35 (8), Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 18, Verse 35
35 (8), Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 18, Verse 35

या स्वप्नं भयं शोकं विषादं मदमेव च |

न विमुञ्चति दुर्मेधा धृति: सा पार्थ तामसी ||

yayā svapnaṁ bhayaṁ śhokaṁ viṣhādaṁ madam eva cha
na vimuñchati durmedhā dhṛitiḥ sā pārtha tāmasī


हे पार्थ! दुष्ट बुद्धिवाला मनुष्य जिस धारण शक्ति के द्वारा निद्रा, भय, चिंता और दु:ख को तथा उन्मत्तता को भी नहीं छोड़ता अर्थात धारण किए रहता है- वह धारण शक्ति तामसी है॥35॥


That unintelligent resolve is said to be determination in the mode of ignorance, in which one does not give up dreaming, fearing, grieving, despair, and conceit.

English Translation Of Sri Shankaracharya’s Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Gambirananda

18.35 That firmness is mata, considered to be; tamasi, born of tamas; yaya, due to which; durmedha, a person with a corrupt intellect; na vimuncati, does not give up-indeed, holds fast to; svapnam, sleep; bhayam, fear; sokam, sorrow; visadam, despondency; eva ca, as also; madam, sensuality, enjoyment of objects-mentally holding these as things that must always be resorted to, considering them to be greatly important to himself, like a drunkard thinking of wine.

The threefold division of action as also of agents according to the differences of the gunas has been stated. After that, now is being stated the threefold division of results and happiness:

See also  लागा चुनरी में दाग, छुपाऊँ कैसे चुनरी में दाग, छुपाऊँ कैसे, घर जाऊँ कैसे

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