By Kambar (Kavichakravarthy Kamban)
Translated in English by P. R Ramachander
Kamba Ramayanam-Yudha Kandam 6 (Padalam 17)
17. Athikayan vadhai Padalam
Chapter on killing of Athilkaya
(Ravana was wailing. Athikaya the heroic son of Ravana who was his son through Dhanyamala comes and offers to go to war and kill Lakshmana and avenge the death of Kumbhakarna.He goes with several Rakshasa leaders and very huge army. He is killed by Lakshmana and all the other great monkey leaders are killed by various monkey chiefs.Valmiki Ramayana mentions about other sons of Ravana called Trisira and Naranthaka going to the battle and get killed and later only Athikaya goes to the battle and get killed.) .
7727. That Ravana whose growing anger was like the rising flames,At the time of deluge looked at his ministers who were saluting him,Standing on both his sides and stared at them with great anger ,Started shouting in a loud voice making the clouds and thunder fall down.
7728. ”My cruel army which had the ability of deceiving and your armies ,Which were spread like an ocean were not able to prevent ,The different mastery of the war with arrows fought by them ,And come back here and so do not look at me and go away from here.”
7729. ”Of persons who told , “We would all go the place of Rama who came for war with us ,And kill all of them” and who had valorous culture , you had not prevented ,The killing of my brother , you were not able prevent evil coming to him,You had not given your souls to save him but you are in the line of heroes.?”
7730. ”From a very long time back , my winning over the three worlds,And making them my slaves was due to my great valour .Due to my victory , you have got great wealth in this birth,Now you are supposed to give your soul and repay your debts.”
7731. ”If you say that you are not capable of fighting with the enemies,Tell me that. Then I like the God of death ,would take my sharp spear ,And go there making those enemies lose their strength and make them sad By piercing their bodies with my spear and making it come out by the other side.”
7732. ”Apart from this, I want to tell you some other thing ,If you feel that that you would win in the cruel battle then go ahead,But if you feel that dying is the only thing you can do , tell me ,Your opinion “Said Ravana with very great anger.
7733. An Asura named Athikaya who had so much valour that even if fate ,Were to get angry with him , it cannot achieve victory over him,Due to the great disrespect shown which would bring even the river water to boilBecame ashamed as well and flew in to great anger and started speaking against ,Ravana who had a white regal umbrella which can win over the moon.
7734. ”Let the devas of sky get scared, let people of earth get scared ,Let Lord Vishnu get scared , Let Lord Shiva with five faces get scared,But if you say I am scared then you should be ashamed of yourself,Is it proper for you to say that I had got scared?”
7735. ”Had I not caught and chained those who fight more,Fiercely than Dhanavas and have given them to you?Had I not won over the Devas who fought and made ,Even you shiver , cut them with strong swords and achieved victory over them?”
7736. “Did you think that I am like Akshayakumara who boasted ,That he had well sharpened weapons and was made in to a paste on earth?Did you think that I am like Khumbakarna who died easily by a few arrows?Did you think I am Vibheeshana who was deceived by the fame of Rama and Lakshmana?”
7737. ”If I do not kill the brother of Rama , who destroyed your brother ,And create a matchless sorrow to him which will make him shiver ,I would not a matchless good son to you , who is the best among males.”
7738. “After doing fighting from very near them , and destroying the entire monkey army ,Who are very happy now due to death of Khumbakarna , after cutting the heads,Of the best monkeys and throwing it on earth , I would tie those ,Two great archers , bring them and give them to you.This is definitely going to happen and you will see it.”
7739-7740. ”If you order me to go surrounded by the ocean of army or ,Otherwise desire me to go alone to the battle , as per your order ,I would go at this instant ., Tell me whichever you think is suitable ,Give me leave” he said and thinking about the words of his son ,That king of Rakshasas told .” With determination you have told,Good words and if you succeed in killing Lakshmana ,In coming days ,I would bring the great soul of the person called Rama,.”
7741. “oh son who wears golden heroic anklets go with powerful,Three thousand crores of foot soldiers , Suitable secure elephant army ,Chariot army , horses army would protect you in the battle field “Said Ravana and sent an army which was much bigger than earlier times.
7742. “The cruel and very strong Kumbha who cannot be defeated by Devas ,Nikumbha and Akambha who wears golden heroic anklets ,Would provide protection to your pretty red chariot shining like Gold.”
7743. ”Oh son who has cruel strength Get in to Chariot drawn ,By one thousand very strong horses tied by belt ,Which is like the matchless place of Lord Shiva ,I have given it to you.”
7744. “And all our chariots drawn by thousand horses would accompany ,To guard that chariot in the front as well as in the sides and apart from them,Once crore of killer elephants which are huge and which are in rut ,And a similarly cruel ocean of horse army would also accompany you.”
7745. When Ravana told him like this and gave him leave to go,Athikaya stood up and saluted him holding a bow with a very strong point ,Wearing a lustrous golden armour , he stood like a black moon,And seeing his great form Devas shivered and became weak.
7746. That Athikaya who had a body that was bigger than elephant ,Accompanied by warriors who were chiding using cruel words ,Took along with him several types of armaments ,Which shined much better than the harsh sun.
7747. The very black elephants which wore ornamental mask trumpeted loudly .Making the lions staying in the caves scared and scary sound raised by string of bow ,Made the water of the sea greatly turbid and the huge drums and clouds made scary sound.
7748. They shouted so that the sky trembled .They changed their steps while walking,Making the lady earth shift her position , they filled up the huge oceans with dust ,And seeing those acts the Devas who live in the sky sweated all over their body.
7749. Those clouds which were grazing the white flags Which were shining like lightning ,were like the she elephants Which were following the male elephants.
7750. Due to water of rut flowing from the cheeks of elephants in rut,Which had been wounded several times by the goad , which was ,Stagnating in the battle field , the horses and elephants ,Which run very fast , the entire path was turned slushy.
7751. The chariot of Athikaya went similar to the rings going along with,The sun with red rays along with several other chariots , the elephants,With shining gold mask went like the black clouds with lightning,And the horses which jump went without touching the earth,
7752. Athikaya went and reached the battle field surrounded by chariots ,Which were like mountains of the size of Meru mountain going on the sky,And which were spread all over and reached the battle field.
7753. He minutely examined that battle field where Rama ,Who was like a rut elephant has swallowed souls and played ,And seeing that he became mentally upset ,And he with very great strength and great temper became sad.
7754. Seeing the body of Kumbhakarna which was like a mountain,Without shoulders legs and head , he felt as if he saw a black sea,And imaging the things that have happened there ,Athikaya became sad that he was not able to see the head of his matchless father.
7755. Realizing that it is not a risen up hill made by use of strong arrows,Not the body of elephants of direction nor the matchless strong ocean, But the body of Kumbhakarna who can never be defeated in war ,Athikaya left out a very heavy breath and became very angry.
7756. ”Alas, did I come to hear all this ,Unless I am able to ,Speedily kill those men with souls and travel ,In the path towards that aim , Would I be able,To come out of this great sorrow of mine”told Athikaya.
7757. Becoming very angry after telling this ,he decided that,“I would get consoled of my sorrow after seeing the sorrow of Rama ,After I do a similar thing to the younger brother of Rama, Who has done this act “. and started telling it to emissary.
7758. ”Oh Maida , come here and you go with great speed,And meet that Lakshmana and tell him that,I have decided to make him in to a headless body ,And tell these words after realizing proper justice.”
7759. “You also tell him that Athikaya who has great ebbing sorrow ,And who is extremely angry , for the sake of his father who is ,Mentally upset and is sad due to death of his younger brother ,Who wore a pretty flower garland , has come here .Tell him this first,.”
7760. ”You tell him that I have taken an oath that I would,Make the body of Lakshmana without heads and legs ,Roll in the council hall of Ravana , who does not merit to be sad,But who is extremely sad with a boiling mind.”
7761. ”I would not bother to think that it is an act which leads to evil,For all kings , always this is the proper method to follow .See to it that you are not abused because you are just an emissary .And by your able words you please come back, bringing him along with you.”
7762. ”You go before Rama and Lakshmana who would be,Interested in fighting the war and say ‘ those who are coming for war,Would be reaching the city of God of death, and so,All of you who want to come , please do come.”
7763. ”Oh sharply intelligent one , if you bring Lakshmana,Before me after informing him that Athikaya has come ,So that he can remove the sorrow of his father ,I would give you everything that is great ,Which would be very difficult for you carry back?”
