly sorrowed  , some took deep breath  ,Some rolled on the  ground  , some were caught  in the slushy mud ,Of the lakes  of blood  , Some fell on earth and died  and some broke down.
2970. Those fourteen  Rakshasa chiefs   who were   as cruel as the poison  ,That emerged   when  the milk ocean  when it  was churned Made fun of those  who retreated  and ran away before their eyes,And rode in chariots with very strong wheels  , were armed  with sword and spear  ,Were surrounded  by an army  which was  like ocean ,And were  also having a very huge bow   and together reached place  of Rama.
2971. They like the  Rakshasas   of Tripura who once surrounded  Lord Shiva  Who held a    a bow like Meru mountain, in  the sky  , surrounded Rama,Without bothering about him  and  the fire of anger   from their body,Coming  out through their eyes, and attacked  him with anger  ,And surrounded the great archer Rama  and waged a war at him.
2972. At that  time  many Rakshasas who had crescent shaped long ,Protruding teeth   sent Arrows    against Rama  , Many threw  spears at him,Some hit him with  axes, some hit him with round metallic staff,Many beat him with weapons  , many fought   and neared him ,Some of them uprooted mountains and rained   them on him.Some threw fire on him, some shouted   bad words at him Some chastised and shouted at him   and surrounded him like mountain.
2973.From the killing arrows that emanated   from the bow of Rama ,The beasts that  were attached to all their  chariots   died and reached the earth,The   huge   elephants    which were in rut     were all given in sacrifice,The  head of  horses with jingling bells  did not fit on their body,And thus those Rakshasas lost all their accompaniments  ,And because   of that  lost their confidence   and shivered   for their life.
2974.The rain of arrows pierced   the bodies  of that cruel Asuras  who had fainted,And the blood that  flowed from their wounds   were like river and hid the earth,The   crowd of Devas   who had assembled   in the sky  closed their eyes,And the emissaries of God of death  came speedily  like storm and took away soul of Asuras.
2975. On the  mountain cave like  mouth  of the mad Rakshasas, Who like to fight war   and  are the reason for ghosts   coming together,Several  dogs climbed inside  ,  also many jackals  came and climbed  on their head,And those Rakshasas   who were like fire , who were like huge  male lions  ,And who were like  thunder  appearing on clouds  came and crowded there ,And they   were killed by  the sharp , fire spitting arrows of Rama  and reached heaven.
2976.The heads of Asuras   were broken  ,their eyes which spit fire   were torn down,The elephants  which were tied  broke  in to pieces like  mountains on earth,The   arrows of Rama which were like  rain from clouds   scattered  and fell everywhere,And in all those  places   they spit fire like the fire place of black smith  and many asuras died.
2977.All others other than those great  fourteen army chiefs   , their chariots  And  big war  weapons  that they carried , who were very angry and neared  Rama,Were killed by the   arrows  of Valorous Rama   and drowned ,In the evil smelling   cruel sea of blood     and died.
2978.Those fourteen chiefs   looked all around  and were  not able to see,Even a single soldier   in the great army that  came surrounding them,With their head   attached    to their body , and  crashed  their  teeth  ,And with great anger , came in   speedy chariots and surrounded  Rama.
2979.Rama cut    those   fourteen chariots   which came near him,And surrounded   him   within the time of battling    of the eyes,By his arrows   and destroyed them  and having lost    their  .Wheels ,  horses and driver   they resembled,The mountains which were    thrown by  terrible cyclone.
2980.Once   their chariots were destroyed   those  fourteen chiefs,Got down making the earth split   and they who had   huge bows  ,Did not retire   and with eyes    giving out      sparks of fire  ,They sent arrows resembling thunder continuously  .
2981.Rama  then destroyed   all those   destructive    arrows  .By  his own arrows   and then Rama cut in to pieces  ,The bows of those fourteen chiefs by using fourteen arrows,And  completely   destroyed their power  to fight in the war.
