By Kambar (Kavichakravarthy Kamban)
Translated in English by P. R Ramachander
Kamba Ramayanam-Yudha Kandam 10 (Padalam 23)
Yudha Kandam (contd)
23. ,Maruthu malai Padalam
Chapter on medicine mountain
(Vibheeshana comes back and notices that Lakshmana has died and Rama was lying by his side. He finds our Hanuman and together they ;locate Jambavan. Jambavan tells Hanuman to go north beyond Meru and bring the medicine mountain, Hanuman immediately leaves and brings the Medicine mountain. By that time Rama was prepared to die and Jambavan gives him hope about Hanuman’s coming. Hanuman comes and all monkeys as well Lakshmana gets up alive .They shout with joy. Hanuman goes back to keep the mountain in its place,)
8703. Sita went back, and Vibheeshana who had been ordered to bring food by Rama , Who is the Lord of the devas , collected the necessary food and returned and made themReach the war tents and he later reached the broad battle field.”
8704. He there saw with his own eyes that all the monkey warriors were lying dead ,Hit by Brhamastra as if by a curse of Lord Brahma who created all these worlds initially,And he lost his consciousness as if he has himself swallowed the poison .
8705. Vibheeshana who could not follow what has happened became completely shocked ,As well as greatly worried and looking like one who has lost his lfe,Walked among the corpses driving away the ghosts, dogs and foxes,And saw Rama lying on the floor along with his younger brother Lakshmana.
8706. What is called as bones and what is called as body were born,Before the feeling of love and though these sequence of the souls being born,Even before the love , if thought of properly , the love decreases or increases The chance of body and soul moving from each other and this was not even known to Devas.
8707. But since Vibheeshana knew with certainty that there is no destruction ,For Rama and Lakshmana , his soul did not go away from him and he did not wail also,And with ebbing sorrow and with mind burning like fire , with great fear,He examined clearly the bodies on the earth and lost his fear ,Knowing well that, “The body of the lord did not bear any scar .
8708. He understood that these were due to the divine arrow of Brahma ,Which was sent by Indrajit and Rama was lying there sorrowing ,For his younger brother and started thinking about various methods,And ideas to get out of this major problem.”
8709. Vibheeshana who told within himself ,” did not Rama loose his consciousness,Due to the great sorrow within his mind ?once he regains consciousness ,I know how his thought process would be and the generous Rama,Would not like to live after death of his younger brother and,Indrajit the cheater who is an expert in illusion would be the victor”And he sorrowed very greatly and his eyes were filled with tears.
8710. Then again Vibheeshana thought ,” Like the Naga Pasa getting destroyed ,The arrow of Brahma would be destroyed now itself and there is ,No death for Rama and Lakshmana and the monkey army ,Lying dead in the battle field where weapons are thrown would also get up,Because how can a cruel Asura achieve victory” and he stood there with stability.
8711. ,Vibheeshana thought , “before Lord Rama rises up I would search again and again,And find out whether anybody who can provide help at this stage are alive in the battle field ,”And took a burning fire wood in his hand and started walking alone in that ocean of blood.
8712. Folding his mouth tightly and also folding both his hands , with fire ,Coming out of his red eyes due to enmity, with his shoulders ,Which were like Meru mountain touching the clouds Hanuman who crossed the sea was lying ,On a bed of the bodies of thousand crores elephants ,And he had great anger to kill enemies and Vibheeshana located him.
8713. After seeing him and understanding his state , with tears flowing like rain from his eyes,Deciding that Hanuman is alive , he removed the arrows that had struck on his wounds,One by one , brought water from the clouds and cooled the face of Hanuman.
8714. After he started breathing , with his hairs standing erect , with water of sweat,Falling Hanuman opened his eyes , slowly his body started moving , saliva was produced,And he started producing hiccups and even in that state , he shouted,“Long live the name of Rama “ and hearing that the devas shouted with joy.
8715. Vibheehana who attained sorrow together with joy with great desire,Embraced Hanuman and Hanuman also hugged him with great love,And asked “Oh suitable one , Is the generous Rama alive without damage”,Vibheeshana said , “yes with health” and Hanuman then saluted,Rama the pure one , praised by people of all three worlds.
