Dashrath Krit Shani Stotra: A Powerful Remedy to Please Lord Shani
Dashrath Krit Shani Stotra: A Powerful Remedy to Please Lord Shani

Dashrath Krit Shani Stotra, composed by King Dashrath, is a revered Sanskrit hymn dedicated to Lord Shani (Saturn). This ancient stotra holds immense significance in Hindu tradition as a remedy to pacify the malefic effects of Shani and to seek his blessings for prosperity, peace, and protection. Lord Shani, known as the deity of karma, justice, and discipline, is a powerful planet in Vedic astrology whose influence can bring both challenges and rewards in life.

Reciting the Dashrath Krit Shani Stotra is believed to mitigate Shani dosha, reduce hardships, and instill positivity. Its recitation is particularly beneficial during Saturn transits or Sade Sati periods. This stotra narrates King Dashrath’s devotion and his efforts to appease Lord Shani, making it a timeless guide for devotees seeking relief from Saturn’s adverse effects.

Discover the divine essence of Dashrath Krit Shani Stotra, its spiritual benefits, and the proper way to chant it to harness the blessings of Lord Shani. Let this powerful prayer guide you toward a harmonious and fulfilled life.

दशरथकृत शनि स्तोत्र:

नम: कृष्णाय नीलाय शितिकण्ठ निभाय च ।
नम: कालाग्निरूपाय कृतान्ताय च वै नम: ॥1॥

नमो निर्मांस देहाय दीर्घश्मश्रुजटाय च ।
नमो विशालनेत्राय शुष्कोदर भयाकृते ॥2॥

नम: पुष्कलगात्राय स्थूलरोम्णेऽथ वै नम: ।
नमो दीर्घाय शुष्काय कालदंष्ट्र नमोऽस्तु ते ॥3॥

नमस्ते कोटराक्षाय दुर्नरीक्ष्याय वै नम: ।
नमो घोराय रौद्राय भीषणाय कपालिने ॥4॥

नमस्ते सर्वभक्षाय बलीमुख नमोऽस्तु ते ।
सूर्यपुत्र नमस्तेऽस्तु भास्करेऽभयदाय च ॥5॥

अधोदृष्टे: नमस्तेऽस्तु संवर्तक नमोऽस्तु ते ।
नमो मन्दगते तुभ्यं निस्त्रिंशाय नमोऽस्तुते ॥6॥

तपसा दग्ध-देहाय नित्यं योगरताय च ।
नमो नित्यं क्षुधार्ताय अतृप्ताय च वै नम: ॥7॥

See also  Devi Upanishad

ज्ञानचक्षुर्नमस्तेऽस्तु कश्यपात्मज-सूनवे ।
तुष्टो ददासि वै राज्यं रुष्टो हरसि तत्क्षणात् ॥8॥

देवासुरमनुष्याश्च सिद्ध-विद्याधरोरगा: ।
त्वया विलोकिता: सर्वे नाशं यान्ति समूलत: ॥9॥

दशरथ उवाच:

प्रसाद कुरु मे सौरे ! वारदो भव भास्करे ।
एवं स्तुतस्तदा सौरिर्ग्रहराजो महाबल: ॥10॥


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