Kamba Ramayanam Bala Kandam 4 (Padalam 14)
Kamba Ramayanam Bala Kandam 4 (Padalam 14)

By Kambar (Kavichakravarthy Kamban)

Translated in English by P. R Ramachander

Kamba Ramayanam – Bala Kandam 4 (Padalam 14)

14.Chandra Saila PadalamThe chapter  on moon mountain
(The departure of Dasaratha  is given in a vry few   slokas  in Valmiki Ramayanam. There is no mention of Chandra saila(moon mountain)   mountains in Valmiki Ramayana, which is the first resting place of the departing  army.)

813.   Some tall  elephants  making    the well grown branches  Of  the  banyan   trees   touching the  sky  split  ,Which wanted to drink   water    from the lake ,And which were ridden by a man who was  like god of love with  his bow  ,Were tied   on Devadara trees    and sandal    wood trees. orFrom  that  tall elephants    which  defeated    the   Meru mountain   by its height  ,Using their breasts   which is used by the God of love    to steal the soul of their lovers,The ladies   who speak sweet words  , embraced   the lovers   and   got down.

814.  One elephant  , like  the plan of the   good king  whose mind never gets tired,And who defeats  the undefeatable   kings   by   tricks  which are   the royal tricks ,Uprooted  the tree  on which it was tied  and which was  touching the sky by its height,By its very base   and walked    away from there  like a mountain.

815.  Like the lord Krishna when he was a baby   crawling with  a huge mortar,In  between    two  Maruda trees   which had very long     and healthy branches So that those    trees fell down,   one   elephant rolling  and    dragging the log  on which it was tied,Went through   two mango trees     and made  both of them fall   down.    

816. That Mahout   who tried to pacify    it from its very great anger  ,By telling  it sweet words   and tame   it  from its anger of rut,Was like the minister   who tried   to   pacify the king from going on  a wrong path.Then that elephant  was like   that king   who did not bother  ,To hear the words of the  minister   which were   good    to him.

817. Not able to see   any of his enemies  when making   sound like thunder of cloud,When it  was hurt by    an iron thorn like goad  , that elephant,Followed the path taken by the wild elephants  and  when it was  followed ,By eagles   , it went from there    with a great  speed of wind,And it was like  one river flowing through  the path of a dead river.

818.  When one   elephant was tied separately    getting the scent   of rut,From the Sapthaparni(ezhilai palai)   tree   making the goad in the hands of its mahout straight ,Following the scent of rut   it reached    the Sapathaparni tree   in flowering,And made in to small, small pieces   by its forelegs  and rubbed it on the earth.

819. The innumerable male elephants   and the   several she elephants, Which  had  a  saffron thilak    on its forehead  and which had joined with them As well as the elephant calves   along with them  made   them appear like  a group of wild elephants.And that  mountain of moon (Chandra shaila)   was like  the chief of that wild elephants.

820. Learned  and wise men  even  when they join with   people of lower rung,Will change    their  baser instincts   and confused mind which refused to learn,This is what happens in the   world   like a chariot    with  wheels made  of gold,Since it goes on rolling and rolling    it would change even a  black stone to gold colour.

See also  Chapter 18 – The Bhagawad Gita

821. The peacocks that live in the forest  seeing the  mouth  of ladies  looking like a red fruit,Suspecting that   Indrakopa*   beetles have   sought protection and are living there , Went on roaming   round the deer eyed ladies  who wear pretty waist belts AS if they    want to    examine the  matchless beauty of those girls*Preferred food  of peacocks which are red in colour  

822.  Those ladies  slowly   walking like swans   , reached   the shade of  crowded young trees,After getting down from their horses    due to their   wearing  Bangles,  garlands  ,Waist belts  , they shined   like   branch of a  tree  which was full of flowers.

823. Ladies  having been exhausted by the travel  , the  well  matured   bees of the garland,Thinking   that  they are the fully open lotus flowers   were  going round and round,Their feet as well as their faces   and when they were   sleeping on a crystal bed, Their friends were confused    that   their shadow on the bed    was themselves.   

824. Some ladies  who were looking like ornamental climbing plants  ,Who had a waist similar   to a Udukkai drum (hand held drum)  , when they descended  from the backOf a she elephant    which was sitting   were looking like,     the lightning streaks on the clouds   , And  went in to their quarters similar  to Goddess Lakshmi entering her lotus.

825. The   horses  brought   from Turkey   fed with food in their mouth by lads,And brought in to the city  made neighing sound   which was scary,And those   big horses decorated  by ornaments   were properly tied together,And were looking like    a garland of several gems on the chest of the mother earth.

826. Just like   continuous waves of water  , they  tied   the screens one after another,Just like  the sea has been properly made    and  they   erected   the shopping streets,Just like   rows of clouds  ,   they arranged     the elephants  in a sequence in the garden,And just like   arranging the wind properly    they tied the horses in a row.

827. Like the dancing peacocks   when the deer eyed ladies and   the soldiers ,With sharpened spears   were   wandering  in trance without  knowing where  they were going,Recognising by the beating of the drums and blaring of the conches,And by the flags , the residence of the king  , they reached   the quarters of the king.

