
Adikesava Perumal Temple, Sriperumpudur, Kanchipuram

Date built:
Deity:Adikesava Perumal
Architectural style:Dravidian architecture
Major festivals
Address:Sri Adi Kesava Perumal & Sri Bhashyakar Temple,
Sriperumpudur, Kanchipuram Taluk,Pincode – 602105
Phone +91 44 – 27162236 / +91 – 9444898548

Adi Kesava Perumal Temple (also called Ramanujar Temple) is dedicated to Hindu god Vishnu located in Sriperumpudur, Kanchipuram district, in the South Indian state of Tamilnadu. It is constructed in the Dravidian style of architecture, dedicated to Vishnu, who is worshipped as Adikesava Perumal and his consort Lakshmi as Yatirajanathavalli Thayar. This is the only temple where Goddess Lakshmi has a name attributed to a devotee of the Lord. She is a varaprasathi who grants all wishes. The temple is believed to be the birthplace of Ramanuja, the exponent of Vaishtavaidata philosophy.

The gold plated shrine in front of the hall of Ramanuja is built by the Maharaja of Mysore. The temple is open from 6:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 8 p.m and has six daily rituals at various times of the day. Various festivals are celebrated in the temple, with the Chittirai Brahmotsavam, Masi Pooram festival during February – March and Panguni Uthiram festival during March – April being the most prominent. The temple is maintained and administered by the Hindu Religious and Endowment Board of the Government of Tamilnadu. Sriperumpudur is located on the Chennai – Bangalore Highway (NH 4) about 40 Kilometers South-West of Chennai.

Temple Opening Time

The temple is open from 6.30 a.m. to 12.00 a.m. and from 4.00 p.m. to 8.30 p.m.


Those facing adverse aspects of Rahu and Ketu planets and those facing delays in marriage due to Kalasarpa dosha in whose horoscopes the snake planets are at both ends covering the other planets in between them, pray here for relief. Devotees perform abishek to Sri Ramanuja with milk as a prayer commitment. The water left over from the daily ablutions and the cloth worn by the deities is squeezed and given as Prasadam (blessing) to devotees at Ramanuja Swamy Temple. This cloth is said to cure skin diseases and bless childless couples with children. Every month, on the day that the Thiruvadirai star reigns in the sky, many people come to witness the milk ablutions and to get the blessings of the Lord.


The temple is open from 6:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The temple priests perform the pooja (rituals) during festivals and on a daily basis. As at other Vishnu temples of Tamilnadu, the priests belong to the Vaishnavaite community, a Brahmin sub-caste. The temple rituals are performed four times a day: Ushathkalam at 8 a.m., Kalasanthi at 10:00 a.m., Sayarakshai at 5:00 p.m. and Ardha Jamam at 7:00 p.m. Each ritual has three steps: Alangaram (decoration), neivethanam (food offering) & deepa aradanai (waving of lamps) for both adi kesavan and his consort yathirajavalli. There are weekly, monthly and fortnightly rituals performed in the temple.

Various festivals are celebrated in the temple, with the Chittirai Brahmotsavam, Masi Pooram festival during February – March and Panguni Uthiram festival during March – April being the most prominent. During Chittirai Brahmotsavam, the temple car housing the festival deities of Adikesava and Yathirajavalli is drawn around the streets of Sriperumpudur. The festival car was not operational for the 25 years preceding 2003 and was resumed from 2003. The festival is followed by Thiruavadara Utsavam of Ramanuja, the birthday festival of the saint. On the last Friday of Panguni (March-April) or on the last Friday of Chithirai, Thirumanjanam is simultaneously performed for Lord Adikesava Perumal, Mother Yathiraja Valli, Sri Andal and Acharya Sri Ramanuja.

See also  Vijayaraghava Perumal Temple, Puduvayal, Thiruvallur

In Vaikasi (May-June), the Adhi Kesava Perumal Vasantha Uthsavam is popular. On festival days, the Utsava Murthy (processional image) is decorated with jewels, dressed in glittering robes and Ramanuja carries a sword symbolic of his status as the king of saints. The image is brought to the garden after a ride in the temple car in the morning. Before the Thirumanjanam (ablution), the jewels and robes are removed and the icon can be seen in all its original glory with the back of the head shaped like a hooded serpent, reminding viewers that he was the incarnation of Adisesha, Vishnu’s iconic serpent. Devotees eagerly wait to see the Thirumanjanam and the Pushpa Pallakku (flower decorated palanquin) that follows. The temple is maintained and administered by the Hindu Religious and Endowment Board of the Government of Tamilnadu.

