Kamba Ramayanam -Aranya Kandam- Padalam 7-8
Kamba Ramayanam -Aranya Kandam- Padalam 7-8

By Kambar (Kavichakravarthy Kamban)

Translated in English by P. R Ramachander

Kamba Ramayanam – Aranya Kandam 3 – Padalam 7-8

Aranya Kandam (contd)

7.Soorpanakai  Choozhchi padalam

(The chapter of conspiracy of  Soorpanakha )
(Soorpanakha with wounds and blood flowing all over, reach Lanka. The ladies of Lanka are sad to her like this. When asked about the reason for her wounds, She tells Ravana about Rama and his great beauty and strength.  She then tells about how Rama killed  Khara and his great army. When asked why they cut   her  nose and ears, she tells Ravana   about the great  beauty of Sita and how she wanted to bring her as a present to Ravana. Ravana  falls in love with Sita.  A great   description of his love sickness    is then given. After  getting not satisfied   by advice of ministers , Ravana goes to meet Mareecha.  In Valmiki Ramayana ,  a spy called Akampana reaches  lanka before Soorpanakha.He reports in detail about happenings, He suggests  to kidnap  Sita so that Rama   would die automatically. He gives    suggestion to Ravana to meet Mareecha but  Mareecha who knew Rama sends Ravana  back. Then Soorpanakha   meets him and complains     about  Rama and tells about beauty of Sita. There is no description of his love sickness  .)

3067. Soorpanakha forgot  about the   death  of  Great  Rakshasas army ,Who tumultuously shouted and with mind being  stolen by the high  mountain like   Shoulders    of   Rama who did war , the sorrow of which she could not tolerate  ,She speedily entered   the strong city of Lanka    whose  moat  itself was the sea,.With the thought, “I would tell him about great beauty  of Sita  and at this  time,We would describe   Ravana   who  was  sitting in the council hall.

3068. In this world which is temporary in nature  , that   which was difficult   even to  Lord Brahma  ,Sitting  on the lotus of the belly of Vishnu who  had created  moving and non moving beings to produce,Which  was produced   by the Deva architect   as  something  difficult  to comprehend,Matchless  ,which  was  done  like Dharma in such a way   that it would not  cause  ,Any harm to ourselves and to the others  , which could immediately create any thing one wants,Using all his knowledge  of Architecture   and which was   the matchless  diamond studded  hall,And  Ravana  sat      in it  making     that  hall more pretty.(The last line is told only after   23 such big stanzas and I have  ended   every  stanza   with that  so thatReaders    would not get confused.)

3069. In the world of devas   neither   he who wears the tiger   skin, nor he   who wears ,Golden  silk and nor he who stays  on the lotus    could   cause  any harm to him   andIn this world  from now  on who   has the strength   to cause him any harm  ?And he had a  series  of shining  crowns which will not     salute   any lady    with thin waist, stout breasts,Bamboo like shoulders   and eyes    with red lines   even during their long-standing love tiff.

3070. With his  pretty  shoulders touching  the sky   which hit     with great strength,The very strong elephants   which are in eight directions and   broke their tusksAnd whose foreheads   are attracting the bees, which were shining  like  ,The  mountain of sun rise  , which touches the sky  , and Over that the globes that   he wore   in his  ears   was  like   the ,Twelve Solar   systems   which had shining rays of light   which were    going round,The great mountain Meru  and were  twenty in number and shined.

3071. With his   huge mountain like    shoulders   with the great luster  of gems  ,Which spread their light    all around   , looking like the thousand   hoods of the  king of snakes,Adhi Sesha ,  With   all the famous stars of the sky   standing by his side  ,And with all the  planets   put   in the   long prison in the ferocious Lanka  ,Surrounded by water   , The  hall looked   like a complete   garland  of Rathna gems.

3072. The  very great crowns  of the chiefs   of Rakshasas  and others Who wear  golden hero anklets ,in which well-chosen red lustrous Manikhyas    are   studded and  who were  having,
Very great strength  which  cannot   be estimated ,Were getting thinner  every time   they salute  the Feet of Ravana,But   were   getting   more and more  luster.

3073.  The  tributes and gifts    brought  by the   chiefs  Of  all the places of the three worlds  and their predecessors Given without rest   collected like heaps  ,And   the  scented flower showered on him By   asuras   and devas  collected   in to another   heap.

3074. The Vidhyadhara  kings who wore  shining crowns  ,Studded with gems , without  knowing at what time and fromWhat direction  Ravana would look at them  ,were also saluting,With their hands  held over their heads  and  ,Were   standing  in rows all    around that council hall.

3075. The  male  lion like   Sidhas  considering that   whatever ,Ravana talked    to the   servant  maids was an order to them   ,With bent heads   , with folded hand in salutation  ,And with a bent body   were  again crowding  round him.

3076.The greatly   scared  Kinnaras , When Ravana  ,Talks  a  good  word  to his ministers  , thinking  ,That   Ravana    had told them to punish him  ,Get scared and asked him humbly , “What is your  order sir,,”

3077. The kings of serpents around him     as soon they see Ravana,Behaved as if they have   seen  Yama , the punishing  lord of The South,Holding a big iron rod  personally   and like  the  people ,Living  in hell  became depressed    and  started  shivering.

3078. After winning over   the elephants   of the eight    directions  ,After uprooting the Meru mountain     and getting Lord Shiva a bad name  ,After waging a great   war against  Indra     and made  the heavens shiver  ,Ravana made Dumburu sing    along   with  music  of his great fame.

3079. The Sage   Narada   using faultless  tunes  accompanied  ,By  the  sound created by the strumming  the strings of Veena,Sang   the  sweet Vedas  in the heavens following  ,The   great discipline of music    without Mistake   and Ravana was hearing it.

3080. Lord Varuna   , the lord of the sea  which had   sharks, Carried  in the water   pump called the clouds and  the pure water  mixed withThe honey showered  by  flowers given by the wish  giving tree   of devas  , And the  flowers  of the great tree   of Vidhyadaras    and sprayed  them,In small drops on the ladies , who were similar to  deer and Peacock , with great fear.

3081. The wind god   cleaned    each and every place   by    collecting,The honey and  pollen fallen out from perfumed flowers   as well as,The gems and pearls that fell on the ground by    rubbing of  ,The crowns   of the very many kings there  and dumped  it in bins .3082. The Deva Guru Jupiter   and the Asura Guru   venus   holding  ,A lustrous  golden cane  and wearing  a long black dress covering,All the hairs of the body  according the order  ,  pointed out  ,Their assigned    seat to The king Indra    and other devas   and made them sit.

3083. Lord Kala (god of time)  after    forsaking his usual weapons     and tying his mouth,With the cloth he wears  very tightly  , having red palms  used to stand up,As and when the big drums are played  and announced the account of time spent already.

3084. The Shining God of fire   made  good perfumed   ghee   to be poured in fire And kept   best camphor  on the  wick made    of soft cotton    and lit  lamps that never gets put out  ,And which looked like   the fully opened     red lotus   flowers,

3085.  The Karpaga trees  which give new   flowers  , the deva gems , Which emit faultless  light , the    cows    that give milk   and the treasures,Of the devas waiting for the proper time to please Ravana , who was surprised,Came   is a queue    to give their   gifts   to him.

3086. The various  ornaments    starting from   the  ear globes,Due to throwing out light  on their surroundings , made one feel,Whether   darkness   will ever occur again as ,No darkness was  seen in all the eight     directions  around the king.

3087. The divine ladies  like Ganga   with their   very stout  breasts,Being carried by their waists , which were bent slightly due to the heavy weight,Holding in their hands red flowers    as well auspicious   rice,Went on telling     auspicious greetings   to    Ravana.

3088. The ladies  born from the thigh of the    saint Narayana   like Urvasi,Who looked like the pictures brought   alive , performed pretty  dances ,Like the  joyful  peacocks which have seen the  water rich clouds ,Keeping  to the beats   of   several musical instruments tied by  leather.

3089. That Ravana   who due to his great  strength   kept the  three  worlds under him,Which were kept under him due to his performing matchless   penance ,Was sitting in between the    sight stream of   ladies ,Who had arched   eye  brows     and very broad eyes.

3090-3091.  At the time the sister   of Ravana , who was holding her red hands,Above her head  , who had  breasts made red by the flowing    blood from there  ,Who had lost her nose, who had lost her  ears wearing ear globes,Who had  open mouth wailing like   the thunder of the   clouds,Who was shouting  loudly  her problems with  her bad smelling mouth  ,Whose mind was burning after    shouting like the sound    raised by seven seas,And who had a red hair   similar     to the western side   when the sun sets Arrived   at the    northern gate    of that great city  .

3092. Seeing her arriving like this  , the  Rakshasa ladies of noble  families,Of the   old city of  Lanka    stood before her , beat their bellies with  hands and cried loudly,And said,  “the younger   sister  of the king of the three   worlds  ,Has come alone loosing her   nose. Can any of you tolerate  it.”

3093. The Rakshasas    then    saw    her suddenly  and  not knowing what to tell,Wailed like the sound of thunder, beating   one palm with another  palm,And with  fire sparks coming out of their eyes  , stood there biting  their lips.

3094. The Rakshasas   then started    doubting    whether   the evil  ,Would settle on Indra  or on the  great Brahmin who created the world  ,On Lord Vishnu with the wheel  or on Lord  Shiva wearing crescent on his head  ,And by  thinking   various such   thinks  made their mind hot.