828. The young lads seeing that the bodies of their wives   were made dull,By the covering of the dust   raised   by the walking  of elephants,Cleaned them using   cloth which was as thin as    the foam of the milk,And  those ladies looked like    the  pretty painting   polished by their painters.

829. The princes riding on elephants   looking  like a big lion   descending   from a mountain,Got down from their huge elephants  and being fanned on both sides by broad leaf sheaths  ,Entered in to the  tents made for them   which was  erected well   with plenty of light.

830. In   all those tents   with victory banners    made of white   cloth  , the ladies,With natural scent  and pretty smile   , with faces like the moon moving about in the sky,Looked like   the  lustrous shadow of the  faultless moon  in  the white foamy   waters   Of the sea  ,  in all the places    that we happen to see.

See also  Chapter 16 – The Bhagawad Gita

831. The elephant in rut    falling on the ground so that it is coated with dust,Standing up as if wanting to join the sky  , Fanning white  perfumed dust on one   side,So that its black colour    is hidden  and fanning    the   perfumed  dust on the other side,Looked like   Lord Shiva   who is allowing Lord Vishnu    to be a part of himself.

832. Like the good   people joining with bad people   and later leaving them  ,When they really understand them  , the good horses   which run speedily  ,As soon as some dust settles on their body  , get up,Shake themselves off the dust  and stand up free of dust,

833. The horses  came after cutting off the three  stringed big rope ,And understanding what they have to do  by the ability of the driver And also understanding    the earth on which they travel  ,Similar to    the great yogis who cut off   the three  big ties of  land, lady and gold,Due to the power of their yoga  after understanding  the true state of their soul,And also understand    the nature  of the divine God   and  travel speedily towards good.

834. When the tides of the sea blow to a very great height  , The fat Kayal fishes,Separate from the sea and  like that when the thin curtains which    are  ,Like the snow   falling   from the  sky   are blown away by   the wind,In all the tents  The black eyes   of ladies   which play tricks  appear.

835. Though the rivers with clear water   do not give rise   to  great flow of water always,When you did and further dig   they give rise to springs of water   and help us,And they were like the charitable people give riches  without saying no,When they have wealth and even when the wealth is lost ,And continue giving whatever they have   to their friends.

836. Those warriors    wearing gem garlands  which look like they move with raging fire, And whose hair waves with wind, entered their tents which had the smell of newness,And were like   the killer  lions  which enters different caves on the mountain.

837. The big war elephants   with sharp tusks which are close by,Which   have  put suitable mark   on its   forehead with   red hair,With bells tolling  one by one  differently  , keep on ,Turning    the water of the lake with waves   and are like  ,Madhu kaidaba   who   turn and mix  the big black sea.

838. The big black elephants in rut   which do  not obey the signs of the Mahout,Which are   prevented from both sides by assistant mahouts   from going anywhere,Which without bothering for any thing  do not get out of water bodies,Are similar to those lovers    who do not obey the advice   of wise  people  ,Who are found fault by   relatives   and friends   who gather  as a crowd,And who are not bothered  about it and who are  interested ,Only    on the hips of the prostitutes   wearing waist   belts.

839. With men coming near to the ladies   who cover their waists with cloth,And bring burning   fire from the kitchen  which makes even sun dull,And  when this  produces smoke   on the Akil logs,That smoke goes up in the sky  makes clouds    which do not cause rain, Which looks like a big ocean and   was like their city.

See also  Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 12 (Padalam 28)

840. The Vidhyadharas   who live   on that mountain   with splits ,Who had come to see   that great army  and seeing the pretty lads and lasses,Who were assembled there  were  terribly confused  as to ,Which of them  do not belong to their   group   and thus,That huge army made one doubt  whether the world of devas ,Have slipped   down and has    fallen there,

841. All those who ladies who woke up earlier than the morn,Who were pretty  ,and who were angry due to long love tiff,Talked sweetly with Koels  , made sound  with anklets  that would be echoed  by mountains,Wore ornaments making their luster  more than that of the sun,And roamed here and there like   the flock of peacocks.

842. All the valorous males   with both heroic anklets making sound,With bees making great sound  around   the garlands they  were wearing,With swords tied to their hip shining   With   their shoulder  amulets,Shining due to the red gems inlaid in them,Inspected all the mountains around which were  like their shoulders,Very  similar   to the  very cruel  roaming in that forest.

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Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 4 (Padalam 11)

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Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 4 (Padalam 13)

Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 4 (Padalam 14)

About Kavichakravarthy Kamban

Kavichakravarthy Kamban
Kavichakravarthy Kamban

Historians place him in the 9th century CE, But surely Kamban belongs to the third great wave of Tamizh literature that started with the Sangam period (dated before the Common Era), followed by the widespread impact of Bhakti literature of the Alwars (vaishnavite saints) & Nayanamars (shaivaite saints). Kamban Authored Ramanaya in Tamil…Known as Kamba Ramayanam..