7764. ”If that Lakshmana who is specially called “male lion”,Himself is going to come to the war ,Then I will cut his body in to several pieces ,And as compensation make you as a king.”
7765. ”If you bring that Lakshmana to me , even if you ask me , I would give you Eight thousand pots of toddy served byNectar like pretty women, who talk pretty words andwho are devas or Vidhyadharas, who have not been tasted by any one.”
7766. “I would give you ornaments with sparkling gems ,Which are of the colour of the red rays of the Sun,Which are heavy , Which has been given to us by Devas as tribute,And which are given by Khubera , the God of riches as a matter of right.”
7767. ”If needed I would give you hundred thousand red eyed,Elephants in great rut , whose flow of rut has not stopped ,Whose front side is frequented by bees as well as eagles ,And which have not got cured for several days from effect of rut.”
7768. ”I would give you strong chariots made of pure Gold and,Horses, which are not different from those which are in place of Devas ,Which were wearing garlands made of several gems and are not available in the world.”
7769. “ I would give you one thousand cart loads of rows of treasures,Sack full of shining gems , several varieties of shining silk cloths , Which were shining the moon light and also give you more of them.”
7770. When he further said several ornaments studded With faultless gems and all the things that you want ,And requested “Oh Mayida who is wearing heroic anklets ,Made of pure gold, go quickly , That Mayida ,Who had strong shoulders to oppose the enemy started departing.
7771. Then the Mayida went alone and reached Rama who was before himThe valorous monkey warriors became angry and when they rose,To catch him Mayida said, “I have brought a very happy news.”
7772. Rama who was primeval to those who search of the truth,And who is the special material mentioned in the Vedas ,Looked at the monkeys and told , “he is the messenger of his lord,And he does not know any other thing and he has,Come without any weapons and so he can be an emissary ,”And he made them disperse and they dispersed,
7773-7774. Rama then asked” Please tell me the reason for your coming .”And when that Mayida with shining white teeth Told him,“ Oh expert in war with arrows , Oh king ,the message ,Sent by my Lord should be known only by the one ,Who is born after you “ that Lakshmana ,The great archer who was the younger brother of Rama ,Said, “Please tell” , he started telling him, “Please ,Stand for fighting before the thousand crore ,Strong army of Athikaya “ and started telling further.
7775. “Athikya who has anger with you m who has gold like body,Is standing there like a Meru mountain expecting you ,And if you have sufficient strength to oppose him,Please come along with me” He said.
7776. ”Similar to how your elder brother did With the body,Of Kumbhakarna , he wants to do with you in similar fashion ,I have told you and you need not have any doubt about it.”
7777. ”Leaving out the one who killed , the reason that he wants to kill you,Who was not even knowing about that act ,Because he wants your elder brother Rama to suffer ,The same amount of sorrow that his father.”
7778. “Let the devas of the sky , those in the heavens and others hear,This Athikaya would fight with this Lakshmana ,And later fight with others who have come with him.”
7779. As soon as he who had mouth like burning axe told the cruel words “get up”,Rama the incarnation of Lord Vishnu who had a divine feet ,Which was being saluted by those who merit being saluted ,Hugged Lakshmana and told him, “ go without any delay.”
7780. That Vibheeshana who travels in path of good Dharma said,”Let him go,And fight the war after all of us join him as helpers , and then told,To Lord Rama the news about Athikaya. We will now tell you that.
7781. “He who has come riding on a chariot who is greatly angry and is fearless ,Who does angry acts like the dark black clouds , who wears hero anklets ,Made of leather belts and is like , very angry and very cruel male lion,And has come here consenting to fight the war with Lakshmana.”
7782. ”He is one who has done very stable and great penance and due to,The boon given by the faultless primeval Lord Brahma has not died.,In the battle with Asuras and Devas and has a strength that never reduces.”
7783. “Ravana thinking that he has uprooted the Kailasa mountain ,Along with its forests and with Lord Shiva with an eye on his forehead,Had brought up this Athikaya so that he can uproot the northern Meru,Mountain which is strong along with all Devas , who sit on that.”
7784. ”He who does not want the services of Lord Vishnu , Mandhara mountain ,Vasuki the serpent and all the great devas as helpers to churn the ocean of milk,So that the nectar and poison can be obtained but can churn it with his one leg.”
7785. ”It is a sign of strength of the shoulders , if one can push ,The very tall elephants of directions which carry the earth ,Which are not destroyed at deluge and which wear thick face masks?But this Athikaya can push away with his hand even the mountain of the horizon.”
7786. “When that Lord Shiva who has not blinked his eyes for innumerable years ,Who has the Halahala poison on his neck , threw his spear which was full of fire ,On this Athikaya and he caught that spear with his hand and,He is the one who told the words , “Is this the long spear sent by you?”
7787. “When this Athikaya started burning several towns of the Devas,Who showed enmity to him , Lord Vishnu who wears the Vagai garland of victory,Threw his cruel weapon of the wheel at him and instructed ,“Take away the life of this useless soul,He stopped that wheel by his expertise in bow.”
7788. “ When the very angry Indra had sent many of his soul like,Powerful weapons on this Athikaya ,He is one with powerful arrows,Who turned those weapons in to nice powder and also hit ,The Vajrayudha Of Indra.”
7789. ”He is the one who has learnt the books of Vedas and from Lord Shiva,And he got from the weapons which were never used by Devas and ,Which cannot be used by anyone else and got this masculine look.”
7790. ”He does not do anything except those acts with Dharma ,He does not wear as ornaments anything except weapons ,He would not kill any body who is weak and who are matchless souls,And he knows clearly that it is desirable to have great fame.”
7791. ”Even if the time comes to leave the soul that is in his body,Even when many people who fight with deceit fight with him,Even if all the people in world get engaged in a war of cheating,He would never even consider using illusion in war.”
7792. “Madhu and Kaidaba where two asuras who had great deceit ,Conquered the land of Devas and destroyed it and once,Due to the great role played by fate they had the evil in them,To attack Lord Vishnu who was sleeping on the ocean of milk.”
7793. One day they got in to the ocean of milk and looked at ,The very great Lord Vishnu and requested him, “Give us war .”That Vishnu who had divine wheel which is difficult to defeat ,Accepted their request and said, “Get engaged in a cruel war.”
7794. ”If the powerful people assume one thousand forms ,Those Madhu and Kaidaba who would laugh at them ,By their war technique and Lord Vishnu ,Without withdrawing fought with them for one thousand years.”
7795-7796. Those Madhu and Kaidhabha looked at Lord Vishnu, who does not,Have any one who is similar to him and had a body with luster of Gold.And told “Oh famous one .people like us want to tell you that There are none who are as powerful as you,” and further said,“We have the strength to eat and spit off all the seven worlds,And you have fought all these days alone with people like us ,And so Lord who merits fame , We would grant you the boon you like.”
7797-7799. And hen they told that they are offering this , so that ,Good would come to Liord Vishnu and he in turn asked,“Tell me the way by which I can win over you :And as soon as Lord Vishnu like that , Those Madhu and Kaidabha ,Who had very good behaviour and travelled in way of justice ,“We can die only on your lap and in no other place ,And they asked to make them go on his lap and that is our order ,And that Lord Vishnu who is not reachable lengthened ,His left thigh so that touched all the worlds above and below,And due to their fate Madhu and Kaidabha were caught ,In his lap. This happened in some other eons.”
7800. “Then Lord Vishnu who was the matchless leader . took a huge mace ,In his hand and when he beat both of them with it , they both diedAnd due to fate from the body of Madhu spread all over ,This world got a name Medhini.”
7801. “In this eon, the very strong Madhu was born as my elder brother ,And due to the great strength and the Kaidabha who had the power,To burn even the Sun is this Athikaya who has this lustrous spear ,I told you all these because I wanted it to impress it in your mind.”
7802. When the younger brother of Ravana told like this , and the matchless ,Leader Rama told, “well” and laughed showing his white teeth,Which were like lightning , stood there and told the following .
7803. “You please see for your own eyes the great prowess in using of bow ,By Lakshmna, even when eight thousand crores Ravanas ,All the Devas , people in all other worlds , the trinity ,Whose strength makes it difficult to approach them come to war with him.,”
7804. If my younger brother Lakshmana gets angry , can the devas stand before himCan the people of heaven , can Lord Vishnu , can those archers,Who are much greater archers than all others , Can Lord Shiva and can Lord Indra/”
7805”. As soon as as Lakshmana keeps his hand on the bow ,You will see that his divine weapons , anger , strength ,Faultless power got by penance and all others,Are completely destroyed by Lakshmana.”