8716. ”Due to his great affection towards his brother , loosing,His consciousness Rama is having a sleep with great sorrow,After he rises up , I do not know what will happen “ said Vibheeshana,Hanuman then asked him “Where is Jambavan who is as old as he is great?”
8717. ”I did not see that Jambavan anywhere and so I do not know,Anything about him and I have come without knowing if he is dead or alive.”Said that king of Rakshasas who wore garland made of dense fresh flowers,And then son of wind God said , “He will never attain death and so let us search.”
8718. ”Oh king of all Rakshasas, If we are able to see that Jambavan , then,He is the expert who can tell us about a trick to keep us aive .This is certain.”Said Hanuman, and Vibheeshana said, “Sir , let us hurry” and they proceeded,In darkness for some distance and then they saw that Jambavan due to fate.
8719. Due to sorrow of old age and due to the pain caused by the arrows,And due to great sorrow which made his heart bleed , with breath becoming less ,Without clarity , with befuddled mind , That Jambavan with diamond like shoulders,Understood by foot falls that , two warriors were approaching him.
8720. He thought , are they Rakshasas” Is it Hanuman? Is it Vibheeshana or is it,My Lord Rama himself or is it the merciful devas who want cure me of my pain?Is it sages? Since the enemies have gone after victory, in this dark night ,They would not come back and so the one who are coming are coming to save me.”Thought Jambavan.
8721. He consoled them who came and stood near him and shed tears,Like a stream falling from a mountain and who were suffering due to sorrow,And said, “Oh person with endless good qualities, who are you?”And heard which Vibheeshana shouting “”we will live, we will live.”
8722. Jambavan recognized Vibheeshana by his tone and asked who was the one,Standing near him and Hanuman said , “Oh king , Hanumam is standing “,And then Jambavan got up saying “Of dears all those who are dead ,Would come out alive now” and with joy in his heart became fresh and strong.
8723. ”Though it is Brahmastra , I know that it will not hurt Rama,Who is like the Veda of the Vedas as I know his great strength.Please tell me what that lord did “ asked Jambavan and Hanuman replied ,“Oh sir .Sunk in the sea of sorrow that lord is sleeping.”
8724. ”Rama and Lakshmana are the same divine Gods and they are same persons,Their bodies are only different and their soul is the same and so when he sees the Dead Lakshmana ,It is only natural that he faints , Oh Hanuman who has strong shoulders like diamond ,There should be any more time delay to solve this sorrow state ,And so by the time we blink our eyes go and bring the medicine that gives life “ said Jambavan.
8725. ”Oh strong one , if you bring this medicine seventy vellams of monkey army ,Rama , Lakshmana , the entire three worlds , the good God of Dharma ,And the faultless Vedas would again live and so without delay go ,After My words tell you the way that you have to take.”
8726. “Oh strong Hanuman, After crossing the southern sea , as per the words,Of those who had seen it , if you travel nine thousand Yojanas more ,You would reach a mountain range called Himalayas and that ,Himalayas is two thousand Yojanas broad and if you go forward ,And cross all those Yojanas , you would reach the Hemakuta mountains.
8727. ”Oh Hanuman who has mountain like strong shoulders , nine thousand Yojanas,After the Hema kouta mountains there is a red mountain called Nidatha ,And if you go nine thousana Yojanas from that Nidatha mountain ,You would see the biggest of all the mountains called Meru ,And that mountain is thirty two thousand Yojanas broad.
8728. “If you cross that Meru mountain and travel another nine thousand Yojanas,You would see before you a mountain range called blue mountains and ,That Blue mountain range is two thousand Yojanas broad and ,If you travel another four thousand Yojanas from that mountain ,You would see the medicine mountain where all medicines are available,And as soon as you see that mountain you would attain the other shore of this great sorrow.
