By Kambar (Kavichakravarthy Kamban)
Translated in English by P. R Ramachander
Kamba Ramayanam-Yudha Kandam 13 (Padalam 31)
Yudha Kandam (contd)
31. Vel Yetha Padalam
Chapter on hit by the spear.
(Lakshmana was killed by Ravana’s spear which was aimed at Vibheeshana because he wanted to save him, who has sought his protection. Hanuman goes again and brings the medicine for giving life to him and he gets up. Rama comes there and thanks Hanuman for giving life back to Lakshmana.)
9531. None of the great monkey commanders deserted the army and the warriors ,Who had gone away thinking that there was no one to stop them if they go away,If they wanted to live and for washing of their bad name , they were prepared,To go to heaven and came back and like a sea coming back , the monkey army returned.
9532. Ravana got in to a chariot thousand wheels drawn by thousand horses with manes ,Which was shining like the sun in its orbit and which could travel with very great speed,Holding the bow that destroyed the Devas , With a quiver full of vicious arrows and with valour.
9533. Then With Ravana who resembled a seething male lion , hundred crores chariots,Two hundred crores of horses which can run with very great speed ,Ten crores of huge elephants whose water of rut was flowing like river,And twenty six crores of lion like foot soldiers came accompanying him.
9534. The sound of huge drums played by all the Rakshasa warriors belonging,To the three worlds as well as other worlds also , which seems to say ,‘welcome, please come, and the sound of conches played by them ,Which had a sound that startled and the Asani instruments producing ,Great thunder like sounds , were heard in all the fourteen worlds.
9535. They then saw that Ravana who was a Rakshasa of Rakshasas, who used ,To trouble Devas and cause them great sorrow , due to their very bad fate ,Who was like the matchless fire which burns the hearts ,Of Warriors who think about him , who was like an incomparable ocean,Which had crossed his boundary and who had a colour like that of the sea.
9536. After seeing Ravana , having decided that it would be better ,To fight with Ravana , after forming an army formation ,Carrying Stones which were like thunder and which cause sorrow to the enemy,After slapping their own shoulders they made huge noise ,Which made many corners of the world lose their peace.
9537. The army of Ravana and that of the monkeys who were ,Standing prepared to lose their life in war , started fighting with each other ,By clasping each others hand and due to this fire erupted in between them,And their blood flowed like the molten copper in to the ocean.
9538. Due to the cut head going up from the headless body,And attaching itself to the top , they shined like sun in the sky,And the blood from them got attached to cloud ,And this resulted in a rain of blood and the entire world .Looked as if it is a a huge field of war.
9539. Due to Lakshmana joining the sea of the battle the elephants , threw their ,Face mask so that the male bees along with the pretty female bees got away,And became greatly worn out and got drowned in the blood let out ,Due to the wonderful arrows and due to excess of arrows ,Their intestines came out and they started floating in the blood.
9540. Thinking about the incidents of love making with their husbands ,The sound of wail of the ladies which was like a song together with the sound of anklets ,Was sounding like shivering and those chaste ladies,Who sacrifices their life, after seeing the smile with open eyes of the face of their husbands Which would merge with the soul of their dead husbands.
9541. Ravana looking at the cruelty which causes the death of enemies in the battle field ,Which was like the fourteen worlds getting dislodged at the end of final deluge,Thought that his army which did not have humility would lose their pride and said.
9542. ”On the one side where learned and strong Hanuman is fighting ,Where only be the trees and mountains thrown by which he has ,The strength to destroy swords , bows , axes , spears and similar ,Sharp weapons and break the heads of my asuras,And because of that my army got destroyed.”
9543. , “Just like the weaving pipe and the thread following it properly,Hanuman and that Lakshmana followed one another in fighting war ,The ornaments worn elephants with angry eyes would be cut in to pieces,The collection of different valorous warriors would lose their souls .The lustrous chariots would also rotate and the blood ,From their dead bodies , would flow and reach the ocean.”
9544. ”Lakshmana who wanders in the battle field proves that ,The God of death also has a bow and he whose job is killing only ,Just like God of death reduces the number of Rakshasas ,By killing them and in this state, the Hanuman is the strong lion ,As well as thunder who can win over the Rakshasa army with his teeth ,And nails but The Rakshasa army do not have the power to kill the monkey army.”
9545. ”I can spend some time looking at the war being fought by Lakshmana and Hanuman,But the God of death would take away the souls of Rakshasas and would and go away .But In the close battle , within a second I can kill the monkeys,Make their bodies in to a heap return “Said Ravana and boiled all over .
9546. Ravana went on sending harsh arrows which can go with speed of wind,Which can destroy like thunder, which can go inside the worlds and split it ,Which can drill in the sky , which can measure the directions,Which are like the stable emissaries of the God of death
9547. Ravana looked like a lion in the battle field because when you are opposing the monkeys,What is the use of being like a dog?.Ravana was like Goddess Kali in pitch darkness ,To those angry monkeys who were fighting war like a cat flower located in another place.
