Maha Vishnu  Stotra


Jagadguru Bharathi  Theertha  Swamiji of  Sringeri mutt

Translated by


The  is a kriti on Maha vishnu composed by Jagadguru Bharathi Theertha swamiji. Just by hearing this itself your mind gets relaxed. Most powerful   as Maha Vishnu will ward off all difficulties.

गरुडगमन तव चरणकमलमिह

मनसि लसतु मम नित्यम्

मनसि लसतु मम नित्यम् ॥

मम तापमपाकुरु देव

मम पापमपाकुरु देव ॥

Garuda gamana   thava    Charana kamala miha  ,

Manasi  lasthu  mama   nithyam,

Manasi lasathu   mama  nithyam,

Mama   thaapamapaa  kuru deva,

Mama Papamapaa kuru deva

Oh Lord who travels on Garuda let   your lotus like feet, ,

Shine   in my mind daily  ,

Shine   in my mind daily,

Oh God please remove  all my sufferings,

Oh God please  remove    all my sins.

  1. जलजनयनविधिनमुचिहरणमुख

विबुधविनुत-पदपद्म -2

मम तापमपाकुरु देव

मम पापमपाकुरु देव 

1.Jalaja nayana vidhinamuchiharana mukha,

Vibudha   vinutha  Pada  padma

Mama   thaapamapaa  kuru deva,

Mama Papamapaa kuru deva

1.Oh Oh God   with lotus like eyes, whose lotus like feet ,

Is worshipped  by Lord Brahma, Indra killer of Namuchi ,

Shiva   who removed the head  well as other learned people

Oh God please remove  all my sufferings,

Oh God please  remove    all my sins.

  1. भुजगशयनभव मदनजनक मम

जननमरण-भयहारी -2

मम तापमपाकुरु देव

मम पापमपाकुरु देव 

Bujaga sayana bhava madhana  janaka mama,

Janana  marana  Bhaya  Haari,

Mama   thaapamapaa  kuru deva,

Mama Papamapaa kuru deva

2.Oh Lord   who sleeps on a serpent   and father  of Kaama,

Who completly removes   my fear  of birth and death,

Oh God please remove  all my sufferings,

Oh God please  remove    all my sins.

  1. शङ्खचक्रधरदुष्टदैत्यहर

सर्वलोक-शरण -2

मम तापमपाकुरु देव

मम पापमपाकुरु देव 

See also  Ganesa Pancha rathnam

3.Sankha chakra   dhara, dushta   daithya hara,


Mama   thaapamapaa  kuru deva,

Mama Papamapaa kuru deva

3.Oh Good who carries   conch and the wheel, who destroys evil asuras,

And who is the ornament   of all people,

Oh God please remove  all my sufferings,

Oh God please  remove    all my sins.

  1. अगणित-गुणगणअशरणशरणद

विदलित-सुररिपुजाल -2

मम तापमपाकुरु देव

मम पापमपाकुरु देव 

4.Aganitha  guna gana  asarana   saranadha,

Vidhalitha   sura ripu jaala,

Mama   thaapamapaa  kuru deva,

Mama Papamapaa kuru deva

$.Oh God with innumerable good qualities, who is the protector  of those   without protection,

Who by tricks  destroys the expanded   enemies of devas,

Oh God please remove  all my sufferings,

Oh God please  remove    all my sins.

  1. भक्तवर्यमिहभूरिकरुणया

पाहि भारतीतीर्थम्-2

मम तापमपाकुरु देव

मम पापमपाकुरु देव ॥                       

5.Bhaktha   varyamiha bhooree karunayaa,

Paahi  Bharathi theertham,

Mama   thaapamapaa  kuru deva,

Mama Papamapaa kuru deva

5.Oh Lord with very great mercy   protect 

BHarathi theertha who is the greatest among devotees,

Oh God please remove  all my sufferings,

Oh God please  remove    all my sins.

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