
Brahaspathi krutha Shiva stotram

The prayer to Lord Shiva composed by Lord Brahaspathi


Maharshi Brahaspathi

Translated by


बृहस्पतिरुवाच –

Brahaspathir uvacha

Braghaspathi said

नमॊहरायदॆवायमहामायायशूलिनॆ ।
तापसायमहॆशायतत्वज्ञानप्रदायिनॆ ॥ १

Namo haraya   devaya  , mahaa mayaya sooline,

Thapasaya   mahhesaya   thathwa  jnana  pradhayine

Salutation to the God who destroys  , one who is a great illusion and holds a spear,

One who  does Thapas  , the greatest  God   and  one who teaches us knowledge of philosophy.

नमॊमौञ्जायशुभ्रायनमःकारुण्यमूर्तयॆ ।
नमॊदॆवादिदॆवायनमॊवॆदान्तवॆदिनॆ ॥ २

Namo mounjaya  subrayanam , karunya  moorthaye ,

Namo devadhi   devaya  , namo  Vedantha  vedhine.

Salutations to one who wears the sacred thread, one who is pure and merciful one,

Salutation to the God of Gods and salutations to the one who knows the philosophy of Vedas.

नमःपरायरुद्रायसुपारायनमॊनम्ः ।
विश्वमूर्तॆमहॆशायविश्वाधारायतॆनमः ॥ ३

Nama paraya  rudraraya  suparayana namo nama,

Viswa moorthi   mahesaya viswa aadharayathe  nama.

Salutation to the divine angry god   and salutations to one  who is well read,

Salutation  to the universal form  of greatest god  and one who is  worshipped by universe.

नमॊभक्तभवच्छॆदकारणायामलात्मनॆ ।
कालायकालकालायकालातीतायतॆनमः ॥ ४

Namo bhaktha avachedhana karanaya   amalathmane ,

Kaalaya  , kala Kaalaya  , kalatheethaya  they nama

Salutation to the reason of detached mind of devotees  and  the pure soul,

Salutation to the time, the killer  of death and one who is beyond death.

जितॆन्द्रियायनित्यायजितक्रॊधायतॆनमः ।
नमःपाशाण्डभाङ्गायनमःपापहरायतॆ ॥ ५

Jithendraaya , nithyaaya  jitha krodhaya  they nama,

Nama  Pasanda bhangaaya , nama  papa haraye  they.

Salutation to  the  victor over sense organs, God who is forever  and one who has won  over anger  ,

Salutations to one who swallowed poison  , salutations   to One who destroys sin.

नमःपर्वतराजॆन्द्रकन्यकापतयॆनमः ।
यॊगानन्दाययॊगाययॊगिनांपतयॆनमः॥ ६

Nama  Parvatha  Rajendra Kanyaka pathaye  nama  ,

See also  Maha mrutyunjaya stotram

Yoganandaaya  Yogaaya   yoginaam pathaye  nama.

Salutations  to the husband of daughter  of king of  mountain,

Salutations to one  who gets joy  out of yoga, one who is Yoga   and one who is lord of Yoga.

प्राणायामपराणांतुप्राणरक्षायतॆनमः ।
मूलाधारॆप्रविष्टायमूलदीपायतॆनमः ॥ 

Praanaya  paraanaam thu Prana  Rakshaaya the  nama,

Moolaadhare  Pravishtaaya  moola deepaya they nama

Salutations to  the divine God of souls who protects the souls,

Salutations to God who is in Mooladhara who adds luster to it  just like a  a lamp

नाभिकन्डॆप्रविष्टायनमःहृद्दॆशवर्तिनॆ ।
सच्चिदानन्दपूर्णायनमःसाक्षात्परात्मनॆ ॥ ८

Naabhi kande  pravishtaaya nama hrudhesa varthine

Sachidhanana poornaaya nama saakshath paramathmane

Salutations to God who is near the belly button  and who  who is in our heart,

Salutations to the God who is  the  complete divine joy  and is  the real divine soul

नमःशिवायाद्भुतविक्रमायतॆ ।
नमःशिवायामृतहॆतवॆनमः ॥ ९

Nama shivaya adbutha vigrahaaya they,

Nama shivaya  adbutha  vikramaaya  they,

Nama Shivaya Akhila Nayakaya  they,

Nama Shivaya Amrutha  hethave nama

Salutations to shiva Your form is wonderful

Salutations to Shiva , You have wonderful  valour,

Salutations to Shiva    , you  are leader of all,

Salutations to Shiva  who is the cause  of Nectar

नमःशिवायसॊमायसुपुत्रायत्रिशूलिनॆ ।
प्रधानपुरुषॆशायसृष्टिस्तिथ्यन्तहॆतवॆ ॥ १०

Nama Shivaya  Somaya suputhraaya trisooline

Pradhaana   purushesaaya  SRishti sthithya antha hethave

Salutations to Shiva  who is the moon  who has great son   and who has a trident,

Who is the important God  of Lord Vishnu and the  one who performs creation , upkeep and destruction

सर्वज्ञायवरॆण्यायशङ्खरायाऽर्तिहारिणॆ ।
नमॊवॆदान्तवॆद्यायचिन्मात्रायमहात्मनॆ ॥ ११

SArvajnaaya, varenyaaya sankaraya  aarthi  haarine,

Namo Vedantha Vedaaya chin maathraaya  Mahathmane

Oh Lord who knows all , who is the chosen one  , who is Lord Sankara, who is remover  of suffering,

See also  Sandilya Upanishad

Salutations to  the one within a  divine second   understands Vedanthas and is  very great one

