By Kambar (Kavichakravarthy Kamban)
Translated in English by P. R Ramachander
Kamba Ramayanam – Bala Kandam 7 (Padalam 22)
22.Katimana Padalam(The chapter on the great marriage)
( The chapter begins with love sickness of Sita and Rama and later in this chapter Rama weds Sita . Though r several common rites of marriage of south India are mentioned, there is no Mangalya dharanam. The poet mentions that the wedding took place on Panguni uthra day, which fact is not there in Valmiki Ramayana. Like Valmiki Ramayana , the mothers of Rama are not present during marriage. After marriage Rama and Sita go inside the palace and salute them. The marriage of brothers of Rama take place the next day as per proposal of Janaka. Even the names of their brides is not mentioned. In Valmiki Ramayana there is a lengthy introduction to each other of the clan of Dasaratha and Janaka. The introduction by Vasishta in Kamba Ramayana is there as soon as Dasaratha arrives from Ayodhya. With this chapter and one following it , Bala Kandam comes to an end.)
1160. Due to the great hospitality shown by Janaka whose fame is wide spread,Right from kings who owned elephants who were showering rut ,To the kings with broad shoulders and princes and those ,Were all in between these great groups felt as if,They have gone to the city of Indra along with this body.
1161. Would not those who are greatly thirsty and want to drink pure water,See the source of good water but unable to find steps to approach the water ,Lose their strength and would become sorry as well as depressed,Similarly the lady who was like Koel and was wearing golden bangle attained that state.
1162. ”Oh cruel night , Are there people who deceive and kill,Feeble ladies who do not have any strength whatsoever without any thought ? AS soon as the sun rises tomorrow,My Lord would come near me and so please go to the day with speed.”
1163. Oh mind , you have gone along with the feet of the black coloured Rama,And propose to come back when he returns but you have been with me,From the day I was born and wander round me without parting from me ..Are there people like you, who cannot wait for one more day?”
1164. “Oh Andril bird who lives on a palm tree , when I am trying to attain,Rama like the seven seas which make great sound, due to my bad fate ,If the day time perhaps never comes but you without any culture ,Are flying with your mate instead of flying alone. Why are you doing these bad acts?’
1165. ”Oh moon , Who has hot spreading rays , which hurt like a sharp spear ,And is hot like fire, Please tell whether any one else except you is there,Who trouble the tender lasses whose body is thinning down and who do not avenge.”
1166. ”Oh breeze tiger who lives in the best big caves of the southern Podigai mountain,Have You who are the store house of fragrance and coolness .Started to eat ladies like me with fire like mouth,Making the rays of moon light as your teeth.
1167. “A matchless hero is wandering these streets ,And he is not leaving me during day and night ,And how this is possible for him , to be at two places?”How is it that he who has a black body and who is a king by his clan,Has come to a lass who is alone?”
1168. ”Is it this darkness the hell which the sinners attain?.While my desire is running towards him who shows no mercy,And this black darkness is like a never ending sea,Whose shore I would not be able to find ,How many deluge time does this darkness last?”
1169. ”The music of the town seems to be never ending,And the day time never seems to come and thoughts are not going away.This night would never become day, my mental pains will never end,My soul does not appear to move away, eyes do not sleep, Is this my lot?”
1170. ”Oh ocean, The conch bangles with you are falling down ,And like me who am very tired you do not seem to have any sleep,Are you an unmarried maid like me? And are you also,Agitated due to the fear of the arrows of god of love?”
1171. Sorrowing by telling these words several times,Thinking of her worries, not able to leave feminine qualities,She spent that entire night in her palace in darkness,And now let us see what is happening inside the mind of Rama.
1172”. Due to the great love , having seen her earlier,I have drawn her in the screen of my mind using the pen of my eyes,And I have seen her again and then I could not see the other shore of her beauty,How can some one who has seen a streak of lightning draw it.”
1173. ”Her face is like that of Goddess Lakshmi .Oh moon,You are producing fruits and allowing seeds of passion to grow. What have you decided to do ?Would you not become my friend and help me?”
1174. ,”The darkness that has spread everywhere andStood like the black eye Of Sita which tries to push my soul out,Instead of reducing like the bad name of king who was afraid ,Of death by his enemies , keeps on increasing .”