8729. That Jambavan who is greatly wise said , There is one medicine which brings back,Dead people to life , one medicine which joins all cut limbs of the body ,Another which throws out all weapons inside the body and cures all wounds ,And another medicines which gives you , the original form of the person .You go and bring them, “he said along with their identification.
8730. “All these great medicines appeared when the ocean of milk was churned,Devas thinking about their future use preserved them in that mountain ,When Lord Vishnu who is beyond the Vedas measured the three worlds in two steps,I was playing the drum of victory and when I asked about that medicine ,Some very ancient sages told me about their properties.”
8731. “These medicines are being guarded by innumerable Gods and they ,Do not show mercy on anybody ,Also the divine wheel which is applied with ghee,And which will not allow any one to go near would guard them along with those Gods.Oh Hanuman whose nature is never to stand any where near a lie , after seeing your general nature,They who stand near your hand would say , “You please return back,These medicines without spoiling tham” and then they would go and hide themselves.”
8732. ”This is the only job that we have to do now and if done , all the people dead,Would definitely rise up. Go and tell this to our lord Rama so that nothing,Ill comes to him.” And Hanuman who was like Vedas moved away from them,And started growing up with and his form reached the top of the sky ,And his both shoulders as per the size grew up and ,He grew up so much as if one would say , he has swallowed the sky.”
8733. The nine planets in the sky and the stars were looking like a garland ,Made of different gems on Hanuman and the distance from one shoulder ,To another shoulder was one thousand Yojanas and there was no space ,In Lanka for him to take one step from the place that he was standing,And when he waved his hands , the directions were not sufficient,And this was the form Hanuman took to bring the Medicine mountain.
8734. That Hanuman who had victorious shoulders rotating his tail,Keeping his hands wide and opening his mouth little , forced his steps,Of his great feet on the ground , tightened his chest as well as neck,With hairs standing on his skin , shattered that city of Lanka ,And like a ship entered the ocean and started with great speed.
8735. When Hanuman rose up the cloud formations were torn , the long and broad,Southern ocean tore in to east and north , Stars fell down from sky ,Groups of trees and mountains rose along with him , the planes,Of the devas in the sky were destroyed and fell down on the sea like great thunder,And due to that the sea water crossed its shores and directions were torn.
8736. When he jumped huge mountains due to the storm like wind,Raised by his body tilted towards the north and due to heat,That huge form going with great speed the wind God , the father of Hanuman got very tired,The oceans got very tired , the clouds got burnt and forests caught fire.
8737. With oceans running forward and his legs following it and he was running ,With his body slightly bent forward with his mind telling that the speed was not enough,And seeing that form of Hanuman who was proceeding said ,”How come that,At the time when he was killing the Rakshasas he did not uproot ,This city of Lanka which is surrounded by the ocean ,And throw it in the ocean with this form of his and prevented our sorrow?”
8738. Hanuman crossed the clouds , went above the path of the sun and moon ,And went above the places where the stars shine , Crossed the world of penance ,Occupied by the sages who has crossed the pleasures given by woman live ,And made the world of Brahma who sits on lotus on the belly of Lord Vishnu, Very near to his path and went very high above the eartrh.
8739. Some people who were living in the kingdoms of the sky said ,That the very strong Garuda with a great speed is going to the land of Vishnu,Others said that, “Lord Brahma is leaving his world and is rising up ,To go to some other worlds, “ and some others said “Except Lord Shiva ,Who else can go so far above in this world and so ,This one is definitely the Lord Shiva with three eyes.”
8740. Some people who were living in top most worlds told , this one ,Who takes any form he likes and plays is definitely Lord Vishnu .Who is difficult to be reached even by the fur Vedas and some others told,“By the time we blink the eye he is going away from the limit of vision,And please also , his nature appears to be not to return back, he would go away.”
8741. The great people who have realized the entire world were not able to understand ,The position of Hanuman who had earlier crossed the sea and won over the Rakshasas,Some said that what was going is only a form and some said it was only a formless object,That passed through with great luster and some said it is the egg,That stands outside the universe and some said it is something different.