3095: “They thought “who are   the well  noted    enemies   of Ravana,And that this job cannot be done  by any one living in any of the  planets ,Which are   in these   three worlds , and who are there  outside it ,And would it be possible for them to do like  this,”

3096. Some others said  “after she identifies herself    as  “Ravana ’s sister”,Anybody would have saluted her addressing her as mother   and how can,Anybody   think of doing harm to her    after   they know about it?So possibly she herself must have  cut off her organs this way.”

3097. Indra not   able to do war with Ravana   had become his slave  ,Lord Vishnu who  had the weapon of wheels     with spokes  ,Losing his strength  is living in side the sea,  Lord   Shiva   who holds,Fire in his hand   has  started   living on top of   Kailasa mountain,And when things are  like this,  who else could have  done it”, they thought.

3098. Some other Rakshasas thought  ‘How  can this be done   to the famous ladies,Belonging to great families? But she   does not have   habits  of ladies   born,Of good families and she must gone against the    tenets  of virtue?And possibly Khara getting angry might have done this  to her beauty”

3099.”Did  any of the  Devas with shifting mind who are all  greatly tired ,Dared  to do  this job of utter madness ?If they had    done so,They might have lost hope of further living and wanted ,That all    the three    worlds be destroyed    along with   them.”

3100. Some thought  “Suppose    there   is one more   deluge,Would there be heroes wearing anklets   and  shining sword,Who dare to do it .Possibly    this   was done   due to  anger by sages,Who are doing    faultless great penance   in the fearsome  forests.”

3101. In that great city of Lanka    which had wealthy    beaches  ,The  Rakshasas  damsels with black eyes  , Rubbing their  soft hands,Wearing   several bangles   with each other stared  at Soorpanakha,And with their nature    being damaged like   the  curdled milk,They started   running speedily    one behind the other .

3102. To that  city of lanka   ,the sweet sound emanating from drums  ,And Veena   and from the sweet Yaazh , as well the music,Of Flute,  which makes everyone her slave   and theAuspicious conch sound    was not heard   ,At that time  but a   sound of weeping    which was never ,Heard   there  , filled up all  its nooks an evil  omen.

3103. Those Rakshasas ladies   who had huge eyes full of tears  ,Which even defeated the oceans  leaving  Drinking goblets,The bees which hum around those cups   as well as  ,The mind which was engaged   in alcoholic     drinks  ,Ran away from there with their  shaking thin waists ,And they also hugged    each other   while  they were running   away.

3104. Some  other ladies  Wanting    to punish their husbands,Who were users of sword due to love tiff, with burning mind ,With red eyes   due to anger  , which further  reddened ,Due to crying on seeing Soorpanakha  ,Fell on the feet     of   the younger sister   of the king.

3105. Some of them   who were playing    in the swings   tied,Between the green Betel nut trees   which had golden fruits  ,BY  gemmed   strings   and were  busy  dancing and singing  ,Became sad on seeing Soorpanakha   and ,Gathered   in the streets ,   giving pain to their thin waists.

3106. Some other   ladies   took away their tender hands    wearing bangles ,From the  pillar and mountain like  shoulders     of their husbands  ,And   started   shedding  pearl  like  tears   from both their eyes ,On their  lotus    flower like    face   and started   sobbing in their minds.

3107. Thinking about how   Ravana  , the holder the pretty spear,Applied with ghee   and one who   does not have any one  opposing him,Will react when he   comes to know   of this      very cruel act ,Some ladies   who were shedding tears  like rain    from ,Their eyes applied   with Kajal   and who had waists Which appeared to be lies    ,and fell on the floor   crying.

3108. Some young ladies  , forgetting the slight  pleasure  created,By dreams  , with their cloud like hair    getting displaced   ,With disheveled   cloths , with their broad breasts  shaking   ,Started   walking  and fainting    due to sorrow.

3109. ”The fate of the younger sister   of lord Ravana   who shook  ,The mount Kailsa  using his twenty    hands   have become like this?”Saying this   some  Rakshasas maids born in very noble    families ,Untied  their hair    and beat their   two breasts with  their red hands  ,And went and fell at the feet   of   Soorpanakha.

3110. And they stood there with both  their eyes which never have  been   filled    with tears  ,Thinking  “Due to our victorious king holding spear  in his right hand is there,In this city of Lanka   at no time even animals had to bear    such cruelty.Has our greatness   gone away from our hands?” they became   sad.

3111.   When the citizens of that Lanka attained   this great sorrow,With all those sitting and standing there searching for     ways to run away,Like a cloud    searching for a mountain  Soorpanakha   fell down and rolled,At the   black  feet of Ravana    wearing heroic anklets.

3112.  All   the three worlds were covered with darkness  , Adhisesha  ,Who carries the earth  getting scared   slightly   bent his   one thousand heads  ,Groups  of mountains   got  displaced   , even Sun God   felt  something  ,Bad  will come to him   , the   elephants  of directions ran away  and ,Even    the devas    got very scared    and ran away from there.
3113. With his huge shoulders   wearing shining armlets  raising up,With his eyes burning like fire   , with his teeth  seen outside  as shining,And  with eyebrows  arching up   and going up on his   foreheads ,The entire world got scared   and Devas    forgot their normal duties.
3114.  All devas along with the lord  of south   , The God  of death,Decided “Our end has come today  “ and heaven and earth shivering ,With fear   got agitated, took deep breath  , and not able to stand ,Anywhere constantly    and not able to talk  remained     silent.
3115.With lips   wavering due    to anger  , with smoke   of anger  ,Coming out of all his ten mouths   , with  his moustaches,Shivering due    to great anger  getting   burnt  and giving bad smell,Due to his hot breath  and  with his sword   like sparkling   white teeth shine ,Like  lightning  ,  in a voice  like thunder  of the clouds he asked , “who did it.?”

3116.She said  , “ Two princes who have come to forest to do the job,Of protecting the world  , who are   similar to love god  with flag of Makara  fish,And who have no comparison in earth or heaven   in beauty and valour  ,Took out their swords   and cut    them off.”
3117.As soon as she told that   it was done by men  , Ravana  felt like laughing,Shaking all eight    directions  , from his eyes   sparks of    fire   came out  ,“The  courageous  act of those men is silly  , Is what    you told me ,  true?.Without lying tell me   and tell me the      truth . he said.”
3118  “Them by the beauty of their gem like body are   like God of love ,If you  consider the strength of their shoulders , they would beat ,The beauty of the Meru mountain  of the north. , but   what is the point  ,In discussing   in detail     about their great capabilities and by their ,Prowess in the bow  , within the time  of battling of an eye  ,They are capable   of   destroying   all the strong people of the world.”
3119.”Further , they have the habit   of   saluting the chiefs  of saints,They have     faces  like   the shining full moon  that is in the sky  .They have eyes like the lotus flower  with stalk growing   in the ,Waters   that are moved by the waves and also  their legs and arms,Are as soft  as the flower. They are the possessors of unlimited  penanceAnd really who can be quoted     to be like   them?”

3120. They wear  cloths of bark  ,wear long  heroic anklets  ,Wear the three threaded scared  thread  , are experts in archery  ,Their  toungues have learnt the Vedas, their beauty is particularly great,They would not fear for you  and may not even bother about you like a dust,And   they have quivers that cannot be destroyed like  ,A great literary work that    is composed     by words.
3121.”Oh Lord  are there two gods of love     who live  on this earth  ?Are there  any other  great expert in archery     than both   of them?Are   there   any one like them? And to my mind ,Each of them is   equal the holy trinity   of Gods.”

3122. When the sages with great  Dharma  went and told them , “our minds,Which is  under control gets    scared   on seeing those Rakshasas?”,To those men    they said  , “we  would win over all the worlds  and we  would,Completely uproot    the Rakshasas along with their clans” and took an oath.
3123. “ They are   the sons of Dasaratha who was ruling  over the   entire   world ,Who have   so many greatnesses  , whose praise    can never be completed ,And there are ones whose greatness  cannot be found    fault  ,And    due to order of Dasaratha  , they are  living in a forest which is difficult to enter  ,And their names are   respectively   Rama     and Lakshmana”  she said.
3124.Ravana said, “ The ones   who cut off the pretty nose of my nectar like   sister  ,Using a sharp  knife are  men and even after me   knowing that my sister  has been attacked  ,They are  still alive  and I  who am Ravana    with a sword   which shines like new  ,Am still awake   and shamelessly  walking carrying my soul in my body.”

3125.”After gaining victory after   victory  , by my efficiency  I  established,My rule in Lanka  and was  all this  the result  that I got by  doing all that?Even if my rule is destroyed   and even if the  heads  of all ,Heroic chiefs  are all cut off  ,  this  insult to me   is not proper?”
3126.”This insult  was created     and thrown at me   and those    at me  by men,And they are    still alive  and their sweet soul has not been still destroyed ,And my sword is simply   with me   without any work   and the  life span,Given to me by Lord Shiva   who swallowed the poison from sea  is still there,And  my shoulders    are simply resting, because , I was keeping quiet. Is it not?”
3127.”Oh my mind  , Why are   you feeling  shy that the bad name  has pierced,My body and has   gone further ? Why are  you jittery ?There is need  for you,To  be sorry   to carry this  dishonor any further,For to carry it  my   ten heads    and very many shoulders are  there. Is it not?”
3128.Laughing after tell this  , Ravana    stared   like burning fire  asked“Did not  Khara  and others who were guarding    the mountain,Filled forest  kill  with their  sword   those  men who did not have  any help?”

