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Ravana’s prayer of love (20th Chapter)

This article is part of “Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki” Twentieth Chapter Ravana’s prayer of love (This chapter is the prayer of love of Ravana to Sita. He praises her, points out his greatness and tells her how she can enjoy life if she accepts his proposal) That Ravana with an aim to intimately talk […]

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Seeing of Rakshasis (Chapter 17)

This article is part of “Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki” Seventeenth Chapter Seeing of Rakshasis (Graphic description of the Rakshasis surrounding Sita is given in this chapter. It also describes the sorry state of Sita and ends with the mention of happiness of Hanuman on seeing Sita) Then in the clear sky the cream coloured […]

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Description of the sage-like Sita (19th Chapter)

This article is part of “Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki” Nineteenth Chapter Description of the sage like Sita  (This chapter gives a very detailed and graphic description of the state of Sita) The innocent princess Vaidehi who was a noble soul, seeing Ravana  the youthful , pretty king of Rakshasas from the place she was […]

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Lamenting about Sita (Chapter 16)

This article is part of “Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki” Sixteenth Chapter Lamenting about Sita   (Seeing Sita Hanuman is upset and thinks about her in various ways and pities her. He again decides that the lady whom he has found is Sita herself) After thinking highly of Sita who is fit to be praised […]

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Seeing of Sita (Chapter 15)

This article is part of “Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki” Fifteenth Chapter Seeing of Sita (This chapter initially gives a description of Asoka vana and its one occupant whom Hanuman suspects as Sita. In the end using pure logic Hanuman concludes that she definitely is Sita) Sitting on the Simshuba tree Hanuman examined all areas […]

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Hanumana’s worry (Chapter 12)

This article is part of “Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki” Twelfth Chapter Hanumana’s worry (Hanumana’s final search for Sita in the harem, his fear for having committed a sin because of his entry in to the Harem and his sense of dejection in not being able to find Sita are described) That Son of God of […]

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Search in the hall for drinking (Chapter 11)

This article is part of “Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki” Eleventh Chapter Search in the hall for drinking ( A full and detailed description of the hall of drink and Hanumana’s search for Sita there is recounted in this chapter) Within a quarter of minute he rejected his momentary wish that it was Sita as not […]

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Seeing of Mandodhari (Chapter 10)

This article is part of  Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki Tenth Chapter Seeing of Mandodhari (This chapter gives further description of the harem of Ravana, It gives a vivid description of Ravana, his women and his wife Mandodhari.It ends describing the happy Hanuman who mistook Mandodari for Sita) Hanuman who was searching there, saw a […]

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Seeing Pushpaka Vimana (Chapter 7)

This article is part of  Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki Seventh Chapter Seeing Pushpaka Vimana (Hanuman when he searched the city further saw the Pushpaka Vimana and though he was terribly attracted by it felt sad because he had not made any progress in search of Sita) That strong Hanuman saw a row of houses […]

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Visiting of the Harem (Chapter 9)

This article is part of  Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki Ninth Chapter Visiting of the Harem   (In this chapter the search of Hanuman of Sita in the harem of Ravana and the first impressions of him about Ravana’s harem is described) Hanuman the son of Wind God saw in the middle of the great […]