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The questioning of Hanuman by Prahastha (Chapter 50)

This article is part of “Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki” Fiftieth Chapter The questioning of Hanuman by Prahastha (Ravana orders his minister Prahastha to question Hanuman. Hanuman replied to him that he is the emissary of Raghava.) The long armed Ravana who was habituated to make the whole world cry stared at the yellow-eyed monkey standing […]

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Hanuman showing his mega form

This article is part of “Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki” Thirty seventh Chapter Hanuman showing his mega form (When Hanuman sees that Sita is miserable, he offers to carry her on his back immediately to the presence of Rama. Sita refuses to believe him because he is too small and would not be capable of […]

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The advice of Hanuman (Chapter 51)

This article is part of “Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki” Fifty-first Chapter The advice of Hanuman (Hanuman points out to Ravana, the prowess of Rama, Lakshmana, Sugreeva and other monkeys and advices him to give back Sita to Rama to avoid destruction of Lanka and death to him and his near and dear. Then Ravana sentences […]

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Giving of Choodamani

This article is part of “Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki” Thirty eighth Chapter (Giving of Choodamani) (Hanuman appreciates Sita  for her noble words. She then tells him about the story of a crow attacking her and how Rama sent a Dhurba grass with manthra of Brahmasthra to kill him. She wonders why he is not […]

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The advice of Hanuman

This article is part of “Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki” Fifty-first Chapter The advice of Hanuman (Hanuman points out to Ravana, the prowess of Rama, Lakshmana, Sugreeva and other monkeys and advices him to give back Sita to Rama to avoid destruction of Lanka and death to him and his near and dear. Then Ravana […]

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Consoling Sita (Chapter 39)

This article is part of “Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki” Thirty ninth Chapter (Consoling Sita) (Sita tells him about her complete faith in him. She also is heart broken and Hanuman consoles her. She wonders how other monkeys and Rama would cross the ocean. Hanuman consoles her). After giving the ornament to Hanuman Sita told the […]

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Giving leave for Hanuman to depart (Chapter 40)

This article is part of “Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki” Fortieth Chapter (Giving leave for Hanuman to depart) ( As Hanuman prepares to go Sita becomes further sad, tells him abut one more incident which happened between her and Rama and breaks down.Hanuman further consoles her and is given leave to go by Sita) That Sita […]

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Destruction of Asoka forest (Chapter 41)

This article is part of “Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki” Forty first Chapter (Destruction of Asoka forest) (Hanuman decides that having come to Lanka he should gather about the strength and weaknesses of the enemy before going from there. This would nmean attracting Ravana to send his powerful troops at him. With this end in view […]

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Killing of the Rakshasa Kinkaras (Chapter 42)

This article is part of “Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki” Forty second Chapter (Killing of the Rakshasa Kinkaras) (Rakshasis enquire with Sita about Hanuman but she refuses to tel any thing about him ,They then inform Ravana who sends the eighty thousand strong army of Kinkaras. Hanuman kills them all with an iron rod. Ravana then […]

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heralding the victory of Sugreeva (Chapter 43)

This article is part of “Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki” Forty third Chapter (heralding the victory of Sugreeva) (Having destroyed the aska forest, Hanuman decided to destroy a very huge stage nearby. The hundred guards of the stage wage a war against him and are killed.. He then heralds the arrival of Sugreeva along with his […]