2982.Since all those  chiefs   had  lost their bows  , with great  anger,They uprooted    mountains made   of stones   and   rose  up ,In the sky carrying them    and threw   those mountains,At Rama   with sparks of fire   flying   everywhere.
2983.That  very knowledgeable  Rama who had mastered   all arts ,Took fourteen arrows which had the shape of leaves   and ,Using his bow which did the job of killing  ,  sent them,After   arching   his   eye brows   and those  mountains,AS well their heads   became   in to pieces   and fell on earth.
2984, AS soon as those   army chiefs who were    the best among the army died,All other   Rakshasas came   waving their various    weapons   and with  fire like eyes  ,Reached  in front of Rama   and spread  all over the sky,And all the directions   and  hid themselves   and devas were  scared seeing this.

2985,The strong   big elephants  , like the huge war drums, shouted loudly,All the big strong     bows  with newly attached   strings  twanged,The conches   and horses  ,made great sound and the   roar ,Of those  Rakshasas which resembled  the  thunder boomed.
2986.Those weapons    that were thrown by the Rakshasas  covered the sky  ,And expecting   that   they would be   cut by the arrows of Rama   in to pieces,And fall down upon them,  the greatly scared   devas    ran away from there,All other   worlds   tottered and lost their spirit   and the elephants ,Which were carrying the world  like pillars  , closed their eyes   due to fear.
2987. That chief of that  great army   was having measureless  power  ,Wore  golden crown on all his three   heads   and was   an expert,In causing a rain of  very sharp arrows    from his great bow,And had   the form of the trident   Of Lord Shiva   with  three eyes.
2988.Then  that one called  Trisiras     standing in their   middle,Surrounded  by an army    which resembled the sea   at deluge,Which  were producing    great tumultuous       roars ,Came to  fight with Rama   , who did not have any comparison,Standing alone    and holding a bow   and appeared .Like a bright lamp   in the middle  of that pitch darkness.
2989 Trisiras     was   standing    with a big   shining   sword,He had a voice like thunder  , wore    a very huge armour  ,Had very cruel eyes and to oppose    his   very great Army,Rama    stood   alone surrounded    by the army of his   arrows2990. Due to arrows of Rama  , the legs   of Rakshasas    were cut  in the middle,Their head was   cut off  , their shoulders  were    cut off  ,Their thighs    were   cut off   , several   swords    were broken,Several   axe weapons were broken  , their power reduced and their  umbrellas were  cut.

2991.The flags of chariots were cut off . the kodinji (a part of chariot)  was broken ,The groups   of horses   were  killed , big chariots     fell on the ground,The  huge big sized elephants in rut    fell like   mountains,   hit   by   thunderFalling on their head,  fell down   and rolled  on the    earth.
2992.The valorous  Rakshasas  who did  not realize   that  their head  ,Has been cut   were   trying to   send arrows    from bows expected  to give victory,And those   whose head has not been cut    were   throwing weapons  ,Just like     the torrential rain falling      from the sky.
2993. The bodies    without heads   holding   the shield in their  long hands .Who have the form similar to the mountain  , wearing   an armour made of gold,Were shivering and twitching   and  moving about  , making the dancing girls  ,Of heaven who were wearing sandals   by imitating   several type of dance forms.
2994.In the rivers of blood  that were flowing  the  umbrellas were floating ,Giving the appearance of foam, the bodies   of dead elephants became the walls for these  rivers,The headless bodies   became deep whorls , in the cool watering places  ,Very many types of jewels were    brought    by this river and they dashed the sea.
2995.Due to being hit and    being killed   by the   cruel and powerful arrows of Rama  ,Some asuras   who had great strength   and had     bent long  upper teeth protruding out,Went to heaven    were able to  see   the dance  with their handicaps  of  ,Dancing  girls of heaven    with  long tresses   which are   visited by  honeybees.
2996. Some asuras  after  being killed in the war    and after  joining   the deva group.Along with   deva maidens who were wearing    great bangles   saw ,Their shoulders   which were cut off by arrows of Rama  being   dragged,By ghosts on one side  and by the dogs  which never leave  anything  Caught by their mouth  on the other side    and with joy laughed.