7806. ”Oh greatly cultured one, That Ravana who took my lady,By cheating would have lost his life then itself , had this Lakshmana ,Thinking that he should not go against the words of Sita ,Had remained there.”
7807. ”You also go to the battle field along with this Lakshmana ,And then you would see , that the big head of Athikaya ,Who opposes us falling on the ground , cut by Lakshmana ‘s arrow,And you would also see that head being eaten by crow and other birds.”
7808. ”Can some take the help of water and stand fighting the water?WE have entered this battle field to fight with the cruel Asuras ,For the sake of the Devas .Whose help we took? Have you got bored?”
7809. “The one who is to kill this Athikaya could be Lord Shiva ,Or lord Vishnu the consort of Lakshmi or Lord Brahma ,Who created the heaven and who had great penance Or this Lakshmana who is specially strong ,Who else has the ability to kill him.”
7810. ”When along with Kumbhakarna one thousand Vellam ,Great soldiers surrounded us , do you remember that ,The one who killed all of them is this Lakshmana and no one else.”
7811. ”Lakshmana is the one who is going to kill all the cruel Asuras,And the one who is going to achieve is this Lakshmana . He is the one who ,Fights like Lord Vishnu who kills his enemies by his power ,And so accompany this matchless Lakshmana “ and sent Vibheeshana also.
7812. At that time , Lakshmana went around Rama three times on the right ,And accompanied by the strong Vibheeshana who has proper sense of Dharma ,And entered the battle field where Athikaya has already entered.
7813. Similar to all other oceans waging a war against the southern ocean,The Asura army consisting of sea of elephants , horses , chariots and foot soldiers,Were joined the ocean of the army of monkeys accompanying Lakshmana.
7814. The battle field which became slushy earlier with fresh blood ,Due to rising of the army with a war cry , raised the dust ,Which was like the the pollen grain of the pretty flower of Kusumbai plant .
7815. The sound of war drums produced because they are hit , the thunder like,Boom of the conches , the huge sound of war cry raised by the warriors,The sound of twang of the strings of bows which are protected ,Made the sea with several Makara fishes tightly close its mouth.
7816. As and when the elephant trainer Rakshasas are killed , the blood,From their bodies flowed like a red coloured stream and the leaves,Of the trees growing densely on the mountains were falling.Also the monkeys which jump and climb the mountain ,Jumped on the heads of the great elephants.
7817. The crowd of monkeys threw long mountains ,Crowded with trees which had long branches ,On elephants with rut water that was dropping like honey.And it was looking like a elephant was dashing against eelephant.
7818. The monkey crowd hit the horses of the Rakshasa army with their fists,With anger they stifled them , with strength caught hold of them , With their teeth they bit them ,so that joints of head get separated ,And due to this those horses lying in the blood struggled with showing their feet upward.
7819. When the monkey army reached the battle field , they destroyed ,The strength of those elephants which had come with great aim there ,And being tossed by very great wind , just like the scattering of crowds of clouds .They were destroyed and their tusks broke and gems came out of it .
7820. When the monkeys got up with great speed due to knocking by,Their legs which were like diamond pillars , due to knocking by their hands ,And due to knocking by their tails which were like rope of God of death ,The Rakshasas fell on the earth and rolled and due to the knock,By the spear of those Rakshasas
7821. The monkey warriors rushed along with trees , mountains ,Stones , sharp teethed serpents , elephants , horses ,And many other things besides these and threw them,Making the sky which was above like a strong forest.
7822. When the huge mountains that were carried by the chiefs of monkey clan, Were being thrown on the army of the Rakshasas who had capacity to kill, And they were like like the huge dense clouds which fall on the wide sea.
7823. , Those monkeys drowned those Rakshasas who were running ,Here and there , slipped and fell along with their axes , Swords , spears and made them go deep inside ,And they churned their big bodies and made them flow blood.
7824. Those crowds of very strong monkeys , swam here and there ,In that collection of blood , climbed on the hill like bodies of elephants ,Which had fallen there and made them reach the sea ,And there they were not able to see the shores of the sea.
7825. Being in the stream of blood which was pulling the legs,Of the crows of monkeys which resembled the river ,With waves which were pulling the eye like fishes.The monkeys were proceeding like the blind men,Who were catching a stick but here they were ,Proceeding with one monkey catching the tail of preceding monkey.
7826. The soldiers of the ocean of Rakshasa army jumped,Several times on the monkey army , churned that cruel army .With great anger and that huge monkey army .Lost its strength dispersed and ran to a great distance.
7827. At that time Lakshmana told them, “Do not get scared” And also several words of consolation took his bow .Which was his help and for the benefit of the God of death,Tied the string and twanged the seven strings tied to it.
7828. Though all the books of history hide themselves ,Though the five great elements join in the primeval cause ,Though Brahma dies , the principle of time (death?),Would not vanish at the end of deluge ,And the sound of the bow were like the chant of the Vedas at that time.
7829. Lakshmana sent several cruel arrows and those pierced ,The bodies of numberless Asuras emerged out and vanished and the heap,Of the dead bodies touched the middle of the sky and ,The blood which came out of those bodies got mixed with water of the sea.
7830. The arrows sent by Lakshmana cut off the trunks of elephants ,Cut the heads of the Charioteers who had a highly tied hair ,Cut the row of the legs of horses and split open,The bodies of very strong Rakshasas who had seen great blood.
7831. The arrows of Lakshmana cut off the bows held by enemy warriors,Cut off their spears and completely broke the shining armour that they wore ,And also cut off the mountains thrown at him , killed the horses,Destroying the chariots and killed like God of death those murederous elephants.
7832. The white and curved tusks of the victorious and cruel elephants ,With the speed of their breaking reached the sky and were looking like,Several crescents on the third day of waxing period of the moon.
7833. The big heads of Asuras with eyes spitting out fire which were cut ,By Lakshmana were having two crescent like ears on which ,The ear globes which were like stars were attached ,Were looking as if they had fallen from the orbit of Sun on earth.
7834. The sight of the very huge mountain like elephants with ,Two sharp tusks , with cut trunks which had fallen face down,In the ocean of blood that was flowing in the battle field ,Reminded one of the boar incarnation of Lord Vishnu ,Which was trying to lift the earth with its horns.
7835. Due to many wounds inflicted by the dead horses ,Moved away from their position from the chariots causing ,Chariots to fall upside down and this scene was like ,The planes which had fallen on earth from the sky ,For sacrificing the position that they were holding.
7836. Due to the arrows of Lakshmana , many headless bodies ,Were standing up and dancing and it was like the body parts ,Dancing with joy which had won over good and bad fate ,And have reached the time when the soul was going from the body.
7837. If it is true that one head less body would dance if fourteen thousand persons die And when we know that the number of headless bodies which danced in the battle ,Were more than one crore , who can describe the greatness of victorious Lakshmana?
7838. The blood of the elephants , the blood of Rakshasas ,The blood flow from the speedily running horses , Like A stream formed by rain in forests and mountains,Joining the ocean, ran and joined the ocean.
7839. The strong corpses of Rakshasas whose heads were cut off,By the arrows of Lakshmana , had their legs tied by rope of the neck of elephants ,And were holding aloft the goad and were drivers of Elephants and were numerous.
7840. The headless body of warriors who were riding on the horses ,Due to being hit by the killer arrows of Lakshmana had lost ,Their tall heads and were holding swords in their hands ,And were dancing as per the dance performed by those horses.
7841. The arrows of Lakshmana which did not miss their aim,Like the curses of sages and were taking away the heads,And shoulders and the part of their bodies who were riding the chariots ,Which were sent by his bows were very large in number.
7842. Those Rakshasas who were searching for Sita who is their God of death,Lost their father , elder brother , younger brothers, Their very dear sons , Grand sons and nephews in the battle field and pierced by ,The storm like arrows due to arrow piercing them also died.
7843. Due to being hit again and again by arrows which need not have further instruction,The cut arms sprang up and caressed the huge heads of Asuras ,And since the heads did not have wings to fly, they were like Aandalai birds.
7844. The long arrows spitting fire which were coming in thousand crore numbers,Were able to enter the bodies of Rakshasas with the speed of the mind ,And because of this the souls of many Rakshasas,Made the legs of emissaries very painful and tired.
