श्रद्धया परया तप्तं तपस्तत्त्रिविधं नरै: |
अफलाकाङ्क्षिभिर्युक्तै: सात्विकं परिचक्षते || 17||
śhraddhayā parayā taptaṁ tapas tat tri-vidhaṁ naraiḥ
aphalākāṅkṣhibhir yuktaiḥ sāttvikaṁ parichakṣhate
फल को न चाहने वाले योगी पुरुषों द्वारा परम श्रद्धा से किए हुए उस पूर्वोक्त तीन प्रकार के तप को सात्त्विक कहते हैं ॥17॥
When devout persons with ardent faith practice these three-fold austerities without yearning for material rewards, they are designated as austerities in the mode of goodness.
English Translation Of Sri Shankaracharya’s Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Gambirananda