HYMN LXXXVIII. Soma Pavamana. – Rig Veda – Book 9
अयं सोम इन्द्र तुभ्यं सुन्वे तुभ्यं पवते तवमस्य पाहि |
तवं ह यं चक्र्षे तवं वव्र्ष इन्दुं मदाय युज्याय सोमम ||
स ईं रथो न भुरिषाळ अयोजि महः पुरूणि सातये वसूनि |
आदीं विश्वा नहुष्याणि जाता सवर्षाता वन ऊर्ध्वा नवन्त ||
वायुर्न यो नियुत्वानिष्टयामा नासत्येव हव आ शम्भविष्ठः |
विश्ववारो दरविणोदा इव तमन पूषेव धीजवनो.असि सोम ||
इन्द्रो न यो महा कर्माणि चक्रिर्हन्ता वर्त्राणामसि सोमपूर्भित |
पैद्वो न हि तवमहिनाम्नां हन्ता विश्वस्यासिसोम दस्योः ||
अग्निर्न यो वन आ सर्ज्यमानो वर्था पाजांसि कर्णुते नदीषु |
जनो न युध्वा महत उपब्दिरियर्ति सोमः पवमानूर्मिम ||
एते सोमा अति वाराण्यव्या दिव्या न कोशासो अभ्रवर्षाः |
वर्था समुद्रं सिन्धवो न नीचीः सुतासो अभि कलशानस्र्ग्रन ||
शुष्मी शर्धो न मारुतं पवस्वानभिशस्ता दिव्या यथाविट |
आपो न मक्षू सुमतिर्भवा नः सहस्राप्साः पर्तनाषाण न यज्ञः ||
राज्ञो नु ते वरुणस्य वरतानि … ||
ayaṃ soma indra tubhyaṃ sunve tubhyaṃ pavate tvamasya pāhi |
tvaṃ ha yaṃ cakṛṣe tvaṃ vavṛṣa induṃ madāya yujyāya somam ||
sa īṃ ratho na bhuriṣāḷ ayoji mahaḥ purūṇi sātaye vasūni |
ādīṃ viśvā nahuṣyāṇi jātā svarṣātā vana ūrdhvā navanta ||
vāyurna yo niyutvāniṣṭayāmā nāsatyeva hava ā śambhaviṣṭhaḥ |
viśvavāro draviṇodā iva tman pūṣeva dhījavano.asi soma ||
indro na yo mahā karmāṇi cakrirhantā vṛtrāṇāmasi somapūrbhit |
paidvo na hi tvamahināmnāṃ hantā viśvasyāsisoma dasyoḥ ||
aghnirna yo vana ā sṛjyamāno vṛthā pājāṃsi kṛṇute nadīṣu |
jano na yudhvā mahata upabdiriyarti somaḥ pavamānaūrmim ||
ete somā ati vārāṇyavyā divyā na kośāso abhravarṣāḥ |
vṛthā samudraṃ sindhavo na nīcīḥ sutāso abhi kalaśānasṛghran ||
śuṣmī śardho na mārutaṃ pavasvānabhiśastā divyā yathāviṭ |
āpo na makṣū sumatirbhavā naḥ sahasrāpsāḥ pṛtanāṣāṇ na yajñaḥ ||
rājño nu te varuṇasya vratāni … ||
English Translation
Translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith
1. FOR thee this Soma is effused, O Indra: drink of this juice; for thee the stream is flowing-
Soma, which thou thyself hast made and chosen, even Indu, for thy special drink to cheer thee.
2 Like a capacious car hath it been harnessed, the Mighty; to acquire abundant treasures.
Then in the sacrifice they celebrated all triumphs won by Nahus -n the battle.
3 Like Vāyu with his team, moving at pleasure, most gracious when invoked like both Nāsatyas,
Thou art thyself like the Wealth-Giver, Soma! who grants all boons, like song-inspiring Pūṣan.
4 Like Indra who hath done great deeds, thou, Soma, art slayer of the Vṛtras, Fort-destroyer.
Like Pedu’s horse who killed the brood of serpents, thus thou, O Soma, slayest every Dasyu.
5 Like Agni loosed amid the forest, fiercely he winneth splendour in the running waters.
Like one who fights, the roaring of the mighty, thus Soma Pavamana sends his current.
6 These Somas passing through the fleecy filter, like rain descending from the clouds of heaven,
Have been effused and poured into the beakers, swiftly like rivers running lowly seaward.
7 Flow onward like the potent band of Maruts, like that Celestial Host whom none revileth.
Quickly be gracious unto us like waters, like sacrifice victorious, thousand-fashioned.
8 Thine are King Varuṇa’s eternal statutes, lofty and deep, O Soma, is thy glory.
All-pure art thou like Mitra the beloved, adorable, like Aryaman, O Soma.