Sweet are thine lips, Krishna,   




Translated in to English verse  By  P.R.Ramachander

Mahaprabhu Srimad Vallabhacharya (1479-1531)is one of the greatest sage- philosophers of India, who belonged to a Telugu family, was one of the foremost followers of Bhakthi Marga and established his philosophy of Pushti Marga in North India during the 16th century.His Bhakthi was much more than devotion.It was becoming mad in the thought of God.According to him the devotee does not see anything except his Lord everywhere. Madhurashtakam written by him sees sweetness in his lord inch by inch.This translation in to verse has taken the liberty of adding the name of the lord , here and there , so that the meaning is very clear and the translation becomes a verse.

Adharam Madhuram, Vadanam Madhram,
Nayanam Madhuram, Hasitham Maduram,
Hrudhayam Madhuram, Gamanam Maduram,
Madhuradhipather Akhilam Madhuram. 1

Sweet are thine lips, Krishna,
So are thine sweet cherubic face,
Sweet are thine jet black eyes, Krishna
So is thine soulful laugh,
Sweet is thine loving heart, Krishna
So is thine beautiful gait,
Hey king of all sweetness in this world,
Everything about Thee is sweet.

Vachanam Madhuram, Charitham Madhuram,
Vasanam Madhuram, Valitham Madhuram,
Chalitham Madhuram, Bramitham Maduram,
Madhurathipather Akhilam Madhuram. 2

See also  Janaki Panchakam

Sweet are thine sweetest words, Krishna,
So is thine divine story.
Sweet is the place of your stay , Krishna,
So is thine greatness,
Sweet are thine movements , Krishna,
So is thine confusion.
Hey king of all sweetness in this world,
Everything about Thee is sweet.

Venur Madhura, Renur Madhura,
Panir Madhura, Padhou Madhura,
Nrithyam Madhuram, Sakhyam MadhuraM,
Madurathipather Akhilam Maduram 3

Sweet is thine flute , Krishna,
So is thine foot-dust,
Sweet are thine hands Krishna,
So are thine feet.
Sweet is thine dance Krishna,
So is thine friendship.
Hey king of all sweetness in this world,
Everything about Thee is sweet

Geetham Madhuram, Peetham Madhuram,
Bhuktham Madhuram,Suptham Madhuram,
Roopam Madhuram, Thilakam Madhuram
Madhurathipather akhilam Madhuram. 4

Sweet is thine song, Krishna,
So is what you drink,
Sweet is what you eat, Krishna,
So is your sleep,
Sweet are thine looks , Krishna,
So is thine Thilaka,
Hey king of all sweetness in this world,
Everything about Thee is sweet.

Karanam Madhram, Tharanam Madhuram,
Haranam Madhuram, Ramanam Madhuram,
Vamitham Madhuram, Samitham Maduram,
Madhurathipather akhilam Madhuram. 5

Sweet are thine deeds, Krishna,
So is thine path of salvation,
Sweet is thine theft , Krishna,
So is thine play of love,
Sweet are thine oblations, Krishna,
So is thine tranquility,
Hey king of all sweetness in this world,
Everything about Thee is sweet

Gunja Madhura, Mala Madhura,
Yamuna Madhura, Veechi Madhura,
Salilam Madhuram, Kamalam Madhuram,
Madhurathipather akhilam Madhuram. 6

Sweet is thine necklace of berries, Krishnam
So is thine garland,
Sweet is thine river Yamuna, Krishna,
So are the ripples in the river,
Sweet is thine water , Krishna,
So is the lotus in the water,
Hey king of all sweetness in this world,
Everything about Thee is sweet

See also  Crashing of hopes of Hanuman (Chapter 13)

Gopi Madhura, Leela Madhura,
Yuktham Madhuram, Muktham Madhuram,
Drishtam Madhuram,Sishtam Madhram,
Madhurathipather akhilam Madhuram. 7

Sweet are thine Gopis , Krishna,
So is thine playful sport,
Sweet are thine right thoughts,Krishna,
So is thine salvation,
Sweet is what you see, Krishna,
So is what is left out,
Hey king of all sweetness in this world,
Everything about Thee is sweet

Gopa Madhura, Gavo Madhura,
Yashtir Madhura, Srushtir Madhra,
Dhalitham Madhram, Phalitham Madhuram,
Madhurathipather akhilam Madhuram. 8

Sweet are thine Gopas , Krishna,
So are thine cows,
Sweet is thine staff, Krishna,
So is thine creation,
Sweet is what you trample , Krishna,
So are thine jokes,
Hey king of all sweetness in this world,
Everything about Thee is sweet

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