Bhairava  Stotram


Saint Abhinava Guptha

Translated   by


    (Abhinava Guptha was one of the very great    saints of Kashmir   Saivism.  He lived  most probably before Adhi Shankara .Some people believe that  ADhi Sankara met him and he was  defeated in argument. This great  prayer was composed by him just before his death. It seems chanting this prayer   he entered called BHirava Guha , never to come out again.The Sanskrit

And  a commentary in English   of this prayer   is available in

1.Vyapatha  charachara  bhava  visesham,
Chinmayameka manantha manadhim,
Bhairava Nadha manadha  saranyam,
Thwan maya  chitha thayaa hrudhi vandhe.

He  who is  involved  in the consciousness of,
Moving and non moving beings who are spreadeverywhere,
Who is divine, only one, endless and primeval,
Who is Lord Bhairava  who is the support  of all orphans,
I salute  him  who is in my mind with all my heart.

2.Thwan maya methadha seshamidhaanim,
Bhathi mama thwad anugraha sakthyaa,
Thwam cha mahesa sadaiva mamathma,
Swathma mayam mama thena samastham.

At the present time, you are completely spread in me,
And to me it appears that with your power of blessing,
You are always the greatest god who has filled up,
My soul which is completely full of yourself.

3.Swathmani viswaghe they thwayi naadhe,
Thena na samsruthi bheethi kadha asthi,
Sathswapi durdhara dukha vimoha,
Thrasa vidhayishu karma ganeshu.

In this world you are the lord of my soul,
And because of that there is no fear in my existence,
And due to that I am not afraid of difficulties and sorrow,
Which are resulting from this cycle of birth and death

See also  Anjaneya Stothra

4.Anthakam maam prathi maa drusyamenaa,
Krodha karala thamam vinidhohi,
Shankara sevana chinthano dheero,
Bheeshana Bhairava sakthi mayosmi.

Oh lord of death do not see me,
Do not give me that very black angry look,
Oh courageous one who always thinks of serving Shiva,
Oh fearsome Bhairava, make me filled up with strength.

5.Itham upoda bhavan maya samvee,
Dheedhithi dharitha bhooritha misra,
Mruthyu yamanthaka karma pisachair,
Nadha namosthu na jathu vibhomi.

Like this for me you please commence,
This mingling with the splendour of light,
And bring to an end the duties of the ghosts of god of death,
Oh Lord, salutations and please never awaken them.

6.Prodhitha Sathya vibhodha mareechi,
Prekshitha viswa padartha sathathwaa,
 Bhava paraamrutha nirbhara poorne,
Thwayyaham aathmani nirvruthaimemi.

Oh ray of light of the awakening truth,
Who is called the universal consciousness of the world,
Who is having a nature filled with the divine nectar.
To you my soul salutes with ecstasy

7.Manasa gocharamethi yadaiva,
Klesa dasa thanu thapa vidathri
Nadha thadaiva mama thwad abhedha,
totra paramrutha vrushti rudhethi.

Assuming that you are attainable by the mind,
Finding that my body is in state of suffering,
Oh Lord, I am raining this nectar like prayer,
So that I would not be different from you.8

.Sankara sathyamidham Vrutha dhana,
Snana thapo bhava thapa vidhari,
Thavaka Sasthra paramarmrutha chinthaa,
Syandhathi chethasi nirvruthi dhararam

Oh Lord Shiva, it is true that penance, charity,
Bath in sacred waters and meditation breaks the pain of birth and death,
But the nectar like thought of your divine story,
Would wet the mind with ultimate salvation.

See also  Bhuvaneswari stotram

9.Nruthyathi,gayathi, hrushyathi gaadam,
Samvidhiyam mama bhairavanadha,
Thwaam priyamaapya sudarsanamekam,
Durlabham anya janai samayajnam.

Oh Lord Bhairava it is well known,
That dancing singing and intimate knowledge,
Of you is measured as the only good acts to be done,
And is not easily available to the bad people at the right time.

10.Vasura sapoushe, Krishna dasamyam,
Abhinava guptha sthavam imam karoth,
Yena vibhur bhavam arusanthapam,
Samayathi jadithi janasya dhayaalu,
Samptham sthavam idham abhinava vaakhyam  padhya navakam.

Abhinava Guptha wrote this great prayer,
On the Dasami of the dark fortnight  in the month of Pausha,
And due to this the Lord  due to utmost compassion,
Quickly   destroys all sufferings of people, as he is merciful.
Thus ends the prayer of nine stanzas

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