Kameshwar2-300x225, Kameshwar Temple, Varanasi
Kameshwar2-300x225, Kameshwar Temple, Varanasi

Kameshwar Temple, Varanasi

Date built:
Architectural style:Hindu Temple architecture
Major festivals
 Lord Skanda (Kartikeya) was describing the Kashi Mahatmya to Agastya Rishi in Kashi Khand.  According to Lord, Durvasa Rishi (who is well known for his temper) travelled worldwide and reached Kashi.  He dug a kund (pond) for taking bath and installed a Shiv Ling nearby where  he performed pooja and archana of Lord Shiva.For some reasons he got angry and was about to curse Kashi and its denizens. At this point, Lord Shiva appeared in person before him and Durvasa lost his anger.  Lord Shiva granted a divine wish to Durvasa.  Durvasa requested that the Kund dug by him should be known as Kamkund and the Ling installed by him should be called as Kameshwar Ling. Lord Shiva granted boon accordingly.

Lord Shiva said, when Saturday, Trayodashi (13th day after Amavasya or Poornima) and Pradosha day coincide, persons taking bath in Kamkund and performing pooja of Kameshwar are cleansed of all their sins, their wishes will be fulfilled and they will reach heaven after death. (Kashi Khand, Chapter 85). 

Kamkund is now fully dried up and apparently buildings have been constructed over the spot.  Instead of the bath envisaged in Kamkund, people take bath in river Ganges now.  In Kashi Khand there is mention of both Durvaseshwar Ling and Kameshwar Ling with reference to the above incident of Sage Durvasa.

See also  Hareshwar Temple, Varanasi


Legend / Local stories

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How to Reach:

Kameshwar Temple is located at A-2/9 North of Trilochan. The temple is approachable from a famous locality called Prahlad Ghat (after Machhodari). Devotees can travel upto Prahlad Ghat Chauraha by rickshaw and walk on foot to the temple. There are two lings in the temple. The bigger Ling is referred to as Durvaseshwar Ling and the smaller Ling is referred to as Kameshwar Ling or Man Kameshwar Ling. While Durvaseshwar Ling is symbolic of Bhakti, Kameshwar Ling symbolizes Shakti.

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