8742. He rose up to the land of Lord Brahma who lives on just opened ,Scented lotus flower, who was hiding all the area of the sky above that land,And the sound that emanated when his golden shoulders ,Rubbed against the top of the sky as well as the booming sound of his rising up,Scared the eight guardians of directions and the globe called universe shivered.
8743. The day when Hanuman increased his size and grew up , reminded ,The Devas and sages who were wearing garlands made out of fresh flowers,Who were chanting Vedas and blessing Hanuman , the day when ,The Asura king Mahabali gave away the land and consequently ,The very dwarfish Vamana grew up and measured the world.
8744. The Devas, the sages , the Sidhas as well as their wives and all the beings,Of the three worlds due to great joy continuously crowded the sky ,And the gems , sandal , scented powders and flowers showered ,Attached themselves to the body of Hanuman ,And he rushed through the sky, looking like wish giving tree of Devas.
8745. Hanuman reached the great mountain called Himalayas and the Devas,Who do not blink their eyes, the sages with great patience and the great people,Who never deviated from path of Dharma who were all there blessed Hanuman saying,“Let the job that you have undertaken get finished with success” and then Seeing beyond that he saw Kailasa mountain where Lord Shiva ,Who keeps goddess Parvathi on his left side lives and became greatly happy.
8746. Hanuman saw the big northern mountain in which Lord Shiva armed with axe lives .Saluted it by folding red lotus flower like arms and the divine God Shiva saw him with love ,Showed that to Goddess Uma with very thick breasts and said, “Hanuman the son of wind God.”
8747. Goddess Uma who created the world asked “Why has he come by the route of the sky?” ,“He who is the emissary of the king Rama has come here to take back the medicine and ,It is definite that the harm caused by the cheating asuras of Southern Lanka would .Get solved. Oh lady with a pretty forehead, we would also go and see that cruel war.”
8748. That Hanuman who was going swiftly like the divine wheel , travelled ,To a distance of nine thousand Yojanas and reached HemaKuta mountain,And stood on the top of it and saw the huge crowd of Devas who enjoy ,Limitless passionate pleasure and who possessed all types of wealth ,And later reached the top of the Nidatha mountain.
8749. That Hanuman whose speed cannot be estimated by the wise men ,Who had knowledge which can never be measured by thought ,By using their eye of Jnana and also to the divine mind ,Which can think about everything reached the top of Meru mountain,Which was beyond the limit of directions of the earth and ,Beyond the Brahma loka where Lord Brahma sitting on a lotus lives.
8750. After going to the top of the Meru mountain whose stability is not known,Even to the Devas who do not blink their eyes , he saw the divine Naval tree ,Which is praised by people of all the three worlds , in the Navalam ,Island which is in the earth which is surrounded by the cold sea,
8751. ,That Hanuman who was like the Dharma God saw the town of Lord Brahma ,Who created all the worlds on the top of that Meru mountain and saw ,In the middle of that town Lord Brahma sitting majestically on a golden seat and saluted him.
8752. He then also saluted the basis of universe Lord Narayana, who had decorated his hair ,With the garland of scented Thulasi leaves along with Goddess Lakshmi and Goddess earth,In a forest which was full of trees , being saluted by Devas standing all over ,And by very great sages by the chanting of Manthras from Vedas.
8753. He then saw and Saluted Lord Shiva with eight shoulders who was having,Goddess Parvathi decorated with several ornaments on his left side ,Who was surrounded by the flowers which was worshipped,By all the people of the very pure three worlds ,On the North eastern part of that mountain andWho was having five lustrous lotus like facesSpreading rays of light like the thousand crores Sun Gods .
8754. He also saw with joy and saluted Indra sitting on the throne ,With regal white ornamental umbrellas resembling the moon over his head,With pretty damsels holding in their pretty hands white cowries and fanning him,And producing slight breeze and the Devas of Andhara country ,Saluting him and raising great sound by playing their drums.
8755. He also clearly saw the eight guardians of the directions of all the three worlds,Which were contradictory who were standing guarding them ,On the peaks of the Meru mountain which is the dwelling of the Devas ,Which was spreading all over the sky like the Karpaga trees surrounded by flowers.