Kambar has been the milestone for the Tamil scholars that none had reached. He was also known as “Kamba Naatazhvar” at his time. Many Tamil authors from the modern world have written the books on the poet Kamban.


Who wrote Tamil Ramayana?

Kambar or Kavichakravarthy Kamban (1180–1250) was a medieval Tamil poet and the author of the Ramavataram, popularly known as Kambaramayanam, the Tamil version of the epic Ramayana.

What is the difference between Kamba Ramayanam and Valmiki Ramayana?

Valmiki Ramayana and Kamba Ramayanam are two versions of Ramayana written in the Sanskrit and Tamil languages respectively. … Kamba Ramayanam is originally called as Ramavataram. Although Valmiki Ramayana is the original version of the story of Rama, Kamba Ramayana is believed to be based on the work by Valmiki.

What is the story of Kamba Ramayanam?

The Kamba Ramayanam, is a Tamil epic that was written by the Tamil poet Kambar during the 12th century. Based on Valmiki’s Ramayana (which is in Sanskrit), the story describes the life of King Rama of Ayodhya.

How many Kandam are there in Kamba Ramayanam?

The book is divided into six chapters, called Kandam in Tamil. The Kandams are further divided into 123 sections called Padalam (படலம்) in Tamil. These 123 sections contain approximately 12,000 verses of the epic.

Kamba Ramayanam in English Index

Kamba Ramayanam: An Introduction
Bala Kandam
Bala Kandam – Padalam 1
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 1 (Padalam 2)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 1 (Padalam 3)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 1 (Padalam 4)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam (Padalam 5)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam (Padalam 6)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam (Padalam 7)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 3 (Padalam 8)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 3 (Padalam 9)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 3 (Padalam 10)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 4 (Padalam 11)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 4 (Padalam 12)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 4 (Padalam 13)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 4 (Padalam 14)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 5 (Padalam 15)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 5 (Padalam 16)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 5 (Padalam 17)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 5 (Padalam 18)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 6 (Padalam 19)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 6 (Padalam 20)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 6 (Padalam 21)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 7 (Padalam 22)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 7 (Padalam 23)
Ayodhya Kandam
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 1 (Padalam 1)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 1 (Padalam 2)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 1 (Padalam 3)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 2 (Padalam 4)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 3 (Padalam 5)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 3 (Padalam 6)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 3 (Padalam 7)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 3 (Padalam 8)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 3 (Padalam 9)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 4 (Padalam 10)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 4 (Padalam 11)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 4 (Padalam 12)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 5 (Padalam 13)
Aranya Kandam
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 1 (Padalam 1)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 1 (Padalam 2)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 1 (Padalam 3)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 1 (Padalam 4)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 2 (Padalam 5)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 2 (Padalam 6)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 3 (Padalam 7)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 3 (Padalam 8)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 4 (Padalam 9)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 4 (Padalam 10)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 5 (Padalam 11)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 5 (Padalam 12)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 5 (Padalam 13)
Kishkinda Kandam
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 1 (Padalam 1)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 1 (Padalam 2)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 1 (Padalam 3)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 1 (Padalam 4)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 1 (Padalam 5)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 1 (Padalam 6)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 2 (Padalam 7)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 2 (Padalam 8)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 3 (Padalam 9)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 3 (Padalam 10)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 4 (Padalam 11)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 4 (Padalam 12)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 4 (Padalam 13)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 4 (Padalam 14)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 5 (Padalam 15)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 5 (Padalam 16)
Sundara Kandam
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 1 (Padalam 1)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 1 (Padalam 2)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 2 (Padalam 3)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 2 (Padalam 4)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 3 (Padalam 5)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 3 (Padalam 6)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 3 (Padalam 7)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 3 (Padalam 8)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 4 (Padalam 9)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 4 (Padalam 10)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 4 (Padalam 11)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 5 (Padalam 12)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 5 (Padalam 13)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 5 (Padalam 14)
Yudha Kandam
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 1 (Padalam 1)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 1 (Padalam 2)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 1 (Padalam 3)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 2 (Padalam 4)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 2 (Padalam 5)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 2 (Padalam 6)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 3 (Padalam 7)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 3 (Padalam 8)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 3 (Padalam 9)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 3 (Padalam 10)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 3 (Padalam 11)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 4 (Padalam 12)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 4 (Padalam 13)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 4 (Padalam 14)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 5 (Padalam 15)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 6 (Padalam 16)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 6 (Padalam 17)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 7 (Padalam 18)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 8 (Padalam 19)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 8 (Padalam 20)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 9 (Padalam 21)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 9 (Padalam 22)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 10 (Padalam 23)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 10 (Padalam 24)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 10 (Padalam 25)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 11 (Padalam 26)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 11 (Padalam 27)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 12 (Padalam 28)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 12 (Padalam 29)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 12 (Padalam 30)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 13 (Padalam 31)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 13 (Padalam 32)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 13 (Padalam 33)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 13 (Padalam 34)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 13 (Padalam 35)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 14 (Padalam 36)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 15 (Padalam 37)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 16 (Padalam 38)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 16 (Padalam 39)
Kamba Ramayanam in English Index

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