3129.  As soon as Ravana told this , Soorpanakha who was shedding   tears ,Which was like a  stream from her   eyes, who was hitting her belly,Fell on the floor   , cried and rolled there    and said, “  Oh Lord,All our relations    were destroyed speedily  “ and keeping her hand on her  head  ,Started    telling , how all  of them were      destroyed.
3130. “When Khara    and other   youthful heroes   asked  me,“Tell us what happened?” They all     went there with  great sound,Along   the army which was   continuous   and  that Rama  ,Who had     red eyes like lotus flowers   and who was  a famous hero,With his   very famous bow killed and  sent  them to heaven within three Nazhigai(More than an hour)”
3131. “In the war    Rama fighting alone    killed  along with ,The Garlanded army  killed all the three brothers  “  and even,Before these words fell   on the ears   of Ravana, In all his eyes  ,Tears like a falling rain    and   the fire  that was lightning of clouds   shined.
3132,  At that time   due to his great anger   the sorrow  went away   and  ,Like   the ghee fallen on fire    increasing the     fire  , his anger increased,And he asked “what was   the reason for them    with great strength  ,To cut off your noses and ears    like   this? Did you   do any ,Bad   act   that   you did     towards   them  ?’

3133. Soorpanakha    for that question replied  , “The  fault    of mine   happened ,Because   of A lady  who came along with Rama  , who looked   like Goddess  Lakshmi  ,Who has left her seat   of lotus flower  and had the beauty   that not even,Great artists can portray    in their picture  came   andHer    waist was as thin as a streak  of lightning  , had thin  shoulders   like bamboos   ,And had   a body which appeared    to have  been made of pure Gold .”
3134.  Interested   after    hearing that   he asked “Who is that lady?”And she replied  “Oh lord  , Her hips are   chariots    with wheels   .Her breasts are like  the  golden    case     for putting Kunkilyam,And the     earth has done great luck   for her foot to fall on her.Her name is Sita “  and started   telling more about her beauty.

3135.    “She  has sweet words which  attract  you like    honey,   she has a hair  , Decorated  with sweet flowers   which are   the songs in pretty tune Kamaram,She is more pretty than deva maidens   and  even Goddess Lakshmi   sitting on lotus ,Is not suitable even to become her friend and ,I think my trying to describe her  beauty is sheer  ignorance.”
3136.  “The cloud  like untied hair of hers who possibly selects her pretty words from nectar,Is long and is like rain bearing cloud  , her   feet are both like red cotton  ,Fingers are pretty like pieces   of coral   and   though her face is like lotus,Her eyes   in that  face are   very much bigger     than  the ocean.3137.”The God of  love was burnt by the eyes of Lord  Shiva” is a  word of lie,And the truth is    that he saw  this lady with perfumed hair , fell in love with her,And not able to carry her away ,  was attacked by the disease   of passion,Which cannot be told to others  and due   to excess passion  ,His pretty    form slowly     eroded    away and then he lost it.”

3138.”She has pretty eyes  which in sharpness   have won over   the sword  and spear,Manufactured   in the  fire of the blacksmith   and I do not know , which world , she is from?,She has  such a pretty form that  it is is impossible for any one   to  draw it in pictures,And if you   want to know whether   any other ones are  having her beauty , search for it,In all your enemy ‘s   worlds , in the world of serpents which carry   their  hood  on their head  ,And in the    entire    earth  which is surrounded    by the sea on all    sides?”
3139.  “Shall I tell   only about the beauty of  her shoulders?Or  Should I tell about the beauty of Valai fish like eyes,Which travel   around her   greatly lustrous face?Or Shall I only describe     the prettiness of her other organs ?I am perplexed as  I do not have strength  to describe,The beauty of each and every organ of hers   separately  ,And I do not have  any thing   more to tell    to you,Because     you are going to see her tomorrow, is it not?”
3140. “ If we tell  that  her forehead    is similar    to a bow,Or tell  that her eyes are   like spears or her   teeth are like pearls,Or tell that    her lips are like corals , that   descriptive word is suitable,But since the meaning does not match , are    there   any better ,Simile word  that we can use “ If we   tell “Paddy is like grass”,Can we    say that    we have the proper thing to compare  .”
3141.”Oh Lord,  Indra    got Sasi as his wife  ,The father  of six faced one  got Uma     as his wife, Lord Vishnu with lotus like eyes got the   red coloured  Goddess   Lakshmi    as his wife  , And you also  get Sita   as wife   and if we compare who is   the best among you,All the best has only come  only to you as others did   not get  this great blessing.

3142.  Shiva  kept his     wife on the left side and another God  kept,The golden girl    who lives on lotus    on the toungue    of Lord Brahma,Oh Hero who has shoulders    which are as high as the sky  , if you get,Sita  whose thin waist    would   win over lightning  coming    from rainy clouds ,AS she is better than other divine ladies , Where do you propose    to keep her?
3143.”Oh Lord  ,  After   you get  Sita who  talks as sweet as   the lisp    of babies,You would not do any more mistakes, Oh Charitable   one  for   due   to,Your great love for her , you would give all  your robbed     wealth only for her,And I would be considered good by you , but am I not    doing harm,To all those    in your  palace , who talk like    parrots?’
3144. That Sita    who has pretty hips   like the chariot  is not   born  in the womb,of  any ladyWho ties her breasts with cloth   in this world and in  heaven,You know that the milk ocean with plenty of conches   when churned,By  the proud  devas and asuras  , gave the lady Lakshmi who sits on a lotus  ,And the earth which wanted to   beat this gift  , has   given Sita  and has become great.
3145. You please get  her and  make  her your wife  That Sita  ,  who is greatly  praised,By the people of the world which has     the moving ocean with fishes   as waist belt,Whose   waving hair   with its perfume attracts the bees  , who has a very thin  waist,And who is like a deer    and  then  lead a happy life and making the   making the    world ,Surprised at your skill with sword  , get me Rama  , so that  I can be happy with him.

3146.”Oh my father like brother , fate   gives you everything at proper time ,And due to that ,  even if  someone has done great penance , the good   that has to come  ,Would not reach him unless    the proper    time has arrived and so  I feel,That you who has ten faces  , twenty hands  , twenty eyes  , twenty shoulders ,Valorous chest and body  would attain   the greatness    of your boons,That    you have  earlier got doing great penance only from now onwards.”
3147.”When I   was trying to get hold   of Sita  with  such great beauty  ,And bring her to you  , The younger    brother of that  Rama    entered ,In between    and using his lustrous sword   , cut off my nose  ,And immediately  I felt my life has come to an end   but I decided ,To take away my life  myself , after    telling everything      to you.”
3148  Like the greatness   which does not stay  in place where sin stays,Anger  , valour  , the mental  pain due to loosing of self respect  ,And all such good cultures  , due to the passion instilled in his mind,Cut off connections with him  and like saying one lamp    attained another  ,The sickness  of passion   and worries caused  it got merged   with soul of Ravana.
3149. That one who has not forgotten about the damsel  about whom  he heard,Due to arrow of love God     which won over even Lord Shiva,Forgot about Khara  , forgot     about  the strength   of person     who cut off,The nose off his younger   sister , forgot about bad name he received,And also forgot the  power of great boons   he got  earlier.

3150.Because the name “ Sita with thin waist”    and his mind, have crossed,The state  of being two and have   become one, he did not have    another mind,To remove  “the name of Sita”    from his mind    and think about     anything else.So there was no method    for    forgetting about   Sita  .  Though one is learned  ,If he does not have the great  wisdom of good and bad  , one cannot   cross  Passion.
3151.That Lord  of  city of  Lanka  ,  which had   very high    fortified    walls  ,Even before stealing her  by deceit  who was looking like a peacockPlaced her    in the prison of his    heart   and   because of that,The mind of Ravana who was armed    with spear  started  melting ,Due to it   getting gradually hot , like the   butter kept in the sun.
3152.Due to   the power of  fate  , and due to the expected   gains because of it,Due to    the conditions     which are nearing   for   the destruction  of  city of Lanka,The cruel  disease of  passion entered stealthily    through    his sense  organs  ,Like a very   ignorant uneducated man  doing  evil   without knowledge of any one.
3153.Due to the fact that    Sita who was as pretty as gold    has    entered  in   his mind  ,Has   Ravana  got dilapidated? Due to   the state in which he     forgot  himself  .The God of love sprayed   arrows  , gave  him sorrow   and he himself became    strong ,Is it not true that   destruction of a valour  of person   is attached   to passion.”
3154. Ravana got up from his seat   and then beings  of seven worlds ,Greeted him,  , the sound of conches    were   heard   from everywhere ,There was rain of flowers   and all outsiders    went away from there,And   with a very depressed  mind Ravana   entered  his  golden palace.
3155.Ravana who entered   the palace    avoided   the crowd of his wives  ,And went and laid   down on a  big high bed over which flowers    were  spread,And as   soon he did that  when , the breasts   and eyes   of  the deer  like Sita,Who had   hair with perfume of musk  , brought many thoughts  in his mind ,And   such thoughts   kept on slowly   increasing the  head of his emotions.
3156. That passion which could not be set aside  ,increased   several hundred,Crores  of times   and those   flowers that were spread on his bed   which ,Were sprayed with cold water and fanned   by scented air  got blackened  ,And his shoulders similar to   the eight elephant  of directions  ,Got thinned, his mind melted   and his soul appeared   baked.

