IIT Kharagpur published the Calender of 2022 with the theme of Indian Knowledge System
IIT Kharagpur published the Calender of 2022 with the theme of Indian Knowledge System

IIT Kharagpur published the Calender of 2022 with the theme of Indian Knowledge System

In a ‘rebuttal’ to the Aryan Invasion theory, IIT-Kharagpur has issued a calendar titled ‘Recovery of the Foundations of Indian Knowledge systems’ on Saturday. The calendar for the year 2022 boasts twelve ‘evidences’ of the Indian civilisation having no ‘Europen roots’. Many scientists have questioned the need for such a rebuttal as Aryan invasion theory has been discredited by multiple scientific studies.


  • 1. Mount Kailash – The Sacred Space. Pg. 3
  • 2. Law of Space – Time Causation. Pg. 5
  • 3. Sacred Feminine – Pg. 8
  • 4. Column of Cosmic Light – Pg. 10
  • 5. Why was the Aryan Invasion Myth forged? – Pg. 13
  • 6. The Light of Indian Knowledge Systems – Pg. 17

To buy the Desk calendar click Here. To buy the Wall calendar click Here

IIT Kharagpur issues 2022 calendar busting ‘Aryan Invasion theory’

Credits to Centre of Excellence for Indian Knowledge Systems and Nehru Museum of Science and Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. (see page 18) The copyright lies with them too.

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