Major Festivals are listed below;

Tamil MonthName of Uthsavam
Chitrai ( April-May) Bashyakara Avathara  Uthsavam for – 10 days
Chitrai ( April-May)Adhi Kesava Perumal’s Uthsavam for 10 days
Vaikasi ( May – June)Adhi Kesava Perumal’s Vasantha Uthsavam
Aani ( June – July )Jestabishekam
Aadi July – August)Andal Uthsavam
Avani ( August – September)Perumal’s Pavithra Uthsavam)
Navarathri Uthsavam
AipasiManavala Mamunigal – 10 days Uthsavam
DhannurDhannur Masa Usthavam
ThaiKoorath Alwar Usthavam
PanguniRama Navami


Legend / Local stories

Chella Pillai Utsavam:

Once, a king from Delhi took the idol of Narayanapuram to please his daughter. Ramanuja went to Delhi to recover the idol and the idol is believed to have fallen on his lap as a child by divine powers as a child. The Chella Pillai Utsavam is held every year commemorating the event.

Story behind the name Boodhapuri:

The place is known as Aranyaranam and Boodhapuri. In the Kailasha Lord Shiva once dancing and Lord Shiva was deeply involved in dancing and he was doing Avesha Narthanam and suddenly his robes fell down, seeing this all the Bhootha ganas laughed. Then Shiva becomes very angry on his Bhootha Ganas and curses them that they should go to Bhoo Loka and do Nithya vasam. Then Bhootha ganas realize their mistakes , they repent and  pray to  Shiva for his mercy , Shiva tells once I have given the shapa (Curse) I cannot take it back, so please go to Brahma ask for Pariharam.

Then Brahma tells that please go to the Punya Bhoomi of Great Bharatha Varusham, Go to a place known as Arunaranyam Kshetram which is situated in between Thiruvenkatam Hills and Sathayavratha Kshetram (Kanchi) and pray to Lord Maha Vishnu for Saapa Vimochanam. As instructed by the Brahma comes to Arunaranyam Kshetram and then Lord Narayana is pleased with Bhootha ganas. Then he calls the Shiva and tells him to take back the Bhootha ganas back in Kailasha. Then he instructed Ananthaalwan (Adhi Seshan) to create a Sarasu, and then instructs the Bhootha Ganas to take bath in the Sarasu and get relieved of the curse.

Then they Request the Lord also to stay in this Kshetram and bless the world. Then they do Pradhakshinam to Lord Adhi Kesavan (Lord Maha Vishnu). Then they build a Temple, small town and they did Usthavam to Lord Adhi Kesavan and they got rid of the shapa (curse). In those days it was known as Bhoodhapuri and later on it became Sriperambhoothur and now it is Sriperumpudur.

See also  Vedal Shiva Temple, Kanchipuram

Avathara Sthalam of Ramanuja:

Once there lived a great King named Hareetha Maharaja, he was the grandson of King Ambarisha and he is the decedent of Ramar. He was passing by a dense forest, then he hears a shrill moaning of a cow, he goes in the direction where the voice was coming, he sees that a Tiger has caught the cow and was about to kill the Cow, and  the Kohathi Dosham is going to take place and since he is Kshatriya and a King  he thinks that it is his duty to protect the weakling, and there is no sin in killing the tiger, He aims at Tiger, meanwhile tiger thinks i should do something that King also suffers with that he kills the Cow, and King Hareetha kills the tiger. Since he has seen the Kohathi taking place, the Dosham comes to him, he is worried, then suddenly he hears Asareeri (Divine Voice) and asks him to proceed to Sathayavratha Kshetram and take bath in Anantha Sarasu and worship Lord Adhi Kesava, your sins will vanish.

Then he goes back to Ayodhya and Consults Vashista Maharishi and, he tells about the Sriperumpudur’s Mahatmiyam and narrates how Bhootha Ganas got rid of the Saapa and also the route. King Hareetha makes alternative arrangement to run the Kingdom and proceeds to Sriperumpudur. Then he takes bath in Anantha Sarasu and prays to Lord Adhi Kesavan. Then finally Lord Vishnu appears before Hareetha Maharaja and instructs him all the Mantras which will help in getting rid of the Dosham, He also tells all these years you were Kshatriya and due to my blessings now you will become Brahmin and henceforth your descendants also will become Brahmin (even today his decedents are from his Gothra and they are known as Hareetha Gothra), He also gives the Upadesha of all Mantras.

Then Hareetha Maharaja rebuilds the Adhi Kesava temple and does consecration of the temple on an auspicious day, then he hears the Divine voice (Asareeri) that in near future great soul will be born in your Vamsa (Descendant) who will lead the world to greater height of Gyana and Bhakti, and that Great Soul is none other than Ramanuja. Then in year CE 1017 On a Thursday, in the Tamil Month of Chitrai, Sukla Paksha Panchami, in the constellation of Aridra (Thiruvadirai)   Asuri Keshavacharya and Kanthimathi were blessed with the Child and were named as Ramanuja. He was later given the title of Bashyakara, Emperumanar, Elayai Alwan, Yathirajar, Udayavar etc.