1175. ”Oh mind which went away with Sita who has deer like eyes,Would you not think about me once? Is the path to return very long ?You should come away from those who do not care about you,Have you completely forgotten about me?”
1176. ”It seems that it is an old news that the strongest poison ,Is housed in the teeth of a snake whose looks can burn,And now it has been proved that she who is always ,IN my sight and mind is giving rise to only a cool sight.”
1177. ”Though she can play on artificial hills , Gardens with lot of flowers,Sea beaches and very many other places of entertainment,I do not know Why that lady whose talk is much sweeter than nectar,And who has thin hairs , has chosen my mind as the place to play with.”
1178. Since the great king was fully engrossed about the marriage,Said that the marriage of that lass whose hair is desired by bees ,Is on the next day and so to further beautify our city ,Which in inherently beautified by lot of gems and flowers.And he told them to inform all his citizens about it,By beating the drums which are carried on elephants.
1179. As soon as the drums were played , the respectable old people.Youngsters and ladies who had hair that was scented ,Met with each other and rushed to beautify their town,And met their relations discussed about the wedding of Sita, And waiting to see it , some how reached the other shore of the night.
1180. Hearing the news along with the beating of the drum that ,Rama who is black like Kajal and Sita who stays in the lotus flower,Would enter in to a faultless marriage that day,The Sun God , came as if he wanted to see the marriage of the clan member,On his matchless chariot by piercing the night with his red rays.
1181. The people of the town were setting up ornamental pillars in the street ,Covering all pillars with cloth , Keeping filled up pots and decorating them with pretty cloth,Tying lustrous beads on tall buildings which seem to touch the sky,And were cooking sweet food to the Brahmins who would explain Vedas.
1182. The ladies who had the tender walk of the swans , the lads who walked like bulls,Were planting banana and betelnut trees in that town not conquered by any,Were searching and wearing the best gem among the invaluable gems that they have ,Were dressing with gold ornaments and were also wearing gem studded ornaments.
1183. Some of them wandering all over the streets sprinkling paste of Sandal and Akil,Some were showering fresh flowers like rain, and Some who were decorating ,BY hanging invaluable pearl necklaces in those tall buildings already decorated,Gem studded buildings which even made the rainbows shy .
1184. With scented sheets whose edges were covered by gold ,Making moon light as well as sun light to come out of them,With Maikhya gems giving out light in the rows of hall ,Made by crystal stones , with lamps that were giving out spreading light,Many people were keeping germinating pots with sweet cool sprouts everywhere.
1185. Like all the groups of stars in the long sky are shining together ,The front of all multiple storey buildings which were like Mandara mountain ,The pearls which are capable of showering matchless luster were lighting up,The entire row and because and because the sun’s rays were spreading .Some were trying to erect protecting tents to prevent that.
1186. In the stages where green gems have been embedded ,And surrounded by diamonds , servant girls brought ,Faultless lamps and kept them there and they would establish,Flags with golden poles on the boundary walls which seem to touch the moon .And also were seen putting Akil logs in the burning fire.
1187. Some were bringing lot of cool flowers in carts,Some were bringing leaves and fruits from the gardens,Some were dancing Kuravai with their ear globes giving out light ,And some were putting face mask on the elephants which take lot of food.
1188. Some were applying on themselves the mixture sandal paste ,Some were examining good dresses with intentions to wear them,Some were decorating their hair with flowers, some were putting ,THilak on their moon like faces , some were wearing Chikazhika garlands,And some were drawing on their red lips resembling Ilavam flowers.
1189. Some ladies who were like peacock , even when they were putting make up,Or when they were angry and having a love tiff, became those who collected,Heaps of fallen gems , gold coins , conch bangles , and scented powders ,That are likely to fall down , as heaps and threw them out.
1190. For the sake of the wedding function , Kings started arriving ,Brahmins were coming and crowding , Some people were enjoying ,Honey like music , some were singing and wandering, some ladies were dancing,And there were some, using hour glasses estimating the time accurately.
1191. Ladies who were experts in dance started crowding ,Some were learning and practicing many of the sixty four arts ,And some were coming near the entrance of the palace of king Janaka,Where the gems from the ornaments of very many minor kings,And from the crowns of those kings dashing against each other had fallen like mountains.
1192. With golden shields reflecting light , With the tip of spears,Reflecting light like moon , With lads walking like,Elephants with long tusks which were experts in war ,And dancing for increasing happiness of ladies ,And while they were dancing , those ladies,Smiled prettily and robbed the souls of those lads.