2997.Some Asuras    whose chest   has been split    by the chosen arrows of Rama ,With  their bad and good Karmas   disappearing    reached   the heavens, thought“The  army of those Asuras    was very long and Rama was fighting alone “ and were scared
2998.The scene of   the    arrows  of Rama     who had   hands  which were similar,To the tusk of the male elephant  , cutting  and uprooting   the crowd of cruel Rakshasas, Was similar   to,  a deceiver who was not cultured  telling false  witness of cruel words.
2999. Like a wasp with pretty wings  , converting    to its looks  ,Those worms which came seeking protection    with it,The  charitable   Rama surrounded the asuras  who were full of cheating, And with    his best arrows     , he made    them all  devas.
3000. Some of those   Rakshasas   who   were doing war of illusion  thought.
“Let us go and  meet Ravana    who carries a spear   and wears   a garland,That  one strong human being   who is a great man   ,Has killed very many Rakshasas   only by his strength,And let us   carry some dead bodies of Rakshasas   from this sea of blood    to Lanka.”
3001.Thinking that due to Rama’a arrows   have rounded up  and  split them,And killed the huge army that   was surrounding him  and when they  ,Fell on earth and rolled  , The army chief  called Trisiras   got very angry  ,And without any    delay , drove   his chariot  drowned    in to   the sky.
3002.That Trisiras who stopped    his chariot   in front    of Rama  ,Who was a the model of truth for every one   and   son of Dasaratha.Who never at any time    slipped away from Dharma   sent ,Thunder like arrows at him  just like   non stop rain  ,And hid   the    form of Rama  by covering him.

3003.Rama then sent cruel arrows   and cut off   all the arrows sent,And with   fourteen   great looking arrows destroyed his chariot ,Killed his cruel charioteer   and changed   the  path of war.
3004.Not only that   at the same  time, making    the devas    shout with joy  ,Using golden arrows    which had a very sharp tip  ,  he cut off .Two out of the three   heads   wearing golden crown   of Trisiras Who is a very cruel  Rakshasa  who committed great sins.
3005.That Rakshasa  whose chariot     was destroyed   and his nameTrisiras(three  headed )  no more suitable, not loosing his valour, From the bow that  could send arrows  of smaller length  ,Standing on the sly   made   a rain of arrows fall on Rama.
3006.The  Rama due to his great anger bent  his eye brows on the forehead.Along with hs bow which was  like     dark   rain bearing clouds,Continued the war without letting off   and nearing his enemy   .Like the wind entering in between  clouds   and scattering it  ,Cut the bow of Trisiras   with  his very indomitable bow.
3007Though he had lost his bow  , he did not  loose   the luster  ,Of his  face  that stares , he did not loose his cruel anger  ,He did not loose  his words that were like thunder,He did not loose    the strength of his shoulders ,He did not stop the stones    that  he was showering on Rama ,And he   did not stop  his turning  like wind fan.
3008.When Trisiras was standing alone   and was fighting   the cruel war  ,Like two hundred people   due to his magical powers ,  Rama cut off his two feet  .Using   two ferocious thick arrows and   with another  two arrows cut off  his shoulders.
3009.After his legs and hands   were cut off  , opening his mouth   ,Like a mountain cave  which was giving a smell of flesh, And showing his teeth  , when he was coming   to Swallow Rama,Rama looked at hm mercifully   and using   a long  victorious arrow  .He cut off the one more    head    that  was  remaining.

3010,When those peaks of the mountain  called Trisiras   fell on the earth,In spite  of the   Army chief Dhooshana trying to stop them,Not stopping    other  Rakshasas   who   were having sword with luster of Sun,Holding in their hands the  big shields  , started   running  away .,Through the blood   wearing the   fat livers   of the dead ones.