8756. Hanuman moved away from the great Meru mountain and reached ,The land of passion called Uthara Guru and there seeing the Sun spreading ,His rays and removing all darkness Hanuman thought “The morning has dawned,And my speed has not been of any use “ and sorrowed.
8757. That matchless Hanuman who wanted to reach Lanka before ,Lord Rama wakes up from his faint and remove his sorrow in the middle of night itself ,Became sad thinking “The Sun God with his great light has arisen ,And I am unable to think what should be , the proper thing for me to do.”
8758. That Hanuman of great penance going with more speed than the wind ,And reducing the distance to the end of direction thought,“Sun God who has the wealth of Sun rays does not rise up in the west,And this is not the dawn and those learned in Vedas have told that,To the places north of Mount Meru Sun would be seen in the west.” And consoled himself.
8759. Then with his eyes saw that Uthara Guru country Which was like ,The red lotus flower in which Goddess Lakshmi lives , where ,People are born as males and females who became united with soul and body ,Enjoy matchless pleasures and do only blessed deeds and have endless life , only live.
8760. Hanuman Enjoyed seeing that Uthara Guru Country which was very much like,The Chozha country which is ruled by Lord Shiva wearing Vanni leaves and having ,A golden crown, by Brahma who sits on the lotus flower and by Lord Vishnu ,Who keeps on his chest Goddess Lakshmi who is always a virgin,And by king Thyaga Maa Vinoda who wears on his head a fresh flower garland,And through which country the divine Cauvery flows.
8761. Hanuman whose form was so big that with his speed , he could break ,The huge Meru mountain , who was going to get the title of Lord Brahma later,Who has got rid of sorrow of birth cycle and who had a monkey form,Saw the huge blue mountain which was having the colour ,Of the mega form of Lord Vishnu when he measured the world.
8762. After crossing the lustrous mountain whose black colour was more .Darker than the colour of night , Hanuman who had shoulders like ,The golden mountain , with eyes located the medicine mountain ,Described by the wise Jambavan and due to it shining like sunAnd lighting all the upper worlds understood it as the mountain having the divine medicines.
8763. Hanuman jumped on that mountain and that mountain tilted towards Patala,And all the demi gods guarding it became dejected and came speedily with anger,And asked him , “Who are you?, what are your real intentions?, please tell.”And the thoughtful Hanuman told those Gods his real intention.
8764. Hearing that , those demi gods told Hanuman , “Sir , please take it,And after your purpose is over return it without spoiling these medicines”And they blessed Hanuman and disappeared and later the divine wheel,With sharp edges of Lord Vishnu who had eyes like red lotus flower,Appeared there and also disappeared and afterwards, Hanuman,Using his diamond like shoulders uprooted that medicine mountain.
8765. Hanuman who understood , that if he stops there and searches ,For the individual medicines , there would be time delay ,Lifted that mountain with its roots on his pretty hands ,And started travelling back through that broadly spread sky.
8766. That Hanuman whose fame had spread over all the worlds ,By the time one can say “A”, carried that mountain which was,One thousand Yojanas broad , one thousand Yojanas tall,And with one thousand Yojanas root , and jumped away .
8767. When Hanuman was doing these things there , in the battlefield,Vibheeshana and Jambavan speedily reached Lord Rama ,And started caressing his divine feet ,And we will now tell what happened at that place to that Rama.
8768. Rama’s divine eyes were like a bee possessed the bottom of the heart of ladies,Which were filled with mercy towards all beings ,Which were capable of giving boons and were like Dharma,And which was like a fully open pretty lotus flower.
8769.That Rama who had such eyes saw Jambavan, the king of bears,And the very famous Vibheeshana with crying eyes ,Bent head and saluting hands and who were ,Greatly sad and were showing great mercy on him.
8770. ”Oh Vibheeshana , did you complete the job of bringing food,As entrusted by me and because of that possibly you did not suffer the pain,”After asking like this to Vibheeshana , he looked at Jambavan with faultless fame ,And asked “Did you get back your soul?.
