Parvathi  Parameswara  stotram

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(Here is yet another prayer addressed to lord shiva as well as Goddess Parvathi.)

1.Jaya deva Hara devaJayeswara Maheswara,
Jaya Sarva guna sreshta jaya sarva Sukadhipa

1.Victory to Deva, God  Shiva, Victory to God,  the great God,
Victory to him who is best in all properties, victory the lord of all pleasures.

2.Jaya prakruthi kalayani, Jaya  prakruthi nayike,
Jaya prakruthi doorangi, Jaya prakruthi sundari

2,Victory  to the do gooder by nature, Victory to the Leader  bynature,
Victory who by nature goes away, Victory to the pretty lady by nature

3.Jayamoga maha  maya, Jayamoga manoratha,
Jayamoga maha leela, Jayaamoga maha bala

3,Victory to the fruitful great  illusion, Victory  to unfailing  wish of the mind,
Victory  to the fruitful great sports, Victory  to the unfailing great strength.

4.Jaya Viswa Jagan matha, Jaya viswa jagan mayi,
Jaya viswa Jagadathri, Jaya Viswa  jagat Sakhi

4.Victory to omnipresent mother of the world, Victory to omnipresent  pervade of the world,
Victory to omnipresent carrier of the world m Victory  to omnipresent friend of the world.

5.Jaya sasvathikaisvarya, jaya sasvathikalaya,
Jaya savathikakara, jaya sasvathikanuka

5.Victory to stable super human power, victory to stable  time,
Victory to the stable form, Victory to the stable wisdom

6.Jaya athma traya nirmathri, Jaya athma thraya palini,
Jaya athma thraya  samharthri, Jaya Athma thraya nayike

6.Victory to creator of  the soul, victory   to  One who looks after the soul,
Victory  to the  destroyer of the soul, Victory to   the leader  of the soul.
athma thraya because  Soul has three charactersticssathva, Rajas and Thamas.

See also  Garuda Upanishad

7.Jayavalokanayadhya, Jagat karana Brahmane,
Jayapekshaa kadakshotha, hutha bukbuktha moukthika

7.Victory to him who first observes and the Brahman, the cause  of the world,
Victory to the need which looks at us  and the crowned consumer of the offering of sacrifice

8.Jaya devadhya vijeya swathma sookshmadrusojwale,
Jaya sthoolathma sakthyamsa vyaptha visva chara chare

8.Victory  to her who was known by devas and others and who could see our micro soul and throw light on it
Victory  The Sakthi of the mega souls which is spread on moving and non moving beings  of the world.

9.Jayananaiga vinyastha viswa thathva samuchaya,
Jaya sura siro nishta sreshatanuga kadambaka

9.Victory to him who was entrusted with the collection of the truths of the world,
Victory to him on whom the king of devas depended and also a great friend of  their troops.

10.Jayoparjatha samrakshaa samvidanapadeeyasi,
Jayonmoolitha samsara visha vrukshaanguroth game

10.Victory to the protectoress who never got defeated and a clever builder of harmony,
Victory to her who destroys Samsara, which sprouts like a poisonous tree.

11.Jayapradhe veerya saurya vijrumbana,
Jaya viswa bahir bhootha nirastha para vaibhava.

11.Victory to one who makes energy as well as valour sprout out,
Victory to him who has the great power to cast out  carelessness from this world

12.Jaya praneetha panchartha prayoga paramamrutha,
Jaya panchartha vijnana suthasrotha swaroopini

12.Victory to the good pancharathra approach  and the divine nectar,
Victory to her whose form  was described by sage Sutha according to Pancharathra science.

13.Jayathigora samsara maha roga bishagwara,
Jayaanathi malajnatha thama padala chandrike

See also  Parasara Bhattar's Ranganatha Stotram

13,Victory to the doctor who cures very horrible Samsara and leprosy,
Victory  to the moon light  who removes  the darkness of dirty wisdom.

14.Jaya tripura kalagne, Jaya Tripura bhairavi,
Jaya triguna nirmuktha jaya triguna mardhini

14.Victory  to the fire that destroyed Tripura, victory to the bhairavi of Tripura,
Victory to her who is beyond three gunas, victory to her who is a composition of Three gunas.

15.Jaya pramadha sarvajna jaya sarva prabhadhike,
Jayaprakara divyanga jaya prathitha dayini,

15.Victory to the all knowing Pramdha, Victory  to him who shines better than all,
Victory to him  who uses his scared limbs, Victory to her who answers prayers

16.Kwa devathe paranthama kwabayam kwachanovacha,
Thadhabhi bhagwan bhakthya pralapantham kshamaswa maam.

16.Where is   the  god and his dwelling, where is the protection, where is the vehicle ?
In spite of that Oh God, I have been prattling  to you with devotion, please  excuse me

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