3011.Seeing the legs of running   Rakshasas getting entangled in  Livers lying on battle field,The devas  standing as a crowd in the sky    clapped   their hands in teasing  at those Rakshasas,Some other Rakshasas  ran   swiftly  on the earth carried by the serpent head  making holes on the earthSome slipped on the fat     ejected from the bodies of Rakshasas  andWent deeply in to that   slush   and some   while running    away to save their lives,Slipped and fell down on the corpses  which were  like hill lying   on  that  battle  field.
3012.   Some others who were running away  being cut in their  feet  ,By the swords and spears lying about became extremely    run down ,Some others   while trying to jump over the    river of blood  ,Fell in to it     and got drowned and others    try to swim   ,In that blood   and reaching   somewhere became helpless   to stand there.
3013.Some others who ran speedily   entered in to    the big holes ,Created by arrows of Rama  in the stomach   of very huge elephants,Along with their swords   and seeing there  the  bodies   without necks,Said, “Oh friend  , you   would say that   you have not   seen us  “And later lifted their hands over their heads and saluted  that incomplete body.
3014.Some others   without realizing  that  their own sword   which had  fallen down,Was cutting their feet  by encircling them  , assuming that Arrows of Rama were cutting them,Became scared   and fell dead there itself  due to fear  coming  there taking a  single form,And some of them seeing  that chest of all Asuras lying there   was filled ,With only   arrows sent   by   Rama  , did not proceed in that path.

3015. Looking at those Asuras   who were running away losing their maleness  ,And who   were   not trying   to do any further  methods    of Survival,  Dhooshana  ,Who was    riding on a chariot  to which  speedily jumping   and running horses   were attached  Exhorted, “Do not get scared  , I have    something to tell you   in this place”
3016.”Those men  who are  dilapidated    and ladies  who wear  bangles, Who  manage to  live with   the  fear   in their mind that  they    would  get a bad name  ,Would never get scared  for only    courage of the mind   is the only armour  ,That can protect your soul   in war for,  how can the characteristic of fear  ,And how can fear   provide     protection  to our life?”
3017.  “Oh  perplexed Rakshasas , in the war with Devendra    who holds a sharp spear,And those   Trinity  who never can die , where    you fought   with them  in front,How many Rakshasas ran  scared ?Did you learn to run away showing your back,From those    devas    who in earlier days     used to get scared  by us?”
3018”,Here just before a single human being   so many of you   who are valorous  ,Are running away showing your back and along with    the sword in your hand ,You are   trying to go back to your places and would you go there  and hug,Your wives   who had  passionate   eyes  with their  breasts pressing you?”
3019.”The   eyes    which turned very red   in the war   due to your great anger  ,Has now  turned  pale   and is   white  like milk and would you    show  ,The wounds in your back caused by tree branches  , while you,Are running   through   harsh forests    to your wives or show,The wounds    caused      by arrows   on    your broad chests?”
3020.”This man who has enmity towards  us   ,  fighting a very harsh battle , with great ability ,Is perhaps not there    to all devas  but  having seen  the nose being cut   off,Of the sister  of our great lord Ravana    who has  the strength  which  makes it,Impossible for  others   to fight with him   and  added to the fact   that,You are running away showing your back to the enemy,Would bring  such a bad name   to our Lord  , Is there  a worse act than this?”
3021.”Oh Rakshasas   who have adopted life   of   war  with emotion  ,Who due to their valour   the swords    from the   hands  of devas  in war,And are holding them, , after  leaving this life    would you become  ,Businessmen    who see gems like pearls    or are you   going to use ,Your sharp spear  and strong sword   as ploughs   and  cultivate?Please   tell me how you are  going to live further ?”
3022.Then he further told them  “You please   wait here   for sometime,And watch the strength   of my great bow and after  that,He along with his army which was similar to the ocean with waves  ,Went and fought     with Rama and seeing  its ferociousness ,Even Devas were greatly perplexed and startled and Rama,Told him “Protect your army “   and walked  against him.
3023.By the arrows of Rama , the  war weapons carried by  elephants,Were cut off including  their trunks   and very highly showing up   tusks,The chariots   which travel like wind   along with KOdinji   and collection of flags  ,Were cut off   and  the neck of  horses    were cut like red paddy   with awns.