8771. ”Oh sirs , this is a destruction that came to us and there seem to be ,Nothing that we can do against it, Those who are dead will never get back their souls,And If you think any thing more that needs to be done ,Oh people with great wisdom and mind that does not lie, please tell.”
8772. ”How shall I put in words the very low state attained by me,Due to the sorrow that was caused by a lady called Sita.I have shown with very bad name , this story of mine,That does not match with my behavior to the world.”
8773. ”Oh people who love me , when my brother told that,“That this is a deer of illusion” in pure , strong and stable words,I did not listen to them and without giving back,A negative reply to the lady , went behind that deer.”And due to that all these death were caused.
8774. ”I saw Ravana with my own eyes and I also fought with him,With great strength, but due to the culture caused by,My bad old fate , I did not kill him at that time ,Which has now caused the death of all those whom I love.”
8775. When my brother got prepared to shoot the Brahmastra ,And said to me “we will see the death of this evil one”,Due to the cruelty of fate which wanted to destroy me ,I did not agree with him to take that suitable action.”
8776. ”I did not stay with my brother in the battle field , and wanted to do,Proper worship to the weapons that we throw in the battle field ,All our people are now dead and even my brother ,Had died due to bad fate without winning over Indrajit.”
8777. ”It is not desirable to show this silly behavior ,Of telling all these things in this battle field but it is,Only proper to die and join the very valorous Lakshmana ,And other friends in the heaven of heroes., There is no other option.”
8778. ”I who have lost my younger brother and other friends ,In the war of vengeance with a wounded mind would ,Completely annihilate all asuras and later kill Ravana by my arrow,.What other help can I do to the Devas?”
8779. ”After the death of my brother , who is needed by me?What is the need of limitless fame? What is the need of Dharma?What is need of Masculinity?, What is the need of relations ,Who hug me or kingship or friend?.Why should ,I think of future and what is the need of Truth?”
8780. ”After destruction of the culture of mercy , having seen ,The death of my brother , If I exhibit my great valour ,By killing all those Rakshasas, I am a thief with evil,Having an wooden eye which is incapable of shedding tears ,Even with an arrow. Is there any other duty for me,Except completely hiding myself from the world.”
8781. ”If after losing my father and father like Jatayu ,After losing all my dear friends , after losing my faultless brother ,Who was protecting me day and night, if I stay alive,People would say “He is alive because he wants Sita “And so this Rama is a man who does not have principles.”
8782. ”After winning over the Rakshasas and after completely ,Destroying all of them , if I reach Ayodhya , with out,My highly cultured younger brother who is my sweet friend ,Would I live ? great ! Should I rule! Great.”
8783. “Because things are like this without bothering,About future implications , I would die now itself”When Rama told like this Jambavan saluted his divine feet ,“Oh Lord with a divine wheel, there is something that I need to tell you.”
8784. ”You who cannot be understood by anyone are not understanding yourselvesI who am your slave know about you even before,It is not proper to tell that because , it would damage ,The thoughts of the Devas . You would understand about it later.”
8785. ”Oh our greatest leader , I know that in the hot battle field,The arrow which had deeply gone in to your brother and made him fall,And which was sent by Indrajit is the holy arrow of the God Brahma ,With pretty hands , who sits on the lotus . This is true.”
8786. ”That arrow of Brahma , if used has the capacity to kill,Devas , Asuras as well as well as well as all others . Oh Lord who is above all things,AS it did not cause you any harm , is there any need,To seek similarities and metaphors for that further?”
8787. “The very strong Hanuman has now got back his conscience ,And he is the one with measureless capability to wipe away,This great sorrow from us and I ordered him “Go and bring ,The medicine within the batting of an eye “ and ,He has gone towards the north to bring that medicine.
8788. ”Now Hanuman has crossed the Himalaya mountains ,After passing through the sides of Meru , which is king of all mountains,And has reached the Medicine mountain . He would come back within a second .Oh ancient one , please leave this great sorrow which causes you depression.”
8789. ”Oh Rama , who is as pretty as God of love during spring season,Me or my father Brahma who created the world or Lord Shiva,Or Lord Vishnu with divine wheel and any other people ,Are not capable to properly and truly know those medicines.
