HYMN XLVIII. Dawn: Rig Veda – Book 1 – Ralph T.H. Griffith, Translator

सह वामेन न उषो वयुछा दुहितर्दिवः |
सह दयुम्नेन बर्हता विभावरि राया देवि दास्वती ||

अश्वावतीर्गोमतीर्विश्वसुविदो भूरि चयवन्त वस्तवे |
उदीरय परति मा सून्र्ता उषश्चोद राधो मघोनाम ||

उवासोषा उछाच्च नु देवी जीरा रथानाम |
ये अस्या आचरणेषु दध्रिरे समुद्रे न शरवस्यवः ||

उषो ये ते पर यामेषु युञ्जते मनो दानाय सूरयः |
अत्राह तत कण्व एषां कण्वतमो नाम गर्णाति नर्णाम ||

आ घा योषेव सूनर्युषा याति परभुञ्जती |
जरयन्ती वर्जनं पद्वदीयत उत पातयति पक्षिणः ||

वि या सर्जति समनं वयर्थिनः पदां न वेत्योदती |
वयो नकिष टे पप्तिवांस आसते वयुष्टौ वाजिनीवति ||

एषायुक्त परावतः सूर्यस्योदयनादधि |
शतं रथेभिः सुभगोषा इयं वि यात्यभि मानुषान ||

विश्वमस्या नानाम चक्षसे जगज्ज्योतिष कर्णोति सूनरी |
अप दवेषो मघोनी दुहिता दिव उषा उछदप सरिधः ||

उष आ भाहि भानुना चन्द्रेण दुहितर्दिवः |
आवहन्ती भूर्यस्मभ्यं सौभगं वयुछन्ती दिविष्टिषु ||

विश्वस्य हि पराणनं जीवनं तवे वि यदुछसि सूनरि |
सा नो रथेन बर्हता विभावरि शरुधि चित्रामघे हवम ||

उषो वाजं हि वंस्व यश्चित्रो मानुषे जने |
तेना वह सुक्र्तो अध्वरानुप ये तवा गर्णन्ति वह्नयः ||

विश्वान देवाना वह सोमपीतये.अन्तरिक्षादुषस्त्वम |
सास्मासु धा गोमदश्वावदुक्थ्यमुषो वाजं सुवीर्यम ||

यस्या रुशन्तो अर्चयः परति भद्रा अद्र्क्षत |
सा नो रयिं विश्ववारं सुपेशसमुषा ददातु सुग्म्यम ||

ये चिद धि तवां रषयः पूर्व ऊतये जुहूरे.अवसे महि |
सा न सतोमानभि गर्णीहि राधसोषः शुक्रेण शोचिषा ||

उषो यदद्य भानुना वि दवाराव रणवो दिवः |
पर नो यछतादव्र्कं पर्थु छर्दिः पर देवि गोमतीरिषः ||

सं नो राया बर्हता विश्वपेशसा मिमिक्ष्वा समिळाभिरा |
सं दयुम्नेन विश्वतुरोषो महि सं वाजैर्वाजिनीवति ||


saha vāmena na uṣo vyuchā duhitardivaḥ |
saha dyumnena bṛhatā vibhāvari rāyā devi dāsvatī ||

aśvāvatīrghomatīrviśvasuvido bhūri cyavanta vastave |
udīraya prati mā sūnṛtā uṣaścoda rādho maghonām ||

uvāsoṣā uchācca nu devī jīrā rathānām |
ye asyā ācaraṇeṣu dadhrire samudre na śravasyavaḥ ||

uṣo ye te pra yāmeṣu yuñjate mano dānāya sūrayaḥ |
atrāha tat kaṇva eṣāṃ kaṇvatamo nāma ghṛṇāti nṛṇām ||