7845. Those Rakshasas who were strong enough to move the Meru mountain,Died being hit by the arrows of Lakshmana and due to their body,Which was like a heavy burden being cut , they all struggled,And seeing that the Devas shook their head and ,Due to the heavy burden of the mountain like corpses lady earth moved her back.
7846. The matchless Daruka who had a tall body like Meru mountain ,Who had anger like the burning fire and who was happy to fight the war ,Got up in the chariot , holding a bow , with fire coming out of his eyes , attacked Lakshmana.
7847. Due to the boons that he had obtained earlier Daruka sent long growing arrows,Which looked like a burning fire and those arrows spread everywhere ,Making the size of sky small and Lakshmana who was boiling with anger ,Made all those disappear using his own arrows.
7848. Being cut by the sharp arrows of the great Lakshmana , the broad and long,Head of that Daruka was cut and speedily his soul left his body ,And rose up in the sky and made great sound scaring ,Even God of death who came to separate his soul and eat it.
7849. Kala , Kulisa ,Kala sangha , Malu and Marutha who were,Respectively holding spear , axe , Bindipala , Rope and trident ,Came with great speed and surrounded Lakshmana.
7850. Those difficult to approach weapons shot or thrown , In thousands of numbers were attacked by arrows of Lakshmana ,And were cut and also their strong and long heads and then,He scattered the great army arranged in four groups.
7851. Then the soldiers of Athikaya encouraged fifty thousand .Elephants which were like the mountains in rut ,And surrounded Lakshmana from all his sides ,And went on showering weapons similar to rain fall.
7852. Those Rakshasas surrounded the monkey army , so that,They would not be able to escape and attacked from all directions ,And they alone drove on the monkey warriors the army of elephants ,Which were like mountains with hands and cut in to pieces ,That monkey army by their weapons, made them fluid and shouted .
7853. The mountains thrown by monkeys and the various weapons ,Sent by the Rakshasas , neared each other and dashed ,And a sound like thunder filled all the directions and because ,They all stood in the sky like clouds world and directions were hidden.
7854. That Lakshmana who could send his arrows in all directions ,Cut and made fall all the weapons sent by those Rakshasas,Cut their very strong hands and attacked ,The elephants with three types of ruts surrounding him.
7855. Due to the going and cutting by one arrow of Lakshmana ,Not only one mountain like elephant but nine to ten of them,Got their trunks and tusks cut off and they were lying like cloud ,And they rained rut fluid like a mountain in rut.
7856. Due to one thunder like arrow sent by Lakshmana hitting them,The Rakshasas who were throwing various types of weapons ,Fell dead like mountains and these arrows also cut,The necks of Elephant soldiers and the rope tying the elephants ,And the elephants with spots in faces due to rain like rut died.
7857. Those angry elephants which were like mountains ,Were hit by sharp arrows which were stronger than thunder ,And the rope tying their neck , the seat put on their back ,Were cut and their fatal centre of their body destroyed And they rolled like black mountains in the directions.
7858. Those hot arrows sent by Lakshmana which could burn,As well as search cut off the flags on the top of the elephants ,They cut in to pieces elephants in rut , they cut the heads of trainers ,Who drove them and because of that the ghosts avoided hunger.
7859. The arrows sent with great strength by Lakshmana were larger,In number than the drops of rain and because of their hitting ,The elephants which were like mountains rolled by thunder ,And the blood let out by them was seen like an elephant ,Fighting against another elephant and were like ,Fighting with the ocean which was scary.
7860. Due to the arrows hitting the drivers of the elephants ,Without any control those killer elephants which were like,The strong Halahala poison and thunder , lost their consciousness,Due to excess flow of rut and started fighting with each other facing each other.
7861. Due to arrows falling like rain on the elephants,Some got cut their legs, some got cut their trunks ,Some did not have tails which they used to wave with speed ,Some had intestines hanging out due to their belly being broken ,And some were pressed very hard and suffered greatly.
7862. The arrows of Lakshmana which hit different directions,Without anything to stop them cleared completely the attacking elephants ,Which cannot be reached and due to his arrows sent several times,Hitting them again and again many elephants with rut died andThe tusks left by them got heaped on the battle ground.
7863. As soon as fifty six thousand elephants in rut died , those Rakshasas ,Who had eyes with fire coming out , who were never scared ,Who did not have good character and who had evil and anger ,Again drove ocean like elephants on that Lakshmana.
7864. Those cruel Rakshasas showering arrows easily like rain,Sent against that archer Lakshmana , who has taken up the job,Of endless killings , numberless elephants in rut ,Which went like the crowd of darkness telling them, “Kill, Kill”.
7865. When the elephants in rut surrounded him that very strong Lakshmana ,Who was hidden similar to black clouds hiding the red sun,Bent his bow similar to that of rainbow and immediately ,All those elephants fell down on the grounds like rain drops.
7866. Those very angry elephants let out their rut fluid,Through their big ears which were not active , had a mountain like body , Black like the sea , expressing anger through their eyes ,Had huge raised strong back , destroyed faces and Without cruel trunks But in spite of that the ferociousness due to rut which was changing from second to second.
7867. Like the storm at deluge which bring out the disciplined.Water of the ocean which never crosses it banks ,The big and cruel arrows of Lakshmana which crossed its boundaries ,Hit the forehead of the elephants decorated by gold and due to that ,Those elephants in rut which were like cloud were cut ,And rolled on the ground making them equal to being dead.
7868. Hit by those arrows of Lakshmana which fly like birds , faultless ,And which never miss their aim , The Rakshasa army was lying dead ,Similar to the mountains whose wings were cut by Vajrayudha,Which was thrown due to instant rage by the king of Devas.
7869. Elephants hit by hot sun like arrows of Lakshmana , which had not left their anger,And which had trunks making matchless sound making the thunder coming out,From the fast travelling clouds ashamed , were beyond the capability of being counted ,Came out generating heat , slipped and fell because of mountains ,And fell on the flow of blood coming out of directions and reached the middle of the sea.
7870. Due to cruel arrows striking on the eye , the group of elephants ,Who were not able to see became immeasurably angry , were roaming ,On the plains as if they were walking on the mountains , and instead of,Not going towards the enemies roamed inside ,And slowly dried the ocean like army of Rakshasas,
7871. He was sending at a time one thousand sharp and cruel arrows ,Which went like the thousands of rain drops sent by black clouds ,And because of the piercing by those arrows two thousand ,Elephants in trance of rut were dying ? what is the need to think further? The ability of That Lakshmana in arrow war fare is not even known to Devas.
7872. , Unable to cross the ocean of blood oozing out of the black cloud like Cruel elephants which had tusks, the destroyed chariots , the elephants which could destroy ,The Rakshasas warriors who were angry to fight the war and the crowd of horses,Were all roaming only in the cruel battle field as they had no were else to go,
7873. All the hundred thousand cruel elephants in rut were all.Cut in to pieces within about twenty minutes and died .All the beings of this world got scared and got matchlessly confused ,And hearing about this sent all the rest of the elephants with him ,Which had not got over trance from rut , which were like mountains ,Which were not seen by any one and which were different.
874. Then the warriors of Athikaya drove one crore of elephants ,Which were different from those which came earlier and died ,Which caused a river of rut near them and which were in trance of rut .Before Lakshmana who was like a young lion holding ,A strong and cruel bow which could sent thunder like arrows.
7875. Those elephants driven by the Rakshasa warriors were standing as if ,All the mountains in the world had come to destroy ,Whose number was impossible to count and surrounded Lakshmana ,Those elephants were like an angry fire and all those elephants ,Due to the matchless mastery of archery lost their heads and tusks.
7876. For a distance of thirty six Yojanas distance in all the big directions,The elephants in trance induced by the rut were roaming and due to ,More of them coming , the whole world seemed to be filled by elephants And every one was scared because of this and ,The entire sky turned in to dust and world became a river of rut.
7877. The crowd of ghosts not able to find the head as well as tails,Of the dead elephants , were seen to be carrying them like mountains ,The ocean of blood thrown by the tides of the sea ,Brought several cruel weapons producing fire streaks ,And were seen to join with the river of the water of rut.
7878. Lakshmana killed one elephant , by one victorious arrow which were like thunder ,Which burnt like sun light , which dried the ocean like the spear of ,Ugra Veera pandian and which had lustrous open mouth ,And the elephants which were flowing out water of rut similar to rain,Which were ten thousand in number and were standing in a row were all killed by Lakshmana.