3004.The  cruel arrows sent by Rama  speedily    went in search  of places  ,Where still life was remaining    and because  the waist belt and armour ,Of the   Rakshasas got untied   , those weapons speedily entered in side them,And the  blood from their body flowed like mountain streams,And these arrows pierced the shield held by  them as well as their body.
3025.The arrow called Gangabadra which was    chosen   with care by Rama,Went inside the body of the Rakshasas and pressed    their chest And  the crescent arrows   which did not enter their body  , cut the head of some of them,And some of the cruel arrows sent by Rama   went  inside  their chests,Through the armour that they were   wearing   and  some,Other arrows   went and  made  the chest of those cruel Rakshasas in to pieces.
3026.When all the cruel arrows which were sent by Dhooshana   were  cut off,When the   various weapons thrown by Asuras  near him were  destroyed,Rama who was interested in fighting the war  ,dried   up the sea ,Of tumultuous  assembled Asuras   who were all  matchlessly valorous  strong
3027.Seeing that the Devas    shouted  with great joy  and the great rivers  of blood,Dragged    the  trees and mountains that need to be destroyed  and the arrows  ,Sent by Rama  went to al directions   filled up  those directions  ,And made fall   all the angry asuras   who were there   and rolled them on  the earth.

3028. All those Asuras who had wanted to fight   were standing there   were killed,The God of death taking away their sweet   souls , which emerged  out .Continuously  became tired  and worn out. What is there   to tell about ,Those ghosts which went on eating  and filling up  their  useless belly   with the  slushy  mud  created  ,By the continuous flow of blood    and fat  from  the mountain heap  of dead Rakshasas?
3029. Then Dhooshana   seeing   the elephants, chariots, the angry Rakshasas withGolden crown on their heads ,  their trunk  , the  bodies  of army chieftains  ,Belonging to his clan  holding several shining    weapons  , their   white fat  which had come out,Heaped  like mountains   drove  speedily his   chariot which was  creating    great  sound  ,Over  that mountain   and  developed   a great  sense of anger.
3030. The mountains of the heaps  of  bodies of Asuras  placed one over another ,Was innumerable and so  the very speedily travelling  chariot  of Dhooshana,Though it was like a fan when it  went in to a depression  in the forest of corpses ,Climbed up  in elevations , and what   can we say about problem created by it?
3031.Drawn by   twenty five horses  whose   manes   have been trimmed  in a pretty manner,Travelling   in the matchless chariot   which had rolling    wheels  .He  reached  with great difficulty before Rama , who was like the moon  Which removes  the darkness at night , In front  of his clear long arrows , like the soul  reaching before Yama .
3032.Rama after  seeing   the chariot before  him and Dhooshana  sitting in it,Like a mountain holding a bow, thought, Your determination appears good”And saw  him with little mercy and at   that time,That cruel one   kept three  arrows   on his bow  and sent them.
3033.  Along   with the eight elephants  which separately lift the earth,From the different directions   which  are formed like circles  over circles,The Adhi Sesha  and Adhi Varaha   are  the two who lift the earth,And Rama had   sent back his sandals    which were representative ,Of   Adhisesha   to rule the earth   and   those three  arrows,Making the devas   scared , hit on the heroic  plate   worn  by Rama  on his forehead,Which was like   the  ornamental Metallic plate  worn by elephants,
3034.Rama   with a lustrous smile thinking    that   the time , aim and strength  ,Of that arrow  was good  , searched    for very cruel arrows  and sent  them,With great speed   destroyed the  speedily going chariot of that asura chief,Cut the cruel bow that he was holding   and also destroyed his armour by splitting it.

3035. With the devas making great sound  of joy  and saints  standing on  all sides ,And without stopping    went on telling the messages of greetings  ,And entire thing looking like   the huge uproar   of   the black ocean ,And then Rama told  “If you are strong   stop this   arrow   and save yourselves”,And then sent  an arrow   and that Dhooshana  lost his  horrible head with tusks.
