Sri  Krishnasraya  Stotram

(Prayer  of Refuge to Krishna)

Translated  By

 (This great   prayer  has been composed  by Sri Vallabhacharya who lived in between  1479 -1531  CE.He belonged to Andhra   and is the  founder  of Pushti Samparadaya(the path of grace)   of Vaishnavism    and  the philosophical approach called   Shuddadvaitha. In the court of King  Krishna Deva Raya  , he is supposed to have defeated   Many great philosophers and was awarded  the  title of Acharya. )

1.Sarva margeshu nashteshu  kalou kali dharmani,
Pashanda prachgure loke, Krishna yeva  gather mama

1.In this age  of Kali  when all methods have failed,
And world is full of impious people following Dharma of Kali  age,
Krishna   is my only  refuge/shelter.

2.Mlecha krantheshu deseshu papaika nilayeshu cha,
Sath peeda vyagra  lokeshu, Krishna eva gather mama.

2.In this  country of barbarians  which stands  only for sin,
Where good people are  being troubled, Krishna  is my only  refuge/shelter

3.Ganga theertha  varyeshu dushtairevavratheshviha,
Thirohithadhi deiveshu, Krishna eva  gather mama.

3.When the sacred waters like Ganges is filled with  evil people,
And when  great  goods have disappeared, Krishna is my  only refuge.

4.Ahankara vimoodeshu sathsupapanu varthishu,
Labha poojartha yathneshu, Krishna eva gather mama.

4.When pious people are filed with pride and are  living in sin,
And are trying to earn money through worship, Krishna  is my only refuge.

5.Aparijnana nashteshu manthreshu vrutha yogishu,
Thirohithathi deveshu, Krishna eva gather mama.

5,When Manthras, penances  and yogic practices are utterly lost,
And the gods have all disappeared, Krishna is my only refuge.

See also  Yoga Kundalini Upanishad

6.Nana vadha vinashteshu sarva karma vruthadishu,
Pashandaika prayathneshu, Krishna eva gather mama.

6,When due to  several type of arguments all action of penance are lost,
Due to the efforts put by barbarians, Krishna is my only refuge.

7.Ajamiladhi doshaanaam nasakonubhave sthitha,
Jnapithakhilamahathmya, Krishna eva gather mama

7.As you are known as   the destroyer of defects of Ajamila and others,
And as you are having a universal uniform greatness, Krishna is  my only refuge.

8.Prakruthaa sakalaa devaa ganithanandaka bruhath,
Poornanandho hari sthasmath Krishna eva  gather mama.

8.All beings in nature and the devas enjoy  limited joy,
But Lord Hari is  one who is full of joy and so Krishna is my only refuge.

9.Viveka dairya  bhakthyadhi rahithasya viseshatha,
Papasakthasya dheenasya, Krishna eva  gather mama.

9.I do not have  wisdom, courage as well as devotion,
And am attracted by sins nd wretched and si Kishna is my only refuge .

10.Sarva samarthya sahitha sarvathraivakilarthakruth,
Sararthi  samuddhram, Krishnam vijnapyamaham.

10.I am praying that Krishna because  with complete ability,
He protects all those who completely surrender to him.

11,Krishasrayamidham  stotram Ya padeth Krishna sannidhau,
THasyaa asrayo bhaveth Krishna, ithi Sri Vallabho abravith.

11.To those who read this prayer  of refuge to Krishna before Krishna,
Krishna   would become their refuge says Sri Vallabhacharya.

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