7879. Seeing the ability of Lakshmana in searching and killing the elephant army ,All the mountains which were shaped like elephants were scared,The black forests were scared and apart from this , the elephants of direction,Were scared to stand in their place , the black colour easing from sea were scared.What is the point in telling about others? The matchless Lord Ganesa ,With five hands , also got scared of Lakshmana.
7880. The twang sound from the string tying both ends of the bow of Lakshmana ,Destroyed the sharks and Makara fishes of the sea and that sound also appeared in the sky,And as if the huge thunders took their residence in the sky, The elephants in trance due to rut fell down as if they were hit by thunder ,And the arrows from his bow entered the body and head of those riding the elephants.
7881. At this time those Rakshasas who were like the great seven seas holding the spear,Forced those elephants to go against those monkeys, and seeing this carefully,Hanuman decided that he would do a heroic act and came there ,Similar to the matchless spear of Lakshmana unexpectedly.
7882. That Hanuman who was like an elephant with matured rut ,Who was having the strength of the primeval God , Lord Narasimha,Who was wearing a heroic anklet made of straps and who had great fame ,Praised the divine feet of Rama , made a huge war cry , blinked,With fire coming out of his eyes and took in his hand ,A very huge tree which was like the rod held by God of death.
7883. When Hanuman held that tree , like the time when the god of deathWho was an expert in killing the five great elements and the huge cloud of rain Joining together and destroying at final deluge , He beat the elephants ,As if a huge thunder had fallen on the mountain and due to that ,The elephants which were like the black long cloud ,Which had long trunks and were in trance due to rut Lost their lives together like one telling the same thing in various ways.
7884. Hanuman who stood by Dharma killed many of the elephants ,By stepping on many othem, by his speed , many of them,By his strength , many of them by his knocking walk , many of them,By huge sound , many of them by his feet , many of them,By the tip of his tail, many of them by knocking with his forehead , many of them,.By twisting their fingers, many of them by the practiced jump.
7885. That Hanuman who was very angry , drew and threw away ,The tusks of many strong elephants , split some of them ,Braking like bamboo some of them , by digging some of them,By splitting it in to many pieces , some of them he bit with his teeth ,Some he inverted , some he caught with his hand and some he broke but killed all of them.
7886. Hanuman used to throw some elephants in to the sea , some,He used to roll on earth using the tree , some he will push on earth and grind,Some he will beat keeping on earth , Some he will take out their intestines,Some he threw to the heavens and some he used to stamp and ,Churn and then he will kick on the faces of those elephants.
7887. After that Hanuman , using his long tail bend some elephants,Like a python and after bending he would destroy the warriors sitting on then Some elephants he would dash against big mountains and killed them.Some like the Lord Shiva who swallowed Halahala poison ,He would put in his mouth and chew them . Like a male lion ,Within a second he killed thousand elephants.
7888. And also Hanuman easily and with great speed , like a plant,Being destroyed by nails killed hundred thousand elephants ,Which were taller than the mountain , fearless and in trance due to rut ,And made them shapeless and made them in to paste ,And spread them on the earth like very slushy mud.
7889. That very strong Hanuman also fought with a a crore ,Of elephants using the above method and killed ,Hundred thousand of them , when Hanuman was willingly doing that ,The younger Lakshmana thinking that the rest were his quota ,And killed all of them using his terrible killer arrows.Seeing that the guardians of eight directions ,Were terrified due to unnamable fear and ran away.
7890. Due to the corpses of elephants dashing at each other ,In all the directions , those who were crushed ran helter-skelter ,Those who were not crushed and who were alive died,Due to pressure of crowd and since every where bodies,Of elephants were lying , those travelling in chariots ,Got down from them and ran and in the battle field,An asura called Devanthaka was roaming with rage .
7891. With sea of blood and the heaps of bodies of elephant bodies,Which were like a big mountains were found not in one place ,But in several places and then Devanthaka riding on a chariot ,Entered alone in that battle field and sent some cruel arrows ,Which were like the hot rays of the sun inside body of Hanuman, And made victorious sound making the ocean tremble.
7892. And then Hanuman , uprooted a big tree , lifted it high rotated it , And made great sound , and saying , “This Asura will die now “ And with a sound of thunder threw it on Devanthaka ,Who sent several sharp arrows which were giving out heat,Like a flaming fire , and broke that tree in to pieces.
7893. That Hanuman who was the leader of the very strong monkey clan, Took another mountain in his hand and even before he threw it ,That asura sent arrows and made it split in to small pieces And that very great Hanuman became angry flew like an eagle ,And snatched the great bow which he was holding from Devanthaka .
7894. Hanuman who snatched the long bow ,making many devas very happy,Broke that bow in to several pieces and the great Devanthaka , getting angry,Seeing the great valour of Hanuman , took a lustrous weapon called Thomara And beat Hanuman on his left shoulder and the Devas got perplexed seeing it.
7895. That Hanuman who had won over the passion kindled due to pretty ladies,AS soon as Devanthaka threw the shining Thomara at him and shouted greatly ,Got angry like fire , snatched the Thomara from the hand of Devanthaka ,And made sound like huge thunder and hit Devanthaka with it ,And because of that his chariot was destroyed and his charioteer died,And the Devas became happy and their faces became bright.
7896. Before batting of the eye , Hanuman neared Devanthaka who took the spear,And started fighting with him and that Devanthaka who was stronger than,Halahala poison , came before him and fought with him and Hanuman ,Who was like the two eyes of God of death , hit him on the mortal place ,Near to the cheek and with head getting detached that Devanthaka died.
7897. Athikaya who witnessed the death of Devanthaka , boiled like fire ,Shedding blood from the eye making others suspect that it is a wound ,After telling ‘Now itself I would kill this Hanuman and would not leave him alive”,Instructed his charioteer and went and stood before Hanuman.
7898. When the Athikaya was arriving his retreated army came forward ,Those had left already again joined back and that Athikaya ,Who had the ability to cut the Northern Meru mountain ,Stood before Hanuman who was like a Meru mountain made of gold and told.
7899. ” In the war you rubbed my matchless brother and killed him,And with your matchless strength you crossed the big black sea by jumping it ,And saved yourselves and in this war you killed Devadatha who entered ,This ocean like army to fight and seeing that act , I have come before you .Now your end is very near as you have come very near me.
7900. ”If I kill you today , for a long time to come I need not fight with you ,Not only you have done one harm but have done many harms to me ,And so using the rain of my cruel arrows , which do not return ,Without victory , I would kill the younger brother of Rama ,And yourselves and without that I would not return back ,Understand this clearly” said that very cruel Athikaya.
7901. That Hanuman who was standing without getting tired,Like the Meru mountain of the north said, “You are getting very angry with me,And that Lakshmana who is like a lion in a cave .Please also summon Trisiras,So that we can kill both of you by making you in to a paste”,And ground both his hands and laughed loudly like a cloud.
7902. Hearing the words of Hanuman The Trisiras said, “yes, yes, yes”And came there and attacked Hanuman and he who is the ,Matchless emissary of Rama waged a war against him and said,“Can you who are in the grip of passion win over both of us,Who have both got rid of passion” and went near that AsuraAnd making the toungues of those watching get dried, he walked.
7903. Hanuman jumped and reached the chariot of Trisiras and caught hold of,Trisira who was like a mountain touching the cloud , lifted him ,Pushed him on earth, made him in to a paste and killed him ,So that he would not get bad name and then he thought ,The war was severe on the western gate and went there.
7904. Within a time of batting of the eye Hanuman who walked through ,The battle field reached the western gate and the very strong Athikaya ,Without knowing a proper thing to do ,with eyes letting out ,A stream as well as fire , told that “ even Lord Shiva who keeps Goddess,Parvathi by his side would not able to fight with Hanuman,When he seethes with anger and his hands started trembling.
7905. Then he thought, I who have entered the battle field with the only aim,Of killing Lakshmana , should not spend my time in other pursuits as it would be wrong”,And decided to know better that Lakshmana who had tied the quiver on his pretty back,And who is superior to all like the pure gold , and instructed his driver to go near Lakshmana.
7906. , That Athikaya who had a chest wearing a long garland and a leg wearing,Heroic anklets accompanied by his army , with the sound of chariots ,Resembling the sound of ocean , with sound of bow resembling the rain fall ,And with the sound of drums played there going even outside the battle field,And stood before Lakshmana and Devas shouted “Victory, victory.”
7907. With great speed Angadha the son of Vali approached Lakshmana ,And saluted him and said, “ When that Athikaya is riding on a pretty chariot,With wheels , fighting with standing on the earth is not proper ,And I have come here to lift you who is the greatest archer and so climb. Oh pure one.”