1194. Some were coming in chariots , some in palanquins,Some in other types of vehicles , some on elephants .Having a mask studded with lustrous gems ,Some were coming on female elephants ,Some were walking on earth and some in carts.
1195. Some were wearing ornaments made of pearls ,Some were throwing out the pearl ornaments they were wearing earlier,Some were becoming joyous by wearing more and more types of ornaments,Some were wearing on their hair crafted garlands made of flower bunches,And some were wearing red silk cloths where picture rows were drawn.
1196. Some were having eyes like poison, Some with nectar like voice,Some having lips like red Netti, , Some who were having white teeth,Some who were proud of their wide breasts , Some who were having,Peculiar very narrow waists , Some with gait of female swans ,And some who walked she elephants crowded there,
1197. It is difficult to see all the wealth of Mithila in one place ,And even to think of that amount of wealth by mind is difficult, That marriage day Of Rama could only be comparable to the day of crowning,Of Indra who rules the lustrous land of the sky .
1198. The king of kings Dasaratha reached the hall ,Whose limits were difficult to find out , whose roof was made of Gold,Which was as tall as mountain ,Which was decorated by costly gems,And where all the auspicious things for wedding has been collected and stored.
1199. With the white royal umbrella giving the light of young moon,And that umbrella also giving out the light of sun jading the eyes,With bees which bore in to the flowers singing ,And dust raising due to the hoofs of victorious horses Dasaratha arrived.
1200. At that time the auspicious sound of wedding drums blared forth,The groups of conches also boomed , Small and big drums raised their sound, And the sound of chanting of Vedas by those experts in Vedas,Matched the sound of the waves of ocean at night, when it will be more.
1201. The wide chariots elephants and the horses that can fleet,Came in crowds and crowds sorted in to correct groups,Those kings who normally salute Dasaratha and follow him,Came along with him like Indra being surrounded by devas,.
1202. Dasaratha who travelled in that great manner ,Came and sat in a pretty golden seat making it more pretty,Sages and other kings as per their rank occupied their seats,And Janaka also occupied the seats along with his relatives.
1203. Due to kings , sages , devas of the sky and the maidens,Walking like swans who were similar to the ladies of heaven,Crowding that hall , that matchless hall of marriage ,Was looking like golden Meru mountain which is circled by planets.
1204. In that marriage hall which was constructed by Maya ,Properly embedding gems , people who do good,Without expecting anything in return were there,Shining ladies were there , matchless stars were there ,Due to many kings being there , there were the clan of nine precious gems,Sun and moon were there in the form of Dasaratha and Janaka ,And it looked like the universe created by Lord Brahma.
1205. Great sages and kings and with devas were kept inside,IN that marriage hall and so it was like the belly of Lord Vishnu,Who swallowed earth and heaven and kept it there during deluge.
1206. , All the people of not only this earth but the entire universe ,Crowded there with a wish to see the marriage . Should we ,Separately say about it? Since there is no need for it ,We will tell the acts of Rama who has left his bed,Of Adhisesha and has come over to Ayodhya.
1207. With sacred waters having been brought from the seven sea, Where crowds of conches are found and with the ,Very special holy waters that have been mentioned in the Vedas ,In which the waters of the sacred rivers like Ganga has been mixed,As per tradition Lord Rama took his auspicious bath.
1208. , After giving charity to faultless ladies with Kayal fish like eyes,Which extended up to their ears and to Great Brahmins ,Who were expert in Vedas , Rama saluted Ranganatha ,Their shining family deity who was worshipped by,His faultless ancestors who had done faultless penance.
1209. Like the grace which saved penance and Dharma Which was being destroyed, by Rakshasas as there was none to protect themTaking a form of its own , he who had a form like that of a picture,Took the sandal paste and applied on himself like cloud applying the moon.
1210. Like the moon which is the store of all auspiciousness Was produced as a flower by the black sea with rising waves ,Rama wore Red netti garland , golden garland,And flower garlands which were stable on his wavy hair.
1211. After Seeing him suffer the love sickness during day and night ,Similar to The sun and moon coming as emissary to Rama ,And going near his ears to tell about thoughts of Sita,Rama wore two shining ear globes on his ears.