ā ghā yoṣeva sūnaryuṣā yāti prabhuñjatī |
jarayantī vṛjanaṃ padvadīyata ut pātayati pakṣiṇaḥ ||

vi yā sṛjati samanaṃ vyarthinaḥ padāṃ na vetyodatī |
vayo nakiṣ ṭe paptivāṃsa āsate vyuṣṭau vājinīvati ||

eṣāyukta parāvataḥ sūryasyodayanādadhi |
śataṃ rathebhiḥ subhaghoṣā iyaṃ vi yātyabhi mānuṣān ||

viśvamasyā nānāma cakṣase jaghajjyotiṣ kṛṇoti sūnarī |
apa dveṣo maghonī duhitā diva uṣā uchadapa sridhaḥ ||

uṣa ā bhāhi bhānunā candreṇa duhitardivaḥ |
āvahantī bhūryasmabhyaṃ saubhaghaṃ vyuchantī diviṣṭiṣu ||

viśvasya hi prāṇanaṃ jīvanaṃ tve vi yaduchasi sūnari |
sā no rathena bṛhatā vibhāvari śrudhi citrāmaghe havam ||

uṣo vājaṃ hi vaṃsva yaścitro mānuṣe jane |
tenā vaha sukṛto adhvarānupa ye tvā ghṛṇanti vahnayaḥ ||

viśvān devānā vaha somapītaye.antarikṣāduṣastvam |
sāsmāsu dhā ghomadaśvāvadukthyamuṣo vājaṃ suvīryam ||

yasyā ruśanto arcayaḥ prati bhadrā adṛkṣata |
sā no rayiṃ viśvavāraṃ supeśasamuṣā dadātu sughmyam ||

ye cid dhi tvāṃ ṛṣayaḥ pūrva ūtaye juhūre.avase mahi |
sā na stomānabhi ghṛṇīhi rādhasoṣaḥ śukreṇa śociṣā ||

uṣo yadadya bhānunā vi dvārāv ṛṇavo divaḥ |
pra no yachatādavṛkaṃ pṛthu chardiḥ pra devi ghomatīriṣaḥ ||

saṃ no rāyā bṛhatā viśvapeśasā mimikṣvā samiḷābhirā |
saṃ dyumnena viśvaturoṣo mahi saṃ vājairvājinīvati ||

English Translation

Translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith

1 DAWN on us with prosperity, O Uṣas, Daughter of the Sky,
Dawn with great glory, Goddess, Lady of the Light, dawn thou with riches, Bounteous One.

2 They, bringing steeds and kine, boon-givers of all wealth, have oft sped forth to lighten us.
O Uṣas, waken up for me the sounds of joy: send us the riches of the great.

3 Uṣas hath dawned, and now shall dawn, the Goddess, driver forth of cars
Which, as she cometh nigh, have fixed their thought on her, like glory-seekers on the flood.

4 Here Kaṇva, chief of Kaṇva’s race, sings forth aloud the glories of the heroes’ names,—
The. princes who, O Uṣas, as thou comest near, direct their thoughts to liberal gifts.

5 Like a good matron Uṣas comes carefully tending everything:
Rousing all life she stirs all creatures that have feet, and makes the birds of air fly up.

6 She sends the busy forth, each man to his pursuit: delay she knows not as she springs.
O rich in opulence, after thy dawning birds that have flown forth no longer rest.

7 This Dawn hath yoked her steeds afar, beyond the rising of the Sun:
Borne on a hundred chariots she, auspicious Dawn, advances on her way to Men.

8 To meet her glance all living creatures bend them down: Excellent One, she makes the light.
Uṣas, the Daughter of the Sky, the opulent, shines foes and enmities away.

9 Shine on us with thy radiant light, O Uṣas, Daughter of the Sky,
Bringing to us great store of high felicity, and beaming on our solemn rites.

10 For in thee is each living creature’s breath and life, when, Excellent! thou dawnest forth.
Borne on thy lofty car, O Lady of the Light, hear, thou of wondrous wealth, our call.

11 O Uṣas, win thyself the strength which among men is wonderful.
Bring thou thereby the pious unto holy rites, those who as priests sing praise to thee.

12 Bring from the firmament, O Uṣas, all the Gods, that they may drink our Soma juice,
And, being what thou art, vouchsafe us kine and steeds, strength meet for praise and hero might.

13 May Uṣas whose auspicious rays are seen resplendent round about,
Grant us great riches, fair in form, of all good things, wealth which light labour may attain.

14 Mighty One, whom the Ṛṣis of old time invoked for their protection and their help,
O Uṣas, graciously answer our songs of praise with bounty and with brilliant light.

15 Uṣas, as thou with light to day hast opened the twin doors of heaven,
So grant thou us a dwelling wide and free from foes. O Goddess, give us food with kine.

16 Bring us to wealth abundant, sent in every shape, to plentiful refreshing food,
To all-subduing splendour, Uṣas, Mighty One, to strength, thou rich in spoil and wealth.