3157.Then , when the maid servants carrying    flowers   which had pollens  ,Cool sandal paste   and pretty tender new grown leaves   approached  Ravana,His   body got scalded   as if  is was   anointed   with medicine  of burning fire  ,And like the bellow of blacksmith pumping hot air  , he breathed and fainted.
3158. That pitiable one  who was not able to stabilize   his mind  , who could not realize ,The sin he was committing ,  was not able     not to  think   about  her even for a small time , And due to the desire     to see   the body of her  who had eyes ,Similar to tender  mango  , neithal flower  , spear   as well as blue lotus flower ,Suffered great sorrow   and became   one who is     very sad.
3159. Ravana who had  fully achieved victory    over   the very strong  elephants,Which lift the   earth in all eight   directions  and made  their trunk  and tusk break,Being attacked by arrows of love God  like a bee that   bores in to a tree  continuously,On his chest  , became very sad  , greatly   tiered  and well famished.

3160. That Ravana  who felt that,”  A  lady who is   like  flower branch  with kondrai like hair,Had come and  was living in his mind   that he has seen her “ became greatly depressed  ,AS well as sorrowful  but  when the   southern breeze with   perfume of jasmine  ,Which was  like the arrow sent by  love god wearing  sweet smelling flower garland  ,Came     and hit   his body   he  became   greatly furious   on that   breeze.
3161. Then that Ravana with the painful mind, got up to go from there  ,And without any firm thought    as to what he would like to do  ,Accompanied   by  golden coloured  servant maids   who could  talk ,Sweeter than    the music of Palai Yaazh  holding innumerable   row of lamps ,Which merits  great appreciation  , entered   in to     a garden.
3162. That garden   had  jack trees like Manikhya , Banana trees  like  Emerald,Mango trees like diamonds  , Vengai   trees  like  pure Gold  ,Kongu trees like Padmaraga stones   betel nut  trees like blue stones  ,Which give light   to a    great  distance  , Aacha trees  like  Kuruvinda gems,Coconut trees   like silver  ,  The Pongamia trees like   crystal  ,And padiri trees  which   were  like    coral   gems.

3163.Those gem like   trees  which were pretty and touched   the sky,Were such that  there was difference visible between their flowers   and stars,And in the middle of that honey dripping garden,  on a golden Mantap,There was  a white bed which   was   spread  and Ravana reached it  and became sad.
3164The swans after   drinking   the honey dripping   out of fruits and flowers,And  which have  become drunk  , parrots which talk like  sweet  lisping talk  of ladies,Koels  , Bees   and many other birds    which can only raise    sweet sound,Thinking  that the king of Lanka    would get angry at them  ,Did not make    any sound    and appeared  as if they were   dumb.
3165. Due to that season , the new mist which has come along with breeze from north ,Went and entered   the wounds caused  by arrows of love God   and vanishes,And this made Ravana  ask , “What is the  season of friendliness  now?”,And as soon as he asked   the mist of that end of the season   vanished,And the   new heat of the spring   started   immediately.
3166.When  the thin  mist that cools down even   branches of huge trees in the garden  , Forest fire    and mountains   was creating  irritation to the body of Ravana,What can we tell about the heat of the early   summer     on him?Is there any medicine that can cure those   who have drunk   the poison of passion?Is not the feelings of the mind     that  lead   to happiness and sorrow?

3167. The passion that rose   in his mind  , went  and touched   the end points of directions,And spread   and due to that summer    did create much more heat   of sorrow  and then he said,He asked “what is this season here now , the previous   winter   was better than this,And remove this summer    and bring back,    the winter season  , speedily , “  he said.
3168. And then when the    winter arrived as     per his wish , and The very strong shoulders of Ravana became more hot than before  , and he asked ,“Would cool climate  of winter cause  heat?  This is indeed   the old   winter  ,  “he said ,To that   his servants replied  “Oh Lord, we would be    afraid to do  any thing  ,That is not ordered   by you  “ and he said , “All   seasons appear  ,To be bad    and so remove     all the seasons immediately.”
3169.As soon as he told this  ,  all seasons went away    from there   and as ,None of the seasons   did cause their effect   and were staying  ,Like sages   without any attachments   and after    that  all worlds,Left off   their   karmic relations   like diseases  and the world ,Became like    world of salvation  which only   can be got,By  doing very great penance  , without    any changes whatsoever.
3170.Even though the entire   world   which is surrounded   by the sea ,Became a place    without heat or cold  , the blue  body  of  Ravana,Started burning without any oil  , because this has  not come due to seasons ,And  this fire that burns due to passion   can only be put out by good conduct ,And it  is well known that   there  is no other way to  put it out.

3171. The Cloud which has absorbed water  , Garland of lotus flowers ,The  cool sandal paste   mixed with    the powder of musk  ,The soft pollen   and cool gems were   applied  on his body  ,And that  Ravana who becomes greatly depressed   due to great heat,Summoned   servants standing near by  “It is known that moon has coolness,And so all of you run from here   and get  me the moon.”
3172. When the moon who had no mental strength to go above    that cruel city ,And was travelling by the side of the city  , the servants searched    and found out ,The full moon and told him  “Do not get scared ,  the king has summoned  you,”And that Moon     after   getting rid   of  his  mental worries , rose above that city.”
3173. Like   a   enemy king  ,  when he   was  weak and was   not having anything  ,To avenge   the stronger  one who defeated him   and  appeared  before him,The moon who was in the sea   rose  up from   the  sea of  good waters ,Mixed with sand   and looking like   he has come  with joy To give sorrow  to Ravana   and torment him ,became   visible to him..
3174. Due  to spreading  of his rays     which are likable   in all directions,And having an intention of troubling    Ravana    who was neither  liked in earth,Or heaven , it appeared   as if it is the wheel of  Lord Vishnu, who sleeps on a serpent  ,Who had sent   the wheel with    an intention of     destroying   Ravana.

3175.The   soft cool rays of the moon emitted   after    drinking   all the nectar,From the near by ocean of milk  and which spread   all over the place  ,Made the Rakshasa who had bent eye brows    as well as    reddish eyes, Feel that    just   melted    boiling   silver   in  a burning  fire  was   thrown at him 3176.  Enquiring and coming to know  about   the  prettiness   of the dear daughter   of  Janaka,The king of Mithila    which had    fields of red paddy    surrounding it,Who was moving    about in the world  like a streak of lightning  ,That   ray of the moon   gave   great pain to the mind of Ravana,Who had lost   his greatness   and all types of welfare  ,Like  the fame of an  enemy who can never be defeated   scalding his mind.
3177.That king Ravana    who scared   even the God of death wearing  ,Huge anklets of  heroism  told his assistants  I asked you to  bring here  that moon,Who has body made of cool rays   and  not this Sun   who is like a destroying fire,Great anger  , heart full of poison and      hot rays  , So go  and bring him.

3178.When Ravana asked like this  , those   assistants    got scared  and said to him,“It is impossible for us to bring here  in this way   any one    who has not been,Approved   by you  . The red sun  does not come   here   except   on his chariot  ,And though moon is causing  heat    he is travelling   on a plane .
3179. That Ravana   who has never this type  of love sickness  which is ,Suffered by   those  lovers   who love  ladies with hips   which defeat  the serpents  ,And   have   a  talk which is cooling  ,  suffering due to    the moon   understood the truth,That this moon  is the enemy of the cool lotus     flower  and once he  understood    that,He started    requesting    that moon    to save  his life  and started   talking.
3180. “Oh king of stars  , your body is eroding away  , Your body has  become pale,You are black inside , Instead of giving coolness     you    are  producing heat.Did you who is on the top   also like me hear   about  the prettiness    of Sita,By those who have seen her , Due to no assistants to protect me from     the arrows shot at me,By   the   flower arrows of God of love  I am standing   tired like this  ,Please tell me    about who can save  my life  .”
3181,. “You have  been defeated by the   lotus face with blue lotus   like   eyes ,Of  Sita born in a great family   , who has become god of death   to my soul,And because of that    your mind(inside) got burnt  , you also started  ,Producing heat from your body  , your body   has eroded .If you start worrying about  other people’s  possessions like   this  ,Is it possible to get victory  ? If you  understand   that  it ,Is not possible for you   , It is  proper    that     you keep quiet.”
3182.After    talking in various ways like this  , “remove  night   as well  this  moon,Bring the Sun as well as day time as before  “  and when Ravana   ordered  like   this  ,The unimaginable moon as well as the  night     went away   and within a seconds time  ,The   very famous   Sun and the day time started    spreading  .

3183.With sun   spreading   like molten gold   similar to   the fire   giving pout sparks, Due   to the Brahmins who were expert in “Rik” pouring    ghee  in to the  sacrificial fire  The lotus the best among    flowers  opened   and due to the coming of the Sun,The lily flowers  due to getting wealth not suitable to it  , became proud  ,Not living   the peaceful life   , lost   the wealth    that it got  and looked like mean people.
3184.Sun who is the ornament to the world     coming through one path  ,The moon the lord of the night   became shy  , lost its brilliance  ,And with   a shivering body    went far away    from there,And appeared  like  the displaced small king   tottering before his   famous lord.
3185. Several  Rakshasa ladies   wearing many types of    ornaments of the ears,        On the   bed of flowers  enjoyed  hugging     their wedded   husbands   and ,Due to love   tiff in between making of love   due to anger  , did not realize ,That  the night got over (by order of Ravana)  and  did not end  the tiff in their sleep or dream.      
3186. In the mid of the night  , since  their lord  have left them  ,Feeling as if their soul has gone from their body  , The shivering of  their body did not end   and   like the   well grown  new  blue lotus flowers ,Dripping   honey   they also had black eyes    dripping   tears.
3187.Some others   , lying on  the  bed of cotton over which flowers  ,Were spread  ended   their love play  and like the coral  plant climbers,Hugged tightly    with both hands , their sweet  soul like husbands   and slept.
3188. With  bees   humming in the water   of rut  flowing on their   cheeks,With   the  light  of the most   lustrous sun entering there  , the elephants,Which are   in rut   and    had not woken up   properly  resembled ,The drunkards   who were  rolling  on the sweet bed   without getting sleep.
3189.Like the ladies   of good families    who   were  living  away   from .Their soul like husbands   who    were   great   in wisdom,The lamps in various parts    of the city  , though   the ghee  Poured in them   had not dried  up lost their brilliance   due to coming of the  Sun.
3190.The flowers like  lotus which ought    to open in the  ,Early  morning  , though the sun rise   leading to their opening  is past,Did   not open  and were like the long     closed eyes   of ,The  Rakshasa  ladies   who were lying on   broad beds.