8790. ” They appeared in the ocean of milk when it was churned for nectar ,And they are protected by the divine wheel of Lord Vishnu of the colour of cloud ,And they are available in a place north of Meru mountain and beyond,The Uthara Guru country and are protected so that nobody can approach them.”
8791. ”From the day they appeared in the ocean of milk , they have not been touched by any one,And Oh Lord with widely spread fame , please hear about the power of those medicines,They are capable of giving life even to Lord Brahma who created the three worlds , if he dies.”
8792. ”Oh very ancient one, one of those medicine removes arrows from the body ,One rejoins cut joints, and one gives back soul to the dead, ,And another gives back the original colour to the skin.”
8793. ”Please do not worry, the medicines would definitely come , Hanuman,Would be shown the way back by God of Dharma and would bring it with delay,It is not difficult for him.” Saying this he saluted his feet and ,Rama who removes the karmas and gives sweet Moksha became joyous.
8794. As soon as Rama told that, “the medicine which can be obtained ,By going over Meru mountain and going beyond the land of pleasure ,Would definitely help and Hanuman would help in that and ,There is no difference of opinion to the words told by you.” Then there re on the great sky a very huge sound was heard.
8795. Due to the tempestuous storm that was formed in the north,The ocean rose up and crossed to the shore ,Mountains were uprooted , broken and climbed up the sky ,And there was a great confusion in the north.
8796. Due to the great storm heralding the arrival of Hanuman,The star groups started trembling and started falling down,The area around the sun got upset and hugged the moon,The deer inside the moon got scared and crowd of clouds ,Like the disturbed honey bees got near and went scared.
8797. The bushes along with their roots , mountains and trees,Filled up the sea like the time when they built a bridge,And Hanuman the son of Wind God shouted with joy,So that the sorrow of Jambavan and others is destroyed early.
8798. The great shout of joy of Hanuman who had anger like tiger ,And was similar to all the things which make sound on earth and sky ,Like the sea , the clouds and all other things which make sound like them,Had all joined together and raised great sound at the same time.
8799. On the day when the Devas and Rakshasas joined together ,To churn holy sea of milk, and said, please bring the lustrous Mandhara mountain,Making people think that it is a hollow empty thing Garuda ,Brought it and kept on the sky and Hanuman looked like that Garuda.
8800. That Hanuman who does not have any one similar to him,Was like the wind God who attained victory ,After fighting with Adhi Sesha in earth , who had strength to fight , And who uprooted the Trikoota mountain from the ,Left side of Lanka and reached the southern direction.
8801. Jambavan who heard that victory sound said, “He has come”,But before he finished telling Hanuman landed on his feet on earth ,Since that medicine mountain was not willing to come down,On the country of the cheating Asuras it remained on the sky ,And only Hanuman landed on the earth.
8802. The wind from the medicine mountain staying on the sky ,Wafted and touched the dead bodies and making a great feast ,,To the Devas all the blessed monkeys rose up with great strength ,And beauty , and having won over God of death , looked like their former selves.
8803. ,Except the bodies of the Rakshasas which were thrown deep in the sea,And which had been destroyed , All the visible things which included ,Things with one soul like trees got their soul back and started living ,Is it necessary to mention that all the clan of monkeys got back their life.
8804. All the long arrows which had entered their bodies came out ,The wounds that were made by them were healed, all the painful limbs ,Got rid of their pain and weakness , the angry red eyes started rotating ,All the worlds saluted them and Lakshmana who had pretty curly hair woke up.
8805. ,All the monkeys got back their soul and got up and their faultless ,Sound of joy which resemble the sound raised by the seven oceans ,When it fell it in to the ears of Lakshmana and also when he heard ,The greeting of the devas , like Lord Vishnu who had red eyes ,Waking up from his yogic sleep , Lakshmana awoke from his sleep and stood up.
8806. Rama with his shoulders raised up with joy hugged his brother ,Who woke up due to his soul reentering his body and lost his sorrow ,And all the things in the world moved without stopping ,And Devas also lost their worry and depression.