1212. Like lord Shiva holding as axe and having the black poison on his neck,Rama wore the crescent of the moon at the tip of his long hair ,Rama also wore an ornament called “veera pattigai “ and Thilaka on his forehead.Making the Sun God think that he would wear all shining things of the world,
1213. Making people think that this was the conch panchajanya near his wheel,Rama wore several white pearl necklaces , made people think,That the smile of the White coloured Sita having long black hair ,Has gone inside Rama, occupied everywhere and has ebbed out.
1214. , With properly embedded diamonds looking like dots on the hood of the snake,And the Manikhya gems having an endless red colour resembling red coloured fire ,The shoulder ornaments worn on the pretty shoulders of Rama ,Were looking like Vasuki that was tied round Mandhara mountain.
1215 .The three big threads in which pearls were chained ,Were tied in the centre of the Wide hands of Rama ,Possibly indicating that he is the Lord of all the three worlds,Which is asymbol that has been agreed by every one.
1216. Like the karpaga tree made bangles of gold and gems ,And tied them on its healthy branches for helping the,People who come before it with great desire,Rama wore those shining bracelets on his pretty broad hands.
1217. On the chest where the Goddess Lakshmi who sits on,The honey dripping lotus flower, sits with great joy ,Rama wore pretty garland that was hanging with several gems,And it was like rain bow rising in cloud filled sky with stars.
1218. Like the wisdom of wise people that cannot be ,Approached by ordinary people , the lustrous upper cloth ,Was worn over the holy chest of his by Rama,Who has a form of mercy similar to the luster ,Of gems worn by Rama on his neck.
1219. The holy thread over the chest which was like sun, moon and fire ,Is definitely the great trinity that even sages and devas do not know,And it was tied in its end possibly requesting all to think and realize this truth.
1220. The ornament called stomach belt which is long ,Which spreads of the luster of the gold , and has ,A large Manikhya gem in its middle , looked like,Another golden lotus had flowered on his belly,So that another Brahma who created the world would be born there.
1221. Rama wore the white silk dhothi on his hips ,Which was similar to the black sea which is the birthplace ,Of lustrous Manikhya gems being hugged by the ,White cool ocean of milk using its long arm like tides.
1222. ,The pearls that are born in the sea and the lustrous,Blue Maikhya gems there , due to the production of great light,By their movement giving out the luster of pure Gold,Resembled the Sun God going round the golden Meru,And like That Rama tied the glittering sword to his hip,
1223. With the showering luster of pearls chained together in a row,Tied by Rama like an ornamented belt which was tied round his waist,Along with the sword put in its scabbard which was shining like Sun,Rama hung chained pearls near it and it appeared like the early sun light.
1224. ,Merging with luster of those who see with the luster of gems,Were the Kimpuri which was made by hand like a mouth of a shark,And from the gems which represented the teeth there, the white light emerged,And Rama wore that ornament on his thigh so that he can find out distances to directions.
1225. ,Thinking how these feet now would measure the world again,Rama wore the heroic anklets which had the nature of individually stopping,And whose workmanship cannot be understood , even if examined with care ,So that they would surround and catch his lotus like feet.
1226. After getting up from his bed of Adhi sesha , lighted with gems.Due to penance of those of the devas , and being born as a prince in Ayodhya,For the sake of devas , Rama dressed himself in this way.And he was only comparable to himself after that.
1227. He who was the first and the root cause among the trinity ,Who was the pleasure of those who cut off the attachment to this world ,Who was the father of all, Who is the nectar of the ocean of milk ,And who can only be comparable to himself was Rama,How is it possible to describe the greatness of what he wore?
1228. Rama gave thousands of crowds of cows and Gold,Limitless land , and the nine precious gems to the good people,And with the blessing of Brahmins who had the rare wealth,Of the knowledge of Vedas , he came and climbed in to his chariot.
1229. The chariot of Rama had a huge axel made of GoldHad wheels made of silver , the travelling space made of Diamond,And all round it the precious gems were set and gave out light to a great distance,And was easily comparable to the Chariot of Sun God with one wheel.
1230. Four horses which were perfect as described in the book,Which had the ability to look deeply , which were filled with great beauty ,And which were desired by all like dharma, wealth , passion and salvation,Were chained to the chariot of Rama who could know the nature of matchless hearts.