3191.In that city   the eyes  of those   who sleep as they wish  ,Did not open even after the coming    of day    time   ,And like the  closed doors  of  big mansions    owned  by misers,Who never had a  thought , that  they would give  alms to those who ask.
3192. Becoming happy  due to the extended   day time hours  ,The Chakravaka birds  which suffer  poison like parting   during night  ,Due to the mercy    of the   suffering going away in day time  ,Became mentally    happy like    the very good     fated  ones.
3193.The  singing  bees that visit   the flowers  like lily which  open   daily  Only   on the rising of moon and  which do not obey the orders of   Sun Were looking depressed   like the   musicians     who have reached,The doors  of those people   who do  not find any use  for such arts.
3194.Even when the  hot sun entered the houses   through   the windows,On which rare   gems were    studded and woke up   from sweet sleep  ,The  Rakshasa ladies   ,  did not understand the circumstances  ,And remained   with faint and  in a  very mentally confused state.
3195. Those    very wise  people  after   doing research   in  astronomy ,And   those experts    in astrology   as well as   the cock which  heralds the morning  .Without having the power    to understand   the order   of Ravana,Continued     in their    state   of sleepy state  .
3196.  When all such things were   happening  all over the world  ,That  Ravana who wears  heroic anklet  that   makes sound  ,Saw  the Sun by his own eyes  , thought, that this   Sun,As fire Is burning the mind of those who think about himAnd so he    is also like    the moon.
3197.Those   who heard this  told him,  “Oh    wealthy   one  ,This is not the moon  , it is indeed the red   sun  and that is the,Green chariot drawn  by the   horses    with long manes.The  hot  sun only burns   and the cool moon  ,When it touches    the   body    only makes it cold.”
3198.The Ravana    who was  like a blue mountain with many peaks,“That Sun who is standing there   is   more cruel    than poison,Remove him and also the sea   which is making great   sound.”After  ordering like this  he said, “call   that  crescent of  the evening moon,Who came here  before “   he ordered   his servants.

3199. AS soon as Ravana ordered  like this  , that  moon  ,Who was full on that day ,  came up in another   direction,As the young crescent of the moon  , Unless   you ,Perform great penance   is it possible to do such things.
3200.That    evil minded Ravana    seeing   the moon’s  crescent ,In the west  said  , “this  indeed  is the northern fire   otherwise,It is  the sharp teeth   of  Adhi sesha  who lifts   the earth,Or otherwise  “ The evening” getting angry at   me  ,And is coming to kill me    with a curved   knife.”
3201.”That  Lord Shiva who   swallowed   the cruel poison   ,That had come out   from the   cool ocean of milk  ,And hid it in his neck  , Has possibly kept   this crescent  ,On his head decorated    with kondrai flowers  in this place, is my thought.”
3202. That full moon which ate away my soul    with  ,The strength of thunder   has possibly ran  away ,And come out in this form   but is no less cruel,And is the big form of the poisonous serpent.Even though  it is small  , it is no less poisonous.”
3203, He ordered, “The sun who came before    appears  ,To be better . Remove this crescent from the sky, for ,If it is going to trouble   me who is very strong  ,People  may talk,Let some one  who suffers   in the seven worlds escape.Is there a possibility    for them to talk like that   and ,I think it is better for me to see    the blackest  darkness.

3204. AS soon as the young crescent was removed  , the darkness  which was easy to touch ,Which   was like   a stone on which    several objects could be rubbed  , Which was like something we can cut off,By sword if we desire , Was sweet to look at  ,And was like  several pillars   appearing as  a crowd.
3205.  Is   it necessary to tell that  darkness   was suitable to be cut in pieces  And   polished  in to a pillar  ? When after  getting    the complete ,Knowledge   and not allowing the faultless   wealth of questioning  ,To enter in it    and  light it from inside  and understanding that ,The real blindness   in this   world    the mental blindness ,And becoming suitable to that name  with Merciful glances  And  become dried  up of mercy  then   that darkness  was  darker than   human mind 
3206”.Without   being cut to pieces , densely packed   and without space  ,Growing even bending the sky   that darkness which did not fit anywhere ,Completely    covered    the wide spread     world like   the  matchless lord Shiva  ,Swallowed that poison,  without considering    that   it would Destroy   all peoples   and all things  “Said that   Ravana.

3207. “I understood that this poison     which was born in    the ocean of milk,Which was   called Halahala    and was swallowed by  Lord Shiva by his power Cannot  be controlled   by this darkness  and I have understood that  ,The   fire serpent called the final deluge   which can destroy  the earth,The sky and every other  thing  by licking them with its toungue  ,And   trying  so solve my problem  is like treating the blackness    with black colour”
3208,”Before me who is  suffering  great pain   alone  , a coral branch,To which there   is no proper   comparison  with   the darkness  ,That cannot be pierced    either by arrow    or fire  ,Carrying the cloud which has   great darkness     as edge ,And having    the   collection of    small coconuts  in  it,And  like the lamp which carries the  moon    ,  is appearing.
3209.”Is it an illusion    due   to the confusion of passion,Has my brain  altered?  I am now clear,  What is this   form that I see?Inside  this  darkness   which cannot even   be compared to  the thickened Kajal,One moon with great light , along with ear globes  on both ears  ,Along with  very black   curly  hair  is appearing before me.”

3210.”The bridge   that connects  the  breasts  which appears  risen on both sides  ,With waist   that  is not visible     to my eyes   and except that I am able  to see ,All its body parts  .This form has  eyes  which have drunk poison   and ,Slowly and slowly  it has transformed in to the form of a young girl,And has   completely  occupied   one portion   of my mind.”
3211.Earlier I have seen    several ladies  of the seven worlds ,But I have not seen a form of a lady   which resembles this form,And  suppose   this form   is different from   all the ladies  of this world,I think she is    the same young  lady   with hair    surrounded  by bees,Who was   described  by my sister   Soorpanakha    to me.”
3212.”Unable  to bear   to know  that I am suffering   from love sickness,And that I am sorrowing because of it  Sita must have come in search of me  ,What  recompense  can I do to her?  Please immediately  summon    Soorpanakha    Who has personally  seen her   who is sweet  so that  I can enquire with her  ?”

3213.As soon as  Ravana ordered like this   and when  they speedily summoned   her  ,And she   who was  born   to completely uproot   the tribes of  RakshasasWho were capable of great efforts and who had  lost her nose and ears   with ear  globes,Arrived   there      with a mind which was   filled    with  one   sided  love.
3214,That Ravana   whose  sharp  sword was applied    with good   ghee  ,Looking   at the cruel Soorpanakha   whose mind was filled with lies  ,Who had come before him   and asked  “Oh lady  , please  look at me deeply.Is the one   who has lustrous eyes   applied with Kajal   and ,Who is standing before me  , is she  the one named Sita, Please  tell.”
3215.And she said,  “He with red lotus like    eyes, with lips like red fruit,With  sandal applied high shoulders  ,  with very long   hands  ,With a chest   decorated   with a pretty garland    and he who looks like   a blue mountain,Is That great Rama    who holds     the  great and strong bow.”
3216.Ravana said, “The form that I saw is feminine  , Oh ignorant   one,And you are   telling about a masculine form  whom I have never thought about,This is surprising to me . Who are they who  have  played  this illusion on us,When both of us    have learned  the great art   of making one completely lose their brain.”
3217.Soorpanakha told  him, “this is usual with you  .The passion that has   taken,A huge form in   you , which  makes attention  not travel from  one place to another  ,Is heating you up   and   wherever   your eye sees  , you see  only her form.”
3218.  When she told like this   That  Rakshasa told , “let what   you told,Come true but how is it    that you are   only seeing that Rama   everywhere?”And she replied “ From the time    that Rama   did this    harm    to me,From then onwards   I am not    able    forget him at all.”
3219.”True , true    What you   have told  seem to be proper ,I am suffering because   both my body and mind has been  baked,Where   is freedom from me from     this cruel fate  ?When Ravana asked like this    she told  ,  “Oh lord  ,Why is it  You who are the matchless  leader  of this   world ,Getting depressed  like this  . You go and steal    that Sita,Who had   a hair that is decorated  by flowers”   she said.