There is a mandapam in front of the temple where Sri Ramanuja was born.  During the 10 day Chithirai festival during April-May, Acharya graces from this mandapam.  On his birth star day, he is placed in a cradle as a child and fed with milk in a conch.  During this festival, the Parivattam turban linen – is brought from 36 Vaishnava shrines-Divya Desas – as a courtesy to the Acharya.

Than Uganda Thirumeni:

He toured the length and breadth of Bharatha Desha to preach the Vishistadvaita. Then Just few days before leaving the mortal coil and going to Vaikunta, His disciple Mudhaliandan’s Son Kanthadai Annan got a Archa Vigraham of Ramanuja and presented before him, then Swami hugged the Moorthy and transferred all his power to it, then Udayavar instructed to the Prathistai of this Vigraham on Tamil Month Thai on Constellation of Pushya Star at Sriperumpudur, This Vigraham is what we see in Sriperumpudur and it is known as Than Uganda Thirumeni. Ramanujar’s Vigraha, Divine archa-vigraha made of 5 metals including gold, silver, bronze, copper and iron.

See also  Mandaikadu Bhagavathy Amman Temple, Kanyakumari

Story behind Ramanuja gracing in White Robes during Chithirai Festival:

Ramanuja (1017–1137 CE) was a Hindu theologian, philosopher, and scriptural exegete, born in a Tamil family at Sriperumpudur. Vaishnavites, see him one of the most important acharya (teacher) of their tradition and as the leading expounder of Vishishtadvaita, one of the classical interpretations of the Vedic philosophy. Ramanuja grew up under the tutelage of Tirumalai Nambi, who was working in Tirumala Venkateswara Temple.

A king wanted to take vengeance on Sri Ramanuja and planned to punish him.  Knowing the king’s plans, a disciple, Koorathalwar, wearing the saffron went to the king.  Sri Ramanuja escaped in white robes. The king blinded Koorathalwar for failing his plans. With a view to respect the disciple who lost his eyes for him, Sri Ramanuja graces in white robes on one day during the Chithirai festival.

Lizard Structure:

There is a lizard sculpture behind Sri Ramanuja’s shrine. People worship this lizard for relief from sins.

Ramanuja rebirth as Manavala Mamunigal:

Acharya Sri Ramanuja lived a full circle of life spanning 120 years. (A full life means that a person should undergo the prescribed period of all the planets in his life that covers 120 years, not a day less.)  Sri Ramanuja, in next his birth was born as Manavala Mamunigal who taught the meaning of commentaries on scriptures. His idol is seen on a pillar in the temple.  There is also a separate temple for Acharya Sri Manavala Mamunigal outside the temple.

Belief of Temple Prasadam curing illness:

The Specialty of this Temple and Vigraham is Eravadai Theertham. Here they do Thirumanjanam to Lord Ramanuja daily then after the Thirumanjanam the cloth which Lord is wearing is squeezed and collected in Vatil and given as Prasadam to Bhakthas, it is said it capable of curing Skin diseases, Beget progeny for Issueless couples, and also cures many other ailments like cancer etc. If you take bath in Anantha Sarasu you will get rid of Rahu Kethu Dosham, Also you can light Ghee lamp. Every Thiruvadirai Star people come in large number and witness the Milk Thirumanjanam get the blessings of Udayavar.

Swarga Vasal:

The temple doesn’t have a Swarga vasal since it is believed that praying to Swami Ramanuja is the way to Vaikuntam.

Photo Gallery

How to Reach:

Sriperumpudur is a town panchayat in the Indian state of Tamilnadu located 40 kilometers southwest of the city of Chennai on the National Highway 4. This temple is situated 40 Kms away from Chennai, 35 Kms away from Kanchipuram and 20 Kms away from Thiruvallur Railway Station. The temple is located near the bus stand.

From                           Route No

High Court                    502

Thiruvanmiyur               549

Broadway                      553

Poonamallee                  553K, 517

Puzhthivakkam               554A

Red Hills                        562A

Pattabiram                     565

Kundrathur                    578

Vadapalani                     578A

Tambaram                     583, 583C, 583D

Thiruvallur                     583A

Koyambedu                    576

Nearest Railway Stations are Chennai Central & Thiruvallur and Nearest Airport is located at Chennai.

Contact Details

Sri Adi Kesava Perumal & Sri Bhashyakar Temple,
Sriperumpudur, Kanchipuram Taluk,
Pincode – 602105
Phone: +91 44 – 27162236
Mobile: +91 – 9444898548
Email: adhikesavaramanuja@sancharnet.in
Web: www.adhikesavaramanujatemple.com

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