वीतरागभय क्रोधा मन्मया मामुपाश्रिताः । बहवो ज्ञानतपसा पूता मद्भावमागताः ॥
वीतरागभय क्रोधा मन्मया मामुपाश्रिताः । बहवो ज्ञानतपसा पूता मद्भावमागताः ॥

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 4, Verse 10 is a powerful and meaningful verse that has touched the lives of millions of people around the world. This verse is a part of the Bhagavad Gita, one of the most significant and revered texts in Hinduism. The Bhagavad Gita is a dialogue between Lord Krishna and his disciple Arjuna, set in the context of the Mahabharata war.

वीतरागभयक्रोधा मन्मया मामुपाश्रिता: |
बहवो ज्ञानतपसा पूता मद्भावमागता: || 10||

vīta-rāga-bhaya-krodhā man-mayā mām upāśhritāḥ
bahavo jñāna-tapasā pūtā mad-bhāvam āgatāḥ



पहले भी, जिनके राग, भय और क्रोध सर्वथा नष्ट हो गए थे और जो मुझ में अनन्य प्रेमपूर्वक स्थित रहते थे, ऐसे मेरे आश्रित रहने वाले बहुत से भक्त उपर्युक्त ज्ञान रूप तप से पवित्र होकर मेरे स्वरूप को प्राप्त हो चुके हैं॥10॥


Being freed from attachment, fear, and anger, becoming fully absorbed in me, and taking refuge in me, many persons in the past became purified by knowledge of me, and thus they attained my divine love.

Chapter 4, Verse 10 of the Bhagavad Gita states, “Being freed from attachment, fear, and anger, being fully absorbed in Me and taking refuge in Me, many, many persons in the past became purified by knowledge of Me—and thus they all attained transcendental love for Me.”

Understanding the Verse

The verse emphasizes the importance of detachment and purification of the mind in attaining devotion to the divine. Lord Krishna says that those who are free from attachment, fear, and anger are absorbed in him, and that they have purified themselves by the practice of knowledge and penance. He says that these individuals are united with him in devotion.

See also  Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 6, Verse 45

The verse speaks to the importance of action in one’s life. Lord Krishna stresses that one must engage in the practice of knowledge and penance to purify oneself and attain devotion. He says that those who have done so are truly united with him in devotion.

Analysis of the Verse

The verse is a call to action. Lord Krishna is telling Arjuna, and all those who read the Bhagavad Gita, that action is essential to attain devotion to the divine. He stresses the importance of detachment and purification of the mind in this process.

Detachment is an important theme throughout the Bhagavad Gita. It is seen as a means to achieve freedom from suffering and attain a higher spiritual state. Lord Krishna says that those who are free from attachment, fear, and anger are absorbed in him. This suggests that detachment is not only important for spiritual growth but also for unity with the divine.

Purification of the mind is another important theme in the Bhagavad Gita. Lord Krishna says that those who have purified themselves by the practice of knowledge and penance are united with him in devotion. This suggests that purification of the mind is essential for spiritual growth and unity with the divine.


What is the main theme of Chapter 4, Verse 10 of the Bhagavad Gita?

The main theme is the importance of action, detachment, and purification of the mind in attaining devotion to the divine.

The Bhagavad Gita: Chapter IV

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