3220.After   saying this   she went away   and  that  Rakshasa lost  his balance  ,And he became    one who will not get    wisdom     from anything  ,With a turbulent   soul   he became   famished   and all  those  ,Who work for him shivered    and they thought   , if he  manages to ,Keep himself   alive  . His situation     has become  like     that.
3221 . Just like   the saying, “dead one has  come alive  “  Ravana  who got his,Sweet life back  , understanding his strength   addressing   those who were  near by told,”Please build a   hall  of  Moonstones which drip water  like  milk  coming out when you milk,Which     is pretty  . Order   this to   be done    by the best of artists.”
3222.” The great architect of devas,   Viswakarma   who understood    the order of Ravana,Came there  and planned  for a pretty   moon stone hall    with one  thousand  pillars,Which made   even the Lord of   the lotus shy  and not only that  he   built it.”
3223. He  fixed those  moon stones  from top to bottom    so that  ,Even when moon is not there  , the drip of nectar like water   was there ,He  made  small windows so that the   breeze   would come in with scent of flowers ,He   also created a  cool garden  Karpaga    gardens with gems ,Which would   fulfill     all   the wishes one has.
3224. Surrounded by    Deva maidens    who   wore pretty ornaments  ,Who were   carrying   in their hands  which were  ornamented   with golden jewels  ,The lamps which were   giving out light   on both   sides  ,With the night     which had spread    all over the sky    ran away  ,That Ravana with huge soldiers  climbing   on a plane  made  of gems,Came    to inspect    that great hall    that was made of gems.
3225.Though that place    had darkness   as if thousand   crore  ,Darkness was kept there  With the cool moon like  faces   ,Of the deva maidens    and due   to the collection of    several thousand crores  ,Of  great moon lights   which give out cold   being   collected   there  ,The   night    that    was in that   hall ran away with great speed.
3226.  The nine  precious   gems  which are  the flowers of Karpaga tree Looked like   the day   time rays of the sun   and  the   catch of darkness ,Got loosened   and the day time     was formed .Is it not    the greatness ,Of Karpaga tree   that though  Sun was  not visible , the light flows from the tree.
3227.Ravana   who was not able to differentiate   between  tough , sound and other ,Feelings , who was having a very confused  mind   and   was not   knowing,‘What to do’ , pulled     by the great desire   entered in to that  moon stone hall,As if he has    taken another   birth and possessed a    fresh new body.

3228.Like  the  round ocean of milk   in which the  Makara   fishes wandered  ,Which like mother    used to give   whatever    was requested by the devas,Who destroyed their desire and did penance , came with a pot of nectar,Ravana reached the bed  of flowers  and  golden leaves   surrounded   by bees.
3229. The  gentle   breeze   from the south   which arranged   a feast,To the God  of love  in the sweet smelling   pretty  sweet gardens ,Which was   filled    the smell of  flowers   from the   hair ,Of well ornamented  ladies  , which was like the nectar   ,Willingly given by the   ocean which produced great sound ,And   which was  capable  of getting back   ,The soul of the person    even if he   has lost   it.
3230.That Ravana who had eyes     spitting    fire   which looks   with great anger ,Could not tolerate   the breeze   entering through the   window   and wafting,Became angry as if he has   seen a python entering   the  home,Called his    servants   and told   them as follows.
3231.”Just like    the little water    that appeared in the well  has ,Drowned the entire world  , Wind God   who is one    of the devas ,Has become capable of causing harm to me   and he asked ,How  did   this breeze   enter    here   without my order,Call immediately   those  servants   who guard   this place.”
3232. Then those assistants ran and brought  those guards ,And Ravana  looked at them with   his    red cruel eyes  ,And made   them scared    and that Ravana   who was short tempered asked them,“Did you provide   the way to the breeze to come here?, they said,“When you came  here  you did not  order  us not to allow  breeze  inside .”
3233. “If the devas can come here    whenever    they  like  ,Does it mean that    rule of my  law     has already died,So immediately   search everywhere and go to far off places  ,Search   and find out wind God  , catch him and put him in the great prison here “ he said.
3234.  Then he again told  “ there  is no point   in getting angry  on wind God.If I do not attain the true  love   of the   black spear eyed   Sita  ,The God of death would come   quickly     near me and so ,Go and bring ministers  who by their strength, know   the future”  ordered  Ravana.
3235.Those assistants that received    this order  before  “A”  is utterered ,Went and called for the ministers   everywhere and when they called like  that,The Devas of heaven   and all the  mentally upset    ministers  ,Riding on chariots with flags   , on horses , on palanquins  ,And on  elephants which   poured    water  of rut   reached  there.
3236.After discussing faultlessly  with the ministers who came   there,His mind did not   get clear and  he wanted   only to do what he wished,Without any  other   help  got in to a plane  travelling in the   sky  ,Reached the    hermitage   of Mareecha    who was doing penance controlling his senses.

See also  Chapter 11 – The Bhagawad Gita

8. Mareechan vadhai padalam

Chapter on killing of Mareecha.
(When Mareecha says he wants to   take revenge on Rama , Mareecha tries to dissuade   him in various. When he understands , that that if he     does not agree   Ravana   would kill him, he agrees. Ravana   then asks him   to go as a golden deer and tempt Sita and remove Rama from that   place. Mareecha goes as an attractive deer  .Sita wants that deer. Lakshmana tries his best to impress on Rama     that the deer was a result of illusion and mot probably Mareecha. When Lakshmana says that he will go   behind the deer, Sita becomes sad and Rama himself goes    asking Lakshmana to    guard Sita.  When Rama realizes    that   the deer is a magical one , he kills it.  The deer shouts in Rama’s voice  “Oh Sita , Oh Lakshmana “ and dies. Rama  is worried.)
3237. As soon as   Ravana  reached there   the Mareecha who was living there ,Became scared   and with a pained mind as well as   confused   thoughts  ,Went to the front and received    Ravana  who  was like a   black mountain,Showered hospitality on him   and seeing the faded face   of Ravana   started    talking.

3238.  The confused Mareecha    told him, “Oh lord     who rules    creating fear ,To the Indra who rules from shade   of Karpaga    tree and also the God of death,What   is the  purpose   of your coming  like a poor man    who does not  have anybody,To  this forest and   that   too   in search of the poor hut of   mine?”

3239.Ravana said, “several things have happened  but I continued to live,I am further getting   tired  , my   shine    has   gone away  ,My fame   and  greatness    have  both gone away   and now  ,How shall I say about    all these    things to you  “   after telling this  ,He again told “that is something which will    bring,Shame   as   well  as    bad name     to all devas.”

3240.”Oh one who holds the spear , the men there  have become   stronger ,Using their sharp sword   they have cut away   the nose of your niece  Soorpanakha,And if we see deeply   what  other worse    bad fate     can occur    ,To your clan as well as my  clan., please tell.”
3241.  “If a man  has   insulted  my sister   and not only that  , he ,Waged war with a bow    and  drank    the   life   span of   Khara ,Who is a great warrior    and who   had ebbing great     anger, And brought bad name to me who has   so far only won victory .Is it proper    for you to see   that your nephews holding cruel spears  ,Are killed   and remain    happy carrying   both your hands?”

3242 “Due to all this   the heat of mind did not reduce,I  became   depressed and am slowly    wasting away  ,And since they are  not equal to my strength   ,I do not want to fight with them but I wanted   to kidnap  ,That lady with coral like  lips and  I want your help  in this,For the sake of wiping away  this insult    of mine   and I have   come here.”
3243.Before Ravana  completed all these words   which were  like  melting  iron,In a burning fire     and pouring    it in  to his ears   , Mareecha   closed  ,Both his ears   and said “chee, chee  “  and tottered  and ,Removing his fear   for Ravana    from his mind  ,With a mind which was     greatly   angry   and started  telling.”
3244,”oh king  , You have sought and got the   end of your life   ,You have lost your wisdom  . This has  not happened    due to you  ,Because  this has happened    due to    the strength   of fate  ,Though it is not  sweet for you  to hear   , I am telling   this to you,Taking account your welfare  “he then he started   telling   matters   of courage     to him.
3245 “You    cut off your   heads by   your  own hand   and offered them in Yagna fire  ,You    tortured your soul    for very many years    by starving    your selves And was it not like this  that you got    all this wealth    and if you neglect,The fruits of your penance   now   , would it  be possible  for  you get them again.”
3246. “Oh king  who is    greatly learned  in Vedas  written by   chosen words  ,You followed Dharma   and did    great penance    and got  all this wealth  ,And not by following    the path of Adharma   , please tell after thinking ,Did you not get everything     through   following good ways  ?   Again ,Would you now follow the path     of Adharma     and loose  all that  wealth.”
3247.  “They who  steal   the kingdom from those    who show love  ,Those who collected tax     by tormenting  the  citizens  ,And  those who take for themselves  the ladies who live  ,In their homes as    wife  of others  would be completely  ,Destroyed   by  the God of    Dharma      himself ,Till now    who among   the cruel ones    have continued to live?”
3248.”The lord of Devas   due  to the beauty of Ahalya  lost his prestige,And like  that several people    who were    equivalent to that  Indra  ,Got   bad name  . “Oh Lord     who does not have    any    brain,Several ladies who are   equivalent  to Goddess Lakshmi   are enjoying   your wealth,And   you are now  talking    that  which is talked by  those who do not have good advisors?”
3249.”If you do not   follow   and act  you would not get    anything good And you would get only sin   and  bad name   out   of it  , and if ,By chance   you  win  , That Rama    who had created  the world,Using arrows which are    like the curse   of great saints  ,Would win over you and destroy   all your clan along with descendents.”
3250.”Even though I advise  like this   you are refusing  to think about   it,One of the chiefs of your army called Khara   along    with his army   and Very strong chariot regiment  was killed By Rama    by one of his bow   and ,He has decided   to kill   all the Rakshasa clans    and this  is pitiable  .”
3251.  “Among the cruel who is   equal in cruelty    to  Viradha   and ,Alas by one of the arrows    of Rama  he was killed    and went to heaven  ,And when that is so   among us who can escape from him alive  ,Thinking like  this    I have   become   greatly pained   ,And are    you going    to increase   my   pain   further  more?”
3252. “All those    who have died are   all dead   and do not  take  any  action,So  that more people     would  die   in future , Please, please do not do it,If you do that  there  would  be no  way to  escape  .It is not possible   to tell   how many people   ruled this earth  and  It is not possible  for     those   who do not follow Dharma    to  live   with stability ,Also in this    world   there are  none who did not get destroyed,And are not all people      those who vanished    without anything?”
3253. “He is the one   who sent one   arrow to kill  my  younger brother Subahu,And my mother   Thadaga  and my  manliness    went back before    That great archer Rama,And  his younger   brother who is    very near   him   and I became   tired as I lost my valour  and That  Rama    is your enemy ,And due to that   mind is  shivering like a string.”
3254.  All the moving  and not moving    things   will not be there for ever,And they would definitely get    destroyed, andThis   truth is known    to you  and so hear my words    and do not do bad acts  ,And at least from now    always   be our chief   and with great wealth ,Live   always    happily, “   said  Mareecha

