Madhyameshwar2-300x225, Madhyameshwar Temple, Varanasi
Madhyameshwar2-300x225, Madhyameshwar Temple, Varanasi

Madhyameshwar Temple, Varanasi

Date built:
Architectural style:Hindu Temple architecture
Major festivals

Madhyameshwar temple finds mention in Kashi Khand Chapter 100, where it is stated that devotees should take bath in Mandakini Teerth and perform pooja at Madhyameshwar temple. Special importance is attached to Ashtami and Chaturdasi days.

According to ancient topography, Kashi used to comprise a very large area and Madhyameshwar (as the name implies) was somewhere in the centre of Kashi Kshetra. Subsequently, for various geographical and political reasons, Kashi area started constricting and presently this temple does not fall in the centre.

This temple gains importance because of its proximity to famous Siddha Peeth (Krithi Vaseshwar temple). According to Kurma Puran a person who takes bath in Mandakini Teerth, performs pooja archana at Madhyameshwar temple and performs Shraaddh Karma for his ancestors, certainly attains Moksha and goes to heaven. Mandakini Teerth finds mention in Ling Puran and it is stated that a person who bathes in this Teerth and performs Tarpan, does a great service to his ancestors.


Legend / Local stories

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How to Reach:

Madhyameshwar temple is located at K-53/63, Daranagar.  Mandakini Teerth as mentioned in ancient texts is almost fully dried up. There is a Mandakini Pond in Company Bagh garden at Maidagin. Maidagin is a contorted form of Mandakini. It is not known how many people actually take bath in this Kund at present as it has now lost its sanctity. The temple is approachable from a famous locality called Bishweshwarganj, which is a great mandi (market place) and travelling to the temple in cycle rickshaw is convenient.

See also  Bharabhooteshwar Temple, Varanasi

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