1231. In such a great chariot , similar to Aruna being the charioteer,Bharatha who had the eyes shedding tears of joy stood as charioteer,And took in his hand the stick and Lakshmana who held the bow that can be bent,Also accompanied him as also his other brothers who were ,Fanning him with a cowries with handles of gold.
1232. All the people were looking at Rama without closing their eyes like devas.I do not know whether this was due to the prettiness of the body of Rama,Or possibly due their thinking of beauty of Rama only by their patient minds.You may please ascribe it to the reason that you would prefer.
1233. ,All those devas who along with the crowd of their ladies,Who had come and assembled in the sky started dancing ,Thinking that the time for destruction of Rakshasas who were ,Torturing all the worlds and who were not getting destroyed, has come.
1234. All the ladies of that town showered flowers and perfumed dust on Rama ,They threw greatly shining gems , gold and apparel to others due to extreme joy,Possibly because they were with joy , drinking the great beauty of Rama.We are not able to ascribe any other reason for the acts of these women.
1235. Like giving away all that they have and telling, “take away all that we wear”,All those ladies who saw the great Rama due to their great desire,Towards Rama, stood there with all their ornaments getting loose and falling down.
1236. Surrounded by all the kings , without leaving out any one,Who were all armed with weapons that can be thrown ,And were standing like a crowd of elephants , Rama reached,The marriage hall where king Dasaratha was sitting,Like The Sun with red rays of light approaching the huge ,Meru mountain, riding on his great chariot.
1237. That Rama decorated by flowers, who was capable of giving boons,After getting down from the chariot in that place , took the hands,Of his brothers Bharata and Lakshmana who were standing on both his sidesSaluted the faultless great sages , saluted the feet of his father,Who has taken, “following dharma” as his penance , and sat near his father.
1238. Like a red flower branch of the colour of gold carrying the moon.With a bow on whose top were the Kayal fishes, with jasmine buds ,Slightly opening in the moon , Sita appeared on the eastern corner of the chariot,Which was like The lady who was born in the ocean with waves ,Being born in the earth and she being born again at the top of the mountain.
1239. All those devas who were thankful , addressing Rama told that ,“This day when you are garlanding Sita appears to be more pretty,Than that holy day when you garlanded the lady with the scented,And pretty hair who was born when we were churning the ocean.”
1240. Because the beauty of this lady would be greater than,All the beauty that can be found in land of devas , this earth,Surrounded by the roaring ocean and land of serpants,What shall I, who has very little knowledge , say,About the festival of her wedding which was performed.
1241. To see the beauty of that bride and groom .Devendra came along with his wife Sachi on the sky.Lord Shiva who wears the young crescent with his wife,And Lord Brahma who lives in a lotus came with goddess of the word.
1242. , Surrounded by Brahmins wearing the sacred thread ,And who were experts in Vedas, the great sage Vasishta ,Came to conduct the wedding as per tradition along with,Instruments like plough that were needed with great joy.
1243. He then spread the sand, kept Dhurba grass in proper places,Created a circular place as per rules , poured ghee with tender flowers,And lit the sacrificial fire and proceeded to carry out,The rituals as per the rules laid down in the Vedas.
1244. Coming with perfumed materials and who sat on seats for wedding,And that hero who was victorious and that swan like lady who was having great love, Were appearing like the great pleasure and the Yoga needed to enjoy it.
1245. King Janaka stood before the son of the emperor and saying,“You please live with stability like Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi,Who sit on the lotus flower “ and Poured pure cool water ,On to the lotus flower like hand of Rama.
1246. That time the sound of the blessing of Brahmins and the songs,Of “long live” by the ladies who were wearing rare ornaments,The words of greeting by the kings who were wearing flower garlands ,The sound of blessing of great sages joined together,And the sound from auspicious musical instruments roused a great blaring sound.
1247. With the rain of flowers of devas , With gold flower showered by kings,With lustrous pure pearls showered by all others and with flowers ,Which had opened by themselves , the earth was like the sky with stars.
1248. Then the great hero Rama , after telling the faultless chants thrice ,Put the offerings in along with ghee in to the hot fire ,And then held the tender palms of that lady with his hand.
1249. Along with the broad shouldered Rama , for performing,The rites on fire , when she was walking around the hot fire ,Sita with feminine qualities, unlike the soul following the body ,In different births , followed Rama like the body following the soul.