3255.  After    hearing   this  Ravana told, ,” Addressing me    who  lifted by his palm,The Kailasa  mountain along with  Lord Shiva    who keeps     ganges   on his     head,And who has  very pretty   Manikhya shoulders   ,  you   have   told    that,I am weaker than a mere  man   “  and then he  looked at him  ,With fire in his very cruel    eyes   , lifted his eye brow like   arch   and with great   anger.
3256.” You did not consider about the insult     that happened to our clan,And    without any fear    you   made one  without   firmness   of my mind,You praised that one    who made the    face of my sister    in to a mountain cave  ,But I have decided    to    pardon you for   this great crime “ said Ravana.
3257.Understanding   that   Ravana    who was angry with him  ,Who is   valorous    and who does not have    any greatness  in him,Would further    get    angry with him  , desiring   to get    away  ,Without giving any further   advice  , he asked  him, “you are getting  ,Angry with yourself   , you are   getting angry with your clan  ,But     are   not getting angry      with me  , “why is this?”
3258.”  If    you consider that    carrying  the Kailasa  mountain a great act   ,When Janaka gave the bow    and told  him  , This a bow    held    by Lord Shiva  ,And   is  like   a meru mountain  , please bend it”    That  matchless  Rama  ,Who was equal to a mountain  , held its   string   and broke it in to pieces  ,That bow which was like  a mountain  Meru   which touches    the sky, is it not?”
3259.”You are one who do not know     the strength  of Rama   completely,And  even if it is explained    to you  , you refuse   to   understand,Even  before  That   Rama prepares     for the war   and wears  a Thumbai garland,All the lives  of his enemies   ,   their   soul would be uprooted    from them,Due to ignorance    You   consider  Sita  as a   human lady   and   that is not her form,And it is the form of   the    sin that the Rakshasas   have done.

3260.When I realize    that   you along with your relatives   cannot escape  ,My mind is beating like a drum  , My soul    is  greatly   shivering  and  you  do not seem to be Bothered about it   , A person   who is standing near   one , who is drinking   poison,If he tells “you are doing a good act “  is   it    good   thing to do?
3261, From Lord Shiva    to the land of devas   and all the lands in between,The divine arrows that   were  given by sage   Viswamithra , with great   fire,Within the time of batting    the eye lash   are capable of killing all  lives ,They never  know defeat , are innumerable   and  are waiting orders  of Rama.
3262.  Due to the increase  of   poison   called passion which is sorrowful ,You have told very cruel words   , would   this not lead to your   destruction?Being    your maternal uncle, I was born     in this clan    before    you ,And that  is why I told these   words  , Please  change your opinion, “Mareecha    said.
3263.Though Mareecha requested  Ravana   to think about all his words ,Ravana, the king of Rakshasas   berated    him  and started    telling,“You are   still alive   becoming scared   of the one    who killed   your mother,And  is it proper    to consider   you as  manly  , when you have  done like this?”
3264.”Did    you tell me   who made    the elephants   guarding the directions  run away ,Who destroyed    the greatness     of   devas   by entering   their kingdom,And burnt all their  homes   and who are  ruling    all over the  world  , that  ,The sons of Dasaratha    are capable   of destroying me?  This strength  is great , great.”
3265. I  have  won over all the  three   worlds  and now  I am going to get ,More enemies to fight  , Is there anything  more sweeter than that?Do   carry out   my orders.  . It is not proper for you being  a  minister  ,Who should think about    and   protect   the country  ,To take    actions    in a way that   you think is right?

3266.”Even if   you refuse    to obey my order  , using  my sharp knife   ,I would do what   my mind wants to do?  I would not go away from it  ,Leave out  telling    these advices   which I hate   and carry out  ,My desires   and then you can stay alive. Do according to what I want , “ he said to Ravana.
3267.When Ravana    told like that , understanding   his thought process ,Mareecha thought  “those   who are   greatly proud    would be destroyed,And    is this not a deep  philosophy” and that   More than the people who believe,“Arrogance of those people   would destroy relations  .”,Mareecha   thought That “where  are  those arrogant people ?”    and started    talking like  ,Water   sprinkled   on the   melted  copper  .

See also  Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 1 (Padalam 4)

3268. Mareecha told  , “I told   all this    for   your benefit   only  in a  true manner,       And I did not  tell them thinking   that   destruction would come to me   andI did not advice    you because  of fear  . When destruction comes   near us,Even if some body advices  properly  , it     would as improper,Oh Ravana   who travels on an improper path, tell me what  I should do?”

3269. As soon as Mareecha told like this   , Ravana    got up and hugged him,And after   leaving out his anger  towards him told, “Oh Mareecha who has,Mountain like    shoulders , instead   of dying by the arrows of  love god,Would not we get    fame if  we die     by the arrows   of Rama?Please  bring me Sita    who has turned   cool breeze as   enemy  to me,And give    her   to me”  and thus    he requested   him.

3270.When Ravana    told him like this   Mareecha   replied to him,“For taking revenge on Rama for killing my mother , once   when I went,To Dandakaranya  along with two other Rakshasas,  those who came with me died,From the   arrows which came from the bow of Rama,I returned back greatly scared. What job should   I   do now?”

3271.When Mareecha told like that , That  Rakshasa chief   Ravana told,“Sir,  I am standing here ready   to kill him   , who killed    your   mother ,In a very base manner. Is the question “what can I go    and achieve”,A  proper question from you  . Should we   not catch that Sita  by  creating illusion?”

3272.Mareecha told  , Now     what else    can I tell you  ?   to attain the   wife of Rama,By your valour   and ability   would only be proper   and not attain her by cheating?To get her my cheating would be demeaning    to your position      and status   and So Win over   Rama in  war   and increase    your  suitability  for   doing that  ,Would be suitable     to the     tradition of justice that   we follow?”

See also  Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 5 (Padalam 11-13)

3273. When his relative told him like this ,  Ravana  laughed   at it  and said,“Is the  army necessary to win over    those men? Would not the   sword  ,Held by my strong hands   be sufficient for that  ?   but if   Rama and Lakshmana ,Die  , she  who is human  , who would be alone, would prefer to die a nd so,Because of that   we will catch her   by  using magical     illusion?”

3274.  Mareecha thought  ,”even  before    he touches   that lady  ,Rama   would cut off the heads   of Ravana  and make them fall down,But  I am not able to   tell him the proper    way to  do it?Who would    fully know     the   path of fate and so  except,Carrying out orders   of Ravana  , I   do not see   any other   option.”

3275 And he asked Ravana  ,”What   type of illusion    should I perform here?Please tell me,.”  And for that   Ravana    replied  ‘You enter   the forest,As a golden deer and create   attraction in the mind   of that golden girl”And Mareecha    agreed to do that and started    from there  . Also ,That king of Rakshasas  with shining spear    went   in  another direction.”

3276. Due    to knowing    the   strength   of the bow  of those two brothers,Mareecha   did not    take   this decision    himself and since   he knew ,The power   of the sword of Ravana   he agreed to obey that   order,We will now    tell about his thoughts  as well what he did?

3277. He would sorrow greatly   thinking about his close   relatives,He would think  of that valorous  heroes  , get  scared and fainted.He  started shivering thinking about    what  will happen   to the fishes,Once   the deep moat   of water is poisoned fully. And the  pain,That    he felt in his heart    was  something beyond   tought.

3278. He thought  of how he suffered    during the   Yaga  of Viswamithra,And when he went as a deer   to the forest.That  Mareecha  who has never faced the end or death , for the   third time,Consented for being killed    and travelling on its path,Went    and reached    the forest where Lord Rama   lived.

3279. Mareecha went   in the form of a golden deer  , which was matchless ,And which due    to the luster    of its body   gave light    to heaven and earth,In search  of Sita      who herself was like a deer   and found her.

3280.All the different types   of deer of the forest  , like  the lover  losing his mind  ,To a prostitute   who has   an unstable mind   and who does not have    real love On seeing that    golden deer    surrounded her with  ocean like    desire.

3281. Sita   about whose   waist people    told that  it was a lie  ,Walked    with    great pain to her waist   and started  plucking flowers ,In the forest   using    her soft hands    wearing lustrous bangles.

3282. The people     who would definitely   get in to problems ,Would see   many   unimaginable    weird   forms   in their dream  ,And like that  Sita   who is going   to undergo   sufferings  ,Which  will  not be undergone at any time  , Saw that magical deer.

3283. Due to   the  life of Ravana    nearing the end   and   due to fact,That  Dharma would luxuriously grow   in this earth after  his death,She  on seeing the golden deer could not recognize    that it is an illusion And stood there   wanting  that deer  ,  which is something not to be done.

3284, That Sita who had a forehead like the young crescent,When the     golden deer came and stood before her  ,With  gret desire    decided that “I would ask Rama,“Please catch and give it to me  “  ,  with great wish  ,Reached    that valorous hero   who wins by his bow.