7908. The pure brother of Rama agreed with the proposal and climbed ,On the shoulders of Angadha who was wearing a garland using his lotus like feet ,And seeing the great strength of Angadha who was lifting him like Garuda The devas were greatly pleased and caused a rain of flowers on them and praised them.
7909. The son of Vali who churned the milky ocean and brought out fire from it .Went to all directions that the thunder like chariot drawn by thousand horses went,And roamed like a kite. When chariot rises up , he would also rise up ,When it went down he also went down and if it travels on sky , he would also rise up on to the sky.
7910. Seeing that the monkey chiefs shouted with joy and devas told ,Among themselves , “Even Garuda would not be able to do it like Angadha”And shook their hands , and all the arrows of the young Lakshmana ,Which were falling like a strong rain went and hit the elephants and horses.
7911. The Drums made sound., Elephants trumpeted , the very strong chariots ,Made great sound , The horses which have habit of clearing their throats neighed,The white conches boomed , the bows made great sound , The garlands and anklets ,Made sound and the commands and shouting of the warriors was thrice that of the clouds.
7912. In that battle field elephants died , the foot soldiers died ,The horses wearing striups which moved like wind died ,And the God of death seeing these deaths got more scared .The golden chariots got burnt and due to death , the space ,In the battle field increased and all the army got destroyed ,And the shower of arrows of Lakshmana looked greater then torrential rain.
7913. ,That younger brother of Rama looked at that son of Ravana ,And asked him, “What is your desire? Do you want to fight after ,All the army in the battle field is disturbed or killed ?Or would you come out of the army and do a separate battle?Please tell me about your wish and preference?”
7914. That Athikaya who was more cruel than the God of death said,“All people would not fight and with all the devas here witnessing,Those who are going to fight are you and me only and even ,If those who want you to guard you wish, they can do it .I sent word separately to you so that I can fight alone with you and win over you?”
7915. ”Let you elder brother Rama protect you or Let Lord Shiva who keeps ,Goddess Parvathi on his left protect you or let all the devas together protect you ,Or let all the beings of the seven worlds protect you , but your life ,Would come to an end today “saying like this he boomed his conch ,And summoned the bamboo like God of death by twanging the string of his bow.
7916. Hearing that Lakshmana smiled showing his jasmine bud like teeth,And said, ”None of the people you mentioned would come to help me ,And suppose I am one to be defeated and you win me in this war,You would have over all those whom you mentioned,” and then,Taking an arrow which was shining more than lightning ,Kept it on the bow and sent it towards Athikaya.
7917. That Athikaya who had shoulders which could destroy even mountains by its heat,Using a matchless arrow which can burn in the sky cut the cruel arrow of Lakshmana ,And saying, “Oh Lakshmana prevent them” and sent sixteen arrows ,Which were like serpents with poison in their eyes and shouted loudly.
7918. All the arrows sent by Athikaya after great shouting , were cut by ,The younger brother of Rama and he sent several arrows which in anger ,Had the strength split the Meru mountain, And Athikaya who had won over Khubera,Cut in to pieces all those arrows and sent several sharp arrows.
7919. That great archer Lakshmana cut and removed of all those arrows sent at him,With arrows having fire in their face and getting enraged at Athikaya who was shouting ,Sent several arrows which were divine and those arrows which never miss their aim,And which were cruel easily split the armour of Athikaya and entered inside.
7920. When those hundred arrows split his armour and entered in side ,Becoming sad Athikaya kept his divine bow on the chariot and rested ,Till he recovered and by that time Lakshmana by sending more than ,One crore arrows cut in to pieces all Athikaya ‘s army and destroyed them.
7921. Athikaya who recovered from the trance saw the way in which,Those who stood by his side were destroyed and rolled over the floor ,And also saw that the sharp arrows of Lakshmana all around him,Were beyond possibility of counting and becoming greatly angry,And took his bow and sent a rain of arrows which was ,Three times more severe than the torrential rain.
7922. That Athikaya who was greatly angry went on sending arrows so that,The sky was full of arrows , The limit of sky was full of arrows ,The heaven was full of arrows , The mountain tops were full of arrows,The body of those who supported Athikaya was full of arrows,,Arrows on those who opposed him and arrows on all fishes in the sea,.
7923. Due to his arrows all directions disappeared , the three lights of the Devas,Viz sun, moon and fire were dim resembling mind of devas , The arrows went ,And hit each other , the world of devas started shaking , the sky also shook,The sparks of fire filled up every where and flames of fire became larger.
7924. “ Would not the monkey army get destroyed today ?Would Rama’s brother be able to achieve the victory?Did Athikaya learn the art of killing from God of death?Where did this matchless one learn to fight with the bow?”Saying like this the Devas started getting scared.
7925. At that time Athikaya sent several arrows which hit the forehead of Angadha ,His shoulders , and inside his chest and went inside and were not visible ,He also sent three cruel arrows at Lakshmana , Sounded his conch,Which made sounds like cloud , which sound made the Devas tremble.
7926. Lakshmana noticed rain like blood flow which was like a red stream ,From the body of Angadha which resembled a huge broad mountainImmediately he sent thousand arrows and cut of the heads ,Of all the horses of Athikaya ‘s chariot and also cut head of his charioteer,And cut off the bow of Athikaya and made it fall.
7927. When the strong Athikaya got in to another chariot and took another bow ,And was coming to fight with him , that Lakshmana ,Sent a very powerful arrow which belonged to the fire God ,And that Athikaya to stop it sent a arrow of Sun God with him.
7928. Those two arrows fought with each other and when they were doing so,The fire arrows which were more cruel than thunder sent by Lakshmana ,Pierced the chest of Athikaya but seeing that he did not sorrow for it ,Though the pain did not reduce , Lakshmana rained three times ,More arrows, with a chiding voice and rained them like cloud.
7929. Those arrows which were lustrous and very strong dug ,Holes in the entire body of Athikaya so that people standing ,Behind him looked like standing before him and even in that state ,The strength of Athikaya did not reduce and he did not die And he became one who sent sharp golden arrows,Like the shower of rain with his bow.
7930. When that bull like Lakshmana picked as bunches arrows and was ,Keeping them on the string of his bent bow so that their ends touched ,On Athikaya , The wind god came and stood before him showing his face ,And said, “Oh Lakshmana with desirable qualities, this Athikaya ,Would not die by any other except the arrow of Lord Brahma.”
7931. Lakshmana with joy told “good” and took the arrow of four faced one ,And sent it through his bow that arrow looked like lightning ,And that arrow cut off and took the head of Athikaya who had ,Shoulders higher than mountains and went through the sky,And all the Devas who had assembled there clearly saw it.
7932. , Those Devas made a rain of flowers fall and said that their ,Great sorrow has been removed and calling each others ,By their names and pushing each other they ran here and there.The monkey army got clarity when a great problem facing them was solved ,And prince Lakshmana , the expert archer jumped from the shoulder of Angadha.
7933. Seeing the power of great strength of Lakshmana, Vibheeshana ,Became one with a heart filled with wonder and heard the sound ,Of Sidhas walking on the sky and then he thought and told like this,“If the power of archery of Lord Lakshmana which was like,The power of chants , then definitely Indrajit would die”
7934. A Rakshasa called Naranthaka holding a shining sword ,Came there driving his chariot said to Lakshmana “Thinking that .Athikaya with a pretty chest who is my elder one has been killed ,You do not merit to go with sandal paste applied wide chest ,And looking at your own bow , So do not go, do not go”
7935. Naranthaka with fire coming out of his eyes , in great rage , Riding on a chariot , tearing the world , carrying a shield similarTo Sun God being in between planets in the day time ,Carrying a sword and like the lightning in between black clouds.
7936. The trees , stones and mountains thrown by the monkeys,Were cut in to pieces using his sword by Naranthaka ,And the army in the front as well as on both sides m,And the huge army in the centre rolled like the rope on water ,And gave way to him and Angadha saw him coming.
7937. Angadha took one tree speedily , folded his lips and with great anger ,Similar to one arrow of Lord Rama , and attacked Naranthaka ,And he made the rotating tree in the hands of Angadha invisible ,By using extremely sharpened diamond sword and cutting it in to thousand pieces.
7938. When Angadha was standing with bare hands , thought that going back,Is not masculine in nature , even before a second was over ,Seethed like cruel poison , made the sword thrown by Naranthaka ,Miss its aim , and proceeded like thunder and hugged him with his sword.