1250. Then they went round the fire and saluted it , again came round it ,Saluted and put in to the fire things like puffed rice and other offerings,Stepped on the lustrous grinding stone and saw ,Arundathi who was very famous for her stable virtue.
1251. After completing all other rituals that need to be done,After saluting the vey happy sages of great penance ,After saluting the king of kings , holding the hands,Of Sita where she was wearing golden bangles ,He went inside the palace they were occupying .
1252. , The huge drums blared forth , The conches boomed ,The Sound of four Vedas were heard , The devas made great sound ,All the arts made great sound, The sound of “long live” was heard,The sound of bees was heard and the oceans made great sound.
1253. Then he saluted the daughter of the Kekaya king,With more affection in his mind than towards his own mother,Then he made the feet o f his mother as ornament to his head,And then he saluted the feet of Sumithra who had a pure mind.
1254. The swan like princess also saluted their gold like holy feet,And they all became greatly happy and seeing that maid,Who had virtue like Arundathi they told , “To our good son,She would become like a great ornament .”
1255. , They hugged the Koel like girl who was wearing conch bangles ,And told,” To our dear son with pretty eyes which other girl would be more suitable “And with their eyes filled with joy, filled their minds also with joy.
1256. Then they said , “Let her who is like an ornament for ladies . Get measureless crores of gold coins,Numberless crores of pretty rare ornaments , crowd of lady assistants,Several countries and costly silk apparel .”
1257. Rama who was a sea of mercy like the black ocean,AS per the advice of wise people who have read sea of books,Along with Sita who had an ocean of desire in her mind ,Retired like he normally takes rest in the ocean of milk.
1258. In that day time when it was Uthra star of Panguni month,After completing the marriage of lion like Rama with thousand names,Sage Vasishta as per the branches of Vedas lit the auspicious fire and,Brought the marriage rituals to an auspicious end.
1259. Janaka with faultless victories told , “Please also marry ,The three daughters of my younger brother , who are like,The lotus flowers flowered in slushy mud and who are like Goddess Lakshmi,To the younger brothers of Rama “ and in consultation,With Dasaratha and other relatives fixed the marriage.
1260. The three daughters of Janaka who was wearing chest full of Garlands Made from harvested flowers, and that of Kusadwaja the brother Of Janaka who held a spear applied with ghee, were ready for the marriage,And those brothers married those with eyes full of Kajal ,Who were like deva maidens and who had fully come to age.
1261. After they all got married as per their desire , the king Janaka,Nor giving away the fame that he had earned for several years ,Gave away all the wealth that he had earned as per truth and Dharma,To all those who wanted it and fulfilled all their wants.
1262. King Dasaratha also like Janaka gave lot of charity ,And enjoyed endless happiness and talking ,With sages who had the wealth of penance as well as knowledge ,Lived for some days in the town of Mithila and slowly,The days passed and we will tell what happened now,
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Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 7 (Padalam 22)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 7 (Padalam 23)
About Kavichakravarthy Kamban

Historians place him in the 9th century CE, But surely Kamban belongs to the third great wave of Tamizh literature that started with the Sangam period (dated before the Common Era), followed by the widespread impact of Bhakti literature of the Alwars (vaishnavite saints) & Nayanamars (shaivaite saints). Kamban Authored Ramanaya in Tamil…Known as Kamba Ramayanam..
Kambar has been the milestone for the Tamil scholars that none had reached. He was also known as “Kamba Naatazhvar” at his time. Many Tamil authors from the modern world have written the books on the poet Kamban.
Kambar or Kavichakravarthy Kamban (1180–1250) was a medieval Tamil poet and the author of the Ramavataram, popularly known as Kambaramayanam, the Tamil version of the epic Ramayana.
Valmiki Ramayana and Kamba Ramayanam are two versions of Ramayana written in the Sanskrit and Tamil languages respectively. … Kamba Ramayanam is originally called as Ramavataram. Although Valmiki Ramayana is the original version of the story of Rama, Kamba Ramayana is believed to be based on the work by Valmiki.
The Kamba Ramayanam, is a Tamil epic that was written by the Tamil poet Kambar during the 12th century. Based on Valmiki’s Ramayana (which is in Sanskrit), the story describes the life of King Rama of Ayodhya.
The book is divided into six chapters, called Kandam in Tamil. The Kandams are further divided into 123 sections called Padalam (படலம்) in Tamil. These 123 sections contain approximately 12,000 verses of the epic.