3036.Then  the victorious  Khara    who had tusks     firmly on his face  , who   was like,An elephant expert in killing   and  Who held in his hands  powerful and cruel   weapons Seeing that the head   of his younger brother    was cut  by the  arrow of Rama,And also  having  seen   that arrows of the son of Dasaratha   cut  off his army , became furious.
3037. That very angry Khara  , making even God of death scared came  along with his Rakshasa army,With elephants  , big horses   and  chariots   and spread  all of them   in different directions,And like the crowd of clouds  surrounding    the  moon  , Surrounded  Rama  ,Who was like an elephant in rut   and was holding a huge strong bow.
3038. The Rakshasas who were   engaged in cruel craft  who were in unlimited number,Drove  elephants in rut  , chariots  and horses in large  number tearing the hood of adhi Sesha ,And  got engaged in doing different    types of war fareAnd the cultured Rama  speedily hit them  with cruel arrows.
3039. Due to his arrows ,  the  elephants with rut   shivered and fell down,The chariots     drawn  by horses, jumped up and down and fell down,Many of the heads wearing golden crowns   dropped down  with a shiver.The   shoulders of Rakshasas wearing an armlet called Thodi twitched.Their small intestines twitched  , their skin attached  to their   flesh twitched,Their   both legs   twitched and their  left shoulders  also twitched.
3040.Rama with the  forest of arrows  which  were  pretty and  .Strong forest  of killing  , destroyed  , the forest of sword bearing  soldiers  ,The forest  of bow bearing soldiers   and  the forest of soldiers  with,Strong soldiers which surrounded  the  army of  forest of Rakshasas.
3041.  When the chosen arrow of  Rama   who was   the personification of Dharma ,Went through the stars  , speedily pierced     the Meru mountain,Went through the sky    and  went piercing the earth   and is it necessary ,For us to mention  that it went through soldiers bearing swords and killed them.
3042.When Rama selected   with thought   the arrows    and sent them  ,For  destroying the Asuras   along with their groups , like the wealth,Usurped   by the strong    after   causing trouble to the weak,Which would destroy the strong ones, they quickly proceeded and killed them.
3043. The Cruel  hero Khara    who was wearing    the anklet of heroes,Seeing that all Asuras are getting destroyed and Khara was standingIn the  huge  blood and fat collection  like Mandhara  mountain in the sea.
3044.That  Khara within whose mind the fire of anger was burning,With his red eyes   throwing  out sparks of fire ,With his huge bow    throwing out arrows, with   crows  and hawks,Coming near   the rising sea of blood   came  like, A speedy  ship  travelling on the sea   in his chariot.
3045, Even before Khara became   ferocious   like the fire     At the  final deluge  , who was incomparable   in cruelty    and enmity  ,Approached  Rama who  had broken the bow  of Lord    Shiva  .Who had a  neck like black gem  , searched  ,For   cruel arrows    and kept them ready.
3046.The chief of Rakshasas   sent  sharp arrows with cruel mouth  With a form like burning fire  and  with  the speed of wind  on Rama.And  Rama by sending  thousand arrows with form of fire , which had speed of wind  ,And which had sharp tips ,  cut off    all those arrows.
3047.Rama, the lord of the seven worlds  ,then sent nine arrows , Which were fiercer than the   fire    at the time of deluge  ,And which went flying   and that Khara who had a round bow  ,Taking nine   lustrous arrows   against them   and cut them off.
3048.That Khara diue to the power his learning   then started,Indulging in magical war   which was cheating   and by using his arrows,He completely blocked    the vision of Rama   and seeing that ,The devas trembled and ran  away and hid themselves and  ,That valorous Rama  became   greatly enraged by biting his lips with his white teeth.
3049.Deciding in his mind, that   with one of my arrows  , I will kill him,Rama took an arrow   , kept it on his bow , bent his  high shoulders, And pulled  the string of the bow  and at that time  the strong bow  ,That he was holding  broke making a   sound like thunder of the white sky.