7939. The Devas who saw the valorous deed of Angadha clapped ,And made great sound and said, “ This valorous act ,Can only be done by him and not even by Lord Shiva .”Angadha stopped hitting Naranthaka and snatched the sword,IN the hand of Narathaka by using his long hands which had sharp nails,Broke that sword in to two and shouted which even made Devas scared.
7940. A Rakshasa called Yudhonamatha who had shoulders taller than,The Mandhara mountain used as a churner , keeping it on a tortoise,For getting the nectar to the Devas . who can eat even thunder ,And who had consumed lot of alcohol which induces faint ,With trance induced by eating of Datura fruit came,There riding on an elephant with forehead with dots.
7941. If the elephant in rut induced trance of Yudhonmatha If it is not wind , how can it get such a speed , if it not sea how can get this sound,If it is not god of death how can it kill , if it is not thunder how can it do evil act ,If it does not have an angry form , how can it express its anger well ,And if it cannot be compared to a mountain , how can it be explained.
7942. To that elephant the speedily thrown collection of mountains ,Were not even as good as the mud balls sent to hit them ,By the bows of their trainers , The huge trees thrown by them ,Were like the fly driver stick used to drive the bees sitting on the rut ,Or other wise they felt that it resembled sugarcane .
7943. The monkey army caught below the feet of the elephants ,Or caught by their tusks or their tails which was like God of death ,Or caught in their cruel tusks underwent the sufferings ,Undergone by Ravana’ s four section army and died.
7944. Neela the sun of fire God who is the lord who has love in his mind ,Seeing the sufferings undergone by his army , took a Maramara,In his hand , followed by his army , went forward rotating the tree ,Like lord Vishnu ‘s wheel , causing great damage to the large army.
7945. When Neela came as described above , the very strong Yudonmatha , Riding on elephant sent straight twelve arrows and cut and made fall that Maramara tree ,And then he threw a huge hill and the one who drives the elephant ,Cut it in the sky itself using hundred cruel arrows and powdered it .
7946. After that when Neela was trying to go in search of a big mountain,He was prevented by the very angry elephant which extended its trunk .And caught hold of the son of the fire God like the golden mountain of Mandhara ,Was tied by the serpent Vasuki which had dots and lines in its body , scaring the Devas,
7947. When under the impression that Neela has lost his strength of mind,Which came to him by his strength , the elephant of the Asura ,Tried to pierce him by its tusks , Neela detached its head and long tusk,And went up in the air seeing which the Asuras trembled andDevas said “good, good” and started laughing,
7948. As soon as Neela got down on earth , from the blood that was flowing out,Of the head of the elephant , the elephant without head which was like a hill fell in to it ,Then Yudhonmatha who was sitting on it rose in to the sky and ,With his hand went on sending several powerful crescent like arrows.
7949. ,Neela then uprooted the diamond like strong tusk from the head of elephant ,That he killed and with great speed threw it on that Asura and he immediately ,Cut them with one arrow and sent another ,So that it would struck deep in the chest of Neela who was like a mountain.,
7950. When he was shooting that arrow, as if his earlier elephant did not die ,He got up another elephant which was like a mountain with hands ,And came with the speed of wind and the angry Neela lifted,That Yudhonmatha along with his bow from the elephant ,And put him before that elephant with three types of rut ,In the battle field where warriors were fighting densely,
7951. Even before that Yudhonmatha got up from there ,His elephant excited by rut using its decorated tusks ,Made him fall on the ground and started throwing him,Here and there and he who was lying , killed his own elephant.
7952. Seeing the anger of Yudhonmatha who killed his own elephant ,Who had white teeth which made one think that even lightning is black ,Neela with fire coming out of his eyes which made even the gold black ,Twisted the arm of Yudhonmatha and hit with his fist on his chest and killed him,
7953. Seeing the dead mountain like elephant with rut and seeing the powerful hit,On the chest of Yudhonmatha , due to his innate nature as well as,Due to decision taken based on his bad fate Mathadheesa (Maha Parswa?) , Came with very great speed to that battle field.
7954. That Mathadheesa who was wearing the heroic anklet had a body,Which was bigger than his cheating , who had mountain like shoulders ,Who is sufficiently strong so that he can be termed as cruel,Who is an expert in archery and with the army shouting a welcome ,He with white teeth came on a pretty chariot with thousand wheels.
7955. ,He was one who shouts loudly , who made all beings shiver ,Who made even the thunders scared , who was stronger than the dead ,Who fills the battle field with arrows , who could make the monkey army run away,And seeing his courage and feeling that there was no be to fight with him,Rishabha , the monkey chief came to fight with that Mathadheesa.
7956. Mathadheesa teasingly laughed at Rishabha who was coming towards him,And said, “You are a small one and victory over you is useless and I do call,For war small people like you and the one who is like Lord Brahma .Only after killing he who killed Athikaya I would fight the monkeys with anger.”
7957. That Monkey chief Rishabha without any tiredness told him,“ Oh mad one who With the strength which can be told about by the mouth ,Which eats the food that is given by others has come along with devils to fight ,You cannot praise yourself , as you are sick and do not know , how to make,Medicines to cure it, you can see that you are soon going to lose all your strength .”
7958. That Mathadheesa who had teeth which are as sharp as spear said,“When I said run away , if you do not go away then I would now itself play with you.”,And then he took his pretty and strong bow which was like Meru mountain ,Bent it and also bending his brows and sent ten arrows aiming at Rishabha ‘s chest.
7959. That Rishbha who was bleeding like the rise of water in the spring,Lifted that chariot with spire with his strong hand and then ,All the devils with rotating eyes pulling that chariot , flew to the sea ,And that Mathadeesa had a hanging body like the clouds going on the sly.
7960. He then fell along with the chariot in to the ocean , got drowned in sea water ,But with great anger that Mathadheesa was trying to jump on earth ,And before that , Rishabha saying , “Oh sinner , where would you go,To escape from me”, and then making great sound he travelled on the sky.
7961. Similar to the day hugging the night that Rishbha caught hold ofMathadeesa , hugged him and started pressing him and then ,That Rakshasa started throwing out blood from his mouth,Which was like a cave with teeth and his soul went to the other worlds,And he fell on the floor like a cloud holding a bow.
7962. Sugreeva the king of monkeys and a victorious Rakshasa chief called Kumbha , Entered in to a great fight , which made the battle field pretty,,And they went round each other from left to right and right to left .Thousand times and fought with each other looking like two mighty mountainsSeeing that the devas were scared and their head as well as hands shivered.
7963. Those two who were like lions neared each other ,Tore the body of each other , took and rubbed the blood oozing out ,Shed fire from their eyes , moved here and there along with,Their garlands and heroic anklets , beat and fought with other.
7964. That Kumbha an Asura who was expert in war , took an iron rod ,And rotated it and making others feel that the world has broken,And producing a huge sound and beat Sugreeva with great force ,’But he holding a huge tree prevented the attack but,That tree was broken in to pieces and That king of monkeys got very angry.
7965. That Sugreeva who was not able to tolerate it said ,“I would fight till you die “ and was preparing to unmatched fighting,And was thinking about the weapon he should fight with ,And standing there , Neela brought a mountain like iron rod and gave him.
7966. Then Sugreeva started fighting with that rod given by Neela,Became angry making the world as well as heavens shiver ,And broke open the shoulders and chest of that one who was mad for war ,And seeing that all Rakshasas were startled and started shivering.
7967. That Asura who was hit as if a mountain was hit,By a thunder with fire fell down and even before concluding that he was dead,Got up with great anger and saying , “your shoulder would break now” started figting.
7968. That son of Sun god who was suffering due the hit on his shoulders ,Without letting off in his effort , rushed speedily like an arrow And neared that Kumbha, and slapped in the chest of Kumbha ,Who was having great valour like the Yali.
7969. Then they hit each other more than thousand times ,With iron rods and devas were knowing whose end has come near ,And the rods knocked with each other and became powder ,And then they neared each other and started wrestling.
7970. They fought with each other like the elephants in trance and rut,And due to that sound in all the ten directions nothing else was heard,They caught each other several times by jumping at each other ,They also pushed and punched with their strong shoulders ,And also challenged each other to hit on their chest.
7971. When they were fighting with each other like that due to the strong arm,Of the son of Sun God punching by the fist, the chest of that Rakshasa ,Which was like the iron plate with the black smith , split open,AS if it was hit by the hammer of an experienced smith who knew his work.
