HYMN LXVIII. Soma Pavamana. – Rig Veda – Book 9
पर देवमछा मधुमन्त इन्दवो.असिष्यदन्त गाव आ न धेनवः |
बर्हिषदो वचनावन्त ऊधभिः परिस्रुतमुस्रियानिर्णिजं धिरे ||
स रोरुवदभि पूर्वा अचिक्रददुपारुहः शरथयन सवादतेहरिः |
तिरः पवित्रमप्रियन्नुरु जरयो नि शर्याणि दधते देव आ वरम ||
वि यो ममे यम्या संयती मदः साकंव्र्धा पयसा पिन्वदक्षिता |
मही अपारे रजसी विवेविददभिव्रजन्नक्षितं पाज आ ददे ||
स मातरा विचरन वाजयन्नपः पर मेधिरः सवधया पिन्वते पदम |
अंशुर्यवेन पिपिशे यतो नर्भिः सं जामिभिर्नसते रक्षते शिरः ||
सं दक्षेण मनसा जायते कविरतस्य गर्भो निहितो यमा परः |
यूना ह सन्ता परथमं वि जज्ञतुर्गुहा हितं जनिम नेममुद्यतम ||
मन्द्रस्य रूपं विविदुर्मनीषिणः शयेनो यदन्धो अभरत परावतः |
तं मर्जयन्त सुव्र्धं नदीष्वा उशन्तमंशुं परियन्तं रग्मियम ||
तवां मर्जन्ति दश योषणः सुतं सोम रषिभिर्मतिभिर्धीतिभिर्हितम |
अव्यो वारेभिरुत देवहूतिभिर्न्र्भिर्यतोवाजमा दर्षि सातये ||
परिप्रयन्तं वय्यं सुषंसदं सोमं मनीषा अभ्यनूषत सतुभः |
यो धारया मधुमानूर्मिणा दिव इयर्ति वाचं रयिषाळ अमर्त्यः ||
अयं दिव इयर्ति विश्वमा रजः सोमः पुनानः कलशेषु सीदति |
अद्भिर्गोभिर्म्र्ज्यते अद्रिभिः सुतः पुनान इन्दुर्वरिवो विदत परियम ||
एवा नः सोम परिषिच्यमानो वयो दधच्चित्रतमं पवस्व |
अद्वेषे दयावाप्र्थिवी हुवेम देवा धत्त रयिमस्मे सुवीरम ||
pra devamachā madhumanta indavo.asiṣyadanta ghāva ā na dhenavaḥ |
barhiṣado vacanāvanta ūdhabhiḥ parisrutamusriyānirṇijaṃ dhire ||
sa roruvadabhi pūrvā acikradadupāruhaḥ śrathayan svādatehariḥ |
tiraḥ pavitramapriyannuru jrayo ni śaryāṇi dadhate deva ā varam ||
vi yo mame yamyā saṃyatī madaḥ sākaṃvṛdhā payasā pinvadakṣitā |
mahī apāre rajasī vivevidadabhivrajannakṣitaṃ pāja ā dade ||
sa mātarā vicaran vājayannapaḥ pra medhiraḥ svadhayā pinvate padam |
aṃśuryavena pipiśe yato nṛbhiḥ saṃ jāmibhirnasate rakṣate śiraḥ ||
saṃ dakṣeṇa manasā jāyate kavirtasya gharbho nihito yamā paraḥ |
yūnā ha santā prathamaṃ vi jajñaturghuhā hitaṃ janima nemamudyatam ||
mandrasya rūpaṃ vividurmanīṣiṇaḥ śyeno yadandho abharat parāvataḥ |
taṃ marjayanta suvṛdhaṃ nadīṣvā uśantamaṃśuṃ pariyantaṃ ṛghmiyam ||
tvāṃ mṛjanti daśa yoṣaṇaḥ sutaṃ soma ṛṣibhirmatibhirdhītibhirhitam |
avyo vārebhiruta devahūtibhirnṛbhiryatovājamā darṣi sātaye ||
pariprayantaṃ vayyaṃ suṣaṃsadaṃ somaṃ manīṣā abhyanūṣata stubhaḥ |
yo dhārayā madhumānūrmiṇā diva iyarti vācaṃ rayiṣāḷ amartyaḥ ||
ayaṃ diva iyarti viśvamā rajaḥ somaḥ punānaḥ kalaśeṣu sīdati |
adbhirghobhirmṛjyate adribhiḥ sutaḥ punāna indurvarivo vidat priyam ||
evā naḥ soma pariṣicyamāno vayo dadhaccitratamaṃ pavasva |
adveṣe dyāvāpṛthivī huvema devā dhatta rayimasme suvīram ||
English Translation
Translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith
1. THE drops of Soma juice like cows who yield their milk have flowed forth, rich in meath, unto the Shining One,
And, seated on the grass, raising their voice, assumed the milk, the covering robe wherewith the udders stream.
2 He bellows with a roar arourd the highest twigs: the Tawny One is sweetened as he breaks them up.
Then passing through the sieve into the ample room, the God throws off the dregs according to his wish.
3 The gladdening drink that measured out the meeting Twins fills full with milk the Eternal Ever-waxing Pair.
Bringing to light the Two great Regions limitless, moving above them he gained sheen that never fades.
4 Wandering through, the Parents, strengthening the floods, the Sage makes his place swell with his own native might.
The stalk is mixed with grain: he comes led by the men together with the sisters, and preserves the Head.
5 With energetic intellect the Sage is born, deposited as germ of Law, far from the Twins.
They being young at first showed visibly distinct the Creature that is half-concealed and half-exposed.
6 The sages knew the form of him the Gladdener, what time the Falcon brought the plant from far away.
Him who assures success they beautified in streams, the stalk who yearned therefor, mighty and meet for praise.
7 Together with the Ṛṣis, with their prayers and hymns ten women deck thee, Soma, friendly when effused.
Led by the men, with invocations of the Gods, through the fleece, thou hast given us strength to win the spoil.
8 Songs resonant with praise have celebrated him. Soma, Friend, springing forth with his fair company.
Even him who rich in meath, with undulating stream, Winnner of Wealth, Immortal, sends his voice from heaven,
9 He sends it into all the region forth from heaven. Soma, while he is filtcred, settles in the jars.
With milk and waters is he decked when pressed with stones: Indu, when purified, shall find sweet rest and room.
10 Even thus poured forth How on thy way, O Soma, vouchsafing us most manifold lively vigour.
We will invoke benevolent Earth and Heaven. Give us, ye Gods, riches with noble heroes.