3285. She saluted   Rama and told   him  , “I see a deer made of pure gold  .Which   shines     due to great light  ,which has long ears and legs  ,Which  are made of real  red gems   before  me which  is sweet to see .”
3286.Without thinking even a little   that  “ No such deer ,Was ever seen in this world so far  “  Rama    , the father of Brahma,Hearing   the  loving words of deer like Sita  , he also started   desiring  it.

3287. Not telling   that    it is  not a proper desire  because,Sita was asking for it , when Rama   at that time told,“Oh lady   wearing ornaments and   who is like a golden creeper  ,We would see   that deer”  Lakshmana   understanding   ,The way   of his,    started    the conversation  like this.

3288. ”Its   body is of gold colour  , ears , leg are    tail are  like red gems,And this deer with a nature of moving fast   , is not natural ,And would it be proper to think    it as   some thing magical  ,And oh Lord     under no circumstance    can it  be  true”  Lakshmana told

3289. And Rama told him then,  “ Oh younger   brother  all those  ,Greatly wise people   have not fully   understood    about   the nature,Of this shifting world and its   beings are  innumerable   crores of types ,And   so just  based on our knowledge  we cannot   say  it does not exist in this world.
3290. “You hae come to this   conclusion   by thought process   of the mind,Are we not hearing newer   and newer    type  of news    daily  ,Have you not heard  about the seven gold coloured    swans?”

3291.  “There are   no rules  to the beings of this world   that,They should look like    this only.  “Said  Rama to his younger brother,And  Sita    thought    that when they were   talking like  this,That golden deer   would go   in several forest paths   and vanish.

3292. That black mountain like    Rama    observing   this sad    thought  ,Of Sita   Said  “Oh lady who wears great    ornaments  , show it to me.”And started   to go with her  but that brother who wears   golden anklets  ,Went behind them and just like fate   that cannot be    side stepped  ,That     golden deer  came    and stood    before   them.

3293. Rama with his great wisdom  did not properly   examine  ,That deer   and said, “this deer is indeed pretty”  ,Can we  ,Think about those words and judge  it   for is he  not  ,The lord  of the devas    who has    left his serpent bed and has come here.

3294. ”Rama said  , “ Oh brother  , see   this deer carefully  , except ,Saying that it is only like   itself can we compare   it with any other   thing ,In this world.. Its    teeth    are   like   the smiling   pearls   and it  is,Like a streak of lightning     walking   over the bed of grass,And  its body is like  red gold   and the  dots on his body are like   silver.”

3295. “Oh lad   with strong bow   and one learned   in Dhanur   Veda,Whether it is a man or woman , once they see   it from near by place ,There  cannot be anyone who does not like it  and you please   see  ,That  all the beings that   crawl as well as fly   are   surrounding it,Like the flying insects     rushing   to see the flame of burning    fire.”

3296. When the honourable    Rama told like this    Lakshmana ,Stared carefully     at that  deer and  made up his mind  that, “it is not natural “ and told  “Oh heroic one  who wears  ,The  scented   flower   garland  , even if it is a   deer ,Made of gold, what  use it is for us?   And ,It is only  proper    for us to go away    from it.”

3297. Even before Lakshmana     completed    his words  , that pretty lady,Told   the  pretty  Rama “Oh son of  the king  , if you speedily   catch,This deer which is attractive    to the mind  , when we return,To Ayodhya    from this forest   , this would be    a rare  pet,Which would be    useful to play  with joy      for me.”

3298. When Sita who had a waist  which is doubtful in existence   told  like this,Indicating her  wish  , when Rama told with certainty “Just now I will catch and give “,That Lakshmana who was   clear in his thought   told him , “Oh elder  brother,, You would in the end    understand that  this  deer   is ,Only  a    cruel and tricky Rakshasa, with an intention to cheat     .”

3299. That Rama      who has    come    to remove     the sufferings    of the   devas told.“If it is a magic deer  , it would  die with my arrow   and  by killing it then,WE would fulfill   our duty of killing     the furious    Rakshasas   but  suppose  ,It is a pure   deer  , we will catch and bring it  , In both of there  where is evil?”

3300.  “Oh Rama     who has    very powerful golden shoulders , we do not know,Who has sent this magical deer and   we do not know what type   of  illusion  ,He has used   and we are not able    to know   what type of deer this   is,And it is not proper    to indulge   in the job of hunting  ,Which our   forefathers      hated to  get  indulged   in.” said Lakshmana.

3301.  “  Leaving   out our determination to kill the   Rakshasas   who  are our enemies.Saying    that   they are innumerable    and  that the magic and illusion  That   they practice    is terrible   is something which would   make,Others  laugh at us  “ and so there   is nothing wrong    in trying to catch this deer ,Like this    Rama the father   of Lord Brahma    told his   great    brother.

3302.  Then Lakshmana told , “  Oh Lord   , is it not proper   to a perform,Any job that we want to do after  clear thought ?  Even if large number of people  ,Are involved   in sending this deer   and are in hiding , With cruel arrows ,In my bow I would follow    them  and   speedily  I will pursue and destroy them.If not   I would catch hold of this    deer   and drag it   to this place.”

3303. Sita   interfered in this   talk of Lakshmana   and that   swan like Sita,Becoming sad   and   like a parrot   lisped    sweetly   thee words ,Like nectar   using her red mouth   “Oh Lord, would you yourself  .Not go and catch this deer and give it to me  “ and with red lines  ,On her blue lotus   like eyes  which were shedding  pearl like tears, with great anger.

3304. Seeing that love    tiff of Sita who told like this   , Rama   who could protect all,Said to Lakshmana, “Oh brother who wears garland of golden flowers ,I would myself go and catch this deer    and return swiftly.Till then  you please   guard Sita who is like   the peacock of the forest.”And  then taking arrows     which are  as sharp as   spears  , he started going fast.

3305. Then Lakhmana told  “ In the Yaga conducted    by Viswamithra  ,One of the three Rakshasas escaped and I have a doubt that  this may be that Mareecha,Oh Lord  , please think over it again  . Pease   go   and come back without any harm,”After sayring this he raised both his arms saluted Rama   and    started ,Guarding the hermitage    in which Sita entered by standing  near   the door.

3306. Without bothering about  the   true words   told by the great thinker   Lakshmana,That Rama who had pretty shoulders   like mountain   but   only thinking,About anger of Sita who had a   face  like    full moon  , with a   smile ,On   his  red lips which were like coral   and Sindhoora  , Rama     Started    following     that   golden deer.

3307.  That magical deer   walked stepping slowly  , stared    as if it was scared  ,Straightened   its long ears   and then lifting its hooves   up to its breasts.,Jumped up the sky   and crossing the speed of  lashing wind and mindStarted    running from there   , making  one learn a new name   for its speed.

3308.Rama    took and kept   his feet which measured   the earth   in speedy steps.Is   there is another   world for him to measure  ? He ran speedilyAnd he showed the world  his   form  which   is    everywhere  ,Who can  ever estimate    the speed with which he went?

3309. That deer    would climb   on mountains  , would jump on clouds in the sky,When one nears it  will run away   and if  you delay to   go near   , it   would,Come and stand near the  touching   distance   and    if one goes near it  ,It would  move away far off   and stand there  ,  would love   you as much as you pay,And Oh mother it went like mind of   prostitutes wearing scented    garlands.

3310. Though    this    has taken the form of   deer   but I feel   that  its acts   Are very different from that of deer, and it is proper that Lakshmana  ,Suspected  it earlier to me  .His thoughts seems to be true  and proper  ,Had I also properly   thought about   it, I would   not have come  over here ,And after   suffering this pain   I also feel that  is illusion of Rakshasas”  , Rama thought.

3311. Thinking in his mind    that  “Now Rama   would not try to catch me  ,But he would kill me with    his arrow and  send   to heaven “   that Mareecha,Who is an expert in illusion  , with great speed  jumped on to the   sky.

3312, In that second   Rama   send   a red arrow    which    was like His cruel weapon of wheel , that  cannot be   stopped ,  at that deer  ,With an order “Wherever that deer goes  , go to all those places  and remove   its soul”    

3313, That arrow     which was looking like a long leaf   went  ,And hit at the heart   of Mareecha   which was fully filled with deceit  ,And immediately     using his open mouth   he shouted  ,”Sita,  Lakshmana”,In the voice of Rama  , so that   it will go in all the eight   directions   And beyond  that   and   fell like a hill   assuming   his real     form.

3314,  Seeing that cruel one   falling    dead   in his natural form  ,Understanding that   the deer   is not  a true one   and  Rama thought ,About his younger brother  “He is  an able one   and he   is like my soul”,And the   one who  came    to attack me  is very intelligent  .

3315. Then he stared    at the body of the cruel one who died ,Shouting  so that  his voice reaches   all the directions  ,And understood    that  he was  the Mareecha  who came ,During     the faultless     sage    Viswamithra.

3316. ”When my arrow which pierces   hit his chest  , by his magic,He cried for Sita and Lakshmana      imitating my voice   and perhaps,Hearing that call  Sita who  has eyes    as     cool as    a rain,Would become sad  “ thought Rama    and got worried.

3317. ”My younger brother as soon as he saw the deer understood, Earlier itself that he was Mareecha who was the master of illusion, And since he knows well about my strength, he would have, Consoled Sita and would have told about the reality of that voice” Thinking like this, he managed to attain clarity of mind.

3318. ”Mareecha does not have to come here, only for death, He has come definitely with a plan and due to his shouting, A big harm is going to happen and so even before that happens, It would be better for me to reach my hermitage, “thinking like this he started back.

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