krimchi temple
krimchi temple

Ancient temple complex of Krimchi village bear relics of rich historical culture and tradition of the region. The temple complex is located 20 km and 8 km away from Jammu and Udhampur respectively. The complex houses three of oldest temples that believed to have been constructed in the period of 11th to 12th centuries. The height of the main temple is 50 feet and it is decorated with abstract designs. These temples are dedicated to Lord Shiva, Vishnu, Ganesha and Goddess Parvati. The imposing structures of the temples indicate the Greek (Hellenic) influences.


Legend / Local stories

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krimchi tem

How to Reach:

The main temple is around 50 feet high. On their way to these temples, pilgrims usually stop over at the sarai Krimchi. Travel to Krimchi automatically means a tour to Sudhmahadev-Mantalai Shrine. At a little distance from Krimchi lies Pancheri, which is a picturesque Hill Resort.


Kiramchi Temple Road, Kiramchi, Udhampur, Jammu and Kashmir 182121

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See also  Panchbakhtar Temple, Jammu.

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