70 (1), Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 18, Verse 70
70 (1), Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 18, Verse 70

अध्येष्यते च य इमं धर्म्यं संवादमावयो: |
ज्ञानयज्ञेन तेनाहमिष्ट: स्यामिति मे मति: ||

adhyeṣhyate cha ya imaṁ dharmyaṁ saṁvādam āvayoḥ
jñāna-yajñena tenāham iṣhṭaḥ syām iti me matiḥ


जो पुरुष इस धर्ममय हम दोनों के संवाद रूप गीताशास्त्र को पढ़ेगा, उसके द्वारा भी मैं ज्ञानयज्ञ (गीता अध्याय 4 श्लोक 33 का अर्थ देखना चाहिए।) से पूजित होऊँगा- ऐसा मेरा मत है॥70॥


And I proclaim that those who study this sacred dialogue of ours will worship me (with their intellect) through the sacrifice of knowledge; such is my view.

English Translation Of Sri Shankaracharya’s Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Gambirananda

18.70 Ca, and; even he yah, who; adhyesyate, will study; imam, this; samvadam, conversation, the text in the form of a dialogue; between avayoh, us two; which is dharmyam, conducive to virtue, not divorced from virtue; tena, by him; this will be accomplished through that study; aham, I; syam, shall be; istah, adored; jnana-yajnena, through the Sacrifice in the form of Knowledge. Iti, this is me, My; matih, judgement. As compared with the various sacrifices, viz rituals, loud prayer, prayer uttered in a low voice and mental prayer, the Sacrifice in the from of Knowledge is the best [See 4.33.] because it is mental. Hence, the study of the scripture Gita is praised as that Sacrifice in the form of Knowledge. Or, this (verse) may merely be a judgement about the result. The idea is that the result of the study is comparable to the result of the Sacrifice in the form of the knowledge of gods and others.
Now, this is the reward for the hearer:

See also  गोकुल की हर गली में, मथुरा की हर गली में कान्हा को ढूंढता हूँ, दुनियाँ की हर गली में

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