Sri Datha Hrudayam
(The heart of Lord Dathathreya)
Translated by
(Here is a great prayer addressed to Lord Dathathreys. It has within it Dhyanam, Kavacham etc.)
1.Balachandra sukape cha kireede, pushpa hara mani yuktha vakshasam,
Peetha vastra parishobhithaadhyam prana maam ya nasuyodhbhava datham.
1.With the easily attained crescent of moon on his crown,
With chest adoned with garlands of flowers as well as gems,
With the middle decorated by the yellow silken dress is Datha,
And I salute that Datha who was not born by himself .
2.Datham Sanathanam nithyam, nirvikalpam, niramayam,
Harim, shivam, Mahadevam Sarva bhoothopakarakam,
2.Dathathreya who has been forever, who would be forever, who does not waver, who is untainted,
Who is Hari, who is Shiva is the great God was the creator of all beings.
3.Narayanam Maha Vishnum, sarga sthithyantha karanam,
NIrakaram cha sarvesam,Karth veerya vara pradham,
3.The Lord who is Narayana, MahaVishnu, cause of creation, upkeep and end,
Who is shapeless, the God of all and one who gave boon of valour to Kartha Veeryarjuna.
4.Athriputhram, Maha thejam, Muni vandhyam, Janardhanam,
Mayabheeja samayuktham, pasa bheejam, vara pradham.
4..Son of sage Athri with a great luster, who is saluted by sages, who kills bad people,
Who is with seed of illusion, who has seed of affection and who gives boons
5.Saranyam, Saswargam yuktham mayaya cha gunanvitham,
Trigunam Trigunatheetham tridhamapathi moulikam.
5.He who prorects those who surrender, who is forever m who is suitable to illusion and has all good qualities,
He who has three fold qualities, who is above three fold division, who s lord of three worlds, and who is original.
6.Ramam Rama pathim, Krishnam, Govindam, peetha vasasam,
Digambaram, Naga haram, Vyagra charmothareeyakam,
6.He who is Rama, consort of Lakshni, Krishna, Govinda, who dresses in yellow silk,
Who wears the directions as cloth, who wears serpent as garland and tiger’s hide as upper cloth.
7.Basma Gandhadhi lipthangam, Maya muktham, Jagat pathim,
Nirgunam cha Gunopetham viswa vyapi, namesvaram
7.He who has applied sacred ash and sandal paste on his body, Who has come out of illusion and Lord of the world,
He who does not have any characters, who has all good qualities, who is spread all over the world,and who is God who is saluted.
8.Dhyath devam viswa vandhyam prabhum gurum,
Kireeda kundaladyam cha yuktham Rajeeva lochanam.
- I meditate on the god who is a great one, who is saluted by the world, the lord, the Guru,
“Who wears the crown and ear globes, who does proper things and has lotus eyes
9.Chandranujam, Chandra vakthram, rudra mindradhi vanditham,
Anasooya puthram cha dhinesam amaradhipam.
9.The younger brother of Chandra, who has neck like Chandra, who is saluted by Rudra and Indra,
Who is the son of Anasooya, who is sun God and the God of devas.
10.Yogeesa, deva devesa abja janmadhi vanditha,
Narayana Viroopaksha, Dathathrey a Namosthuthe.
10.Salutations to Dathaththreya who is god of Yogis, who is god of the king of devas,
Who is saluted by the lotus born, who is Lord Narayana, Who has irregular eyes.
11.Anatha Kamala kantha, oudumbara sthitha prabho,
NIranjana maha yogin, Dathathreya namosthuthe .
11.Salutations to Dathathreya, who is endless, consort of Lakshmi,
Lord who sits on a copper seat who is spotless, great yogi
12.Bahu baho, mUni mane, sarva vidhya visaradha,
Jangama sthavarakara, Dathathreya namosthuthe,
- Salutations to Dathathreya who has several hands, who is the gem of a sage,
Who is an expert in knowledge, and who has movable and immovable assets
13.Indryam thrathu Maha veeryo, vahnyam pranava poorvakam,
Yam yam Dathathreyo rakshedh nairyathyam BHaktha vathsala.
13.Let our east be protected by the very valorous one,
Let our south east by protected the one who is elder to pranava (Om)
13.Let our south be protected by Dathathreya,
And south west be protected by one who is loved by devotees.
14.Pradeechyam pathu Yogi cha yoginaam hrudaye sthitha,
Anilyam varada Pathu, Koubheryam Jagatha Prabhu.
14.Let our east be protected by the yogi and one who lives in mind of Yogi,
Let our North west be protected by the one who blesses and North by the Lord of the world.
15.Ainasyam, pathu maam Rama, Oordhwam pathu Maha muni,
Padvadhaj Jagath raksha kkaro Datha Guru Prabhu.
15.Let my North east be protected by Rama and the great sage protect the top,
Let the direction of my feet be protected by the one who protects the world, the Datha who is my Lord and Guru.
16Yevam pankthi diso Raksheth, yathi raja vara pradha,
Ekaksharo maha manthra, sarva manthreshu visrutha.
- Let the king of saints who gives boons protect series of all directions like this,
The one letter manthra (given at the end) is the most famous among all manthras.
17.Shadaksharo maha manthra pavano astakshara smritha,
Akarathi ksharakantha sadaa raksheth vibhu swayam.
17.The six lettered great manthra(given at the end) is pure and the eight letter manthra is Veda itself,
Let the Lord whose manthra starts from letter “aa” and ends in letter “Ksha” protect me always.
18.Aadhi nadhasya dathasya hrudayam sarva kamadham,
Datham Datham punar Datham yo vadheth Bhakthi samyutha.
- This Hrudaya of the primeval God Datha is desirable for all,
Dathathreya would give and gain give to who ever tells this with devotion.
19.Thasya paapaani sarvani kshayam yaanthi na samsaya,
Ya idham paden nithyam hrudayam sarva Kamadham,
19,To him who reads this Hrudayam which fulfills all desires,
All accumulated sins without doubt would get destroyed.
20.Pisacha kakini Bhootho dakini sakini thadhaa.
Brahma Rakshasa Vetals jodinga Bala bhoothaka.
20.Ghosts like kakini, devils like dakini and sakini,
Brahma Rakshasa and Vetala are made in to small beings.
21.Gachanthi padanath devio nathra karya vicharana,
Apavarga pradham saskshath manoradam prapoorakam,
21.As soon as these are read they all go away without any thought,
And it would help you to complete your action and fulfill all imaginative thoughts of the mind.
22.Yekavaram dvivaram cha reivaram cha paden nara,
Janma mruthyu na dukham cha sukhamthva aapnothi Bhakthiman.
22.The human being who reads it for one week, two weeks or three weeks, this stotra,
Would get over birth death cycle should not have sorrow would make his own only joy .
23.Gopaneeyam prayathnena janani jaravath priye,
Ne dheyam durhrudhe stotram hrudyakham cha Bamini.
23.Please keep it secret from the mother and old people Oh darling,
And never give this prayer to bad people with a full heart of wife. baktha dadavyam anyadha ne prakasayethm,
Thava snehascha sathitham bakthim jnanathvaa maya kape,
Datha threyassya krupaya sambhaveth dairgya mayusha.
24.This has to be given by the guru to the devotee, otherwise it would not shine,
And due to my love towards you and knowing your devotion I a gave you this auspicious prayer,
And due to the grace of Dathathreya you would get a very long life span .
This prayer is taken from Rudra Yamala.
Moola Ekakshara manthra:- Om Thram Om
Moola Shadakshara Manthra Om kreem hreem kleem kloum thram.