3050.The devas who were  praising the victory of Rama  at that time  ,Seeing that the bow held by Rama had broken  became scared and sad,And since Rama did not have another bow with him  , they,Felt as if they have  lost all their strength     anfd got scared.
3051. AS soon as the bow of Rama broke  , that   son of the king of kings,Understanding his bow has broken down  and realizing that he was alone  ,As per the practice of old was , extended his arm to his back.
3052.Varuna who was seeing the war   from the sky  seeing that Rama,Has extended his hands and understanding the thought   of that Lord, At that time taking out the Vishnu bow   which   he had   taken,AS a right from Parasurama  , because he was using an axe , gave it,In  to the  long hands of the   Lord   of Devas,    Rama.
3053.Rama who had the colour of clouds enriched with water took ,The bow given by Varuna ,  when  he bent it by his strength,And held it on his left hand ,  the left eyes and  Shoulders of all asuras  twitched.
3054, Within the time  for battling the eye ,  Rama   held that bow  , bent it,Making even the god of death scared and tied the string   and using  ,One hundred arrows   broke  in to dust    the  pretty chariot,With huge wheels    on which that Rakshasa   came for fighting.
3055.And that Rakshasa who lost that strong chariot with big wheels,Making great   sound    climbed up in to the sky  , and rained   ,All his arrows on the Mandhara  mountain  like Shoulders of  Rama ,Who was    holding the   pretty   matchless   bow.
3056.Rama the son of Dasaratha       who prevented   those arrows falling on him,Took from the quiver which was tied on him   took some hot and red arrows ,And with one  arrow   cut the right   hand and  a shoulder of Khara  and,Made   them both    fall on the earth below.
3057. When  his right hand   fell down    he took a heroic   pestle  ,On his left hand  and like the thunder that   is formed in the sky,Threw it on Rama   and  Rama   who was born before Lakshmana ,With an arrow which had cruel luster  made it not fall on him.
3058. Like the sepent hissing      after it had lost   its white teeth,With poison , he uprooted  a Maramara   and   came near Rama,And at   that time Rama shot   a separate    arrow on him.
3059.Due to his having received boons , due to his knowing magic,And due to his being very strong   And due to his tormenting  ,All the beings of the seven worlds  , it appeared   as if ,He had lost his  right hand  and similarly   Rama cut  away  the neck of Khara.
3060, Devas   with  glee stood up and shouted with joy ,And singing and dancing rained the holy Karpaga flowers on Rama.And that  pure Rama   looked like   God Sun who has removed the mist.
3061. With   sages after sages  coming     and joining and surrounding him,That  Rama of sweet thoughts  went to the place   of Sita  ,Who was like a body without soul  as Rama  was her soul  ,Had gone away to fight the terrible   battle with  the Rakshasas.
3062.That heroic   elder brother  was received  by Lakshmana ,And Sita   and they with their tears    removed  the dust  ,And blood of  those  Rakshasas who had gone  to heaven, from the feet of Rama
3063.Within a muhurtha(about one hour)  that huge   blood flow  ,Had  reached the end of directions  and  With  devas loudly  ,Praying him like a   roar of the ocean  having  stitched waves,Rama stayed with sweetness.
3064. The story is stopped  here   and  now we will  tell  ,Other happenings.  The sister   of Ravana   almost ,Split her belly by beating it with her hands,And she hugged her black brother   Khara  and rolled,In the warm  blood that     was mixed  with water.
3065 I nurtured the love towards   Rama   in my mind  ,And that wrong desire would have   ended up with loss of my nose  ,But I did not stop there and the cruel me    has  ,Also put an end  to your life as   well as life span of Khara,And wailing like this she went away from there.
3066. Soorpanakha    with   a aim of bringing out  the complete   destructionAlong with their clan of all asuras, who hold a spear and wear a  garland of victory,Very much like   the huge cyclone which leads   beings of the world die ,Travelled with great speed    and reached    the great town of Lanka.

See also  Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 11 (Padalam 26)

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