8807. The celestial maidens danced and the world was filled ,,By the sound of nectar like music raised from the String instruments ,Played by the Kinnaras and the world celebrated it all over ,By taking bath in ghee and the sages sang the Vedas.
8808. Vedas stood up and shouted with joy , The wisdom of Brahmins who are ,Learned in Vedas . shouted with jpy , their fame also shouted with joy ,And the thoughts of Devas became cool like sea and shouted with joy.
8809. After all the people got back their souls the arrow of Lord Brahma ,,Went round the great archer Rama a, stood before him and told ,“You always gave me stable truth and that is your greatness” and then went back.
8810. At that time the matchless Lord Rama , due do fear and great sorrow, Going away , with eyes filled with tears of pure love , hugged ,Hanuman . who had mother like love , making the Devas shout with great joy.
8811. When that Rama whose chest was ploughed by the two erect elephant tusk,Like breasts of Sita decorated with Kumkum , hugged him like that,Hanuman bowed down and saluted his feet and Rama told to him like this.
8812. ”We who never went away from the path of truth chalked out by our ancestors ,Were born to the late king Dasaratha earlier , before the sorrw for me had come,And then we died and oh Hanuman who travels in good conduct ,We are now again reborn because of you.”
8813. ”When we consider the help that you did at a time when everyone ,Had been destroyed, would the indebtedness be complete in this life?After preventing bad name coming to us , after protecting the world by our strong enemies,You also protected our clan and our culture of Vedas from destruction.”
8814. ” If this great depression of mine had not been removed by you for some time,Due to the great love I had towards my brother who should live,I would have destroyed all the seven worlds that are above us ,And you who were going to see the last days of deluge , helped those worlds also.”
8815. ”You prevented the death of all of us and made them live with us,For a long time to come and may you live happily ,Without being troubled by sorrowful disease of my orders.”
8816. “All those who got back their souls due to the prowess of Hanuman ,With great love surrounded him , saluted him and praised him,And Hanuman also told how he brought the medicine mountain, in an understandable way “
8817. “Oh Hanuman of matchless prowess due to the help of medicine ,That was brought by you , the lying Rakshasas would get back their lives ,And so you please take back this mountain and keep in its original place.”
8818. ,When Jambavan told like this Hanuman replied “It is good”,And further said, I would return in one Nazhigai ‘ and then,Hanuman went carrying that divine medicine mountain.
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Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 10 (Padalam 23)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 10 (Padalam 24)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 10 (Padalam 25)
About Kavichakravarthy Kamban

Historians place him in the 9th century CE, But surely Kamban belongs to the third great wave of Tamizh literature that started with the Sangam period (dated before the Common Era), followed by the widespread impact of Bhakti literature of the Alwars (vaishnavite saints) & Nayanamars (shaivaite saints). Kamban Authored Ramanaya in Tamil…Known as Kamba Ramayanam..
Kambar has been the milestone for the Tamil scholars that none had reached. He was also known as “Kamba Naatazhvar” at his time. Many Tamil authors from the modern world have written the books on the poet Kamban.
Kambar or Kavichakravarthy Kamban (1180–1250) was a medieval Tamil poet and the author of the Ramavataram, popularly known as Kambaramayanam, the Tamil version of the epic Ramayana.
Valmiki Ramayana and Kamba Ramayanam are two versions of Ramayana written in the Sanskrit and Tamil languages respectively. … Kamba Ramayanam is originally called as Ramavataram. Although Valmiki Ramayana is the original version of the story of Rama, Kamba Ramayana is believed to be based on the work by Valmiki.
The Kamba Ramayanam, is a Tamil epic that was written by the Tamil poet Kambar during the 12th century. Based on Valmiki’s Ramayana (which is in Sanskrit), the story describes the life of King Rama of Ayodhya.
The book is divided into six chapters, called Kandam in Tamil. The Kandams are further divided into 123 sections called Padalam (படலம்) in Tamil. These 123 sections contain approximately 12,000 verses of the epic.