9548. Lakshmana stopped the monkey army that was being defeated and said to them,“Oh monkeys , do not get scared, do not fear”, and climbed the shoulders ,Of Hanuman who was like a rotating chariot and went before,And opposed Ravana who was having a burning cruel anger.
9549. As soon as Lakshmana went there , Ravana using his bow sent,Hundred crores of burning arrows at him and Lakshmana ,Using suitable arrows removed them and they vanished,Like the cotton flakes that cannot withstand a heavy wind.
9550. When Lakshmana removed those arrows like that , Ravana sent ten arrows ,Aimed at the chest and shoulders of Lakshmana so that his strength is reduced,And when those arrows went in side his body , not bothering very much about it,Lakshmana with an angry mind gave pain to Ravana with his own arrows.
9551. Lakshmana sent with great speed arrows which cannot be stopped ,And Ravana who cut all those arrows and understanding that ,It is difficult to win over Lakshmana in the war were one kills ,Stopped war with arrows and thought deeply as to what he should do?
9552. ”If I sent huge divine arrows, he can win all those arrows,And has strength to tolerate them and he who examines ,The God of death as well as power like Rama,Can burn the entire world and would not get defeated.”
9553. “There is a weapon called Mohana which was made by the primeval God,In the very beginning and it has a form which cannot be seen by the eye and ,Has the power to destroy even lord Shiva as well as success . I would send ,This weapon with individuality on him and make him,Lie on the battle field where the crows come to eat the corpses.”
9554. Thinking like that Ravana thought about that Mohana arrow ,In his mind and sent it against the great Lakshmana and Vibheeshana,Who had love seeing that told him to send the arrow of Lord Vishnu,Who had the divine wheel and Lakshmana sent that Narayanastra.
9555. As per the words of Vibheeshana he sent that Narayanasthra and ,When Lakshmana removed the Very angry Mohana which came to benumb him ,Ravana became very angry and thought that ,due to Vibheeshana ,Who was standing near and advising him and due to Lakshmana accepting it,Bad result came to me and became mentally upset.
9556. Then Ravana took his spear which was given to him by Maya ,Along with his daughter , which was made by Lord Brahma in a sacrificial fire ,Which was like the divine wheel and Vajrayudha and which has beaten,The final deluge in giving victory and sent it to take the life,Of Vibheeshana who can only be compared to victory.
9557 . If that is thrown , it would return only after killing the enemy ,And if it hits a person, even if is Lord Brahma it would kill him,And after taking this spear and saluting it he threw it,On his younger brother who was not standing far away from him.
9558. When Ravana threw it , Vibheeshana who knew all about it ,Said, “Oh Lord this will kill me and there is no method to prevent it ,And then Lakshmana told him, “I would understand its power,And then prevent it. Do not get scared” and stood at place of Vibheeshana.
9559. All the arrows sent b and all the weapons sent by Lakshmana ,Similar to the curses of a lowly servant not being effective ,Against the one who is great in penance , were not effective And the devas got depressed thinking that “Vibheeshana ,Is now no more and he would definitely die.”
9560. Thinking that, “If I receive that spear and lose my life ,My fame as one who protected those who surrender would live long,Dharma would follow me , good people would shout with joy ,And what is the point in seeing the one who surrendered getting killed?Before the bad name which would live for a long time comes ,I would receive that spear in my matchless chest”, Lakshmana stood facing that spear.
9561. Vibheeshana tried to go in front of Lakshmana, Angadha ,Would push both of them and try to go on front , Sugreeva the king of monkeys,Would push him also and try to go in front and Hanuman will rush in with speed. Can we tell name that great sorrow as the particular type of sorrow?
9562. With all the people who tried to go in to front , standing back .Lakshmana went with more speed than the wind saying,“All of you stop, I would prevent it, “ but saying this ,With the devas wailing patting their eyes , that spear ,Hit him on his chest and went inside and came out of his back.
9563. Vibheshana looking at Ravana who was trying to leave the battle field,Stood up and asked “where are you going?” and with anger like a male lion.Killed the charioteer and horses of the chariot of Ravana, beating by,His long Dandayudha and with this the Devas got little consoled.
9564. ,That Ravana who was going far away on the sky got very angry ,Sent ten arrows at Vibheeshana so that it enters in to his body, And thousand arrows at Hanuman and thinking,That the war has come to an end went back to his city of Lanka.
9565. Vibheeshana asked “To protect me who has surrendered to him,Lakshmana who owns the entire world has faded away, With your ,Deceitful brain where are you running away ? Now what is the need ,For you to run away with your cheating brain . I would now itself ,kill you,And I would also die.” Saying like this Vibheeshana showed his great anger .
9566. ,Ravana thought “The victory , now is mine and I would get nothing great ,By killing this cow like Vibheeshana “ and without standing there ,And leaving out all his great anger , he went in to the pretty L:anka with walls.
9567. Ravana went back to Lanka and Vibheeshana wailed greatly,And fell on the feet of Lakshmana who was the personification of mercy,Due to great love and shed tears and that Monkey army ,As well as its leaders got drowned in great sorrow.