7972. Even in that state that Kumbha told , “continue with fighting”,With a laugh and the Lord Sugreeva , similar to a five headed sepent,Entering the cave , pushed his hand in to the mouth of Kumbha,And to make him vomit his soul , plucked away his toungue.
7973. At that time The Rakshasa called Nikumbha who had eyes which spit fire,Saying “Where are you going to hide now” came and stood before Sugreeva ,And Angadha who was standing before him became angry ,And they both started a fight , the like of which has never happened before.
7974. That Angadha who was like a golden mountain standing ,On a blue mountain and who was more cruel than poison ,Carried a palm tree as weapon and stopped ,Nikumbha who was armed with spear as the weapon.
7975. As soon as Nikumbha started to throw that great spear ,Guessing that Angadha, the expert in war would be destroyed ,Hanuman who was an expert in killing entered,In between them like the fire which gives out many sparks.
7976. He stopped in the middle that Nikumbha who with ,Evil intention of killing Angadha was about to throw ,That spear which cannot be prevented and with his handsWhich were like an opened flower hit and killed,That Nikumbha and Hanuman who was an expert in war went away.
7977. The Rakshasa who had not retreated till that time , due to,Absence of leaders who can prevent the monkey army ,Became confused and showing their back retreated,And the monkey warriors who threw at them trees ,With a big base killed a huge army andThe strength of Rakshasa army became thin,
7978. Due to the dense crowd at the entrance of the town,Many people lost their life and they were more than,One crore in number and many of those with wounded bodies,Due to the hit by monkeys died after reaching their war tents.
7979. Those who asked, “Please give me water” , ran to the place of water ,And since their toungues getting completely dried entered the world of death,Those who were shedding tears and crying for their lives ,Due to land becoming wet due to flow of tears through their legs speedily died.
7980. Some of them ran for a long distance on the sky and then died,Some of them were lying dead like huge mountains lying on earth,And the number of people whose livers had come out and ,Whose body was wounded and who ran towards directions were innumerable.
7981. The people who knew another one and requested them ,To take out the arrow and when they took it out ,And died immediately were innumerable and those ,Of them who reached their home lost their mind and sunk there.
7982. Due to horses falling dead some people tottered ,And were agitated , Due to elephants dying, falling and rolling ,Some people ran away speedily with their feet and many Asuras,Were standing in between chariots looking as if .They had come from a mountain which caught fire.
7983. Some Rakshasas were lying on earth with a heavy body due to wounds ,And some entered there with the body of the monkeys and others,Thinking that people of monkey army had mixed with them,And fought with them and destroyed them.
7984. Some of them on opening their eyes saw some people,Who loved them amd who were showing mercy on them and ,Requested them, “Please help me by giving water” and ,Even before they brought it they died, some while drinking ,The water died and only very few died after drinking the water.
7985. Some fathers who were carrying their wounded sons,Due to them breathing their last on the way , ran away ,To save them selves , vomited blood due to great exertion ,And due to their eye balls coming out , not knowing,Their way back , walked feeling by their legs and died on the way.
7986. The Rakshasas who attained such a sorry state , completely broken,Reached the pretty city of Lanka and emissaries who had seen the war ,Ran to tell what happened there with tears flowing from their eyes ,And saluted the feet of the king of all Rakshasas who was wearing well made heroic anklets.
7987. Seing them when the king of Lanka asked them to tell about ,The happenings , they said, “WE cannot even say that the army ,Which had come back to the city is small as it is less than that,All the princes who were lead by Athikaya have given up their life.
7988. Hearing about the death of the princes , Ravana shed ,Stream like tears and the sobbing due to extreme sorrow,The disrespect , the self pity , anger and sorrow ,Came to him one after another like the waves of the sea,Touching the banks and returning back.
7989. Ravana would stare at the directions, stare at devas who were serving him,Stare at the bad name got by him , stare at his victorious sword ,Would grind his hand by the other hand , Let out hot breath burning his moustache,Would cry like one losing senses by too much of desire and also feel shy.
7990. Ravana would think of catching the heaven , Would think of breaking the sky ,Would like to destroy all the beings on the earth which have been counted,Within a second, Would think of breaking everything that has nae of :”female”,And thinking like that feeling insulted would suffer like fire entering the wound.
7991. When all the people of Ravana were not talking anything by their mouth,Not even breathing and were depressed as well as greatly scared ,And were crying Dhanyamala came in front of Ravana wailing ,And wailing , and endlessly making huge sound of crying .
7992. As if thunder has fallen on the top of the mountain , making sound,Both with her garlands and bangles , keeping her hand on her ,Mountain like breasts , with mouth open like a cave ,With her untied red hair resembling the red mountain of sun set falling down,With tears resembling blood which was like a molten copper she came.
7993. That Dhanyamala who had not seen any body else crying and feeling sorrow,With her thin shoulders touching the earth , fell at the feet of that Rakshasa,And with an mouth she rolled on earth like a python , with mind full of ebbing sorrow ,And struggling saying, “You did ill to me “, started wailing , having fallen in sea of sorrow.
7994. “Would you not put an end to the strength of those who killed our son,Have you got back your valour ? Have you lost the strength of your shoulders?Do you not understand my feelings “ Would I care to listen to what I say?Would I not show me my darling son who is like my eye ball?” she wailed.
7995. ” Me who has been praised by the devas who live on the sky,As the mother of a son who is not even defeated by Indra,Has become pitiable and has given in sacrifice my son,Who has shoulders like Mandhara mountain ,To the arrow of a man who is not equal to him in strength.”
7996. ”Earlier the son Akshayakumara died and now Athikaya is no more ,All the very strong and valorous warriors have all died,Among the sons who is remaining is the son of Mandodhari ,Would you not win over every direction and then come back?”
7997. Seeing that Ravana was keeping silent she asked ”Lord,What are you thinking about ?Would you not call back ,All those dead Rakshasas who were wearing garland ,And carrying the spears? Would you who lost your senses ,To passion , Continue to live? Would more sorrow come due to Sita?”
7998. ”Without hearing the words of your wise younger brother ,Without thinking about the goodness of advice given to you,By Malyavan , the best among males, You also got,Kumbhakarna killed and sacrificed my son to an arrow ,“Oh Lord this is this the way that you ruled?”
7999. After telling several things several times , like the cow,Which had lost its calf that Dhanyamala was wailing and crying ,And Oorvasi and Menaka went near her and took her ,Back to her mountain like Palace.
8000. Hearing about the defeat of their country’s army ,All Rakshasas assembled together and all those,Who have lost their sons in the battle wailed ,And even Deva maids felt pity and wailed,What can we say about the ladies of Rakshasa clan?
8001. That huge city of Lanka Suffered the same amount of sorrow,As the whole world when The son of Dasaratha , the lord wearing the garland,Left his matchless palace and started to the forest .The sound of crying that was heard from all parts of the city ,Which was mixed with sorrow was similar to the sound of the sea.
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Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 6 (Padalam 16)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 6 (Padalam 17)
About Kavichakravarthy Kamban

Historians place him in the 9th century CE, But surely Kamban belongs to the third great wave of Tamizh literature that started with the Sangam period (dated before the Common Era), followed by the widespread impact of Bhakti literature of the Alwars (vaishnavite saints) & Nayanamars (shaivaite saints). Kamban Authored Ramanaya in Tamil…Known as Kamba Ramayanam..
Kambar has been the milestone for the Tamil scholars that none had reached. He was also known as “Kamba Naatazhvar” at his time. Many Tamil authors from the modern world have written the books on the poet Kamban.
Kambar or Kavichakravarthy Kamban (1180–1250) was a medieval Tamil poet and the author of the Ramavataram, popularly known as Kambaramayanam, the Tamil version of the epic Ramayana.
Valmiki Ramayana and Kamba Ramayanam are two versions of Ramayana written in the Sanskrit and Tamil languages respectively. … Kamba Ramayanam is originally called as Ramavataram. Although Valmiki Ramayana is the original version of the story of Rama, Kamba Ramayana is believed to be based on the work by Valmiki.
The Kamba Ramayanam, is a Tamil epic that was written by the Tamil poet Kambar during the 12th century. Based on Valmiki’s Ramayana (which is in Sanskrit), the story describes the life of King Rama of Ayodhya.
The book is divided into six chapters, called Kandam in Tamil. The Kandams are further divided into 123 sections called Padalam (படலம்) in Tamil. These 123 sections contain approximately 12,000 verses of the epic.