HYMN XI. Agni: Rig Veda – Book 6 – Ralph T.H. Griffith, Translator

यजस्व होतरिषितो यजीयानग्ने बाधो मरुतां न परयुक्ति |
आ नो मित्रावरुणा नासत्या दयावा होत्राय पर्थिवी वव्र्त्याः ||

तवं होता मन्द्रतमो नो अध्रुगन्तर्देवो विदथा मर्त्येषु |
पावकया जुह्वा वह्निरासाग्ने यजस्व तन्वं तव सवाम ||

धन्या चिद धि तवे धिषणा वष्टि पर देवाञ जन्म गर्णते यजध्यै |
वेपिष्ठो अङगिरसां यद ध विप्रो मधु छन्दो भनति रेभ इष्टौ ||

अदिद्युतत सवपाको विभावाग्ने यजस्व रोदसी उरूची |
आयुं न यं नमसा रातहव्या अञ्जन्ति सुप्रयसं पञ्च जनाः ||

वर्ञ्जे ह यन नमसा बर्हिरग्नावयामि सरुग घर्तवती सुव्र्क्तिः |
अम्यक्षि सद्म सदने पर्थिव्या अश्रायि यज्ञः सूर्ये न चक्षुः ||

दशस्या नः पुर्वणीक होतर्देवेभिरग्ने अग्निभिरिधानः |
रायः सूनो सहसो वावसाना अति सरसेम वर्जनं नांहः ||

yajasva hotariṣito yajīyānaghne bādho marutāṃ na prayukti |
ā no mitrāvaruṇā nāsatyā dyāvā hotrāya pṛthivī vavṛtyāḥ ||

tvaṃ hotā mandratamo no adhrughantardevo vidathā martyeṣu |
pāvakayā juhvā vahnirāsāghne yajasva tanvaṃ tava svām ||

dhanyā cid dhi tve dhiṣaṇā vaṣṭi pra devāñ janma ghṛṇate yajadhyai |
vepiṣṭho aṅghirasāṃ yad dha vipro madhu chando bhanati rebha iṣṭau ||

adidyutat svapāko vibhāvāghne yajasva rodasī urūcī |
āyuṃ na yaṃ namasā rātahavyā añjanti suprayasaṃ pañca janāḥ ||

vṛñje ha yan namasā barhiraghnāvayāmi srugh ghṛtavatī suvṛktiḥ |
amyakṣi sadma sadane pṛthivyā aśrāyi yajñaḥ sūrye na cakṣuḥ ||

daśasyā naḥ purvaṇīka hotardevebhiraghne aghnibhiridhānaḥ |
rāyaḥ sūno sahaso vāvasānā ati srasema vṛjanaṃ nāṃhaḥ ||

English Translation

Translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith

1. EAGERLY Sacrifice thou, most skilful, Agni! Priest, pressing on as if the Maruts sent thee.
To our oblation bring the two Nāsatyas, Mitra and Varuṇa and Earth and Heaven.

See also  Geeta Bhawan Temple, Moga

2 Thou art our guileless, most delightful Herald, the God, among mankind, of holy synods.
A Priest with purifying tongue, O Agni, sacrifice with thy mouth to thine own body.

3 For even the blessed longing that is in thee would bring the Gods down to the singer’s worship,
When the Aṅgirases’ sagest Sage, the Poet, sings the sweet measure at the solemn service.

4 Bright hath he beamed, the wise, the far-refulgent. Worship the two widespreading Worlds, O Agni,
Whom as the Living One rich in oblations the Five Tribes, bringing gifts, adorn with homage.

5 When I with reverence clip the grass for Agni, when the trimmed ladle, fullof oil, is lifted,
Firm on the seat of earth is based the altar: eye-like, the sacrifice is directed Sun-ward.

6 Enrich us, O thou Priest of many aspects, with the Gods, Agni, with thy fires, enkindled.
O Son of Strength, clad in the robe of riches, may we escape from woe as from
a prison.

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