9568. Vibheeshnaa wailed ,With Lakshmana who was wearing over his shoulders ,A garland made of pretty flower buds dying , what is the need for me to be alive?I would die this instant and Rama who gave me his protection ,Also would not continue to live now.”Jambavan said , “stop, stop”,And told him one word.
9569. ”When Hanuman is standing by our side , is it wise to sorrow,For the loss of one life? As soon as he thinks , he would ,Assume the mega form which occupies the entire world,And due to our good fate , would get us that medicine And as soon as it it is given Lakshmana would get up,And so do not sorrow even minutely “ and Vibheeshana and others lost their sorrow.
9570. That darling son of wind God , thought he has been hit by several arrows,As soon as it was told “ Would you not go and bring the medicine ?Can Rama tolerate to see his younger brother like this?”by Jambavan,Thinking about that idea , Hanuman went away crossing all the worlds.
9571. Hanuman rose up and speedily travelled towards north by jumping So that he can cross all the worlds and he who had gone earlier ,And brought the medicine along with the mountain ,After recognizing the specifications without any problem to bring it.
9572. Even before that medicine reached its smell gave rise to good fate ,And when all those who had met their death got their life , is it a big thing,To remove the sorrow of one who has been hit by the spear as it is a small job,With the deva world shout with joy , within a second Lakshmana got back his life.
9573. Lakshmana stood up and hugged Hanuman with both his hands and said,“Oh my father like one , does that Vibheeshana keep himself alive?”Hearing which when Vibheeshana with sobbing saluted him , he told him,“Our depression and sorrow has come to an end, Ravana would die now ,And my sister in law would get her freedom “ and became very happy.
9574. They all thought about the great act of Hanuman who hadThought that as an act which is called Dharma by wise people ,Should be immediately performed and that there was nothing ,That needed to be done to Rama and also if one were to examine,Life here and that after death , only dharma will win and ,Sin will be defeated and then went to meet Rama.
9575. Along with devas they jumped and crossed not one but many,Mountains of corpses and the sound making ocean of blood,And saluted the divine feet of Rama and seeing those victorious ,Leaders saluting him Rama asked them “What happened?”
9576. Hearing that Jambavan after thinking told all incidents ,Without leaving any thing so that he clearly understands them,And Rama went and hugged the valorous Hanuman and said,“Oh great one , I have got you, and what is the need of getting ,Anything else that is great and be one who has life ,Which would not face problems at any time.”
9577. That Lakshmana whose eyes looked like clouds showered stream like tears,Who cried and sobbed , who had a mind full of joy , who had a form like the faded body ,From which the soul went away and was standing outside and was joyous as if,Had gone to the heavens from where the dead do not return and had seen there,King Dasaratha ., who had gone there after giving farewell , saluted the divine feet of Rama.
9578. Rama seeing his younger brother said , “oh sir who wears the garland ,Made of thulasi leaves, if you as per the traditions of our clan had dared toHelp one who surrendered to us and had done the great act of protecting his soul ,It is not an act beyond your stature but is is it not a job suitable to you?
9579. ”Oh sir, even that divine king Sibi the follower of Dharma , who for the sake ofThe dove that surrendered to him , cut his sweet body and gave his flesh,Would not be equal to you. And what is the use of other acts for comparison?Very generous people if they notice sorrow coming to their near and dear ones ,Would rush like the mother cow rushing towards its calf.”
9580. Like the blue coloured Sun , Rama removed the armour and other heavy loads,From the body of Lakshmana ., and after giving the bow and arrows ,In the hands of the victorious Hanuman , he made Lakshmana ,Take rest on a hill which is surrounded by clouds.
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Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 13 (Padalam 31)
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Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 13 (Padalam 34)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 13 (Padalam 35)
About Kavichakravarthy Kamban

Historians place him in the 9th century CE, But surely Kamban belongs to the third great wave of Tamizh literature that started with the Sangam period (dated before the Common Era), followed by the widespread impact of Bhakti literature of the Alwars (vaishnavite saints) & Nayanamars (shaivaite saints). Kamban Authored Ramanaya in Tamil…Known as Kamba Ramayanam..
Kambar has been the milestone for the Tamil scholars that none had reached. He was also known as “Kamba Naatazhvar” at his time. Many Tamil authors from the modern world have written the books on the poet Kamban.
Kambar or Kavichakravarthy Kamban (1180–1250) was a medieval Tamil poet and the author of the Ramavataram, popularly known as Kambaramayanam, the Tamil version of the epic Ramayana.
Valmiki Ramayana and Kamba Ramayanam are two versions of Ramayana written in the Sanskrit and Tamil languages respectively. … Kamba Ramayanam is originally called as Ramavataram. Although Valmiki Ramayana is the original version of the story of Rama, Kamba Ramayana is believed to be based on the work by Valmiki.
The Kamba Ramayanam, is a Tamil epic that was written by the Tamil poet Kambar during the 12th century. Based on Valmiki’s Ramayana (which is in Sanskrit), the story describes the life of King Rama of Ayodhya.
The book is divided into six chapters, called Kandam in Tamil. The Kandams are further divided into 123 sections called Padalam (படலம்) in Tamil. These 123 sections contain approximately 12,000 verses of the epic.