गंगा स्तोत्रम् (Ganga Stotram): A Hymn of Purity and Devotion
गंगा स्तोत्रम् (Ganga Stotram): A Hymn of Purity and Devotion

Have you ever felt the overwhelming urge to cleanse your soul, to shed the weight of anxieties and find peace? For centuries, millions have turned to the Ganga Stotram, a beautiful hymn dedicated to the sacred river Ganges, for solace and spiritual purification.

Imagine a gentle breeze carrying the sweet scent of sandalwood and rose, as you listen to the soothing rhythm of the Ganga’s flow. That’s the feeling you’ll get when you delve into the Ganga Stotram. It’s a beautiful tapestry of Sanskrit verses, each one weaving a thread of praise and devotion to the river, revered as an embodiment of the Divine Mother.

गंगा स्तोत्रम् (Ganga Stotram)

देवि! सुरेश्वरि! भगवति! गंगे त्रिभुवनतारिणि तरलतरंगे ।
शंकरमौलिविहारिणि विमले मम मतिरास्तां तव पदकमले ॥ 1 ॥

भागीरथिसुखदायिनि मातस्तव जलमहिमा निगमे ख्यातः ।
नाहं जाने तव महिमानं पाहि कृपामयि मामज्ञानम् ॥ 2 ॥

हरिपदपाद्यतरंगिणि गंगे हिमविधुमुक्ताधवलतरंगे ।
दूरीकुरु मम दुष्कृतिभारं कुरु कृपया भवसागरपारम् ॥ 3 ॥

तव जलममलं येन निपीतं परमपदं खलु तेन गृहीतम् ।
मातर्गंगे त्वयि यो भक्तः किल तं द्रष्टुं न यमः शक्तः ॥ 4 ॥

पतितोद्धारिणि जाह्नवि गंगे खंडित गिरिवरमंडित भंगे ।
भीष्मजननि हे मुनिवरकन्ये पतितनिवारिणि त्रिभुवन धन्ये ॥ 5 ॥

कल्पलतामिव फलदां लोके प्रणमति यस्त्वां न पतति शोके ।
पारावारविहारिणि गंगे विमुखयुवति कृततरलापांगे ॥ 6 ॥

तव चेन्मातः स्रोतः स्नातः पुनरपि जठरे सोपि न जातः ।
नरकनिवारिणि जाह्नवि गंगे कलुषविनाशिनि महिमोत्तुंगे ॥ 7 ॥

पुनरसदंगे पुण्यतरंगे जय जय जाह्नवि करुणापांगे ।
इंद्रमुकुटमणिराजितचरणे सुखदे शुभदे भृत्यशरण्ये ॥ 8 ॥

रोगं शोकं तापं पापं हर मे भगवति कुमतिकलापम् ।
त्रिभुवनसारे वसुधाहारे त्वमसि गतिर्मम खलु संसारे ॥ 9 ॥

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अलकानंदे परमानंदे कुरु करुणामयि कातरवंद्ये ।
तव तटनिकटे यस्य निवासः खलु वैकुंठे तस्य निवासः ॥ 10 ॥

वरमिह नीरे कमठो मीनः किं वा तीरे शरटः क्षीणः ।
अथवाश्वपचो मलिनो दीनस्तव न हि दूरे नृपतिकुलीनः ॥ 11 ॥

भो भुवनेश्वरि पुण्ये धन्ये देवि द्रवमयि मुनिवरकन्ये ।
गंगास्तवमिमममलं नित्यं पठति नरो यः स जयति सत्यम् ॥ 12 ॥

येषां हृदये गंगा भक्तिस्तेषां भवति सदा सुखमुक्तिः ।
मधुराकंता पंझटिकाभिः परमानंदकलितललिताभिः ॥ 13 ॥

गंगास्तोत्रमिदं भवसारं वांछितफलदं विमलं सारम् ।
शंकरसेवक शंकर रचितं पठति सुखीः तव इति च समाप्तः ॥ 14 ॥

Think of it like a heartfelt prayer. The Ganga Stotram speaks of the river’s immense purity, her ability to wash away sins, and her power to grant liberation. It’s not just about the physical river, but about the inner cleansing that comes from a deep connection with the divine.

My own journey with the Ganga Stotram started with a deep longing for inner peace. I was grappling with stress and anxiety, feeling lost in the chaos of everyday life. Then, a wise friend introduced me to this beautiful hymn. Initially, I found the Sanskrit daunting, but with each repetition, I felt a sense of calmness wash over me. It was like the river herself was whispering words of comfort and strength.

You don’t need to be a Sanskrit scholar to experience the power of the Ganga Stotram. You can find beautiful translations in English and other languages online, and even listen to devotional renditions on YouTube.

Listen / Video:

Ganga Stotram in Other Languages

English | Devanagari | Telugu | Tamil | Kannada | Malayalam | Gujarati | Odia | Bengali |
| Marathi | Assamese | Punjabi | Hindi | Samskritam | Konkani | Nepali | Sinhala | Grantha |

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