दॆवदॆवायदॆवायनमऒविश्वॆश्वराय च ।
ऋतंसत्यंपरंब्रह्मपुरुषंकृष्णपिङ्गलम् ॥ १२

Deva devaya devaya  namo visweswaraya  cha ,

Ritham sathyam para brahma purusham Krishna  pingalam

Salutation to the God  of Gods , the God   as well as the Lord of universe

Who exists   as the formless truth called divine Brahman and as  the creator who is visible   as well as invisible

उद्वरॆतम्विरूपाक्षंविश्वरूपंनमाम्यहम् ।
विश्वंविश्वाधिकंरुद्रंविश्वमूर्तिंवृषध्वजम् ॥ १३

Udhvartham Virupaksham  viswa roopam namamyaham,

Viswa viswadhikam  rudram  viswa moorthir vrishabhadwajam

I salute the one who increases , who has divere eyes and has a  most super form,

Who  is Rudra . who is  greater   than Universe , God of the universe  and has a flag of the bull.

नमामिसर्वविज्ञानंहृदयाकाशमध्यगम् ।
चन्द्रःसूर्यस्तथॆन्द्रशचवह्निश्चयमसंज्ञितः ॥ १४

Namami  sarva vijnanam   hrudayakasa  madhyagam,

Chandra     soorya sthandrasca vahnischa yama   samjnitha

I salute him who   has all knowledge  in the middle of the sky  of the heart,

Which is conceived(indicated)  by Chandra , Surya, Indra    and agni

निऋतिर्वरॆणॊवायुर्धन्डॊरुद्रसंज्ञितः ।
स्थूलमूर्तिमहॆशस्यतयाव्याप्तमिदंजगत् ॥ १५

Niryathir  varuno vayur dhando Rudra   samjiatha ,

Sthoola moorthi   mahesasya thvayaa  vyapthamidham jagath

Though  indicated by  name Niryathi, Varuna , Vayu, Khubera and Rudra ,

The  towering  form is that  of Lord Shiva, who is spread throughout the universe

यस्यप्रसादलॆशॆनदॆवदॆवात्ममागतः ।
तंनमामिमहॆशानंसर्वज्ञमपराजितम् ॥ १६

Yasya prasadalesena  deva devathma magatha,

Tham namami mahesaanaam  sarvajnam aparajjitham

Though all the   other devas have come   with minute blessings

I salute  Lord Shiva    who is all knowing     and  undefeatable

नमॊदिग्वाससॆतुभ्यमम्बिकापतयॆनमः ।
उमायाःपतयॆतुभ्यंईशानायनमॊनमः ॥ १७

Namo dig vasa sethubhyaam, ambika pathaye  nama,

Umaayaa  pathaye thubhyam eesaanaaya  namo nama

Salutation to the God who lives   in a direction, Salutation to the consort  of Ambika  ,

See also  Runa Vimochana Ganesha Stotram

Salutation and salutation to  Eeaana  who is  the consort  of Uma

नमॊनमॊनमस्तुभ्यंपुनर्भूयॊनमॊनमः ।
ॐकारान्तायसूक्ष्मायमायातीतायतॆनमः॥ १८

Namo namo  namasthubhyam  punar  bhooyo  namo nama ,

Omkaranthaaya sookshmaaya Mayaa atheethaaya  they nama

I salute , salute and salute you and again and gain salute you,

Oh God who ends in the sound Om , who is very minute and is beyond illusion,  I salute you

नमॊनमःकारणाकारणाय तॆ
नमॊ नमः मङ्गलमङ्गलात्मनॆ ।
नमॊ नमॊ वॆदविदां मनीषीणां
उपासनीयाय नमॊ नमॊ नमः ॥ १९

Namo nama  karanaa karaanaya   they,

Namo nama mangala mangalaathmane ,

Namo namo  veda vidhaa, maneeshinaam ,

Upasaneeyaya   namo namo nama

Salutaions and salutationto to him  who is the cause and not the cause,

Salutations and salutations to the auspicious one and auspicious  soul.

Salutations   and salutations to   the expert among those  who know the Vedas

सूतउवाच –

Sutha Uvacha

Sutha   told

य इदंपठतॆनित्यंस्तॊत्रम्भक्त्यासुसंयतः ।
तस्यमुक्तिःकरस्थस्यच्छंकरप्रियकारणात् ॥ १

Ya idham padathe nithyam  stotram  bakthyaa susamyatha,

THasya  mukthi  karasthasya sankara  priya karaanath

If one reads this prayer daily   with devotion    and purity,

Then due  the love of Lord Shiva,  his salvation would be assured

विध्यार्थीलभतॆविध्यांविवाहार्थीगृहीभवॆत् ।
वैराग्यकामॊलभतॆवैराग्यंभवतारकम् ॥ २

Vidht yarthi labathe  Vidhyaa , vivaharthi   grahee   bhveth.

Vairagya   kamo labathe   vairagyam  bhava tharakam

He who desires knowledge   would get knowledge,

He   who wants to get married  would become a householder

Those who desire detachment will get detachment,

By the conquest of   the stars  and controlling them

तस्मद्दिनॆदिनॆयूयंइदंस्तॊत्रम्समाहितः ।
पठन्तुभवनाशार्थंइदंहिभवनाशनम् ॥ ३

Thasmad  dhina dhine  yooyam idham   stotra  samahitha,

Padanthu   bhava   nasartham  idham hi bhava  nasanam.

So if  this prayer      is daily   read by  you all

For destruction of Karma load earned by you

Be convinced that your   Karma   would be destoyed


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