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The killing of the seven ministers sons (Chapter 45)

This article is part of “Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki” Forty-fifth Chapter Killing of the seven ministers sons (Hanuman killed the seven sons of ministers who waged a war against him along with a huge army. Rivers of blood was seen all over Lanka and citizens of Lanka became very sad.) Those seven sons of ministers […]

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The killing of the five army-commanders

This article is part of “Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki” Forty sixth Chapter Killing of the five army-commanders (Ravana who was perturbed send his five army army-commander advising them to be careful to catch and bring Hanuman. He told them that he knew several warrior monkeys but none of them equaled this monkey in prowess. Those […]

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Killing of Aksha Kumara (Chapter 47)

This article is part of “Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki” Forty -seventh Chapter Killing of Aksha Kumara (This chapter deals with the ferocious war of Aksha Kumara, the second son of Ravana and Hanuman, in which Aksha Kumar is ultimately killed) Then that king Ravana seeing that Hanuman has killed five army-commanders and army along with […]

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Tying of Hanuman by Brahmasthra (Chapter 48)

This article is part of “Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki” Forty-eighth Chapter Tying of Hanuman by Brahmasthra. (Indrajit the eldest son of Ravana is sent to capture Hanuman. He puts in lot of fight and at last sends Brahmasthra, which ties Hanuman. The rakshasa soldiers tied Hanuman by rope, which makes Hanuman, free of Brahmasthra but […]

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Seeing the prowess of Ravana (Chapter 49)

This article is part of “Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki” Forty-ninth Chapter Seeing the prowess of Ravana (Here Hanuman’s reaction on seeing Ravana is described. He feels but for Ravana’s bad qualities he would have been a very great person.)  The greatly valorous Hanuman became wonderstruck by his action and stared at the king of Rakshasas […]

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The questioning of Hanuman by Prahastha (Chapter 50)

This article is part of “Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki” Fiftieth Chapter The questioning of Hanuman by Prahastha (Ravana orders his minister Prahastha to question Hanuman. Hanuman replied to him that he is the emissary of Raghava.) The long armed Ravana who was habituated to make the whole world cry stared at the yellow-eyed monkey standing […]

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The advice of Hanuman (Chapter 51)

This article is part of “Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki” Fifty-first Chapter The advice of Hanuman (Hanuman points out to Ravana, the prowess of Rama, Lakshmana, Sugreeva and other monkeys and advices him to give back Sita to Rama to avoid destruction of Lanka and death to him and his near and dear. Then Ravana sentences […]

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Presentation of the ring (Chapter 36)

This article is part of “Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki” Thirty-sixth Chapter Presentation of the ring (To prove his bonafides, Hanuman presents the royal ring of Rama to Sita .She is convinced by this memento .She then realizes her mistake and praises Hanuman. She sounds hopeful about her being saved by Rama ,She is also […]

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The dream of Trijata (Chapter 27)

This article is part of “Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki” Twenty seventh Chapter The dream of Trijata (This chapter is about the dream of Trijata-one of the guards of Sita, who is the daughter of Vibhishana, which foretells good tidings for Sita and Rama and very bad happenings to Ravana and other Rakshasas.) Having been […]

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Rakshasis trying to persuade Sita (Chapter 23)

This article is part of “Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki” Twenty third Chapter Rakshasis trying to persuade Sita (After the departure of Ravana, the Rakshasis started advising Sita about the desirability of her, acceding to the request of Ravana. They point out the positive aspects and also tell her about her being killed, if she […]